The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 51

by D E Boske

  “This time, it’s my choice, Reny,” he said thickly, as he watched her sexy little ass.

  “I can live with that,” she said, flashing him a wicked grin.

  He laid her down on her left side and put his chest against her back. She felt his lips planting soft, sweet kisses over her skin, as his right hand made its way to her breasts. He palmed them one at a time, gently massaging them until her nipples were stiff like him. Renlyss could feel him against her back, near her ass, but he never tried to claim it as his. She suspected either he didn’t like it or wasn’t into it and she was glad. With his size, she had a hard-enough time taking him where he was supposed to be. She couldn’t imagine having that monstrosity between

  her cheeks.

  His fingers danced between her thighs, stopping now and then to create friction just where she needed it. Without warning, he lifted her right leg with his right hand and sank into her. She moved against him as he moved slowly in and out of her, prolonging their pleasure. He took his time as he made love to her, never wanting to stop. Her moans fed him and begged him to take her by force, but he resisted. Though if he was being honest, he wanted to take her hard and fast.

  Soon she was begging him for just that and he complied with her wishes. He was hilt deep in her and the force of his thrusts made her groan in absolute pleasure. She screamed his name as her body tightened around him and the sensation was too much for him and he gave in to the ecstasy. Soon after, they both gave in to Ru Nay’ Sha.


  In the morning, they were awakened by an unstoppable force whose name was Hunter. He came barreling into their room and climbed up the step ladder to fling himself at the still sleeping Mage.

  “Da!” he cried, wrapping his small arms around Darian’s waist.

  Darian opened his eyes and smiled a radiant smile that made Renlyss hot and wet, but the child was awake now…

  “Hunter!” Darian exclaimed and wrapped the tot in his arms. “How do you like your room?” the young Mage asked.

  “It’s big!” exclaimed the boy, as he attempted to demonstrate, stretching his arms out wide and Darian laughed.

  “Wait until we get it decorated for you,” he said in a gentle tone that had the elf touching herself beneath the sheets.

  “Dexcortated?” said the boy and the Mage laughed.

  “Yes, dexcortated. I will buy you your own toys, clothes, and anything else you want, okay?”

  “Kay!” shouted Hunter happily.

  “Now, give us a few minutes to fully wake and we’ll go downstairs and have breakfast, alright?” said Darian, as he slid his fingers over the delicious wetness between his lover’s thighs.

  “It’s gonna’ be quick. We can’t leave him alone for long,” the Mage explained as he moved between her legs.

  She braced herself for the massive intrusion and felt him begging for entrance. She relaxed and he took what she offered. Though he’d told her it had to be quick, he eased himself into her and she clutched his back and dug her nails into his skin. He lifted her left leg with his right arm, changing the trajectory and she cried out at the pleasure he gave her.

  Darian kissed her sweetly as he continued to move rhythmically within her. “Mmm babe, gods you feel so good,” he murmured.

  He felt the beginnings of her looming orgasm and used his magic to stoke her fire. Her eyes glazed over as she felt his magic wash over her, caressing her body as he moved within her. Her senses were heightened and she couldn’t withstand the onslaught of sensations.

  “Darian!” she cried. “Oh please! Please,” she begged, though she had no idea what she was begging for.

  “Please what, love?” he asked, as his thrusts came quick and hard.

  “I want… harder!” she cried, as she began to meet his thrusts with more force. Her body was thrown over the edge of bliss and lights exploded behind her eyes, making her momentarily blind. The Mage increased his speed until he joined her in bliss. He groaned as he felt her hands gently squeezing his balls and he kissed her softly.

  “I definitely need a hot bath now,” he stated, rising from the bed and walking naked to the bathroom. “Why don’t you get Hunter and I’ll give him a bath too?”

  “What about me? I really need one,” she said, feeling fluid leaking down her thighs.

  “You go first, babe. I’ll take care of Hunter,” he said, pulling on his soft pants and kissed her cheek as he left the room.

  She missed him already. What’s wrong with me? He just left for Shenna’s sake! I’m so in love with him and in so much trouble. She thought, rubbing her belly.

  Darian poked his head in Hunter’s room and found him looking out the window.

  “Hey, little man,” Darian greeted. The boy turned at the sound of the young Mage’s voice and ran to him.

  “Da!” he yelped, as he threw himself at Darian. The Mage wasn’t used to this behavior. No one had ever depended on him to take care of them. He marveled at the new and strange feeling. He began to seriously think about Reny’s request. The thought of her belly swelling with the life of their child had him instantly hard and he had to talk himself down. He knew that now was not the time for such things. The road ahead was perilous, dark and his life expectancy was almost nonexistent. It was no time to be raising a child. He looked at Hunter and shook his head. They were doing exactly that with this human boy. But raising a Mage child would be hard, not only on her body, but if Darian died in the coming months like he fully expected to, where would that leave her and the child? Would Delvishan then demand the return of the child to The Order? Darian didn’t know, nor did he wish to find out.

  “Are you hungry?” the Mage asked.

  “Yeah,” Hunter said simply.

  “Let’s go downstairs then and get some food.”

  “Ok,” said the tot, taking Darian’s hand. The Mage wasn’t prepared for the raw emotion that simple act inflamed in him. This boy did not know Darian, had no idea what kind of man he was, and yet he trusted him.

  Darian got Hunter settled at the large, wooden table and began cooking. Darian lit the

  fire in the large brick oven and retrieved several pans. He placed thick slices of bacon on a cast iron griddle and set it on a rack over the fire. He then took out a crock of butter and made biscuits and scrambled eggs. He was nearly done when Renlyss walked into the kitchen wearing a dark blue dress with side slits that showed off her sexy legs. He just stared at her, his eyes traveling slowly up her body, until they finally made it to her eyes. She was smiling at him and he felt his heart swell.

  She made her way to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a sultry kiss that rocked him off balance.

  How does she do this to me?

  “You love da?” asked Hunter.

  “Mm very much,” replied Renlyss, without taking her eyes off Darian.

  “Do you love mama?” asked Hunter, looking to Darian and in that moment, the young Mage wanted to throttle the boy. It wasn’t Hunter’s fault that he was emotionally unavailable, but he didn’t want it to be glaringly obvious. Renlyss looked away when she heard the question and Darian knew she was as uncomfortable as he was. Well maybe not as uncomfortable.

  “I care for her deeply,” he said, taking Reny’s hand in his and pulling her to him. He lifted her face, forcing her to look at him and captured her lips in a sensual kiss.

  After breakfast, Darian took Hunter upstairs for a bath. As the Mage eased the pants off his hips, Hunter watched him, mimicking his actions. Darian didn’t know what kind of role model he was, but Hunter needed a strong man in his life and that, at least, Darian could be for him. Darian lifted the boy easily and went into the water.

  “You’re big, da,” said Hunter, splashing around. “Will I be big as you?”

  “I don’t know, Hunter. We’ll just have to wait and see. Hunter, you know what I am, right?”

  “Uh-huh. You’re da,” said the boy, pointing at him.

  “You know I’m not human, right?” a
sked Darian. He felt it better to get this out in the open right away.

  “Huh?” asked Hunter, scrunching up his face.

  “I’m a Mage of The Order. I command magic from the Weave and Renlyss is an elven mage. I just want you to know who we are. We’re different than you, but that doesn’t mean we love you any less,” reassured Darian.

  “You love me?” asked Hunter, looking up at Darian.

  “I do,” replied the young Mage, surprising himself that the words he spoke were true. “Come here, buddy,” he said, holding his hands out for Hunter. The boy happily complied and the Mage lifted him and pulled him through the water as the tot laughed and giggled. Darian

  made sure to keep the boy high enough so the water remained at his waist.

  After playing with Hunter for a while, Darian began washing and Hunter again mimicked the Mage’s movements. Darian used a soft cloth, poured some fragrant soap on it and began to wash his chest, arms, and legs. He rinsed himself off and began to wash his privates and Hunter watched him closely. The boy began washing himself the same way Darian did and the Mage smiled.

  “Now, I’m gonna wash your hair, okay?”

  “No! No!” screamed Hunter, as Darian came closer to the boy. The Mage was perplexed at the boy’s vehemence, but continued moving closer.

  “Hunter, I’m not going to hurt you, okay?” tried the Mage in a soothing tone.

  “No!” the boy screamed again and Darian realized that this was no natural fear.

  “Hunter, you trust me, don’t you?”

  “Yeah,” the boy said, but remained where he was.

  “Come here, I want to have a look at you.”

  “No! No washing hair!”

  “I just want to look at you with my magic, okay?” Darian was unaccustomed to having to beg for what he wanted. People normally bowed to his wishes. That was one reason why he was so attracted to Renlyss, he knew. She never bent to his will, nor did he want her to, not really. Unless it involved sex, then bend she would. She stood up to him and was not afraid of him and that turned him on. She had fire, but she also had lust and a heart as big as a harvest moon.

  Hunter came slowly to Darian, holding out his little arms and it touched the young Mage deeply. He could see that Hunter was still frightened, but that he was willing to trust the Mage. The young Mage moved slowly so as not to scare the boy and reached out to take his tiny hands.

  “It’s okay, buddy. I won’t ever hurt you. Did someone in your family hurt you?” he asked, gently weaving in his magic to relax the tot and get him to open up.

  “I not uposed to talk about it,” the boy said, fear lacing his words and Darian clenched his fists in anger.

  “You can tell me anything, Hunter. I need to know what they did to you,” coaxed the Mage.

  “Da held me down,” confided the boy.

  “He held you under the water?” asked the Mage, his temper flaring.

  “Yeah, mama too. Da hits,” said the boy. “You don’t hit me?” he asked with pleading eyes.

  “No, Hunter. I won’t hit you, but we will punish you if you don’t behave. Understand?”

  “I be good. Pwomise,” Hunter cried and Darian held him, soothing the boy.

  “It’s ok, Hunter. You can trust me. I need to wash your hair and I promise I will not hold

  you under. If you’re good and you let me do this, when we reach Kaleika Bay, you can pick out anything you want and I will buy it for you as a reward. How does that sound?”

  Hunter’s lower lip trembled as he tried not to cry and nodded his head to the Mage. Darian held the boy upside down as he gently washed his hair and Hunter began to relax and giggle.



  “Love you,” said Hunter simply and Darian’s heart constricted. Tears gathered in his eyes but he held them back.

  “I love you, too,” replied the Mage, as he rinsed the child’s hair. He marveled that he could speak those three words to the boy and wondered why he could not say them to Reny, who desperately wanted to hear them.

  They came back downstairs shortly afterward and Darian scooped Reny into his arms and planted a searing kiss on her lips. She slid her arms around his neck and pulled him closer until he could feel her firm breasts pressed against his chest. He wanted to pay them special attention, but he was out of time and they both knew it.

  “We need to talk about Hunter. There are some things you should know.” By the way he said it, she was certain it wasn’t going to be nice.


  “I wish I had more time, babe,” he said, as his tongue slipped into her mouth, forgoing his usual pattern. “I… Rohn was attacked. Someone tried damn hard to kill him, but he is Gor Li’ Khan and a Knight of Shorlan. I nearly blacked out from exhaustion from healing him, which tells me how close to death he was. I haven’t been that depleted in a long time.”

  “Is he ok?” Renlyss asked, her hands flying to cover her mouth at the announcement. “How is Nephraete?”

  “She was hysterical, as you can imagine, but she calmed once she saw I was able to heal her brother. He was resting peacefully when I left. Reny I…”

  He was struggling, she could see he wanted to say something and she dared not hope it was the words she desired most to hear. Before he said anything else, he opened a portal and was gone. Emptiness filled her at his absence and her eyes filled with tears. She hoped more than anything that one day he would heal and be able to love again and that she was the one he would fall for. He’d said that he believed if given time that he could fall for her and he’d said it more than once. At the time, it wasn’t good enough. She felt as if he’d been playing games with her heart; leading her along because he knew she was in love with him, but Darian wasn’t that kind

  of man. He didn’t string women along because he did not need to.

  “Mama?” said Hunter, pulling her attention back to the present.

  “Hmm?” she said, trying to get her mind off the sexy Mage.

  “You okay?” he asked and the sincerity touched the elf deeply.

  “I sure am,” she laughed, ruffling his clean hair. “You smell nice,” she added with a smile.

  “Da washed my hair,” he said.

  “He did?” she asked, kind of surprised.

  “Uh huh. I was scared.”

  “Why, Khar Nay’ Lo?” she asked, using an elvish term that meant small one, child, tot, or any number of similar names in common.

  “That’s not my name,” said the boy, confused.

  “It means, small one,” instructed Renlyss.

  “Khar Nay’ Lo,” he repeated.

  “That was good, Hunter. I think we should teach you our tongue.”

  “Does da know?”

  “Yes, da knows. He speaks as if he were one of us,” she said softly.

  “Da telled me he’s a Mage and you’re a mage?”

  Renlyss laughed at the look on the child’s face. “Yes, Hunter, w e’re both Mages.”

  “Will I have a new brother or sister?” he asked and she was profoundly grateful that Darian was not here. He didn’t handle these questions well at all. She thought about Hunter asking if Darian loved her and the look in his eyes… He was upset by the question, but couldn’t let Hunter know why. Instead, he’d played it off well and said he cared for her deeply and she knew this to be true. She could see it in his eyes when he looked at her and feel it in his kiss. She could even tell by the way he made love to her, so different than any other man.

  “One day, I hope. Now is not the time for such things,” she explained.

  “But when?” the boy persisted.

  “I don’t know, Hunter. Maybe when we get home?”

  “Home?” he asked, quizzically.

  “Kiri A’ Nouell, the elven forest,” she explained. “What do you want to do today?”

  Darian stepped from the open portal into the camp. The sun was not yet risen due to the time difference between planes. Kelindril was beside him the
moment he was firmly on their plane of existence.

  “Is everything alright, Kel?”

  “It is now. Are you feeling better? I’ve been worried.”

  “I’m fine, Kel. I just needed rest.”

  “You’ve been gone three days,” the elf informed.

  “What?” the Mage was shocked. How long had Renlyss let him sleep before rousing him with her sensual lips? This train of thought wasn’t helping.

  “We stayed here since Rohn hasn’t woken yet and he’s had constant supervision. I knew it’s what you would have wanted.”

  “Thanks, Kel,” said Darian, clapping the elf on his back. “Anything happen?”

  “No, it’s been eerily quiet. Like…”

  “Like it’s been waiting for me to return?”

  “You feel it too?” asked the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  “Aye, I do,” stated the Mage, looking around.

  “How’s the boy?” asked the assassin.

  “Do you know the father abused them? Hunter told me he used to hold him and his mother under water. He’s terrified of having his hair washed.”

  “It’s good then, that he is with you. You will give him strength and see that he grows up strong. How was the sex?”

  “Unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, Kel. I think I’m falling for her and it scares me,” Darian confided.

  “I know what you mean,” said Kelindril and the Mage glanced at him.

  “Are you falling for Kylee?”

  “I don’t know what I feel, Darian. I only know that when she is near, I can’t think straight. I want her, Mage, and that scares me more than anything. It’s been so long since I let myself feel anything and I… I’m better off on my own.”

  “I don’t think that’s true. I think that’s what you want to believe.”

  “The last time was disastrous, Darian. I don’t ever want to feel that pain again.”

  “I know, my friend, me neither. But our hearts are lecherous traitors. I think you will be safe with Kylee, Kel. She’s a beauty that you should not…” but Kelindril cut him off.

  “I kissed her, Darian. I touched her. She was in my arms and… The smell of her makes me crazy! Her nearness… I came close to doing something that I know I would regret. I can’t seem to help myself when she is near. What is it about her? She’s in my blood.”


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