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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 65

by D E Boske

  The Mage was not resting properly, something was disturbing his slumber. They dared not wake him, though they were sorely tempted. Renlyss spoke soothingly to him, kissing him softly, letting him know she was there and soon he quieted, slipping deep into darkness.

  “You’re good for him, Renlyss,” Kelindril said softly, breaking his usual silence. She smiled in response, as she held the Mage protectively.

  “You think so? Or is that what you think I want to hear?”

  “I know you are. I’ve seen the disastrous effects your absence had on him, Renlyss. He really loves you. If you hurt him again, there is nowhere you can hide that my blade will not find

  you,” Kelindril said coldly.

  “I’ve told you, I will never leave him again, Kelindril. Have you never made a mistake? I regret the pain I caused him. He’s forgiven me, why can’t you?”

  Kelindril did not respond and soon, Renlyss drifted into Ru Nay’ Sha once more. Tucked in the Mage’s embrace, she let her conscious mind roam free. Sometime during deep night, Darian rose from the bed and walked out onto the veranda, overlooking the ocean. The night was quiet and still, but he was not alone. Kelindril, Nymdal, Stilhan, and Tarathys followed closely.

  The Mage seemed out of it this night. His eyes were empty and vacant and they weren’t sure if it could be attributed to his dark dreams or not. He stood naked, looking over the water, the night was still and he didn’t move.

  The breeze off the water was warm and it stirred his hair, but he made no movement. His eyes remained looking at the horizon, as if trying to see the shores leading to the Haunted Lands.

  “Darian, are you alright?” tried Kelindril. He knew something was wrong. He’d say it was the Dark Magic, but the Mage’s eyes remained silvery grey.

  “Darian?” Kelindril gently shook him but the Mage was unresponsive.

  “What should we do?” asked Nym.

  “Wait for a bit. He may just want to be left alone.” Even as he said the words, he knew they were not true. Nymdal only nodded his consent. Kelindril was in charge and knew Darian’s needs better than anyone else. Why would he question him?

  “Renlyss,” she felt herself being gently woken and instantly knew something was amiss. Darian was not in the bed with her and the voice was urgent. She opened her eyes and sat up, the bedsheet falling to her waist and baring her lovely, full breasts.

  “What is it, Kel?” she asked, not bothering to cover herself.

  “It’s Darian. He’s been outside on the veranda for over two hours. He’s unresponsive and hasn’t moved. He’s just staring out over the water,” he responded.

  “Why the hell didn’t you come get me sooner?” The Mage’s consort demanded.

  “Because, at first I thought he merely wanted to be alone. It’s not uncommon for him to meditate for hours, Renlyss,” Kelindril snapped, not liking the way she questioned him, as if he were some brain-dead idiot. After all, he’d been with Darian longer than she had.

  She pulled on a robe and went to find her lover. He stood overlooking the ocean, as Kelindril had advised, but there was something wrong with his demeanor. He stood rigidly still, back and shoulders straight. She took a moment to admire the Mage’s gorgeous body; he was tall, lean, and muscular. His broad shoulders led to sculpted arms, chest, and legs. He had a nice ass, firm and squeezable and she wanted to do just that but restrained herself.

  She went to him and touched his arm and he did not acknowledge her presence. “Darian?

  Are you alright?” she asked, squeezing his tight ass, unable to stop herself any longer.

  She began to stroke him lightly, kissing and nipping his chest. She took a nipple between her lips and sucked softly, but it was as if she were not even there.

  Kelindril looked on worriedly. Darian would never ignore his lover, but his body was as unresponsive as his mind. He noticed the stark fear in Nym’s eyes and shook his head sternly.

  Renlyss didn’t give up, she kept at it. She went to her knees to capture him between her lips, sucking softly on the tip. Her tongue softly rolled over him as her hand cupped him, gently squeezing. Suddenly, his body came alive at her touch, becoming thick and full in mere seconds. She nearly groaned in relief but did not stop her sensual assault.

  “Stand,” he commanded her softly and she obeyed. He lifted her easily, stripping the robe from her shoulders in one smooth movement. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he pushed her down atop him, moaning loudly as he did so.

  His arousal turned her on and she kissed him fiercely, her tongue invading his mouth, as he moved within her. Nymdal watched Renlyss’s face as pleasure washed over her. She was so incredibly beautiful! He really needed to get over her or Darian would kill him. He’d already warned Nym of his behavior and the Gor Li’ Khan did not think the Mage would be so generous again.

  Nymdal could see how wet she was and he grew aroused watching them. How Kelindril stayed impassive was beyond him. Nymdal was sorely in need and intended to seek out companionship later.

  Renlyss tossed her head back and cried out, as Darian filled her needs. Groaning loudly, he brought her hips down once more, as they both reached their climax.

  Without breaking contact, Darian carried her back inside and deposited her on the bed. He pulled out of her, hard and ready again, and flipped her onto her belly, pulled her toward him, and speared into her roughly. She yelped in surprise, not pain, and met him thrust for thrust. He was as hungry as she was and she loved when he got a bit rough.

  Entwining her hair around his wrist, he tugged hard, pulling her head back, his thrusts hard and deep. Her lips formed a perfect O and Nymdal thought she’d never looked more beautiful. Kelindril elbowed him hard, bringing his attention back to the present.

  “What the hell’s the matter with you? Are you tired of living? You know he will not forgive this indiscretion,” warned the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  “I know, I’m sorry. I just… I can’t seem to help myself, Kel. She’s so intoxicating. How do you remain indifferent?” asked Nym, trying to focus his attention on Kelindril.

  “I’m not interested in Renlyss, Nym. I… like Kylee.”

  “Yeah, how’s that going?” asked Nym to distract himself from Renlyss’s cries of pleasure.

  “Khan Ni’ Tay! Khan Ni’ Tay!” Renlyss screamed, as Darian’s thrusts became urgent. Her

  body took over, her muscles tightening around him and coaxing him into ecstasy.

  They lay in each other’s arms for a while, catching their breath. Darian was an exceptional lover who always took care of her needs first. He knew how to use what the gods had blessed him with and she was so thankful.

  He brought his lips to hers, kissing her softly. She giggled when she felt his hard length on her thigh. He healed her quickly and she slid atop him, taking all of him in one bruising movement. Her full breasts bounced tantalizingly as she rode Darian’s enthusiasm to an explosive finish for them both. She collapsed onto the bed and the Mage tucked her into his embrace, slipping silently into Ru Nay’ Sha.

  In the morning, Darian awoke alone and hungry. The bed was cold, Renlyss had been up for a while. He frowned, feeling groggy and out of sorts. He was sore, incredibly tired, and had no memory of last night. As hard as he tried, he could not recall a thing from yesterday after Kel ordered everyone from his room. This did not bode well and he grew concerned.

  “Is everything alright, Darian?” asked Kel, watching the Mage carefully.

  “I have no memory of last night, Kel,” Darian replied, sitting up gingerly. “I’m sore and tired,” he added, throwing off the covers and exposing his nakedness.

  “Yeah, I bet,” laughed Kelindril and the Mage’s answering look made the elf’s stomach knot up.

  “What’s wrong, Mage? You’re serious. You don’t remember last night?”

  “No, nothing. After you escorted everyone out, my memory is blank, Kel. I can’t recall… I don’t remember… The last thing I remember is you ushering everyone f
rom my room. What happened?” The Mage asked in a commanding tone.

  “Nothing for a good bit of time. Somewhere in deep night, you awoke and went out onto the veranda. You stood there looking out over the ocean for over two hours. I tried talking to you, but you were phlegmatic, so I woke Renlyss. At first, she was unable to get your attention either. That is, until she went to her knees,” Kelindril trailed off, knowing Darian would understand his unspoken words.

  “Then what happened?”

  “What do you think? You made love to her. Three times. That’s probably why you’re so tired.”

  “Did I hurt her?”

  “No. You were rough with her but she liked it as far as I could tell,” said Kel, impassively.

  Darian’s gaze swept over Nym who stiffened involuntarily, but the Mage said nothing. He knew Nym had a thing for Reny. Darian wasn’t sure if he liked her or if his feelings went

  deeper than that and he wasn’t sure that he really wanted to know. He liked Nym and didn’t want to release him from his service.

  “Good,” answered Darian. “That’s a relief. Nym, can I talk to you?” the Mage asked, looking to Nymdal.

  “Of course,” the elf responded; his eyes full of dread. Darian warded them from prying ears and ensured only they were privy to the conversation.

  “Nym, I have to ask this and I want you to be honest with me, ok?” asked the Mage, eyes searching the Gor Li’ Khan’s. The elf merely nodded, unsure whether his voice would work at the moment. Darian terrified him and Nym was almost certain the Mage would kill him.

  “Are you in love with Renlyss?” he saw the elf swallow hard and sweat began to form on his brow.

  “I…” Nymdal cleared his throat and tried again. “I am attracted to her, Darian. She is beautiful, sexy, and… I’m sorry. I have no excuse for my behavior. Please forgive my offense. I will work hard to ensure it doesn’t happen again.”

  “That what doesn’t happen again, Nym?”

  “I haven’t touched her, Darian. I swear. I have a hard time ignoring her when you’re making love to her. That’s all. I’ve never said anything to her and I doubt she knows…”

  “She knows, Nym. That’s why I’m talking to you about it. She begged me not to, but I don’t listen very well. We both like you and I don’t want to have to discipline you, Nym. Please, for your sake, don’t make me.”

  “After my shift today, I am seeking out companionship,” confessed Nymdal.

  “Good idea. Your shift just ended, Nym. Go have some fun,” commanded Darian.

  Nym went to one of his favorite places on the beach. He needed to clear his mind before he went looking for someone to spend time with. The white sand was warm on his feet as he removed his boots, running his toes through the soft grains.

  “Nym, is that you?” Nym froze at the soft voice. It was his ex-girlfriend. He’d asked her to accompany him to Kiri A’ Nouell, but she’d turned him down. What did she want?

  “What do you want, Shaveil?” he asked, eyes cold and distant.

  He’d been in love with her but apparently, she didn’t feel the same. If she thought they could just pick up where they left off, she was sorely mistaken. He wasn’t interested in her anymore. She did them both a favor. He wanted the opportunity to be with whoever he wanted for now. He didn’t want to be tied down to one woman. Darian had inspired him. The Mage had showed him what was available and how easy it was, for the Mage anyway, to pick up women and Nym wanted to experience that for a while.

  “I… How have you been?” she was a bit surprised at his response but she guessed she deserved it.

  “I’m good, Shaveil. Why do you care?”

  “Because I… I love you, Nymdal,” she replied and he laughed.

  “If you loved me, you would have come with me when I asked you,” his words dripped venom and she took an involuntary step back from him.

  “I was afraid to leave, Nym. It doesn’t mean that I didn’t… don’t love you,” she tried to explain. “I was hoping that we could talk about us now that you’re back.”

  “There is no us, Shaveil. You made that perfectly clear. I’m not staying here. I will return to Kiri A’ Nouell with the Mage. We work for him now.” Nym’s words shocked her and she searched his once open face.

  “What are you saying, Nym? You no longer work for Thelarki?”

  “That’s what I said,” he replied, tone cold and hard.

  “Does Thelarki know?” she asked.

  “I don’t owe you any explanation! If you’re so interested, ask him yourself.”

  “I never meant to hurt you, Nym. Can we please just talk?” she asked, reaching out to grasp his hand as she brushed her lips across his skin.

  A jolt of electricity surged through him at her touch, and he inhaled deeply, caught off guard and unsure of what to do. She took the tip of his left index finger into her mouth and gently sucked on it and he gasped.

  Her lips captured his in a searing kiss and he kissed her back hungrily. His passion consumed him and he wasn’t thinking clearly. All he cared about was sinking into her and fulfilling both their desires. She broke off the kiss abruptly and anger flared through him until she spoke.

  “Come home with me, Nym,” her voice was raw with need. He didn’t speak, he consumed

  her lips, his tongue sweeping into her mouth with undeniable talent. Nym had always been exceptional, but the way he kissed her now… It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Where had he learned such skills?

  Once her door was bolted in place, he claimed her as his own. Clothes went flying in all directions and he stalked her like she was an animal. He pushed her down onto her bed and climbed in after her. He softly kissed and nipped his way down her body and she opened for him.

  He smiled inwardly, watching Darian had definitely paid off. He’d never made a woman scream like this before.

  He pursued her insistently and she was loving it. Where had he learned to do this? He’d never been like this before.

  “Nym, that was… Wow!” she said, voice hazy with pleasure. “Where did you learn to do

  that?” He grinned but said nothing.

  “I’ve missed you, Nym,” she said.

  “Mmm,” was all Nym was able to get out.

  “Oh!” she cried, once Nym found what he’d been looking for.

  She met each of his thrusts with one of her own and was rewarded when she went blind and lights exploded behind her eyes. Her throat constricted and she was unable to scream. The noises she made really aroused Nym. He’d never heard a woman sound like that when he was inside her. The feeling was amazing.

  “So, where did you send Nym?” asked Kelindril.

  “I gave him the day off. And before you get mad at me…” Darian began, but Kel interrupted him.

  “It’s because he’s been watching Renlyss,” finished Kelindril.

  “You’re so smart,” said Darian, patting Kel’s cheek and Kelindril flipped him off.

  “Da!” yelled Hunter, running head long into the Mage.

  Darian scooped up the tot and held him on his hip. “Are you hungry, little guy?”

  “Yeah,” he replied, laying his head on the Mage’s shoulder.

  Kelindril marveled at the way Darian took care of the boy. He never thought to see the big, bad Mage so enamored of a child. It still made him pause. He knew Renlyss had been asking

  to get pregnant and Darian had refused each time. He couldn’t fault the Mage with his decision either. After all, she’d left him twice now and Darian probably wanted to make sure she wasn’t going anywhere again. Not to mention the dangerous path they were traveling right now. The elf wasn’t sure what Darian would do with Hunter and Renlyss once they reached the shores of the Haunted Lands.

  Kelindril had been amazed at how affected the Mage was after her last abrupt departure. The Mage tried to hide it and Kelindril doubted that anyone beside himself, Kyler, and Nephraete even realized that something was wrong. Darian was good at hiding his thoug
hts and feelings. He was a Mage of The Order after all.

  “What do you want for breakfast, Hunter?” asked Darian, his tone mild and loving.

  “Food, Da,” replied the tot and the Mage chuckled.

  “Let’s get some food,” he turned around and saw Brandiel coming in with a cart of food. There appeared to be enough for everyone in the room and Darian nodded his thanks at the elf, who smiled in return.

  “I thought you may be hungry, so I took the liberty of ordering the food. I hope that’s okay,” said the elf.

  “Bran… deel,” Hunter struggled with the name and mispronounced it, but Brandiel looked amused.

  “You’re getting better, Hunter,” the elf replied.

  “You’re good with him, Brandiel,” complimented Darian and the elf grinned.

  “He’s easy to take care of. He’s happy no matter what.”

  “That’s not hard to believe what with the squalor he was used to. Everything probably seems kingly after that,” responded the Mage and Brandiel nodded his agreement.

  “You’re good with him too, Darian. You’ll be a great father,” commented Brandiel and more than one Gor Li’ Khan nodded their agreement.

  The Mage sat Hunter on his lap and fixed a plate for the boy according to his requests. Darian fixed a plate for himself and only then did the others approach the table. Hunter was making a bit of a mess this morning and had already dropped jelly on Darian’s white shirt. The boy got scared and slid down, preparing to run, but the Mage caught him and scooped him back onto his lap.

  “Hey, where are you going, buddy?” Darian asked, his voice soft and gentle.

  “Away from you,” Hunter replied, his lower lip trembling.

  “Why’s that?” Darian asked and Brandiel stood frozen in place as the meaning behind Hunter’s words became clear.

  “Don’t beat me, Da! It was occident,” he said, mispronouncing the word accident.

  “Hunter, I’m not gonna’ hit you over some spilled jelly,” the Mage replied, as he swiftly cast a spell to clean his clothes.


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