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The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3)

Page 17

by T. G. Ayer

  "Well, I’m coming with you, Maya," said Claudia.

  Maya stared at Claudia, then sent an inquiring glance at her parents. What had gotten into her?

  "Claude, we need you here. This time Maya needs to do this on her own. We have to let her go. And I’m sure the goddess Chayya will take good care of Maya," Maya’s mom said, with a tiny bit more emphasis on the word goddess.

  Then Chayya went and made it worse. "Your enthusiasm is appreciated, but I can only transport one person and that is Maya." It was as if the goddess enjoyed goading Claudia. Perhaps the dislike was mutual? But weren't gods meant to be impartial?

  "What about Nik?" Maya asked. When Chayya frowned, Maya continued, "Is he not returning?"

  "I presume he will return. But it is perhaps unwise to wait."

  "That’s fine, Maya. If Nik comes we'll tell him you left to see his father as he requested."

  Maya nodded and sent an apologetic glance to Claudia before walking to Chayya’s side. "What do you need me to do?"

  "Be still and hold onto my hand. That is all." Chayya smiled, her face shimmering, as if her entire body was made of light.

  A thought hit Maya. "Sabala," she blurted out the name, scanning the kitchen for the four-eyed creature. He still sat by the door, regal and silent and watchful.

  "Sabala can come and go as he wishes. He has his own ability to travel to and from Patala."

  "So he can also take me to Yama?"

  "No, the hound has power only for himself. He is not strong enough to transport another living being."

  "Oh," said Maya. "Living?"

  "Yes, in most cases when the hounds are sent out to retrieve humans or demons they do not return with a living burden. They are killers after all." Chayya's face revealed not one iota of emotion.

  Okay then. Maya wished she hadn’t asked in the first place.

  She sighed, resigning herself to leaving with Chayya. A small part of her regretted alienating Nik, and she wondered if he was angry with her. She assumed so, since he hadn’t returned after she’d hurt him with her fire. Well, she certainly couldn't stick around waiting for Nik to pop into the room. She had to simply get on with things. "Fine. Maybe we should get going?"

  Chayya turned and beckoned Maya to come to her.

  "Oh, hang on," said Maya, before dashing into the foyer. She dug around in the closet and retrieved her satchel. It held her set of Madu, and she thought it was probably a good idea to keep it with her at all times. Who knew if she might need more than her fire power to help her out? She trotted back into the kitchen. "Right, I’m good to go."

  Chapter 35

  The moment Maya touched Chayya's hand she began to disintegrate, as if the shadows within her body were suddenly freed and meant to escape forever. She spent a few scary minutes wondering if she had just made a huge mistake. What if Chayya was working for the demons all along? What if the shadow goddess took her straight to the controller of the Rakshasa's, whoever had sent them for Maya?

  Too late now.

  They arrived within a whirlwind of shadows and swirling color. Maya felt slightly strange and a bit dizzy. The journey had lasted mere moments and yet Maya felt like she'd been put through a wringer.

  The first thing she noticed was the scent of incense. The soft fragrance of sandalwood filled the air, and somewhere in the distance, someone played a stringed instrument - violin or sitar?

  Maya scanned the room in which they'd arrived. Pillars of rich cream marble surrounded them, vibrant paintings drawn directly onto the walls, sculptures of dancers emerged from the solid stone as if at any moment they would step onto the floor and begin their dancing.

  Maya and the shadow goddess stood beside a handful of brightly colored silk cushions that should have seemed gaudy, even garish, but right here in this decadent room sedate colors would have made no statement at all.

  "Where are we?" whispered Maya.

  "We are within the palace of Lord Yama. Wait here while I find out if he can see you now." Chayya walked away, slipping through a pair of gigantic bronze doors. Light reflected on the carvings as the door swung shut behind the goddess, leaving Maya alone in the massive room.

  Such opulence didn't seem like it belonged in the underworld. Maya had expected subterranean passages and burning pits, not silk cushions and random trays filled with sweetmeats. Now she eyed a brass platter piled high with tempting pastries and desserts, her mouth beginning to water as she struggled to remember when she'd last eaten.

  But she hesitated. Who knew what would happen if she ate something down here. Look at Persephone; stuck in Hades because she couldn't control her hunger. And maybe Greek mythology wasn't the best comparison considering. Either way Maya turned her attention away from the platter and its tempting treats.

  She spun on her heel and began to pace. How long was Chayya going to be anyway? And why did she have to wait when Yama had summoned her? A pillar blocked her way so she spun around to walk back and stopped in her tracks.

  The air before her twisted and swirled not unlike the whirlwind of shadows created when Chayya had brought her to Patala. Maya gasped as a face appeared in the swirling mist then dissolved and disappeared again. She could have sworn she'd seen Joss in the spinning darkness.

  And then she was sure.

  Joss appeared, gasping and letting out the odd shriek. She stumbled out of the whirling air, her arms flailing as she tried to regain her balance, her eyes goggling as she stared around her. Maya bit back a giggle.

  Joss was followed closely by Nik and Maya's heart gave a little jump at the sight of him. She'd missed him.

  Something brushed past Maya's leg and a glance down confirmed Sabala had arrived with them.

  "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod," Joss said repeating the words over and over as she patted her body down as if verifying all parts were still intact. "Ohmygod, Nik, you didn't tell me the trip was going to be so hellish," Joss gasped again holding on to the nearest pillar for support.

  "Well you were the one who insisted on coming," answered Nik, not in the least apologetic.

  "Come on, Joss it wasn't that bad," said Maya.

  Joss shrieked scraping her blond curls from her face as she stared at Maya. "Ohmygod, Maya, that was insane." Joss let the pillar go and stumbled over to Maya, grasping her into a breath-squeezing hug. "Ohmyfreaking - Oh. I guess I shouldn't be cursing right?"

  Beside Joss, Nik looked like he was choking. Joss and Maya shared a curious glance but before either one of them could ask him anything, he burst out laughing. "Joss, has anyone ever told you you're too funny for your own good?"

  "No, Nik. That would be impolite." Joss glared at Nik, then frowned. "And yes, I did insist on coming because there's no way I'm planning on leaving Maya here, wherever here is. Where are we, by the way?"

  "This is the waiting area in the palace of Yama the king of the Underworld, otherwise known as the Lord of Justice." Nik inclined his head and it seemed as if the tiny gesture was a regal bow instead of the slightest of movements.

  "Ooookay." Joss tried to stand up straighter, but Maya noticed the wobble in her knees.

  "Joss, maybe you need to sit down. Before you fall down," Maya said, grinning at her kooky friend. And that's all it took to bring Maya to her senses.

  She rounded on Nik. "What the hell were you thinking bringing her here?"

  "She wanted to come," Nik replied, totally calm as he leaned against a gold veined pillar.

  "Yes, she actually wanted to come," said Joss. "And she can take care of herself too."

  Maya glanced over her shoulder, "Joss stay out of this. It's between Nik and me." She turned back to Nik. "You should have known better. What if something happens to her?"

  "What do you mean? What's this something that could happen to me?" Joss asked.

  "Maya, Joss explained to me how she feels, and why she needs to come with you. You saved her life, and she believes she owes you a life debt. I am not in a position to deny someone’s request in such a case,"
Nik said, raising an eyebrow.

  "But she is helpless, and human, and you brought her down here," Maya snapped.

  "Maya, I'm not helpless and you know it. And Nik only did what I asked." Somehow, Joss had gotten back to her feet and stood between Maya and Nik as if that would make a difference to Maya's hurt and rage.

  "But the problem is he knows better." Maya crossed her arms and glared at Nik.

  "Maya, look, I can take care of myself."

  "In the Underworld? In hell? Sure you learned martial arts with me but how, pray tell, will you fend off a demon with a hankering for your blood?"

  Joss laughed, and turned to meet Nik's eyes. "What is she talking about?"

  "Yes, son of Yama, do enlighten her."

  "Yes, do enlight- what did you just call him?" Joss almost choked on her question as she spun around and stared at Maya's face.

  "Joss, meet Nik, son of Yama, Prince of the Underworld." Maya knew as she made the introduction if Nik so much as moved a hair on his head that looked like he would give his little arrogant bow, she would flame his ass.

  Joss's head swiveled back to face Nik, and she took a deep breath. "So if you're the son of Yama, then . . . ." Joss twirled a finger around Nik's head like a baton. "Then why do you look all pale and stuff? You do lack a good percentage of melanin for an Indian god-prince-being, you know."

  Despite the shock running through her body, or maybe because of it, Maya knew she’d heard right. That's just Joss, say what she wants and think afterward. But kids at school, even parents, were a whole other ball game when compared to god-prince-beings.

  Maya watched in silence. Waited for Nik’s reaction. How well did she really know Nik? Would he react like a regular guy or would he be angered by a mere human being so direct with a demi-god? And when did Maya begin to think of him as more than human anyway?

  But all Nik did was laugh. "You do have a point, Joss." He nodded, and pushed off the wall. Maya’s heart thudded and even Joss took a tiny step back. "When I arrived in town I used this disguise only because I felt it was the best way to fit in. I believe I made the right decision. Right, Maya?"

  Maya just nodded. Yes, he’d made the right decision and he’d been at the right place at the right time to save her ass from being Rakshasa toast.

  "So, do we get a peek at what you really look like?" asked Joss, voicing Maya's own thoughts.

  "I suppose there is no longer a need for this disguise." Nik nodded, his expression quite serious. His face shimmered, like a mirage, wavering as if there but not really there. The shimmering stopped and the real Nik grinned at the two girls.

  "Ah, there you are." Joss nodded. Apparently, she approved, although Maya couldn't tell he’d changed much except for his skin color and maybe the shape of his nose.

  "Does the color of your eyes change too?" Maya asked, a scattering of ice in her tone.

  Nik’s smile evaporated.

  "What do you mean Maya?" Joss said, frowning as she leaned forward to inspect Nik’s dark eyes. "His eyes are still the same."

  "It’s nothing Joss," Maya answered softly, and changed the subject. "Now Nik, do tell us how long we have to wait to see your father?"

  "I’ll go check," he said, not meeting Maya’s eyes as he turned on his heel and almost walked right into a swathe of shadows slowly coalescing into Chayya.

  Chayya blinked and sidestepped the oncoming Nik before he could do more than blink himself. "Lord Yama is away. He will be back shortly and I’ve been told he will summon you immediately. Maya, I have some things I need to do but I will also return soon. I will assist you with whatever task Yama sets out for you." Chayya gave a little sideways nod of her head and disappeared.

  Chapter 36

  Maya clicked her tongue and spun around. The urge to kick something filled her to overflowing but given the choice between solid pillars and fluffy silk cushions, the need remained thwarted. Instead she threw herself down onto a pile of silk and fluff, and twirled her fingers around a golden tassel sprouting from the corners of numerous pillows.

  Nik cleared his throat. "Perhaps you would like to join me in a sparring session, Maya. Maybe we can get some fine-tuning done while we wait?"

  What is he up to? Maya watched him with narrowed eyes. Then she admonished herself. Just because he’d kept his identity from her, didn’t mean he’d lied to her about everything or that he’d continue to lie to her even now, did it?

  Maya hitched her satchel higher onto her shoulder and started to follow Nik as he strode toward a set of doors on the opposite wall in the waiting hall. She stopped, and glanced back at Joss who’d popped a bright orange delicacy into her mouth and looked like a chipmunk missing one nut-filled cheek.

  Joss, her eyes wide, nodded vigorously. She took two steps to Maya then turned around and headed for the platter, grabbed a handful of sweetmeats, and jogged back to catch up as Nik left the room. Maya shook her head and arched her eyebrow at her friend's over laden hand. Joss responded with an unrepentant shrug and vigorous chewing.

  They headed down a few passageways, walls hand-painted and trimmed with gold and jewels, lit by rows of oil lamps with large steady golden flames. More opulence in the belly of the world. People up top sure need to rethink where they really want to go in the afterlife. What would heaven be like if hell looks like this?

  Nik made a hard left and flung open a pair of carved wooden doors. Inside, a large open rectangular area stood bordered by simple marble columns. The walls beyond the pillars shone and glinted with an array of weapons. Some Maya recognized. The rest she had to assume were from other cultures from around the planet. Even a set of Madus flickered in the lamplight, only these were tipped with vicious-looking gold spikes. These Madus meant business.

  Maya dropped her satchel onto the ground, waving Joss to a safe corner. "Best if you stay near a pillar. If you see fire coming at you, please duck."

  "Why?" Joss swallowed the last of the orange syrup soaked goodness. "What's going on?"

  "I've got some practicing to do. Nik seems to think I will need it and I have to agree with him. So for now I practice. And I'm not one hundred percent on aim so be ready to duck."

  "Oookay." Joss looked worried but said nothing. She even seemed to have lost interest in the sweets as she wiped a piece of marble tile clean and placed them carefully onto the surface. Maya felt sorry for her but there was no time to waste playing babysitter to Joss. She'd insisted on coming with so she had to take care of herself and stay out of the way.

  Maya walked up to Nik and waited.

  "Right. Now, we treat the fire as if it is a ball. First catch and throw the ball of flames. This will help you also learn to catch any streak of fire aimed at you and allow you to return it back to the thrower if necessary."

  Maya nodded. Sounded interesting.

  "Now, soften your stance. You know most of what you need already with the basics of your martial arts training."

  Maya snorted. "I'm not very good at Kung Fu you know."

  "It's all about feeling and enjoying the movement, knowing your body and controlling it. Nothing to it really. Feel the fire, move with it, control it. Don't let the fire control you."

  Okay, let's do this.

  Soon Nik was throwing balls of fire at Maya, which she caught and returned to him in elegant, effortless movements, as if she were meant to be doing exactly this all her life. The soft push and pull of the Kung Fu moves were there in her stance and her hand and foot gestures. She used her body and the technique to catch and throw the flaming balls.

  "Let's kick it up a notch." Maya blinked at Nik's slang but he'd certainly spent long enough with humans, especially in her hometown, to know how people speak. And she had to admit she liked the way he oscillated between casual and formal speech.

  She focused in time as a bolt of fire streaked toward her, faster and hotter than anything Nik had thrown before. Her previous movements were like a silken dance, now she felt like an unstrung puppet. Maya missed the first blast of
fire. She cringed at the resulting shriek behind her.

  But she didn't get a chance to check on poor Joss as another streak of flame flared at her. She kept her eyes on it and threw her hands out to catch it as it passed. All it did was slow down a tiny bit then pass through her fingers. But Maya had felt the tug of the flames, as if it would only take a little more to stop the fire in its tracks.

  "Again, and feel the fire. Concentrate."

  But Maya barely heard Nik anymore. This time she watched the ball of flame again, watched its trajectory. She had to use its own momentum to turn it and send it back at Nik. And this time she reached out and enveloped the fire within her hands. She moved a step back with the fireball, turned her body and the trajectory of the flame. She used the force of the path of the fire to redirect it right at Nik.

  He hadn't expected it.

  The fireball hit him square in the gut. He backpedaled, lost his balance and fell on his butt. Joss squealed and Maya gasped as she ran forward and began dusting away the flames before realizing too late he was unharmed.

  Maya knelt beside him. Nik grabbed her fingers and in the distance she heard his voice, but it was the warmth of his hands she absorbed and the scent of his skin she inhaled. She had to pay attention. This was the worst time ever to be thinking of anything romantic. "I'm fine Maya. Fire does not harm me. And besides, you used my own fire against me. That is only meant to stun an opponent, not take him down."

  She cleared her throat. "Right, so my fire can damage an opponent, but their fire will only stun them a bit?"

  Maya hoped she'd successfully covered her emotional distraction. "When do I deal with the real stuff?"

  "Whenever you're ready," Nik answered, his dark eyes growing darker as he kept them trained on Maya's face.

  "But won't that actually mean you might get hurt?"

  "Of course it does, but I wouldn't worry about my safety, Maya."

  "Woah, Nik, you immortal or something?" said Joss.

  "I am. But given the circumstances I think I may not have to bother with immortality for very much longer." Nik's voice held a trace of bitterness, sending a shiver up Maya's spine.


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