The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 72

by D E Boske

  “You are more dangerous than anyone believes, Mage. Watch your consort and your children carefully, for they will forever be in danger.” Darian took her warning to heart and got his head back in the battle.

  With Darian joined as he was with Shenna, the surge of power was extreme. The Mage gathered it unto himself and sent it hurtling toward the Dark Mage. He knew with an eerie certainty where he was hiding and the powerful mix of magic exploded in the night as it found its intended target.

  The forest spewed forth golden light, giving the companions enough light to see by and the demons howled in irritation, as the light stung their sensitive eyes. Sigorna raced to the impact point, but the Dark Mage was gone. There was no sign that he’d been struck by the magic either, which would further piss off his master. He ground his teeth and smashed the first thing that got in his way, a small Pit Shryke. The Falahari’s claws tore the lesser demon apart and Sigorna smiled as it cried out in pain.

  Darian was steps behind Sigorna and the Mage’s visage turned deadly cold when the Falahari shook his head. Darian traced the Dark Mage’s path to where he’d been hiding and bent to inspect the earth. He sifted it in his fingers, bringing it to his nose to smell. He frowned, widening his search and found a small, curious object on the ground. One of the telepathic stones that Darian had given his Gor Li’ Khan.

  Darian became enraged but tried to maintain his tight control. This is what the Dark Mage wants, he reminded himself. He wants me to second guess everyone.

  The magical burst from the goddess and Mage had destroyed the rest of the opposing

  demons, sending them back to Oblivion. Sigorna released those that came to fight alongside the Mage and closed the Death Portal. Darian nodded his thanks to the demon who flashed a toothy smile.

  “Kelindril, we need to talk,” said the Mage, cutting everyone else out as he constructed a powerful silence ward around them.

  “What is it, Darian?” asked the Gor Li’ Khan leader. The elf was covered in blood, elf and demon alike, but somehow, he’d survived and Darian silently thanked Shenna. He knew it was serious from the Mage’s tone.

  “I found one of the communication stones I gave my immediate guards near the Dark Mage’s hidden location. I need for you to find out who is missing theirs and deal with it.”

  “Are you certain this elf is involved?” asked Kelindril.

  “No, we will determine that together. Find him, Kel. I will not risk Renlyss or the children,” ordered the Mage.

  “You have my word, Darian. I will not rest until I have him in custody.”

  “See that you don’t.” The Mage’s voice was colder than Kelindril ever remembered.

  There was no sign of Lorin anywhere and Darian became increasingly agitated with the loyal elf’s absence. It wasn’t like him to stay out of touch for so long and he didn’t like to think about the elven mage in the Dark Mage’s hands.

  Renlyss jumped into Darian’s arms as soon as he walked through the door. He took her in his arms and kissed her possessively as he grabbed her ass. He undid his breeches setting himself free, slid her panties down her hips, picked her up and impaled her on him. She cried out as he entered her, his possession of her was wild and demanding. Something had happened that upset him. She would get it out of him once he had a chance to calm down. Right now, there was something more important that she needed to get out of him.

  Her lips claimed his, her tongue invading his mouth and he groaned in satisfaction. The newer Gor Li’ Khan stood gawking at the display. They didn’t know what to do with themselves. Kelindril reprimanded them harshly and told them to get back to work.

  Darian was aroused and needy and Renlyss was only too happy to comply. She wanted him to come to her whenever he was upset, to be the one that he counted on. She would do anything for him… His thrusts were long and slow and she couldn’t concentrate on anything else. In only a few moments, he’d brought her to ecstasy. She dug her fingernails into his back as he continued to move within her. He placed her back against the wall and began moving faster

  and harder. Her breasts bounced tantalizingly and he sucked a nipple into his mouth, smiling as

  she moaned loud and long.

  “Darian,” she panted, as he brought his lips to hers.

  “Mm,” he responded, claiming her lips in a sensual kiss.

  “Once more, babe. Here we go,” he whispered, as he fed her slowly until she was full. He felt her muscles constrict around him as she gave herself over to the pleasure he gave her. With a final thrust, he filled her, groaning in satisfaction as his movements slowed. He remained buried inside her and walked to the tub where he deposited them both.

  They sat in the warm water just kissing and Renlyss really loved how romantic he was. The way he kissed her was unlike any other lover’s kiss that she’d experienced. His lips made her feel so much and she couldn't believe how foolish she’d been. She’d almost lost him and still had a hard time believing that he took her back. He amazed her. She never would have guessed how forgiving he could be. She was privy to a totally different side of the powerful Mage. A side that he showed no one else.

  His tongue swept into her mouth and she gladly accepted him. His lips traveled over every inch of exposed skin that he could reach without moving too much. His heart felt like it would explode from contentment and happiness. Feelings he’d never felt before but was quickly coming to crave.

  “I’m so in love with you, Ren,” he whispered between kisses.

  She grinned and said, “Right back atcha’ big boy.”

  He laughed, “Big boy?”

  “Oh yes,” she said, sliding her hand down to grip him lightly. He grew under her gentle touch and she tipped his head back and kissed him hard as she restrained him with her magic. He didn’t fight her advances, in fact, he’d been craving just this.

  Renlyss raised herself over him and watched as his eyes dilated in pure lust. She made love to him the way she knew he secretly craved. He didn’t have to say anything, she knew by the way he responded to her touch. Her palms lay flat on his muscled chest as her hips rose and fell in a steady rhythm.

  Darian flexed his hips and thrust upward, meeting her eagerness and she quickly put a stop to it. She restrained him from moving at all and his eyes alit with devious fire. He smirked at her but she barely noticed as intense pleasure coursed through her. Her movements became erratic, her hips rising and falling hard and fast. Her breathing quickened as she neared her breaking point. She shuddered and screamed his name as she took him as deep as he could go. Her lips claimed his as her orgasm rocked her body, swallowing her screams of pleasure.


  “Da!” cried Hunter, running into the bathroom before Brandiel could stop him.

  “I am so sorry, Darian. He’s quick!” Brandiel replied, taking him back outside.

  “Mmm, I guess we should wash up now,” Renlyss whispered, kissing the Mage.

  “I don’t want to,” he returned, kissing her fiercely.

  “But Hunter…” she began and that got his attention.

  “Alright,” he sighed in feigned irritation, but he couldn’t fool her. She knew he loved the boy. Their son. She marveled that a woman and a child could bring the powerful Mage to his knees and wondered how he would be with their unborn child? Darian really loved Hunter and the sight brought tears to the elven mage’s eyes.

  It wouldn’t be long and she would begin to feel the child growing within her. Just knowing that she was carrying his child excited her, but she was also anxious.

  They washed up and went out to play with their son. “Da!” he cried, running at the Mage full speed. Darian scooped him up and placed him on his shoulders. Hunter squealed in delight, patting the Mage’s head. Darian lightly grasped the child’s legs, so he would not fall.

  A knock on the door disrupted their playtime. “Darian, Raschel is here to speak with you,” informed Nym.

  Darian looked up and nodded, “Let him in,” the Mage replied, his tone
conveying that he was not happy about the intrusion.

  “Darian, thanks for seeing me,” said Raschel.

  “What can I do for you, Raschel?” asked the Mage, sounding neither pleased nor displeased with his appearance.

  “I just came by to see how you are and if you needed anything. I know it’s been crazy lately with everything that’s been going on and I just wanted to make sure that you’re ok,” he said, sounding sincerely worried about his friend.

  “I’m fine, my friend. Just tired.”

  “Have you found out anything new on who this bastard is? If I get my hands on him, I’ll rip him apart for what he’s done,” said Raschel passionately.

  “Not yet, but he will stumble sooner or later, Raschel. Care for a drink?” asked the Mage,

  relaxed and at ease.

  “How is he managing to remain hidden for so long?” asked Raschel, taking the glass of Cryvellan Brandy from Darian.

  “It must be the Dark Magic that keeps him concealed,” mused Darian.

  “Renlyss, you look vibrant,” commented Raschel and the elven mage flashed him a brilliant smile. Darian had advised not to speak of her pregnancy with anyone outside of himself and the Gor Li’ Khan that guarded them.

  “Thank you, Raschel,” she said.

  “There’s something different about you, but I can’t figure it out.”

  “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said, going back to Hunter.

  Raschel looked to Darian who merely shrugged and talk resumed in a comfortable manner. Renlyss really liked Raschel and she knew he was Darian’s friend. She didn’t like keeping secrets like this but recognized the wisdom of Darian’s decision.

  Later, after Raschel had gone, Kelindril came to Darian and the Mage knew he’d found something undesirable. The elf’s face was a blank mask and the Mage doubted anyone else would know that something was bothering the volatile elf but Darian could plainly see it. He cast a ward of silence around them so they could speak freely.

  “Darian, it was Nym’s stone that you found. He claims that he thought he dropped it during the night and that it rolled under the bed. He said he didn’t have time to go looking for it this morning as he was running late,” said Kel.

  “Running late? Why?” asked Darian.

  “Apparently, he’s been quite busy since our return.” Darian read between the lines of what Kelindril was and was not saying and grinned.

  “You cannot honestly think he has anything to do with this?” asked Darian.

  “No, of course not,” said Kelindril vehemently. “But you cannot just dismiss this either. The Dark Mage is watching and you must be certain because it is no longer just your life at stake,” advised the Gor Li’ Khan leader, looking to Hunter and Renlyss. “You know what you must do.”

  “Nym!” The forcefulness of Darian’s tone was evident and all the Gor Li’ Khan present cringed, thankful that it was Nym the Mage called and not them.

  “Yes, Darian?” said Nym, a foreboding feeling welling up from his toes and not knowing why. Darian surrounded them with a powerful ward and spoke in a low, menacing tone.

  “You lost your stone?”

  “I…yes. I lost it the other day. I have not had a chance to look properly. I think I knocked it under the bed during the night,” the elf explained but saw that Darian was not appeased.

  “It wasn’t under the bed, Nym. Would you like to take a guess as to where it was?” asked

  the Mage, seeming to tower over the forlorn elf. Nym’s insides began to quake with fear but he reigned his emotions in. He’d done nothing wrong.

  “I don’t know, Darian. Where was it?” he asked, perplexed.

  “It was in the same area as the Dark Mage,” Darian said, watching Nym’s reaction closely. The elf paled and he began stammering.

  “N-n-n-no I didn’t… It wasn’t… Darian, you must believe me, I had nothing to do with that! I would never betray you! I’m loyal to you. I have nothing to gain by doing this and everything to lose. Please, believe me! It was on the bed table when I went to sleep and I noticed it missing the next morning. I didn’t report it because I really thought it was under the bed. I… I’ve been rather busy since my return,” he admitted.

  “I want to believe you, Nym. I do, but I cannot take only your word for this.”

  “Do what you must but spare me and do not remove me from my duties. I will submit to anything you require in order to prove my innocence.”

  “Have a seat and get comfortable, Nym. It’s gonna’ hurt but I swear I will be as gentle as I can, for I do not believe that you had any knowledge or dealings with this attack,” said the Mage and the elf let out a ragged breath.

  “I don’t know who the Dark Mage has working with him so we’ll have to make it look good, okay?”

  “Okay,” said Nym, seating himself.

  Darian released the ward and began to caress Nym’s brain with his magic. He needed Nym completely relaxed in order to retrieve the information from his subconscious. The Mage believed that Nym knew something but that his mind had dismissed it. He needed to coax it out of him.

  Nym moaned softly as he felt the Mage’s deft touch. His mind came alive as pleasure spiked through his brain. He succumbed to the pleasure, his body awakening and responding in ways it never had before.

  Darian needed Nym completely at ease and at his mercy and the elf was. Nym was fully aroused and responsive and the Mage took advantage of it. He delved inside his thoughts, following the memory trail to last night.

  Nym was with three women and he brought them back to his chamber. Darian went back farther. Nym was walking down the beach, enjoying the feel of warm sand on his bare feet. Darian went forward. Nym buried himself inside a beauty of an elf and she was screaming his name. Darian sifted through his memories going backward. Nym stopped outside his room before going to the beach and he ran into a few Gor Li’ Khan and they began talking.

  At first, Darian wasn’t sure what he was looking at because it happened so fast, so he

  slowed it down. While Nym was preoccupied, a dark shadow appeared at the end of the walkway, flew past Nym, and entered his room without any of them the wiser. Seconds later, it reappeared in the hall with Nym’s stone in its hand. Relief flooded Darian knowing that Nym was innocent and he realized how much he liked Nym and how close they’d become.

  Thinking that Nym wasn’t responsible was far different than being able to prove that he wasn’t. Darian released Nym from his hold and the elf nearly crumpled from his chair but Kel was there, supporting him and bringing him to the couch.

  “Nym is innocent. He had nothing to do with the attack,” Darian announced, as he released the silence ward and he saw the Gor Li’ Khan relax. He watched them all carefully for their reaction to the news but they all seemed sincere in their relief.

  “Darian, Lorin’s here!” announced Brandiel and Darian jumped up to grasp the elf’s hand.

  “Lorin, where the hell have you been?” asked Darian.

  “The library. Darian, we need to talk. I’ve found some very interesting things.”

  “Next time, tell me where you’re going. We’ve been looking for you,” Darian admonished.

  “How long have I been gone?” asked Lorin with a perplexed look.

  “You’ve been out of touch for five days.”

  “Takasha! No wonder why you’re so upset! It was worth it and trust me, you’ll feel the same,” said Lorin quietly. There were far too many new faces for Lorin’s taste. There was a Dark Mage among them and at least one Khav Li’ Ohk so Lorin was careful with the information he provided where others could hear.

  Darian encased Lorin, Kelindril, and himself in a silence ward so they could speak freely. He darkened the air around them so they wouldn’t be able to read their lips, if any of them could.

  “What have you found, Lorin?”

  “Darian, Thelarki has books from before Dark Magic was banned.” That simple statement had Darian’s full att

  “In these old texts, it talks about how all Mages used Dark Magic. It was acceptable and there were no negative side effects.”

  “Are you certain?” asked the Mage, feeling a surge of hope.

  “Yes, I took the liberty of absconding with the volumes. You need them more than they do. The books belong to The Order, Darian.”

  “What else have you found?”

  “From what the texts say, for a long while, The Order used Dark Magic with no side effects. It began happening after, what seems to me, the introduction of weak blood. That is, diluted elf and Mage blood. You did tell me once that the original Breeder was an elf; a product of love between the Shangmarrum and his elven consort, correct?”

  At Darian’s nod, the elf continued his theory. “A once powerful Mage goes to the Breeders, for example, ten times and each time with a different Breeder, I presume?”

  “Yes, that’s correct. There is no assigned Breeder per Mage,” confirmed Darian.

  “Now, imagine that same Mage going to ten different Breeders. Now expand on that. Imagine their offspring doing the same. Over time, what strength there was in the blood dissipates like fog before the sun. What’s left is a Mage whose power is drastically reduced because the breeding pattern was not consistent.”

  “I doubt anyone’s even contemplated this theory,” responded the Mage, deep in thought. “I don’t know why I haven’t thought of that myself.”

  “No doubt it’s because The Order does things the same way they always have, Darian. Sometimes, all it takes is a fresh pair of eyes to spot the inconsistencies.”

  “Lorin, if this proves to be true, this could change the way The Order operates and I will see to it personally,” said Darian.


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