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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 43

by D E Boske

  Renlyss rested on his bare chest and his arm surrounded her and kept her warm. The elven mage awoke shortly before Darian, but let him sleep, knowing he needed his rest. Healing took a lot out of him and he’d healed too many last night. She had no idea how he remained upright for so long. The drain had been severe and he’d collapsed as soon as they made it into the room.

  She sensed the Gor Li’ Khan in the room and was amazed because she didn’t remember ever being able to before. She dared not move because she didn’t want to disrupt the resting Mage. The elven mage wasn’t sure what Darian was dreaming of, but he became rigid and began to wake. He rose, uncaring of his nudity or the fact that he was totally erect. He washed his face and brushed his teeth as Renlyss did the same. He then took her hand and returned to the bed.

  Kelindril, Nymdal, Brandiel, and Tampra remained in the room with Darian and Renlyss. Kelindril did not allow him to be alone anymore. Especially since they were in an unknown village. Kelindril was not the trusting sort, but even less so in a small village such as this. There was no protection and if something were to occur, they would be vulnerable.

  Darian worked her easily, giving her everything she desired. He used his magic on her, increasing her pleasure as he began to thrust harder. He stroked her with his magic, driving her close to the edge for the third time.

  He pulled her onto her knees, stroking her with his magic. Nymdal watched intently, Renlyss was beautiful and captivating and the transformations her face went through were distracting.

  Brandiel tried not to watch, but it was hard. Where else was he supposed to look? He liked working for Darian. The work was rewarding, always interesting and dangerous. All things he excelled at.

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked afterward.

  “Mmm no, Darian, you didn’t,” she responded dreamily.

  “I need to eat. I’m starving.” As if on cue, there was a knock on the door and Kelindril went to answer it.

  “Darian, you may want to see this,” announced the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  Darian went to the door to see the families of those he saved last night. Each had plates of food and drink because that’s all they could afford. And he knew even this cost them dearly. The first woman was older and she offered a selection of freshly baked breads. She held out three

  loaves and Darian took them without question.

  “Thank ye’ sir, fer everythin’ ye’ done. I’m supposin’ I’d be dead without yer help. I’m sorry, but this is all I got to offer ye’. I wish I had more, but me husband passed away ‘afore ye’ came.” She hugged Darian and as she did so, he slipped a pouch of gold into her pocket. Renlyss had tears in her eyes, touched by the Mage’s compassion.

  “I ain’t forgot The Order Mages and I know yer one, lad. No denyin’ that. I wish we coulda’ met when I was in me prime,” she said and he laughed and kissed her cheek, which made her blush.

  “It was my pleasure, ma’am,” he replied, his voice soft and silky and she blushed.

  “I am trying to isolate what is causing the sickness so that I can leave you with herbs in case it should return.”

  “Bless ye’ sir!” she left and Darian saw how long the line was. Had he healed all these people? He didn’t think he’d healed that many. No wonder why he was so damn tired.

  The next in line was a little girl no more than four years old, holding out a charm on a leather cord.

  “This will protect you,” she said, as he bent to allow her to place it around his neck.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” he said, his voice velvety smooth. “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel great! Thanks for making me better. Are you married? You’re cute. Do you date younger women?” He laughed, as he folded her into his arms and held her. She stuck her tongue

  out at the rest of the women in line and snuggled into the Mage.

  “Don’t ever take the charm off, mister. It will protect you against the coming storm. The hoard will not be able to penetrate your protective shield with this on, nor will they be able to find you.”

  He felt slightly alarmed at her words. She did not speak like a four-year-old girl. She sounded like a seer. She kissed his neck and snuggled closer to him and he smiled.

  “The elven mage loves you and will bear you many children. You should marry her,” she said, releasing him and going back to her mother.

  The next woman in line threw herself at the Mage and kissed him on the lips, pressing

  herself into him. He removed her hands, but she latched onto him.

  “Thank ye’ sir! I woulda’ died if not fer ye’,” she said, kissing his neck and sliding her hands lower. He broke all contact with her and stepped back.

  “Listen ladies, I am spoken for already.” He reached his hand out and Renlyss came to him, kissing him possessively. The women sighed and made disappointed noises, as they saw the rumpled bed and pieces of clothing strewn on the floor.

  “I appreciate your gifts and words of thanks. It was my pleasure to heal all of you, but alas, I must eat to regain my strength and attend to the others who need my help,” he explained.

  Kelindril took that as his cue and began to usher them out the door, as Nym and Tymriel collected their gifts. Darian washed, dressed, and ate a hasty breakfast, then went out to visit the sick. He couldn’t afford to part with any healing potions, as they would need them for their journey. No telling what they would run into in the Haunted Lands.

  As soon as he stepped into the morning sun, he heard the shouts and cries of the villagers as they clamored for his attention. He went to each one to determine the severity and assigned the proper order. He entered the first house on his list and found it in shambles. It stank of vomit, shit, and death, and he quickly cast a cleansing spell so he could breathe. How long had they been living this way? It disgusted him to see people reduced to surviving like this. This was by far the worst living conditions that he’d seen in a long time.

  “Where are the sick?” he asked the small boy playing on the dirty floor.

  “Up,” said the boy and Darian looked where the tot pointed. There was a loft with a ladder leading upstairs.

  Darian climbed cautiously, the stench increasing in intensity with every step he took. When the Mage made it to the top of the ladder, his heart broke at the sight. The parents and a little girl were dead and had been for days as far as he could tell. The little boy had been left alone to fend for himself. Darian used his magic to bind the bodies and carry them downstairs. He checked the boy, but he was healthy and strong.

  He talked with several people, but no one was willing to take the boy in. Either because they were scared of contracting the sickness or because they just couldn’t afford another mouth to feed. Darian was angry that the child would most likely die without help but there was nothing he could do. The Haunted Lands was no place for a small child, even one as adorable as this one. He couldn’t imagine letting a child die just because it was another mouth to feed.

  “Let’s take him with us,” Renlyss said softly, in elvish so the villagers wouldn’t understand the words spoken.

  “What?” asked Darian in kind, shocked.

  “We can’t let him die, Darian and you and I both know that’s what will happen.”

  “Our journey is not conducive to raising a child, Reny,” Darian said. “How can we watch

  him and do what needs to be done? The Haunted Lands is extremely dangerous, babe, even for us. And you want to bring along a toddler? No.”

  “Please, Darian,” she begged, kissing him and coaxing him with her tongue. “Look at him. He’s lost and alone. Can you honestly say that’s for the best? We could give him a good life, you and me,” she kissed him again and this time, he kissed her back, his tongue slowly dancing with hers.

  “Vazaalhen!” he exclaimed and her smile was radiant. She knew she’d won. He motioned for the boy to come to him and he ran and hugged the Mage’s legs. Darian felt something he’d never felt before in his life and
it tugged on his heart. He picked the boy up and held him and the sight brought tears to Renlyss’s eyes.

  He ruffled the boy’s hair and asked, “What’s your name?”

  “Hunter,” he said.

  “I’m Darian and this is Renlyss,” the Mage introduced. “Would you like to come with us?”

  Hunter shook his head no and said, “Mama,” and pointed back to the house. Tears spilled over Renlyss’s cheeks at the boy’s loss. A loss that he was too young to comprehend.

  “Hey little guy, I have to tell you something, okay?” Hunter nodded as he played with the chain around Darian’s neck.

  “Your family is gone, your mama, your father, and your sister. Do you have any other family?” He asked, his tone gentler than any of them had ever heard. Hunter shook his head no.

  “Would you like to come with us?” asked Darian once more. “I cannot leave you here alone, Hunter. We can give you a good life and you will want for nothing. How does that sound?”

  In answer, Hunter nodded slowly, as he looked back to the only home he’d ever known. Renlyss cried freely and Hunter put his little arms out toward her. She came to him immediately and took him from the Mage.

  “Why cry?” he asked her, wiping her tears away.

  “I am sad for your family, Hunter. I’m so sorry you had to see that,” said the elven mage.

  He wrapped his tiny arms around her neck and laid his head on her shoulder. Kyler walked up to Darian and patted him on the back.

  “Congratulations, Darian! I’ve never seen you so gentle before. It’s a good thing you’re doing, Mage. You’ll give him a better life than anything he could have had here. He’ll be safe with us and I promise to help protect him.”

  “Yeah,” said Darian, his voice raw with unshed tears. This boy had deeply touched him. There was something about Hunter and he couldn’t believe that he objected to his lover’s request. He guessed he would need to make it right with her seeing as how they were now raising a child

  together. No small commitment that.

  “Hunter, I’ll be back. I have to help more sick people, okay?” the Mage explained.

  Hunter’s head shot up at Darian’s voice and he held his arms out to him. Everyone was shocked when Darian went to him right away and took the child from Renlyss.

  “Da?” said the boy, looking into the Mage’s silvery grey eyes.

  Darian shook his head and said, “My name is Darian. You don’t have to call me da, okay?”

  “Da,” said the boy and Darian laughed and kissed him on the head. “I will be back later, Hunter, but I cannot take you with me. I will not take any chances with you. I don’t want you getting sick. When I return, I’ll tell you a story. How does that sound?” Hunter nodded his head eagerly and giggled. Renlyss took the boy and returned to their room.

  “Darian, what’s going on? Why are so many sick?” asked Kyler.

  “I fear it’s the harbinger of things to come.” His tone was serious now, as he watched Renlyss and Hunter walking away.

  “What is it, Darian? What do you think it is?”

  “A plague.” The Mage’s voice was soft and fearful. “I fear many will die, Kyler. I cannot save them all. Corillia will weaken, the loss of human life too great and the Dark Mage’s armies will sweep them aside. His hoards will storm the free lands and rip them asunder.” Darian’s eyes had a faraway look that Kyler found disconcerting.

  “A plague? Darian, there hasn’t been a plague since the Dark Times.” The elf’s voice was somber.

  “Yeah, exactly.”

  The bodies began to pile up and Darian was overworked. He pushed himself beyond exhaustion, working tirelessly to save as many as he could. There were so many on the brink of death and Lorin alone did not have the strength to pull them back from the threshold.

  However, the elven mage was a big help to Darian in other ways. Lorin healed those he could and helped Darian, joining with him when needed. He also mixed potions at Darian’s direction and the elf paid close attention. He wanted the opportunity to learn from the Mage, as Darian was resourceful and learned.

  Finally, Kelindril stepped in on Darian’s behalf and forced the Mage to return to his room. The villagers became a bit obnoxious at his departure, but the Gor Li’ Khan pushed them back out of Darian’s way.

  “What’s the matter with all of you! Can you not see that he is exhausted? He’s given everything he has in saving your loved ones and this is how you repay him? Back to your homes! He needs rest now so that he can return tomorrow. Nothing will keep him from helping you.” The crowd dispersed soon after, a bit abashed at their behavior.

  Darian walked through the door, leaning heavily on Kelindril. Renlyss jumped up to help, but the elf waved her off. The Mage’s eyes were heavy and he appeared almost unconscious.

  “How could you let him drain himself so, Kel?” Renlyss admonished.

  “How do you suggest I stop him, Renlyss? You know as well as I do that once he’s got his mind made up, there’s nothing you can do.”

  Hunter ran crying to the bed where Darian lay, tears spilling down his chubby cheeks. He was so lost and alone and Darian had taken him in. Now if something happened to him… It was too much for a small mind to process.

  Darian forced himself upright and took Hunter’s hand. “Hey little guy, what’s wrong?”

  “Da!” he cried, gleefully and threw himself into Darian’s arms.

  “You didn’t think I forgot about your story, did you?” The Mage tousled the boy’s hair and sat Hunter in the bed with him.

  Darian used his magic to weave a story for Hunter. The pull on the Weave was very minimal so the drain on the Mage was no worse. Darian told him a story about a famous Bard, named Corndyl, who lived long ago. The Bard went to see the black dragon Phentilphyremorg to compose a play about the beast’s fearsome greatness.

  Darian held the boy close as he told the story and Hunter giggled and reached toward the visions Darian created. Renlyss wasn’t entirely sure the story was appropriate, but let the Mage continue. It turned out to be a silly children’s story and tears welled up in her eyes at the sight of the powerful Mage holding a young child. She hoped Hunter would be able to adjust to his new life. She knew the toddler had worked his way into the heart of the Mage.

  Suddenly, Renlyss wanted to be pregnant with Darian’s child. A Mage child. She’d need to work on Darian, though. She had a feeling he would resist her wishes more forcefully than he had about Hunter. Though the boy would always hold a special place in both their hearts, she wanted to build a life with Darian, to have children of their own.

  Hunter fell asleep in Darian’s arms and the Mage kissed his forehead, easing down beside the child. Renlyss lay on the other side and looked into her lover’s beautiful eyes.

  “Well, this just got complicated,” he whispered and she laughed softly.

  “You can’t fool me, Mage. You are happier than I’ve ever seen you.”

  He realized she was right. He finally felt whole. He wasn’t just content anymore, he was happy! He never thought such a thing was possible, but here he was, feeling fulfilled. He looked at Hunter, a child that wasn’t his, and felt his heart expand. This child would depend on him and Reny, but he’d have a good life in the elven forest and there would be much to learn.

  At least this is one child of mine The Order has no claim on. He thought bitterly, as he drifted off with Hunter tucked close to him.

  Kelindril watched over the growing family and smiled a genuine, warm smile. It took Nym by surprise, but he said nothing because he didn’t want to ruin the moment. He’d witnessed a slow progression in Kelindril. He honestly wasn’t sure if Darian was changing him or if he was changing because of Darian. Nym decided it didn’t matter.

  Darian awoke in the middle of the night to a wet bed. Hunter had wet himself in his sleep. Darian gently woke Reny and he cast a series of spells to clean the bed and the boy so they didn’t have to wake him. He undressed and drew a bath for them and c
leaned their clothes.

  Renlyss watched him with a lustful grin and climbed in the tub to straddle the Mage. She kissed him, running her tongue over his lips. He groaned softly, as he palmed her perfect breasts. She resisted the impulse to impale herself on the Mage and instead, kissed his neck and nibbled his ear. He bucked in the tub, spilling water over the floor and she grinned mischievously.

  She kissed him, biting his lower lip and sucking softly on it. She could feel him, pressing against her belly and wanted to end their torment, but couldn’t bear to do it yet. She realized that these moments with Darian would be harder to achieve now, but she wasn’t sad or angry.

  “Shh,” she said, holding her finger over his lips. He sucked it into his mouth, as she made love to him. He eased her back, as he found that magic spot within her that made lights explode behind her eyes.

  “Darian, I want to get pregnant.” He stilled immediately and she knew she had his attention.


  “I want to have your baby.”

  “Reny, now is definitely not the time. This is a dangerous journey and a Mage child is hard to bear. Once we’re back home, we can talk more about it, but not now, babe.”

  She pouted and ground her hips into his. “Please?” she begged.

  “No, Renlyss.” She could tell he was serious because he’d used her full name. “We will have plenty of time, babe, but this pregnancy won’t be easy on your body. I will not have my consort walking into peril carrying my child.”

  The force of his hips killed her train of thought and she only sought release. He kissed her slowly, deliberately, and palmed her breasts as he surged through her. He felt her tighten around him, milking him, giving in to the intense pleasure.

  His words filtered through her pleasure sodden brain. He’d called her his consort! She dared not push her luck, he’d already given her so much. She kissed him, touching his face lovingly.

  “Babe, the way you make love to me is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced,” he admitted


  “Me too,” she croaked, still recovering.


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