The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 73

by D E Boske

  “I’m just glad to be of service, Darian. I hope you know that.”

  “I do, Lorin. In fact, I’m promoting you to Chief Advisor, effective immediately.”

  “Chief Advisor? To whom?” asked the elf, stunned.

  “To me,” said the Mage with a smile. “You’ve proven your worth, Lorin and I need you close. You see things differently because you’re not connected to The Order. I however, am sometimes blind to what should be so obvious because our ways are all I know.”

  “I’m honored, Darian. Thank you!” said Lorin, enthusiastically.

  “You’ve earned it and then some, Lorin. Have dinner with Reny and me,” the Mage offered and Lorin grinned.

  “I’d love to, thanks.”

  “Are you still interested in learning from me, Lorin?” Lorin’s eyes went wide in amazement. Did this mean what he hoped it meant?

  “Oh yes!” Lorin exclaimed. “I am. I’m a good student and I learn quickly…” the elf began but Darian was quick to cut him off.

  “Once more, you have already proven your skill to me and that is all I need. You are quick witted and pick up new things easily and this will assist you in learning. Now, what would you like to learn?” asked the Mage, amused at how excited Lorin was.

  “Anything. Everything!” said Lorin.

  “I cannot teach you Order magic, but anything else is open. How much do you know about healing?”

  “Not enough,” said the elven mage.

  “Perhaps we’ll start there, if it’s all the same to you. A wise Mage once told me that healing

  was more important than destruction magic. He said, ‘Any Mage can destroy and we do so fervently. It takes a special talent to go beyond the lust for blood and heal the wounds inflicted by blade and Weave. We are destroyers by our very nature, lad. I will make you a power to be reckoned with,” the Mage remembered fondly and Lorin listened intently.

  “Darian, I don’t know what to say. Thank you for entrusting me with not only this position, but the knowledge you will bestow on me. I won’t let you down.”

  Darian’s smile was warm and caring and the elf witnessed how Renlyss had changed him. Before, he’d been coldly calculating and didn’t let anything get in his way. He could still be single minded in purpose; that came with being a Mage of The Order, but Lorin could see real love and affection in the Mage’s eyes when ‘ere he looked upon his consort.

  “Do you have any idea who the Dark Mage is?” asked Lorin and the Mage’s visage turned dark.

  “No, but when I find him, I’ll rip him apart.”

  “How is he able to remain hidden, Darian?”

  “Let’s discuss this, Lorin. Perhaps a fresh perspective is needed, hmm? I have searched each Mage’s mind and found nothing suspicious. But that’s because he has successfully partitioned his mind. I’ve searched my immediate Gor Li’ Khan guards and found nothing. But I’m certain he’s working with at least one elf. The brutal efficiency of the attack in Kiri A’ Nouell proves an elf was involved.”

  “Those are serious accusations, Darian, but I cannot fault the wisdom of your observations. For they are correct. This is terrifying since the scope of the breach is not known. How many does he have working with him? Who can we trust? How can we catch them before the damage done is irreparable?”

  “Another day in the life of a Mage of The Order,” said Darian humorlessly.

  “Renlyss looks radiant and happy,” observed Lorin.

  “She is,” Darian said simply.

  “Hunter looks healthy and strong. You saved him, Darian. He would have died a senseless

  death. Those people are amoral. I cannot believe they would let an innocent perish so easily.”

  “The once flourishing town fell on hard times with the Plague, Lorin. No doubt they simply couldn’t afford another mouth to feed.”

  “It still doesn’t make it right.” The elven mage was angry. “How could two strangers care

  more about a child than his own townsfolk?”

  “Lorin, I was against bringing him, too,” the Mage reminded.

  “Maybe, but even you couldn’t let the child die a needless death. You care more than you let us see. I know this,” said Lorin.

  “Renlyss was very convincing,” said the Mage with a wicked grin and Lorin laughed.

  “So I’ve heard,” said the elven mage with a devious grin of his own.

  Hunter wrestled free of Renlyss’s grip and went right to Lorin, “Hi,” he said, looking up at the slender elf.

  Lorin went to one knee and looked Hunter in the eye. “Hi Hunter, my name is Lorin.”

  “Hi,” Hunter repeated.

  “What can I do for you?” asked Lorin.

  “That’s my da!” said the tot, pointing at Darian.

  “That’s me,” said the Mage, scooping the boy up and hoisting him onto his shoulders. Hunter giggled and it made Lorin smile.

  “See what you would have missed out on?” said Lorin, as he spotted a flash of something in Darian’s eyes. It was gone before he could identify it.

  “Let’s get started, Lorin,” said the Mage, placing Hunter back on the floor. “Hey buddy, I have to work with Lorin now, okay? I’ll play with you later.”

  “Okay,” Hunter sounded sad and something within Darian ached. He hated to see the boy so sad. He was growing up so fast and the Mage just didn’t have the time to spend with the boy.

  “We can do this later, Darian. Hunter wants to spend time with you,” said Lorin.

  “I’ll spend time with him later, Lorin. Right now, it’s time for you to learn,” said Darian warmly. “I spend as much time with him as I can, but according to him, it’s never enough.”

  “He really loves you. I think both of you are doing an amazing job. I wouldn’t think that he’d be so responsive after everything he’s been through.”

  “Yeah, me neither. Humans are more resilient than we give them credit for,” Darian said, watching as Hunter returned to Renlyss’s side.

  Darian began to teach Lorin from the very beginning. He wasn’t sure how much Lorin knew and didn’t like to assume, either. Lorin produced a stack of parchment, an ink well, and a pen. The elf was determined to learn and this made Darian respect the slender elf.

  The Mage started with a list of plants in alphabetical order, running through each plants’ properties and what they could and could not be combined with. By the time they were done for the evening, they’d made it through the letter B and Lorin would need to purchase more parchment. Darian was an excellent teacher, very thorough and detailed. Lorin would learn a lot from him, he knew. The Order Mage possessed a wealth of information that Lorin was desperate to have access to. And now he was Darian’s advisor! The elf had trouble believing the turn his life had taken since meeting Darian.

  Once Lorin had left for the evening, Darian grabbed Hunter and tickled him furiously until the child could take no more. Tears streamed down the boy’s cheeks and Darian laughed

  along with him.

  “C’mon, buddy. Let’s go outside for a while.” The Mage took the boy’s hand and led him out onto the beach.

  “Darian, are you sure it’s safe?” called Renlyss, following closely on her lover’s heels.

  “I’m sure, babe,” he responded, wrapping his right arm around her waist and drawing her near.

  “Nothing will ever happen to him so long as I’m close,” he said quietly.

  “Darian…” she began. “I…” he could tell she wanted to say something, but drifted off into silence instead.

  “What is it?” he asked, looking at her intently.

  “It’s nothing,” she smiled but he didn’t buy it.

  “Renlyss, talk to me. You want no secrets between us and I have complied. Now you must do the same,” he commanded quietly.

  “I just love you so much. I feel us getting closer and…”

  “Does this frighten you?” he asked, almost dreading the answer.

  “No, of course not,” she grinned,
gripping his hand in hers.

  “Then what, babe? I know something is bothering you. I can see it.”

  “I’m afraid, Darian. Afraid for you. The Dark Mage is getting closer and if you do not find what you need…” she drifted off once more.

  “Hey, I will find that damned book, doll. I’ll make it out of this alive. For the first time, I want to make it through this shit. You and Hunter have given my life purpose and meaning. Never underestimate what that means to me,” he said, tugging her close and planting a quick kiss on her lips.

  The Mage sat in the sand with the small boy and together, they created a giant sand castle. The soft glow of the Mage’s magic cast enough light for them to see by and bounced off the polished Gor Li’ Khan weapons that surrounded them.

  Hunter laughed as he danced out of the Mage’s way. The boy lost his footing and fell through the sand castle and he began crying and screaming.

  “Hunter,” the Mage’s voice was authoritative and though Hunter took notice, he was too broken by the loss of their creation to curb his crying.

  “Hey, come here,” said Darian gently. He pulled the boy to him as he waggled his fingers, uttering an arcane phrase and turned the boy around to see the castle was standing once more.

  “Castle!” cried Hunter. “I love you, Da!” He threw himself into the Mage’s arms and Darian hugged him tightly.

  “I love you too, buddy,” he said, holding the boy. Hunter touched the Mage’s face, lightly

  stroking his cheek.

  “Smooth,” he said in admiration.

  “Yup,” the Mage replied. Hunter yawned and Brandiel was quick to take charge of the tot.

  “I’ll put him down, Darian. Enjoy a few minutes with Renlyss,” he offered and Hunter lifted his arms to the elf.

  “Up,” he said, opening and closing his tiny hands. Brandiel lifted him easily and began the trek back to their room while five Gor Li’ Khan accompanied the duo. Dark eyes followed them all the way. A sharp intake of breath, a whisper on the breeze drew the Dark Mage’s attention and he looked back to Darian.

  Darian captured his consort’s lips, kissing her as she climbed into his lap. She entwined her fingers in his hair and pulled his mouth down on hers. He was only too happy to comply. His tongue parted her lips and she welcomed the intimate contact with him. His sharp intake of breath told her she had his attention.

  “Mmm, babe, what you do to me,” he whispered, as his hands worked their way under her dress to tug her panties down. He pocketed them, undid his breeches and laid her down as he pushed her dress up past her waist. He moved between her sexy legs and with one fluid movement, sank into her. She clutched at him as he filled her to capacity, but he took his time, ensuring he did not hurt her.

  “I love you, Renlyss,” his voice was raw with need and his thrusts were slow and deep.

  “I love… you too,” she gasped as he slid all the way in, rubbing against the hidden gem within her, causing her to tighten around him reflexively.

  “Takasha!” he groaned, kissing her lips. He lifted her left leg and placed it on his right shoulder and she howled in pleasure. His movements, which were measured and slow, drove her crazy. She wanted him, wanted what he did to her to last forever.

  “You feel so good, Reny,” he said, as he kissed her.

  Later, Renlyss lay on Darian’s chest, her right arm stretched over him to rest on his left shoulder. His right arm encircled her and she snuggled closer to him and his warmth. Her soft breathing relaxed him and he drifted into Ru Nay’ Sha with his lover atop him.

  A sound jarred him awake in the darkness before dawn. Reny had moved to her right side and her back was facing him. He checked to make sure she was alright and heard the noise again. The sound was that of claws clicking on a hard surface, a shuffling noise, a low growl and he had his staff in hand, chanting the words that would bring the Staff of Power to life.

  Darian spun around and briefly saw shadows flitting across the room but he couldn’t focus on them. An unseen attacker came at him, but his instinct kept him a step ahead.

  “Kelindril, where the hell are you!” Darian roared, rousing Renlyss in the process. She

  pulled her robe on and stood beside her lover, already casting. He admired her calm demeanor and the way she took charge of her magic.

  The sounds of battle from the outer room had Darian worried that this was a far more complex issue than he first thought.

  Kelindril forced his way into Darian’s private room and the Mage could see a host of Gor Li’ Khan outside, battling their way toward him. The blood and residue that covered the Gor Li’ Khan leader’s face and clothes told Darian how hard he’d fought to reach his charge.

  The look of relief on the elf’s face as he laid eyes on the Mage and his consort was indescribable. Darian nodded to him, letting him know he was alright.

  “What the hell is going on, Kel?” asked the Mage, as he sent a blistering attack of magic toward the outer room as a band of dark forms writhed near the open portal.

  The screams of agony as the Mage’s magic hit its mark chilled their blood and struck fear into all their hearts as the enemy’s identity became clear.

  “Mortal Shadows!” Darian cried, quickly casting a shield around himself, Renlyss, and Kelindril.

  “Do not let their claws touch you nor their weapons pierce your flesh!” Darian ordered. “Their bite will send you to the Black Abyss!”

  Kelindril looked at Darian in shocked amazement as he battled five of the fearsome creatures.

  “How has that Portal been opened? It has been sealed for millennia!” Kelindril shouted to be heard above the din. He was also among the very few who knew what a Mortal Shadow was.

  “I know not,” replied the Mage, quickly casting a series of spells that nearly threw Kelindril to his knees from the powerful pull on the Weave. The elf admired and feared Darian, for his power was paramount and his enemies trembled before him.

  In the far corner of the room, a cloaked figure stood controlling the shadow horde. Kelindril began to fight his way to the cloaked Mage, for that’s what the figure had to be. The magic emanating from him was nowhere near the controlled power that Darian wielded, but that didn’t mean Kel disregarded his presence, either. He understood the threat this Khav Li’ Ohk represented and went at him in a fury.

  The figure laughed a cold, mirthless laugh and continued orchestrating the attack as if the Gor Li’ Khan were not there, which pissed Kelindril off.

  “Kelindril, watch out!” shouted Darian, as the elf stepped free of the Mage’s protective shield.

  The head of the cloaked figure snapped around, eyes focusing on Kelindril and smiled a wicked smile that the elf could not see. He began casting, intent on killing Kelindril this time.

  He’d failed the last few times, but on this night, he would succeed.

  The Dark Magic began its treacherous path toward the elf and narrowly missed its mark, as Darian stepped in, leeching the Dark Magic from the surrounding air and absorbing it.

  The Mage hid his surprise, this should not be possible! Darian wasn’t trained in the Dark Arts like he was. How could he call the magic to him? His hatred of Darian only grew with each passing day that he was forced to suffer his superiority.

  Darian had always been a quick study and a source for much jealousy back in Piri-Tuma, though he’d asked for neither. Everything came easily to Darian and the Dark Mage was sick of it! Why should Darian be so blessed while the rest of them suffered in silence?

  The Dark Mage divided his power, sending half at Kelindril and half at Darian. He hoped to cause a distraction that would disrupt Darian’s thought process and cause the elf to die. The Dark Ball of energy flew from his grasp and split in half in midair, each spinning to their intended targets.

  Darian began casting immediately, as he sensed what the Dark Mage was about to do. Focusing on the Weave’s instruction, he brandished the Staff of Power, pointing it at the Dark Mage.

  The cloaked fi
gure screamed in pain as his Dark Power was pulled from him bit by tortuous bit. Darian’s concentration on this task was absolute. He’d already absorbed the Dark balls of energy and the Dark Magic that lived inside of the young Mage was hungry for more.

  The Dark Mage fell to his knees, shuddering in unbridled agony, as his hated enemy leeched his power. He turned hateful eyes upon Darian, gathered up his remaining strength, and fled through an open portal, closing the portal to the Plane of Shadows in the process.

  When Darian surveyed the damage, his stomach twisted sickeningly. Scores of Gor Li’ Khan lay dead in the outer rooms, their blood painting the walls with a macabre beauty.

  “Where is Hunter?” asked Darian frantically. He gathered his magic and dispelled the

  remaining Mortal Shadows, resulting in a deafening crack that split the air from the violent expulsion.

  The remaining Gor Li’ Khan began searching at once, digging through the pile of corpses, in some places as much as ten or more deep. They shook their heads as they reported their findings to the distraught Mage and his consort.

  “They are not here,” said Kelindril. “Perhaps they went outside?” As Kelindril was about to open the door to the beach, Brandiel and Hunter came in.

  “Where have you been?” snapped the Mage.

  “I…” stuttered the elf, then remembered all that Darian had taught him. He stood before

  the angry Mage, back straight, and delivered his report.

  “Hunter was awakened by the crashing waves and wanted to go out to watch for a bit. He was restless and was making too much noise, so I took him, hoping it would calm him and that he’d fall back to sleep upon our return. You and Renlyss were deep in Ru Nay’ Sha and I didn’t want to wake you over something that seemed trivial. Have I done something wrong?” asked Brandiel with the proper amount of respect.

  “Da? Bwandiel’s my fwend,” said the tot. “I couldn’t sleep and wanted to play. I asked him to take me, Da,” said Hunter, tugging on Darian’s hand. “Don’t be mad with him, Da.”

  Darian’s cold grey gaze warmed as he looked on the boy. He hauled the tot up and hugged him hard as tears of relief streamed down his cheeks.


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