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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 55

by D E Boske

  Once the Mage was gone, Dalyn let out a shuddering breath. He’d been afraid the Mage

  would sic the Gor Li’ Khan on him. He was nothing like The Order portrayed him. He was neither delusional nor crazy. What he was, was dangerous. He was coldly calculating and wouldn’t hesitate to kill if given a reason. The elf could see it in his eyes. That’s not what puzzled him though.

  For a split second, he could swear that the Mage looked like he cared about Kelindril and the others. And Kelindril… Now that was a changed elf. Dalyn never thought he would see Kelindril desert Kaleika Bay to serve a Mage of The Order, but it was clear that that’s exactly what happened. The deadly Gor Li’ Khan was clearly a trusted companion of Darian. A friend perhaps? Hmm, no wonder why The Order is looking for him. He has the power to destroy Mogan Dar and their way of life and resurrect a new Order from its ashes.

  He shuddered involuntarily as he felt a powerful tug on the Weave. He swayed and grasped the counter for balance and attempted to locate the source. He looked up and saw the Mage staring at him. His eyes were intense and unblinking and Dalyn was certain the power could be traced back to Darian. Indeed, he followed the trail as it led back to the Mage.

  “I would like to accompany you,” the words tumbled out of his mouth before Dalyn even registered that he’d spoken. When had he approached the Mage? He couldn’t even recall leaving his shop.

  “Why would you want this?” asked Darian, perplexed.

  “I have traveled across the ocean to the shores of the Haunted Lands and beyond. I am

  familiar with the plants, their properties, and where to locate them. I can navigate your safe

  passage, Darian,” offered Dalyn, scarcely believing himself. At the mention of the Haunted Lands, Darian’s attention focused solely on Dalyn.

  “What are your intentions once we return?”

  “I want to work for you, Darian,” he responded without hesitation. “Kaleika Bay is no longer my home. I… I am a Master in lore as well and I can be useful to you. I am learned on numerous subjects. Thelarki will not be pleased and very likely will demand my arrest. I counsel him and provide guidance in trade and…”

  “You let me worry about Thelarki,” said Darian, grey eyes alight with the fires of his temper. “You must be certain that this is what you want, Dalyn. This will be your last appointment. Once in my employ you cannot leave, for security reasons, of course,” explained the Mage.

  “I’m sure,” he responded immediately and at once, he felt a strange sense of peace.

  “Come by once you close up shop and we’ll talk more,” said Darian, shaking the elf’s hand.

  “Thank you!”

  “Kelindril, what’s your opinion of Dalyn?” asked the Mage once they were out of earshot.

  “He is loyal, a good elf. He’s very knowledgeable, a Master in herb lore and numerous other subjects. He’d be a great enhancement.”

  “High praise coming from you,” commented Darian with a smile and Kelindril laughed. The sun was setting when Darian made it back to his room and found Dalyn waiting for him.

  “I trust you haven’t been waiting long?” asked Darian, leading the elf inside.

  “No, not at all,” he answered truthfully.

  “Good. Kelindril has vouched for you, so you have him to thank or curse, depending on how you feel in a year’s time,” offered the Mage.

  “Thank you, Kelindril,” said Dalyn, shocked that the volatile elf would back him. The assassin merely nodded his acknowledgement and said nothing, which made Dalyn gulp involuntarily. He’d never had much interaction with Kelindril, but his reputation was well known.

  They spent the next two hours going over Darian’s requirements and Dalyn paled at a few of them, but agreed nonetheless. Working for Thelarki was unrewarding and the punishments for failure were increasingly getting out of hand. The Mage’s orders made sense because he had to protect not only himself, but The Order as well, even though they’d done a piss poor job of protecting him. No, instead they hunted him and if they found him, they would exterminate him.

  “We can agree on your pay at a later date. Once I see the value of your services, you will be paid accordingly. Does that sound fair?” asked the Mage, and at first, Dalyn didn’t speak.

  “My pay?” he began, unsure of what to say.

  “Yes, you will not work for free, Dalyn. I will not allow it.”

  “Thelarki never pays me.”

  “I am not Thelarki.”

  “Why are you going to the Haunted Lands? What are you looking for?” asked the elven Master.

  “I am looking for a book, Dalyn, it’s called the Morgannate. Have you heard of it?”

  Dalyn looked thoughtful and Kelindril wondered if it was a test to see how much he knew.

  “That is a fabled book on Dark Magic, is it not? Why would you need such a book?” Darian smiled, glad that his trust in his Gor Li’ Khan and his instincts were not misplaced. That was information that very, very few would know.

  “Indeed, you are correct. I need this book because…” Darian hesitated, the elf was newly sworn and the Mage didn’t want to have to kill him already. “I am infected with Dark Magic. The Dark Mage in Mogan Dar hunts me and if he is successful, Corillia will fall. Without this book, I stand no chance of winning. We must find it, and soon.”

  “I have maps and books that I will bring by in the morning, unless you want them sooner?

  We can plan our route and make an educated guess as to where the book is hidden,” replied Dalyn, not even hesitating after the Mage’s disturbing announcement.

  “It is beyond the lair of the Banshee, that is all I know,” confessed Darian.

  “Ah! I have a few ideas… I…”

  “In the morning, Dalyn. We can have breakfast while we research.”

  “Right, of course!” Dalyn said hurriedly, obviously nervous around the powerful Mage.

  “Relax, Dalyn. Never fear for speaking your mind, alright? I may not always agree with you, but you will never be punished for honesty.”

  “Thank you, that’s very generous, Darian,” he replied.

  “Now, let’s get something to eat,” said the Mage, looking to Kelindril.

  The elf just nodded and ordered Brandiel to take care of it, as such tasks were beneath him most times. Darian smiled, but said nothing. Rohn and Koryn still looked a bit uncomfortable, but Rohn was quickly acclimating.

  Several minutes later, Brandiel returned with a cart filled with elvish meat pastries, hearty stew, fresh fruit and vegetables, elvish bread and cheese, and several bottles of Nykessa. A knock on the door brought their attention around immediately. Kelindril went to the door, hand on the hilt of his sword and yanked the portal open. What greeted him on the other side of the door made his stomach lurch with anxiety. His heart clenched and beat so fast he was sure he’d drop dead on the spot. The roaring of his blood pounded in his ears and he couldn’t hear for several long, painful seconds.

  “Kel, are you alright?” asked Kylee, stepping into the room smoothly and closing the door

  behind herself.

  “Kylee, what are you doing here?” he asked, rather than respond to her.

  “I thought we might have dinner together,” she said softly, taking his hands in hers. He should pull away from her before… something… He couldn’t think straight and he wasn’t forming rational thoughts.

  “That sounds like an excellent idea! Please, join us,” offered the Mage, pulling out a chair for the beautiful elf.

  “Thank you, Darian,” she giggled and he winked at her. Moments later, Kyler and Nephraete came by and the Mage invited them in.

  Kelindril seemed to come back to himself and sat next to Kylee. She clasped his hand under the table and squeezed reassuringly and he smiled at her. A genuine, honest smile and she reflexively clenched her legs together. His eyes drifted lazily over her lush form and she felt her face heat.

  Darian took a bite of his pastry and he groaned in pleasure as his ta
ste buds came alive with complex flavors. He tasted chicken, parsley, potato, carrots, celery, a blend of elven spices, and a creamy sauce that whipped the flavors into an orgasmic wonder.

  “You like the Mo Lan’ Ti?” laughed Kelindril, apparently over his earlier awkwardness.

  “Mm, indeed I do,” the Mage chuckled and everyone relaxed. From there, conversation flowed easily and there were no more awkward feelings or silences.

  “Do any of you know how to make this?” he asked, as he took a healthy sip of Nykessa.

  “I do,” said Dalyn, Rohn, and Nephraete at once.

  “Good, you will teach me how to make this,” said Darian, looking at them.

  “I will show you, Darian. It’s easy,” said Nephraete, looking at Kyler’s gorgeous friend.

  The lavender shirt that Darian wore really brought out his silvery grey eyes. The tight-fitting black pants that hugged his hips, the black boots with silver buckles on the sides, and his Shryvven, completed the sensual look. The top two buttons he had undone, exposing the smooth, tan skin beneath and it drew her eyes like lightening to metal. Her mouth grew dry and she licked her lips, but continued to stare at the stunning Mage.

  “Thanks, Nephraete, I believe you will be a great teacher,” he said in his silky voice, as he winked at her.

  Rohn saw the way his sister ogled his new boss and he frowned in confusion. “Ignore it, Rohn,” advised Kelindril. “There’s nothing between them. It’s just his charisma. All women are drawn to him in some way.”

  “Are you so sure? Darian is openly flirting with her,” gritted Rohn.

  “He will not risk his friendship with Kyler. Tell me, does Kyler appear to be upset?”

  Rohn watched the way Kyler interacted with the Mage and the seer and the elf prince was not upset. Rohn wondered if he even noticed Darian’s actions. Blinded by friendship, perhaps?

  “Can I talk to you for a minute, Rohn?” asked Kelindril, leading them away from the others.

  “What?” asked Rohn.

  “You answer to Darian now or have you forgotten already?” said Kelindril in a scathing tone. “He asked you if you were sure and you said yes. You cannot betray him, Rohn.”

  “I wasn’t planning on it,” Rohn responded acidly.

  “Then, what’s the problem?” asked Kelindril. “You’re going to have to develop a very thick skin if you want to keep this appointment. You will see and hear a lot of things that you can never speak of. Can you do it, Rohn?”

  “I can do it, Kelindril. It’s just, Nephraete… She’s so innocent, you know?”

  “I do,” Kelindril lied because he didn’t want Rohn to know the dirty truth. He resolved to

  send Rohn away if he suspected the Mage and the seer would repeat their past performances.

  “If it makes you feel any better, he’s probably going to ask Renlyss to be his consort,” said Kelindril, hoping to put Rohn at ease.

  “That didn’t stop him from doing the dressmaker, did it?”

  Kelindril chuckled, “No, it didn’t, but Nephraete is different. C’mon, let’s get back before they notice.”

  Darian nodded his thanks to Kelindril for handling Rohn and received the barest of nods in response. Apparently, Kelindril wasn’t happy.

  What’s wrong, Kel? The Gor Li’ Khan heard the words in his head and wasn’t sure what to say. I know what Rohn was thinking and I even know what he fears, advised the sharp Mage. It’s not going to happen, Kel. Don’t worry. The elf relaxed at his words and he smiled in response.


  Much later, Darian was walking on the beach, the Gor Li’ Khan flanking him. The sun was setting, blazing fire across the sky in brilliant tones of pink, gold, and purple. Darian removed his boots, enjoying the feel of the warm sand oozing between his toes.

  “What are you waiting for, Darian?” asked the perceptive Kelindril.

  Darian frowned, apparently knowing exactly what the elf was getting at. “I just need to be sure, Kel, that’s all.”

  “You told me after you had sex with the shopkeeper that it wasn’t that good and that you missed Renlyss. Stop dicking around already and take Renlyss as your consort.” Kelindril’s voice was harsh and Rohn and Koryn gasped at the way he spoke to Darian. The Mage didn’t destroy the elf as they’d been expecting, nor did he become explosively angry. He appeared to listen and it was clear that Darian valued Kelindril’s opinion.

  “She hurt me, Kelindril and I do not dismiss that easily. You of all people should understand that,” Darian responded.

  “I do. What I don’t understand, is why you keep fornicating with her if you don’t plan on doing right by her. She loves you, really loves you and here you are with us,” Kelindril swept his hand out to encompass them all.

  “And what about Hunter? Hmm? Or have you forgotten about him, too?” At this, Darian’s face darkened in anger and he clenched his fists tightly. Brandiel thought it was to keep from socking Kelindril in the mouth, but couldn’t be sure.

  “I never asked for that responsibility! That was her! She wanted to keep the boy; you know this. I strongly advised against it. This is no place for a small child, Kelindril,” Darian snapped and the guards winced at the tone of his voice.

  “You’re afraid, aren’t you, Darian? You’re afraid of feeling something for someone else. Afraid of falling in love. Afraid of commitment. Afraid of responsibility that lies with the care of others. You talk to me about letting go of the past that haunts me, but you are unable to do the same.”

  Understanding came with the spoken words and Kelindril looked at the Mage as he

  grasped just how much Darian was suffering. Kelindril could understand because the same things tortured him. He began to laugh and couldn’t stop himself. The laughter came bubbling up out of him and he could not restrain it. It felt… oddly beautiful and terrifying. The Gor Li’ Khan stared at him as if he’d lost his mind and he laughed harder.

  “I do not see what’s so damn funny,” said Darian tightly. Kelindril had his hands on his knees as he attempted to halt the tittering, but burst into fresh rounds of chortling. The other Gor Li’ Khan tried desperately to keep from smiling, but were not able to do so.

  “Kelindril…” the warning in the Mage’s voice was clear, but still Kelindril could not reign himself in. It was a spectacle that none of the others present had ever been witness to. Kelindril was wiping his eyes, but still laughing and Nymdal watched the situation closely, in case he needed to jump in front of the Gor Li’ Khan leader. After many long moments, Kelindril drew in a ragged breath, his chest heaving with the effort.

  “It’s just that… both of us are… considered to be… strong men,” Kel began haltingly, his laughter bubbling up once more.

  “We are both… responsible for… numerous atrocities…” the elf’s laughter ensued.

  “And here we are… afraid of a woman’s touch… and how our bodies respond. Our hearts, it seems, scare us more than anything we’ve faced,” he finished soberly.

  “And this amuses you?” Darian asked.

  “Duh,” responded Kelindril and this time, Darian joined him in laughter.

  “You’re right, Kel. I am afraid,” admitted Darian and the others stood in stunned silence. “Ever since Tynuviel… I… I just can’t get past it. Every time I think I have, my heart locks up and I have difficulty breathing. I see her face and remember her touch… I always thought we’d end up together, you know? I can’t imagine my life without her,” he drifted off, closing his eyes tightly against the tidal wave of sorrow that threatened to pull him under. He remained silent for long moments while he regained some sense of composure.

  “I’m afraid that I will fall in love with Renlyss and once I do, any chance I ever had with Ty will be gone. Obliterated on the shattered remains of my benevolence.”

  Kelindril didn’t speak for a while, as he digested Darian’s words. The others remained quiet, but intent on them, hesitant to break whatever spell the Mage was under.

ally, Kelindril spoke, “Darian, I know that both of you have suffered needlessly and that you worked tirelessly to restore her. But magic alone cannot heal the damage she incurred. She needs time and space to deal with what happened to her. I know you know this, but I also know that when it comes to her, you are blinded by your love for her. You know there is a very real chance that she will never recover and I also know that it haunts you. You cannot continue to wait around and do nothing, for if she never recovers, you will end up losing Renlyss too. She

  will not wait for long, Mage,” Kelindril advised and Darian took his words to heart.

  “Vazaalhen!” Darian exclaimed. “I believe you are correct, my friend, but my heart cannot seem to let Ty go. What can I do?”

  “You know what you must do, Mage. Now go and do it,” Kelindril commanded.

  “What if she leaves me again? I don’t think I can handle that, Kel,” Darian’s words were heavy with sorrow and it was so uncharacteristic that it was hard for them to stay silent.

  “Remember that wager we had in Kiri A’ Nouell? Asked the Gor Li’ Khan leader and Darian nodded.

  “Well, I thought about it and it just wasn’t fair.”

  “How do you figure?” asked the Mage, looking bewildered.

  “You lived there for more than three years, Darian. That’s more than enough time to get to know plenty of women,” hinted Kelindril. He knew one way to take his friend’s mind off the predicament at hand, but was fighting a morals battle.

  “Are you trying to say that the bet was fixed?” Darian responded, with obvious interest.

  “That’s exactly what I’m suggesting. This time, I pick the target. Agreed?”

  “Agreed,” Darian responded quickly and the elf smiled inwardly. Baited and hooked.

  Kelindril took the lead. He was going to make this difficult for Darian. He knew the elves and he already had an idea who he was going to choose. Now, he just needed to find her. They walked for a time, passing shops that were shut tight for the night. The elf he had in mind had turned down more suitors than he believed possible. No one, it seemed, was good enough for her. She shot them down with venom, sometimes with a pretty smile, sometimes they never even knew she’d turned them down until they walked away.


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