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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 36

by D E Boske

  “I cannot deny the pleasure I feel when we’re alone, Darian,” she said softly, moving closer to him. He turned to face her and their lips were so close to touching. She barely restrained herself from kissing him. It’s what she wanted more than anything, but it would ruin her plans. She reached past him, cupping a caterpillar in her small hand. She smiled at it and gently ran her finger along its length.

  He seemed to come back to himself and shook his head, dislodging the troubling emotions that were threatening to overwhelm him. He’d wanted her to kiss him, thought she was going to, but at the last second, she grabs a bug? Really? He wasn’t about to make the first move. Not again. If she wanted him, she’d have to beg and he would not let her off easily. He could wait her out. If she thought that she could tease him into submission, then she was mistaken. He was a master in compelling women to obey. He’d have her soon enough. Am I crazy? I want to get back together with her? There are other women out there… But another voice spoke up, yeah, but not like her, so tight and sweet. She knows how to make love to me and knows what I desire. Sometimes before I even know myself. I want her to restrain me again. I want to restrain her… Vazaalhen!! I have to stop this train of thought or I’ll be inside her within three minutes. She won’t have the strength to stop me. She needs to suffer for what she did. Making love to her would be a reward. Hers. Ours. I can wait. He thought with a smile.

  They performed several tests, but would need more time to be certain. Darian took more clippings of both plants and tucked them into his Shryvven and made his way back to the camp.

  “What are you two up to?” asked Kyler, as Nephraete came back to him and handed him

  one of the honey cakes.

  “Oh, nothing,” she said, smiling sweetly.

  “Mmm, these are delicious. You know, these are Darian’s favorite,” explained Kyler.

  “Really? What a coincidence,” she said, taking a small bite. The honey cakes were delicate and melted in her mouth. Her eyes nearly rolled back in her head.

  “Nephraete, what’s going on?” he asked again.

  “Renlyss still loves Darian and she wants him back. She’s trying to win him back, slowly. Please don’t tell him. I promised I would help in whatever way that I could and that I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

  “After what she did to him, I doubt he wants anything to do with her,” said Kyler.

  “That’s where I think you’re wrong, Kyler. I think Darian doesn’t even want to admit it to himself, but I think he still likes her. In spite of everything, they are a good match. She’s strong and capable and not just with magic, either. She knows how to handle the Mage and that is something very few could claim.”

  “Then why the hell did she leave him like that? She claims to love him and then walks out on him? And at the worst possible time. She’s the one who practically begged him to take her back.” Kyler’s tone was venomous. “I wish she’d just leave him alone.”

  “We had a long talk and she explained why she left. If you’d seen what she had, would you be so quick to dismiss it?”

  “I know Darian scared her, but she’s got to know he’d never hurt her.”

  “Not willingly, no. He wouldn’t mean to, but with the Dark Magic’s hold on him, who honestly knows what he’s capable of anymore? I mean, he disappeared and has no idea where he was or what he did, Kyler.”

  “Yes, there is that,” the elf acknowledged.

  “What did Darian say when you talked to him?” asked Aganor.

  “He chewed my ass out,” conceded Thimkur. “He was not happy with my observations.”

  “Yes, well it had to be done.”

  “Agreed. How stable do you think he is?”

  “He seems strong and sure still. I hope he remains so, for all our sakes.”

  Alvos joined them, “What are we talking about?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Alvos was tall and wiry, his long, blonde hair hanging down below his ass. His hair glowed in the sun and his golden green eyes accented his tan skin.

  “Do you think Darian is stable enough to complete what he must?” asked Aganor. “And please Alvos, spare me the nitpicking bullshit you always bring up when speaking about your rival. He is our Shangmarrum now and deserves our loyalty and respect.”

  “I believe he is strong enough, but stable? What kind of question is that, Aganor? You stand here and tell me to show loyalty and respect, but what about you? Isn’t he your star pupil? How could you possibly doubt him?” asked the tall Mage rancorously.

  “I do not doubt him, per se, but I do not know how the Dark Magic is affecting him. I doubt even he fully comprehends what it’s doing to him.”

  “Let’s ask him,” said Alvos, walking toward Darian and not waiting for the others.

  “Shit!” exclaimed Aganor. “Does he always have to be such a pain in the ass?”

  “Darian, play along,” whispered Alvos as he approached the young Mage. “So, how stable are you, Darian? There are those of us who wonder whether or not you’ll be able to complete what you must before the Dark Magic consumes you, utterly.”

  Darian’s eyes darkened and he tried to reign in his temper. “Would you like to pit yourself

  against me?” asked Darian, his anger all consuming, as he took in the Mages. “You think me incapable of finishing what I started? Who wants to take my place?” he asked, as he spun to take them all in his fiery gaze.

  Alvos grabbed Darian’s left arm and Darian spun around, kicking out with his right leg and catching Alvos in the side. The air whooshed out of him and had it not been for Darian’s hold on him, he’d have fallen sideways. Alvos thought he may have preferred that to the continued ass whooping he was going to get.

  Darian yanked Alvos back to him, his fist connecting with the right side of Alvos’s head. This time, Darian let go and Alvos fell back, landing hard on his back, his eyes rolling back in his head.

  Aganor rushed to the fallen Mage’s side to check on him and looked up at Darian warily. “Are you certain that was necessary?” he asked, unafraid of the young Mage’s ire.

  “Yes, it was necessary. He continues to push me and question everything I do and I’m tired of it. If any of you think you are more competent, than please, step forward now. Otherwise, shut the hell up and stay out of my way or the next beating will not be so nice,” the Mage snapped, turning his back on them.

  Renlyss approached Darian slowly, so as not to anger him further. It was clear to her that he was furious.

  “Hey,” she said, as she slipped her hand in his. He tried to free himself from her, but she was stronger than she looked. “Talk to me, Darian.”

  “About what?” he asked sharply.

  “Anything you want,” she said simply, stroking his hand with her thumb. She felt his mood shift soon after and she smiled inwardly to herself. It still works on him, she thought.

  “How’d you manage to spot those plants, Renlyss?” he asked. A lump lodged in her throat at his use of her full name. But she believed she could calm him down and have him using her pet name in no time.

  “I took a walk after the camp and the perimeter were set up. I spotted an injured bird with a broken wing. I began looking around for plants that would be of use to heal the bird and stumbled on the plants I showed you.”

  “Where is the bird?” he asked.

  “By my bedroll,” she replied.

  “Show me,” he said, running his thumb over the palm of her hand. She shivered inwardly at the sensation.

  She took him to her bedroll and he saw the bird where she’d carefully placed it. He felt his heart constrict in his chest. Gods, how he wanted to lay her down and make love to her, but he refused to give in. He continued to stroke the palm of her hand, knowing it was driving her crazy.

  When he let go of her hand, she gave a disapproving sound and he smiled as he bent down to inspect the bird. He lifted it gently in his hand, speaking softly to it. He began chanting as he ran his left forefinger over its wing. Within moment
s, it was healed. The bird tested its wing, then soared into the air, chirping appreciatively. It flew back, hovering in the air by the Mage’s face, chirping and singing.

  The Mage laughed and said, “You’re welcome.” The bird flew away and the elven mage’s eyes filled with tears.

  “Hey, did I do something wrong?” he asked, as he gently wiped the tears away.

  “No. As always, you did something right,” she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest. He held her, stroking her hair and humming softly.

  She raised her head to look him in the eye and met his gaze. “Thank you, Darian. I really appreciate what you did.” She wanted to kiss him, his lips looked delicious and soft. Before she knew what was happening, her lips found his in a tender kiss. He didn’t deepen the kiss, nor did he let his hands wander. He would let her guide what was to happen. She moved closer to him, feeling his appreciation and she rubbed herself against him. Her tongue sought his and he accepted it, but still he held himself in check. She seemed to come to herself, though with great difficulty.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she gasped, “Darian! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to… I just… I’m so thankful for what you did and I… guess I got lost in the moment,” she stammered, weak kneed after his kiss. His tongue had slowly explored her mouth and she could feel that he wanted her and yet, he made no move to claim her for his own. She was frustrated, but happy. Things were moving along nicely and she would have him in her bed or his bed, very soon. Right now, she wanted to throw him on the ground and ride him into blissful ecstasy.

  “Darlin’, it was my pleasure,” he said, his eyes twinkling mischievously. She removed her arms from around his neck, but lowered her right hand to stroke him urgently.

  “The pleasure was all mine,” she whispered, turning away from him to pack up her things.

  He laughed, a deep, rich sound that vibrated in her core. “What’s so funny, Darian?” she asked, as she clenched her thighs together.

  “I don’t know what game you’re playing, Reny, but I like it,” he said softly, for her ears alone. Her face heated and she couldn’t deny the pleasure she felt at his words. He was basically telling her that he was open to her suggestions, else he’d never have let her kiss him. She couldn’t believe that he would give her another chance, but this one, she swore, she wouldn’t squander.

  The next morning, Renlyss awoke with determination. She was going to continue to

  infiltrate Darian’s defenses until he gave into her. She’d have him eating out of her hand in no time. She rose and began stretching when something caught her eye.

  Darian awoke early, the sun had not yet risen, the camp was quiet and still. He pulled on a pair of loose fitting breeches and grabbed his staff and sword. He began his morning ritual, staff twirling through the air, almost too fast for the eye to follow. He went through the exercises with fluid grace and those that watched could tell he’d done this before. There was no hesitation in his movements and he flowed from one exercise to another.

  Renlyss watched Darian, completely mesmerized by his body. He only wore loose fitting breeches; his sculpted chest was bare and her eyes feasted on it. His skin was kissed by the sun and it gleamed in the early morning light as the fiery orb graced the land with its beauty and warmth.

  His movements were well rehearsed and complex, but that could be said of so many things about him. Her thoughts drifted momentarily and she had to pull herself back to the present. She heard a twig snap and saw Tryllia creeping toward Darian, trying to get a better vantage point. Renlyss felt a stab of jealousy. What was she doing here? Wasn’t she with Tryndil?

  Tryllia saw Renlyss and came over. “Morning,” she said.

  “Morning,” Renlyss replied.

  “I never miss this,” she admitted with a grin.

  “Aren’t you with Tryndil?” Renlyss couldn’t stop the words tumbling from her mouth.

  “Yeah, so?”

  “Won’t he be angry if he finds you ogling another man?”

  “I’m not doing anything wrong. Looking no touching. Gods, does he know sexy he is?”

  “Yes, trust me on this,” said Renlyss, unable to stop the grin from spreading on her face.

  “You know him?” asked Tryllia, intrigued.

  “Mmm, yes I do,” said Renlyss and Tryllia gasped in feigned shock.

  “You’ve slept with him? Oh, do tell! Is he as good as they say he is?”

  “Better,” Renlyss said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

  “Ladies,” said Darian, as he walked past them, freshly cleaned and dressed.

  “Damn it! We missed him bathing.” Tryllia sounded mournfully sad and Renlyss cracked a grin.

  “Good morning, Darian,” said Renlyss, as she approached him with bread, cheese, and fruit for them to share.

  “Morning Renlyss, enjoy the show?” he asked with a knowing grin.

  Asshole, she thought.

  “Kelindril, would a fast-acting poison be of use in Blavven Krill?” asked the young Mage.

  “Yes, for most things. Some are magical in nature so I am not certain it would be of any use against these. Why do you ask?”

  “I completed some tests last night…” He was unable to finish as the elven mage cut him off.

  “I thought we were performing the tests together, Darian,” said Renlyss, sounding upset.

  “I was unable to rest last night so I stayed up and ran some tests. Trust me darlin’, there’s still so much we can do together.” His voice was silky smooth and she involuntarily clenched her thighs together. His eyes drifted down her body, taking in her compromising position and he smiled a knowing smile.

  Asshole, she thought again.

  The days passed them by in much the same manner, until one morning, the sky darkened and the wind picked up. The Mages quickly had the camp protected from the storm and just in time as the sky opened up and rain began to fall in a rushing torrent. Darian’s quick thinking had the ground beneath them protected as well.

  It would be no use traveling in this, they’d never get very far. Tryndil started a fire and Tryllia heated water for tea. Renlyss brought a cup to Darian and he took it without comment.

  Lately, he was troubled. Things with Renlyss were getting out of control and he wasn’t sure he was moving in the right direction. He was attracted to her and the flirting he’d started was meant to be a reminder of what she could have had. He wanted her to suffer as he moved on and found someone else, but it wasn’t turning out that way. Damn it! He wanted her in his bed once more and the very idea bothered him more than he would ever acknowledge. He’d never given second chances to a woman before, let alone third chances. What was it about Reny that had him contemplating exactly that?

  “Since the weather has us stranded, we should be able to complete those tests today,” she said, laying her hand on his arm.

  “We’ll need to gather as many of these plants as we can, too. I believe they will be useful in our journey.”

  “I agree. Let’s get started, Mage,” she said softly, touching his face. “Are you ok, Darian?” she asked, worriedly.

  “I’m fine, Renlyss. I just… never mind.”

  “You can tell me, Darian,” she said, moving closer to him. He looked tormented and she guessed he was. She noticed Tryllia watching them and gave an awkward smile and a half wave. The elf returned her greeting and silently encouraged her to continue.

  “Hey, what’s bothering you, Darian?” tried Renlyss. He seemed distant and preoccupied.

  “I just don’t know how many more delays I can live through. The Dark Magic is part of me now and I no longer think the book can help me rid myself of it. My only hope is learning to control the darker side of me, for I will never be free of its grip.”

  “What are you saying, Mage?”

  “I’m saying that the Dark Magic was successful in binding itself to me and is now a part of me. My spells, my magic, everything I am is now infected with Dark Magic. Do you know w
hat this means?”

  “I will once you tell me,” she said, gripping his hand and lending her strength and support.

  “This means that I am more dangerous than before. If you could not stay with me before, who will now? I’ll never find a consort strong enough for me. They’ll force me to go to the Breeders and the Dark Magic will live once more. There’s a reason why it was banned, Renlyss.” The blood froze in her veins at his words.

  “I am always here for you, Darian. We will get through this together. I won’t let you face this alone, understand?”

  “Some things one must face alone.” He walked away, but she wasn’t about to let him get away that easily.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” she scolded mildly, much to his amusement.

  “Mm, don’t I?”

  “I’m coming with you,” she insisted.

  “Okay,” he said with a grin and she smiled up at him. She took his hand as they walked and he did not fight her. When he moved beyond their camp, she began to suspect that he was up to something and a tingle of excitement raced through her at the idea. He stopped in a secluded spot and undid his breeches.

  She cleared her throat, “Um, Darian? While I appreciate the offer, I don’t think this is either the time or place for us,” she explained.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked, hiding his amusement. “I have to pee and you were insistent on coming with me. Would you like to hold my dick for me? It’s incredibly heavy,” he said, his eyebrows bouncing up and down.

  Asshole! She thought, turning her back on him, her face heating with embarrassment. When he was finished, he strode by her, quite proud of himself for that. He chuckled to himself, that was probably the last time she’d want to walk with him for a while.

  She surprised him by slipping her hand in his as they walked back to the camp. Alvos saw them returning and whistled at them. “Hey Darian, that was a real quickie, huh? Not your usual style, but in these digs, what else can be had? Pass her this way, will ya?”

  “She’s all yours, Alvos,” he said, letting go of her hand. “But be careful, she bites.”


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