The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 50

by D E Boske

  “Because, you simpleton, the Dark Mage is able to obscure the Dark Magic and it is virtually untraceable,” said the Mage, nodding to Kelindril, whose eyes gleamed with lust.

  Grey smoke swirled around Darian and at the same time, Delvishan’s voice boomed in the young Mage’s head, bringing him to his knees.

  Darian, stop! Declan is not the traitor. He is loyal to you and The Order.

  “Kelindril! No!” shouted Sigorna, grasping the volatile elf from behind and restraining him. “I saw him following another, cloaked in shadow and reeking of malice. He was dancing amidst the trees and clinging to the darkness, seeking a road to Darian. He is a crafty bastard, this one. Stay your hand so that we may hunt the true would-be assassin,” Sigorna’s voice grated on their nerves, but his words rang true. Darian signaled to let Declan up and Kelindril rose reluctantly.

  Kylee watched from afar and could see the gleam in Kelindril’s eyes and it frightened her, but she knew he’d never hurt her. She was afraid because she was falling in love with Kelindril and the more time they spent together, the harder she fell. There was something about him that she couldn’t shake. He was loyal to Darian so he’d be loyal to her as well. The Mage was good for him, changing him minutely over time, until one day, he’d be hers.

  “Next time you’ve got something to say, don’t sneak up on us or we’ll gut you like a Khav Li’ Ohk,” Kelindril sneered.

  “Pig,” said Darian, to Declan’s questioning gaze. “Now, if there’s nothing else, I’d like to get some rest,” said Darian, as he lay back down, only to have the stillness erupt like an exploding volcano.

  A deafening roar broke the silence and Darian was up and running, following the screams. He was casting as he ran, enveloping himself in layers of protection. As he neared the battle, he readied several spells that would disable most enemies. When he came upon the figure on the ground, it was only recognizable by the silvery-blue hair and Nephraete’s hysterical screams. Kyler tried to calm her down, but was unable to do so.

  Darian checked on Rohn and found his breathing shallow. He was near death and the Mage had little choice, he withdrew the Orb of Healing and began chanting in soft tones. Heshen cast a shield around them so no one could get near.

  “You’re lucky you included us,” warned Kelindril.

  “I am loyal, Kelindril. I will protect him at any cost.”

  “See that you do.”

  Rohn was a broken, bloody mess. His hair, once a lustrous silvery blue, was now matted with his blood. Darian threw himself into the Orb and found that his brain was leaking fluid from a cracked skull. He began to convulse and the young Mage ordered them to hold him down. Darian drew power from the Weave and tightened his grip on the Orb and sang fervently. The Orb was an angry red and as he passed it over Rohn, there was not a clear spot to be seen.

  Darian concentrated on the elf’s brain, because the wound was critical. The Orb flared to life, blazing white light, as it encased the elf. Rohn’s skull began to mend and his convulsing ceased. The young Mage moved the Orb over his body, searching for anything life threatening

  and found several stab wounds around Rohn’s lungs, heart, and stomach.

  Kelindril frowned at the wounds inflicted on Rohn. They were the mark of an elvish blade. The Gor Li’ Khan were all accounted for so he knew it was none of them and he relaxed a bit. Just because the wounds bore the mark of an elvish blade didn’t mean it was an elf to inflict them. Darian had many blades about his person and they were all of elvish make, except for one that bore the mark of the dwarves. The clan of Thundershield.

  “He really did a number on you,” Darian thought, as he began healing Rohn’s wounds. The young Mage noticed that the elf’s fingers were broken at squeamish angles and his right leg was broken as well. His body was mangled, but Darian was working hard to restore him to his former beauty.

  The puncture wounds were healing nicely and Rohn’s breathing began to stabilize and his color finally began to return. The Mage pushed on, ignoring the blackening shadows hovering near his vision. When he healed, he had no idea how long he worked at it. His progress was not measured in minutes, but instead, by how many wounds were healed. He’d have to ask later how long it took. Damn, he was weary!

  Darian moved on to the broken leg. He opened Rohn’s mouth to insert a thick piece of wood for him to bite down on for pain and went about setting all the broken bones so he could begin healing them. Rohn screamed around the obstruction in his mouth and passed out from the pain. Darian forced himself to remain conscious, but it was difficult.

  Nephraete quieted o nce she saw Darian’s progress healing Rohn, and stayed in Kyler’s arms. Calisha materialized outside Heshen’s shield and looked frantic to get to Nephraete. Without breaking his concentration from Rohn, Darian easily swept aside Heshen’s shield so Calisha could comfort the seer.

  Heshen stood dumbfounded as he felt Darian cancel his ward and stared at him in shock. How could he be so powerful to not only heal a dying elf, but to simultaneously banish another Mage’s spell of protection? The pull on the Weave as Darian cast was exhilarating and being near him was almost too much to bear.

  Darian ignored them and continued working on Rohn. The elf’s color was approaching normal as the young Mage began working on his fingers. Once he was finished, he saw the sun had already risen. No wonder why he was so damn tired, he’d been healing Rohn for… His thoughts drifted as he began to fade, but Kelindril was there for him.

  “Hey, can you open a portal and go to your tower? You need rest, Darian,” said Kelindril.

  “I must look like shit if you’re encouraging me to abandon you,” joked the young Mage.

  “Can you do it?” asked the elf with a smile.

  “Of course, I can,” said the Mage with a grin.

  “You need rest, Darian, not sex.”

  “I need both,” said the young Mage and Kelindril laughed.

  “Rest first, okay?” the Gor Li’ Khan compromised.

  “Trust me, Kel, right now I am too tired to even entertain the thought.”

  “Quit lying,” said the elf and Darian laughed.

  Darian opened a portal to his bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. He didn’t even bother to undress; his head barely touched the pillow when Ru Nay’ Sha claimed him. He did not dream; he was too tired for such things. His mind was numb with exhaustion.

  He had no idea how long he lay there, but he felt Renlyss’s sensual lips on his hot skin and instantly, he was awake and aroused. The noises she made when she pleasured him made him wild and his nerve endings flared in need. He gripped her hair and forced her to take all of him and she happily obliged.

  Renlyss wiped her mouth on the back of her hand and moved up his body. His eyes were lit with the fires of animalistic need and he reached for her, but she moved out of his way. He growled in desire as she used her magic to hold him down.

  He could have broken the bonds had he chosen to do so, but he wanted this, needed it like he’d never needed anything before. The elf brought her left breast to his lips and he latched on, his tongue giving her a lashing, but she liked it. Renlyss kissed him then, her tongue gently probing and teasing and he returned it in kind.

  Renlyss kissed him slow and sweet and he bucked his hips, but she wasn’t giving in. She

  wanted to torture him for a while. He’d ordered her to take Hunter and stay here, and although

  it made sense, she didn’t like being told what to do. He was fervently trying to get inside her, but she resisted. Instead, she nipped his chest and captured his right nipple between her teeth and gently grazed the swollen nub. His gasp of pleasure had her wet and wanting him to fill her, but still she resisted the desperate need to do so.

  The young Mage pulled on his restraints, but didn’t break the bonds. The elven mage inched up his chest, placing herself just beyond the reach of his tongue. He could smell her desire and he wanted to taste her, but she held him back. He suspected this was punishment for making h
er stay here with Hunter and if it was, he’d play along for as long as needed. She opened herself to him and he groaned and nearly broke his fetters.

  “See something you like?” she asked coyly, her thighs wet with her desire.

  He brandished that sexy smile of his and said, “You’re making yourself suffer right along with me.”

  “Oh, I’m not suffering, Darian. I’m enjoying this as much as you are.” She bit her lips as

  she spoke and slid over his chest and he groaned once more.

  “I want you to beg me for it, Mage,” she said, in a soft, sexy voice.

  “I’ve never begged for sex in my life, babe, and I don’t plan on starting now.” Immediately, he saw the hurt in her eyes and cursed himself for not being able to play along. She left his restraints intact, dressed, and went back downstairs.

  He cancelled her magic, fixed himself up and went down to apologize. Damn it! He wasn’t good at this shit. Why did he have to say anything? Why couldn’t he have just begged her like she wanted? He heard her crying and cursed himself again. He’d cut her deep and he hated it.

  She was in the kitchen, head down on the black stone counter, crying softly. Her shoulders shook with the force of her tears and his heart ached with the pain he’d caused her.

  “Reny? I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I…”

  “Why couldn’t you just give me this one thing, Darian?” she cried.

  “Because I’m stupid,” he admitted.

  “You can’t or won’t give me the one thing I really want and you can’t even do this small thing for me. Do I mean anything to you?”

  She hated herself for acting like a sniveling idiot, but couldn’t seem to help herself. He’d really hurt her, but she couldn’t really fathom why. Yes, she wanted him to play along, but it was more than that, she knew. She was in love with him and the fact that he didn’t love her back was driving her insane. She needed separation from him, and the minute she thought it, she gave herself a mental beating. That’s what caused all this to begin with. She’d be his consort right now if she hadn’t walked out on him. She couldn’t really blame him for being cautious with her. She

  needed to learn how to deal with this explosive mix of emotions. She could handle him, she knew.

  He approached her slowly, he didn’t want her to leave. He’d only taken time to pull on a pair of soft pants and forewent a shirt. For every step he took toward her, she took two away from him. Her eyes were swollen and red with tears and if he could have beat his own ass, he would have.

  “Babe, I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I… I sometimes can’t break free of my teaching and training and I… need to learn how to be with you. Will you teach me? I’m a good student,” he said softly, walking closer to her and this time, she didn’t back away. Now he had her right where he wanted her. He took her in his arms and she fell into him, breathing him in and beginning to cry once more.

  “Reny, you mean so much to me. Please forgive my stupidity. I will beg for it, I swear. If it makes you happy, it’s the least I can do,” he said and meant it. He was beginning to feel and it terrified him. Delvishan had advised him to let go, but he was still holding on to the fragments of his love for Tynuviel. He was shattered and he knew she was no better off. He briefly wondered

  how he would mess up Renlyss’s life now that they were together.

  She looked up at him and the love she felt for him was visible in her gaze. She ran her hands over his bare chest, but he captured her hands in his, kissing the backs and placing them on his heart. He knelt in front of her and put his arms around her, his head resting on her belly. He felt her fingers in his hair and he smiled as he snuggled into her.

  “Babe, can you forgive me? I want to be with you, Reny, I…”

  She closed her eyes and held his head to her. She felt something big shift between them and felt closer to him than she ever had before. He was vulnerable right now. She could see it in his actions; hear it in his voice. She had no idea what he’d been through in Mogan Dar, but they’d broken him, in a way. He was protecting his heart from pain that he expected to feel and she knew she was responsible for a lot of it. Fresh tears leaked from her eyes as she comprehended what she’d done to him. She knelt down with him and clasped his face in her hands.

  “Darian, I’m sorry. I overreacted, I shouldn’t have made such a fuss,” she said.

  “Reny, you don’t have to apologize to me. I hurt you, don’t apologize for that,” he replied.

  “I hurt you too though, Darian. I’m so sorry! I never should have left you. I know you’ll never hurt me. I… I love you, so much, and I…” she looked up into his eyes, so beautiful, and saw a spark of… but it was gone before she could identify it.

  She leaned forward and kissed him and he kissed her back, his tongue sweeping into her mouth and she relaxed into him. He felt her hand between his legs and he smiled as her hand dipped inside his pants.

  “What you do to me, babe,” he murmured against her lips, as his fingers sought out her heat.

  “Mmm,” she moaned, pressing herself into him as his fingers swirled through her wetness. He sucked his fingers and then kissed her; his tongue coated in her juices.

  He lifted her easily and brought her back to their bed. A quick incantation had her naked and he inhaled her scent. He pushed the pants off his hips and they fell to the floor where they belonged. He crawled into the bed and placed his hands on her hips as his lips closed around her, his tongue gently probing. Her head fell back onto the pillow and she pressed her core to his hungry mouth, as her moans became louder.

  He worked her into a frenzy, her moans turning him on, but this was for her. She deserved it and he wanted to fulfill her desires, needs, and fantasies. He was falling and it terrified him, but somewhere deep inside, it thrilled him too. Her thighs pressed tightly against his head like a vise as he gave her release and she called his name and gripped his hair in her fist.

  “Darian,” she whispered breathlessly, as the aftershocks continued to course through her. He really knew how to make love and she definitely did not want to think about how he became

  so good. Even though it was ridiculous to be jealous of his past, she knew she would be.

  “Was it good?” he asked with a knowing smile.

  “That’s an understatement,” she laughed. “Come here, Darian. It’s your turn,” she said and it turned him on, but he shook his head.

  “You don’t want me?” she asked, opening her legs for him and he groaned.

  “Mmm, more than you know, but tonight is for you, babe. I want to give you pleasure such as you’ve never felt before,” he replied in his soft, sexy voice.

  “I want you to make love to me, Darian. Please, I need you,” she practically whined and he smiled, kissing her belly and running his tongue over her gloriously soft skin.

  “I thought you wanted me to beg, love,” he said, as he laid down. Her eyes darkened in intensity and he could smell her arousal. She rose from her position to straddle him and fed him her right nipple. His lips gently sucked it into his mouth as his tongue skimmed over the hard nub. He felt her sweet wetness on his chest and his fingers went for it instinctively. She gasped in ecstasy, letting him know she was enjoying his touch.

  Women never had to fake pleasure with him. Many confided in him that it was common for a woman to fake pleasure. It was just something they did. Many of his girls told him that he’d given them their first climax. There were men that had no clue how to please a woman and probably had no idea how to find their pleasure center. It was a shame, really. A man could be brought to orgasm quickly, but it could be hard work for a woman, depending on her lover.

  She kissed down his chest, her lips closing around him and he groaned in pleasure. She restrained him with her magic and she felt him thicken in response. Her tongue played over his

  sensitive skin and the sounds he made urged her on. Her tiny hand cupped him as she continued

  to pleasure
him and it was driving him crazy. She toyed with him, giving him soft kisses and swift licks, but he wanted to be inside her mouth.

  “Ah!” he gasped, pulling on his restraints, but he didn’t break them. Her tongue swirled around his engorged head and he could take no more.

  “Babe please, make love to me. Take what you need from me,” he panted.

  “Say it like you mean it, Mage,” she commanded and he grinned at her.

  “Reny please, I need you. I need to feel you around me as I sink into you. I need to hear you call my name. Please, give yourself to me.”

  “You don’t play fair, Darian,” she said, kissing him playfully.

  “Babe, take me soon or…”

  “You can’t trick me, Mage. I know how long you can last,” she said laughing at his pained expression.

  “I’m begging you, babe, please use my body to fulfill your needs. I want to feel you around

  me. I need to be inside you, Reny. Now.” His tone was harsh and she hesitated for a brief moment. She climbed up his body slowly, like a predator sizing up its prey.

  He felt her knees on either side of his waist and she felt him flexing, slapping her belly. The elf bent to kiss him and he used this opportunity to slide two fingers inside her. She gasped and reflexively brought her hips down, taking them deep. He watched her closely as her eyes glazed over, his thumb stroking her swollen center.

  “I need… I need…” she panted, as she continued to rock on his fingers.

  “Baby, let me give you something bigger to fill your needs,” he whispered. She released his fingers and eased down on him, calling his name and he groaned. She kissed him roughly, as her hips began to move at a furious pace, but it was over much too soon. All the foreplay had done the elf in and she clamped down around him, squeezing the life out of his member. She looked as if she was about to cry again, but this time, out of frustration.

  “You don’t think I’d let you get off that easy, do you?” he asked, smiling lewdly.

  “Gods, I hope not,” she replied, acknowledging his double entendre.


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