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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 69

by D E Boske

  “Nothing, why?”

  “You cannot lie to me, Kelindril. Just as you’ve gotten to know me, so have I gotten to know you. I know when something is bothering you. I would know what it is.”

  “I don’t want anything happening to you, Darian. The very idea deeply unsettles me. What would happen to us? Where would we go? None of us wants to go back to work for Thelarki. Which probably leaves Kiri A’ Nouell, but I do not desire this.”

  “Kelindril, I will do my best to ensure that I come out of this alive. Believe me when I say to you, that for the first time, I want to make it through this. I have something to live for, my love for Renlyss and Hunter. I have a family…” Darian drifted off, as if contemplating the words he’d spoken.

  “Renlyss and Hunter need you, Darian, as do the Gor Li’ Khan,” stated Kelindril.

  “You know what Reny told me? The reason why I agreed to get her pregnant?”

  “What did she say, Darian?” asked Kel, not liking the tone in which the Mage spoke. Something troubled him and if it troubled a Mage of The Order…

  “She told me the reason why she really wants a child right now is because she fears if something happens to me in the Haunted Lands, that she will not have the will to go on. That Hunter will not be enough for her to want to live. But if she had a child, my child, growing within her, this would give her the strength to survive. How can I refuse such a request, Kelindril?” asked Darian quietly.

  “So, have you… I mean, is she…” Kelindril wasn’t sure how to ask what he so desperately wanted to know.

  “No. The night I had planned on… She came to me and told me it wasn’t the right time and that I had too much to worry about with the Dark Mage intensifying his search for me. I think what Shaz told us really spooked her. I feel like I should have pushed her to do it anyway, but instead, I agreed and said that it should wait. I want to give her everything she desires and more and this is something that she really wants, Kel. I’m just not sure I’m doing what’s right anymore.”

  “Darian, you will need her presence in the Haunted Lands. I’ve seen her strength in casting, been witness to how well you work together in battle. I think you were wise to put it off for now. It doesn’t mean it won’t happen. On the return journey, we can rest up before our return to Kiri A’ Nouell and maybe then would be a good time.”

  “What if I don’t make it back, Kel? It’s the one thing she’s asked me for. How can I deny her?”

  “You said yourself that she told you now wasn’t a good time. So, what’s the problem?”

  “I just… I want to give her everything, Kel. I want to show her how much I love her, not just say the words.”

  “Believe me, I think the words mean as much to her, maybe even more than grand gestures. She’s been waiting a long time to hear you say them and she knows you would never speak the words unless you meant them,” reassured Kelindril.

  “I need a drink,” said the Mage and the elf laughed.

  Kelendiel watched Kelindril closely to see how he interacted with Darian. Kelindril had begun training them in groups of ten since there were so many vying for the Mage’s attention. Kelendiel really liked Darian and Renlyss. The human child Hunter was a surprise that none of them were expecting, but it was a nice surprise. The child was likeable and well behaved and it was obvious that Darian loved the boy.

  It felt liberating to work for someone who cared about something. For as long as Kelendiel could remember, Thelarki never seemed to care about anyone or anything after Mishtari’s death. He could understand the Monarch’s grief but that didn’t excuse his abhorrent behavior centuries later. His treatment of others had deteriorated until he began abusing everyone around him, Gor Li’ Khan included. They all missed Mishtari because she would never have stood for Thelarki’s treatment of them.

  Darian pulled a flask out of his Shryvven, took a pull, and then handed it to Kel, who declined. The Mage shrugged, then tucked it back inside.

  “I need to keep my wits about me, Darian,” explained Kelindril.

  “No need to explain, Kel,” offered the Mage.

  “Kel! Wait for me,” Kylee called from a booth as they walked through the market. She paid for the item she held in her hand and ran up to Kelindril, slipping her hand into his. Darian noticed he did not flinch at her touch.

  “Hi Kylee,” he said, kissing her cheek. Darian said nothing as he didn’t want to spoil the moment.

  “Where are you headed?” she asked, looking to Darian.

  “To the human towns. We’re going to see if we can speak with a few of the ship’s captains and attempt to secure passage for us,” explained Darian.

  “Wasn’t Thelarki and Dalyn doing this for you?” she asked.

  “As you can see, they haven’t had the best of luck. I’m beginning to think that Thelarki at least, isn’t even trying. Maybe he’s even keeping us here on purpose.”

  “Why would he do that, Darian?” Kylee asked.

  “Because it makes him feel powerful. He likes being in control,” answered Darian.

  “Hm, sounds familiar,” she commented and the Mage raised an eyebrow.

  “Are you trying to say that I’m controlling?” he asked with that sexy smile of his.

  “Who me? I would never say such a thing!” she pretended to look surprised and they both laughed. Kelindril smiled and squeezed her hand and she planted a quick kiss on his lips.

  “It’s beautiful here, Kel,” said Kylee softly. “Maybe you could show me around?”

  “I would love to, Kylee,” he said, letting go of her hand. She didn’t complain though. She knew he was working and that he took his job seriously. Darian’s safety was of utmost importance to him. If she could go along with them then she was happy.

  The beauty of Kaleika Bay vanished quite abruptly as they passed over to the human towns. The buildings were made of either wood or stone and the smell of fish hung heavy in the air. Dalyn showed Darian where he usually went to secure passage and they walked in that general direction.

  “Hey! There’s his ship. Brogun’s the captain I told you about and his ship is The Dancing Mermaid. Follow me,” said Dalyn, as he approached the ship.

  “Brogun! Permission to come aboard?” called Dalyn. The captain’s gaze took them in and he smiled broadly.

  “Permission granted!” he called down and they climbed the steep walkway to the ship.

  The Dancing Mermaid was a three-masted ship, crewed by at least thirty sailors that they could readily see. They were scrambling to get their tasks completed so as not to raise the captain’s ire.

  “Dalyn! It’s good to see you again,” said the captain. “We’ve only just landed so you just caught us afore we went carousing,” laughed the captain and Dalyn shook his hand warmly.

  “Brogun, it’s good to see you, my friend. Would we be able to book passage on your ship?”

  “Going to the usual place I suppose?” asked the captain.

  “Yes. We’d need passage for roughly fifty of us. Would that be a problem?”

  “Fifty! Ne’er ‘afore have I ever taken more than you, Dalyn. It’ll cost ye,” advised the captain. “Who’re your friends?” Dalyn motioned for them to come up.

  “My name is Lord Breven,” said Darian, holding out his hand and the captain shook it warmly.

  “A Mage of The Order!” he hissed. “Dalyn, what are you trying to get me involved in?”

  “If you have no interest in this voyage, we will look elsewhere,” said Darian, he didn’t want the captain to know how desperate he was. “I need to book passage to the Haunted Lands. Will you take us?”

  “Is this Order business?” he asked, skeptically.

  “No, it is personal,” said Darian truthfully. “Will you take us?”

  “We just landed. My crew’s gonna’ need a few days off. We’ve not seen land in six


  “That’s understandable,” Darian replied. “When can we expect to leave?”

  “When c
an you pay me?” countered the captain.

  “How much do you want?” asked Darian.

  The captain thought long and hard before responding. “Fifteen hundred gold,” said Brogun.

  “You take Dalyn for five,” said Darian. “Why would you charge six times as much per person?”

  “You’re a Mage of The Order, so there’s some risk on my part.

  “Five hundred gold,” said the Mage, pulling up his cowl for effect.

  “Twelve hundred,” said Brogun.

  “I was told you were a reasonable man, captain. Five hundred gold. That’s double what you charge Dalyn.”

  “One thousand gold,” Brogun demanded.

  Darian gripped his staff and began chanting in ominous tones. He didn’t mind paying for passage, but he didn’t like Brogun trying to rape him either.

  “Five hundred gold, Brogun. That is all the gold you will see. Do not be greedy,” advised the Mage as his chant hit the climax.

  “Do you think you can find another captain who will take you there? You may, but I guarantee that it will take much longer and will cost you even more,” said Brogun.

  “Seven hundred fifty gold and not a copper more,” the Mage’s tone was firm and hard. The captain nodded his agreement and they shook on the deal.

  “Come back in five days’ time and we’ll be ready to set sail,” advised the captain.

  Darian didn’t speak, he merely nodded and left the ship. Honestly, he believed he got off cheap. The captain was a reasonable man even though he tried to drive the price up. Darian was willing to pay but never allowed the captain to see that. If he could pay less, then that was a good thing because they’d need supplies too.

  Darian gave Brandiel and Kelendiel a list and a fat pouch of gold each and asked them to pick up the items on their list. They nodded and took off, dancing through the crowd.

  “I’m sorry, Darian. He’s never acted like that before,” apologized Dalyn.

  “It’s quite alright, Dalyn. No doubt he sees a Mage of The Order as a way to line his pockets. I don’t mind paying, but I won’t be taken advantage of either.”

  “Darian, would it be alright if I take the night off?” asked Kelindril, once they were back

  inside Darian’s chamber.

  “That depends, Kel. Are you seeing Kylee?” asked the Mage, hanging his Shryvven on a


  “Yes, I want to have dinner with her,” replied the elf.

  “In that case, enjoy your evening. I don’t want to see you back here before tomorrow night,” said Darian and meant it.

  “Thanks Darian!” said Kel, leaving. He went to his room and took a quick bath, changed his clothes and stopped to pick up some flowers for Kylee. As he was leaving the flower stall, he saw a necklace that caught his eye and went to look at it. It was a beautifully painted replica of an Eldoran tree in Kiri A’ Nouell. He looked it over and the elf saw his interest.

  “Good evening, Kelindril,” she said, her elvish lilt pleasant to his ears.

  “Good evening, Aryllis,” replied Kelindril. “How much for this necklace?” he asked, handing her the treasure.

  “For you? Three gold,” she said.

  “I’ll take it. Thanks, Aryllis.”

  “Who’s the lucky lady?” she asked, making conversation.

  “An elf I met on the road. Her name’s Kylee and she’s from Kiri A’ Nouell,” he replied, aware of just how much he’d changed. Prior to Darian, he’d never have told her anything.

  “Well, she is going to love this! I just finished making it today too. I hoped someone would snatch it up. You know a unique piece of jewelry when you see it, Kelindril. Enjoy!”

  “Thanks, Aryllis,” he said, tucking the small parcel away and making his way to Kylee’s chamber.

  Kylee opened the door, flashing a brilliant smile when she saw her visitor. “Kelindril! Come in,” she said, holding the door open for him. He handed her the flowers and she took them, tearing up at the sight. He wiped her tears away with his right thumb and brought his lips to hers in a tender kiss.

  “Hi,” she said, as they both came up for air. She moved to put the flowers in water, giving him the space she knew he needed. When she turned around, she saw that he was right there. He took her in his arms and kissed her again, his tongue smoothly passing her lips and coaxing gentle moans from her lips.

  He backed her up against the table, his right knee parting her legs as he leaned into her. She could feel his desire for her and she slipped her arms around his neck and met him enthusiastically. She was rewarded with a soft moan as he pressed himself closer to her. He gently ground his hips into hers and she broke off the kiss to look him in the eye.

  “Kel, what are we doing?” she asked. She wanted him to make love to her but knew he wasn’t ready for that.

  “I want you, Kylee,” he said, his breath quick and hard as he kissed her again.

  “Kel, are you sure?” she asked, putting her hands to either side of his face.

  “Mm, I’m sure, Kylee. I… I love… you,” he stammered, nearly choking on the words, but she saw the sincerity in his eyes. She brought her lips to his and slid her hand down to stroke him and found that he was more than ready for her. He lightly bit her lip and she squeezed him gently, eliciting a growl of approval from him.

  He unbuttoned her shirt, taking his time. He wanted to savor this moment and enjoy every moment of making love to this intoxicating elf. Her breasts were perfect, firm, and beautiful. His lips captured her left nipple, his tongue sweeping over the hardening nub and making her turn to jelly in his hands. She arched her back, pressing her breasts into his mouth and he didn’t disappoint. He gently sucked and licked each one until they were hardened peaks. His fingers strayed to her thighs and he began to softly rub and stroke her and she moaned into his ear.

  “Kel, I love you too,” she whispered and he halted in his tracks and she nearly cried with frustration. But he grinned and kissed her possessively as he undid her breeches. He went to his knees, gently tugging her breeches down to her ankles.

  “Oh!” she cried, arching her back and pressing her core to his lips. He was better at this than she would have believed, seeing how out of practice he was. He’d told her he hadn’t been with anyone in more than ten years.

  She gripped his hair in her fist, calling his name and he grinned but didn’t stop his erotic torture. He found all the pleasurable spots within her, paying heed to what she liked.

  “Kel!” she arched her back and screamed his name as he brought her to ecstasy and didn’t stop until the aftershocks of her pleasure faded away.

  “I want to make love to you,” he said, taking her hand and leading her to the bed.

  “You may have to wait for that, Kel,” she replied.

  “What? Why?” he asked, shocked.

  “Because,” she said, pushing him down onto her bed. “I’m gonna’ make love to you right now.”

  Afterward, she lay on his chest, kissing him and running her hands over his too soft skin. They lay for a while without words, just enjoying each other’s company.

  “Are you sorry?” she asked, almost afraid to hear his answer.

  “No, Kylee. Are you?” he asked.

  “Nope,” she said, lifting herself up to kiss him on the lips. He was grinning and she thought he looked like a totally different elf. Perhaps he was.

  “I got you something,” he said, rising and going through the pockets in his breeches. He found what he was looking for and climbed back into the bed.

  “Close your eyes, Kylee,” he said, as he placed the necklace around her neck. She opened

  her eyes and saw his gift and tears sprang to her eyes.

  “Oh Kel! I love it. Thank you!” she said, kissing him softly.

  “You’re welcome,” he whispered, as he kissed her.

  He rose up and gently thrust into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him deep. They both cried out from the sensations but it didn’t slow him dow
n. He lifted her left leg with his right arm as he moved easily within her. She felt so damn good and he couldn’t believe that he’d gone without contact for more than ten years.

  Once more, he felt her blossoming and he pursued it relentlessly. He hit her pleasure center, bumping and grinding on it and sending her spiraling, taking him with her.

  “Kel, that was… Mmm,” she whispered sleepily.

  “You’re amazing, Kylee,” he said, kissing her softly.

  “You’re not leaving, are you, Kel?” she asked, snuggling up to him.

  “Not unless you want me to, Kylee. I don’t have to be back to work until tomorrow evening.”

  “Tell Darian thank you for me,” she said, drifting off into Ru Nay’ Sha. Kelindril held her close, thanking Shenna that she’d given him another chance.


  The Mage had dinner with Hunter and Renlyss then called the demon to his side.

  “What is it oh, maniacal master?” asked Sigorna, as he materialized in Darian’s chamber.

  “Were you able to locate Calipheus and find out who bound him?” asked Darian.

  “Not yet, boss. I’ve been searching but he knows I’m looking for him so he’s been hiding. I’ve commanded lower class demons to hunt him down so we may have to wait a bit and see if he slips up.”

  “Thanks, Falahari. Do you have any idea who the Dark Mage is?”

  “No, he’s hiding his face and magically manipulating his voice. This one’s smart, Darian. And he knows you well.”

  “Damn it!” said Darian. Renlyss was there to calm him down and the demon winked at her and she smiled in return.

  “Hey, it’s gonna’ be okay, Darian. We’ll find this Tral Nay’ Ya and deal with him accordingly,” said Renlyss, slipping her hand into his.

  He looked down at her and smiled in return, kissing her lightly on the cheek as he wrapped his arm around her.

  “Grandson?” asked the demon and Darian grinned.

  “Not yet, Falahari. We have plenty of time,” said the Mage.

  “The Haunted Lands will be difficult and that’s hardly a place to be with child,” the demon agreed.

  “I’m sorry I was pressuring you, Darian. That was wrong of me. You have enough to worry about right now without adding my petty desires to the growing list,” said Renlyss.


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