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The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3)

Page 29

by T. G. Ayer

  "We’re ready whenever you are." Maya grinned.

  Joss flung off the covers, revealing herself fully dressed in a baby blue baggy Indian pants and a cerise knee length overdress embroidered in deep blue and gold trim. For someone who’d been certified dead not too long ago, Maya thought she looked fabulous.

  Maya and Nik laughed as Joss shoved her feet into a pair of beaded slippers. "Will you two quit laughing and let’s go before some other god finds something we need to do for them that will really kill us for good."

  "Right, let’s go home," said Maya.

  Chapter 61

  They arrived in Maya's house, right into the center of the entrance hall. In full view of Maya's mom and dad who'd been in the sitting room, worry lining their faces as they bided their time for their daughters return. They rose to their feet, enveloping Maya within their arms, asking a ton of questions Maya felt too overwhelmed to answer.

  "I'm okay." Maya gave her mom another squeeze before stepping back. She glanced at Joss who looked a little pale after the teleportation. "For now, I need you to look after Joss."

  "What happened to Joss? Are you okay dear?" Maya's mom asked as she placed an arm around Joss, drawing her to the nearest sofa.

  "Mom, Joss was injured. She's fine but she's a bit weak and I think she needs rest," Maya said. It earned her a belligerent glare from Joss, but Maya ignored it as she also noticed the lines of fatigue marking her friend's face.

  "So what happened?" Dev's concern was clear in his voice and his face. "Did you see Yama?"

  "Yes, we saw Yama and completed the mission to his satisfaction, too," Maya grinned, throwing a glance at Nik.

  "Details, Maya? We've been waiting here, counting the seconds until you got back."

  "Okay." Maya laughed as she and Nik sat on the sofa by the door. Maya and Joss took turns to relate the story from the moment they arrived in Patala. Her parents listened in shocked silence until the tale was told. At last, she said, "And now I need to check on Ria."

  "But Maya, if you were injured shouldn't you rest?" Her mom frowned.

  "Leela, Maya has grown both in the power she wields and in the strength of her body. Maya is fully healed and as strong as she ever was." Nik spoke with a certain air and Maya did a double take. For a moment, he’d sounded just like Yama.

  "Very well, Nik. If you say so," Maya’s mom answered, before sending him a threatening look. "And you'd better be right, young man. Or you'll have me to answer to if Maya gets sick."

  Nik smiled. "Don't worry. She'll be fine. Besides, even the hounds of hell won't keep Maya from seeing Ria so we all might as well play along."

  Maya punched Nik's arm. "We'll be back soon." With that, she grabbed Nik's hand and almost dragged him out of the house before her father decided to stop them.

  They walked in silence before Maya realized she still held Nik's hand. When she tried to tug free, his fingers tightened around hers. They stopped under the overhanging branches of an ancient oak, cloaked in shadows and silence.

  Maya stared at Nik, unsure of what to say. Things had gone from strained to tolerant to strained again and it was high time they ended the emotional seesaw ride. But she wasn't sure how.

  At last, she sighed. "Nik, what is this? What do we have?"

  She'd almost expected he'd pretend not to know what she meant but he said, "We have something incredibly special. And what it is now is what we've made of it so far. What it will be tomorrow will be what we intend to make of it."

  "Stop being so cryptic and godly." Maya glowered.

  "Maya, I'm just saying that relationships like ours can work. I was born of such a relationship. although my parents did have a hard time of it."

  "So what now? Are you even going to be around anymore? Once you're done training me won't you go home?" Maya tried to keep her voice calm, tried to keep back the tears burning her eyes.

  Nik shook his head, a frown creasing his forehead. He held her shoulders following her gaze even as she tried to look away. "Maya I will always serve Yama in whatever way he deems necessary. That is my job. But that doesn’t mean I won't have time to be with you. Besides, you still have a whole lot more learning to do when it comes to your Fire. And there is nowhere else I'd rather be while you are honing the intricacies of your power."

  "So you will stick around?"

  "Yes. If anything things are going to get more interesting now the Hand of Kali is gaining power," he teased.

  Maya punched him lightly in his abdomen and he grabbed her hand and pulled her close. "Don't you worry. I'm not leaving you anytime soon. Unless of course you want me to leave." He leaned closer and Maya inched forward.

  "No. I don't want you to leave." She whispered. She'd almost said 'ever' before she bit the word off. No matter how she felt about him she couldn’t ask him to give up his entire life for her. Not yet. Not while everything was so new and unknown.

  When Nik's lips touched hers she forgot about past and future, about ifs and buts. All that mattered were their bodies so close together as Maya entwined her arms around his neck. Their lips seeking each other's heat and need driving them to distraction. At last, he pulled away.

  His voice was hoarse as he whispered, "Maybe you should go see Ria and then maybe we can continue this later."

  Maya blushed as they moved apart. She tucked her hair behind her ears and nodded before setting off in the direction of Ria's house.

  At the Gupta's doorstep, Maya turned to Nik, unsure how to express herself. "Look Nik, I need to do this alone-"

  "Absolutely, Maya. I’m here for support. I’ll be waiting outside for you." He nodded at the door, then began to shimmer like a mirage until he disappeared into thin air.

  "You so have to teach me that trick."

  A disembodied chuckle emanated from the empty air a few feet from Maya and she grinned as she turned and walked to the Gupta’s front door.

  She took a deep breath and knocked, blood thundering in her ears as she waited. At last, footsteps pattered to the door and Mrs. Gupta opened it.

  And Maya received a bright and welcoming smile from Ria’s mother. That's strange. The only time she ever got this kind of welcome was when Ria's dad was out of town on business.

  "Hello Maya, it's so nice to see you." Ria's mom ushered her inside, calm and comfortable and not once looking over her shoulder in fear. Yes, the tyrant had left the building. "Ria is in the living room, go right in and I'll bring you all some kulfi I made."

  Maya smiled, actually looking forward to a taste of Mrs. Gupta's Indian style iced sorbet, which Maya secretly thought was even better than her mom's. Maya entered the room, wincing at the hideously green, hideously paisley carpet Ria's dad so loved.

  Ria looked up from a book she'd been reading and let out a shriek. "Maya, where have you been?" She hurled herself off the couch and flew straight into Maya's arms, hugging her for dear life. "Ohmygod, Maya I have so much to tell you."

  "Okay," said Maya, laughing. "Take it slow, you don't want to tire yourself out." Maya swallowed her shock at the words she'd uttered. What if Ria didn't recall being sick? What exactly did Ria know anyway?

  "Don't worry, I'm fine. Ma said the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me. They did all kinds of tests. MRI's. CT's. Nothing could explain it. And then a few days ago I woke up just like that." Ria smiled. Her smile flickered to a frown for the briefest second. "I remember you, Maya. You were really upset about something. It was like I’d had a dream you'd come to help my but you were crying and then you left. "Are you alright?" Ria held onto Maya's arm.

  Maya had no idea how to answer her friend. What was she supposed to say? Oh yeah, apart from having recently fought head to head with an invincible demon king, and oh yes apart from having just had my best friend die on me and then be brought back to life, apart from that I'm hunky dory. Instead, Maya held her tongue and gave Ria another hug.

  Ria returned the hug then held Maya away, searching her face. "No more knockouts by your dad?" Ria gigg
led as she traced Maya's cheek where no proof remained of the injury she'd received not so long ago.

  "I'm good, Ria. Just a bit tired."

  "Oh, look at me," said Ria. "Such a bad hostess. Come sit. I'll go get you a drink."

  "Ria, wait. Your mom said something about kulfi."

  "Oh, okay, she won't be long." Ria nodded smiling from ear to ear.

  "So tell me, what's this news you have?"

  For the briefest moment, a shadow flitted over Ria's bright expression and then it was gone. Maya hid a frown. "I must introduce you to someone. I’m very excited, Maya.” Ria paused, then took a deep breath as if to quell her excitement, and said, “I’m getting married.”

  Chapter 62

  "His name is Viren and he's studying medicine. We are to be married as soon as the arrangements can be made."

  Maya's face fell. The shock was so much she even forgot to maintain a polite smile in case she offended Ria.

  But instead, Ria laughed and moved to sit beside Maya. She gave her a quick comforting squeeze and said, "Don't worry for me Maya. This was my choice. Viren is . . . very kind to me. We . . . make a good match for each other. Really we do-"

  "Did I hear someone mention my name?" A voice cut Ria off and she grinned even wider.

  "Yes, you did, and we were talking about you, too," Ria said, laughing happily as she stared up at the handsome young man. Viren entered the room placed the tray of kulfi on the table and was about to find a seat when Ria rose and went to him, taking his arm. "Viren, I want you to meet my dearest friend in all the world, Maya Rao. And Maya, this it Viren Sen, my betrothed."

  Maya rose to shake his hand, shocked to recognize Ria's fiancé. He'd attended to Ria when she'd fallen into her coma. He'd also been there to hear Mr. Gupta's horrible words about his very own daughter. And yet he still agreed to marry Ria? Why? Now, Viren had his arm around Ria and smiled down at her quite happily. As far as Maya could tell his affection seemed genuine, so she calmed down a tad.

  Until Viren’s gaze left Ria’s and settled on Maya and the smile in his eyes disappeared. "I am very happy to meet you, Maya. Ria has told me so much about you.” Maya's heart tightened. There was a hardness in his eyes that seemed to be a warning to her. A hardness that worried Maya. He continued, his voice neutral and almost friendly, “It seems you have been a protector to Ria on more than one occasion, am I correct?"

  Maya shared a glance with Ria, the unspoken question of how much Viren knew about Ria's situation with her father hung between them, almost palpable. "Er . . . I did what I could," was all she was able to muster.

  "And I'm grateful. I know Ria hasn’t had the best of childhoods and I hope I can give her the kind of marriage where she will feel safe and happy and loved."

  The words nice enough but they fell like blows upon Maya's heart. What would happen to her poor friend? She'd have to leave school and without a proper education she'd be bound to this marriage forever, no chance of ever escaping. Bound to the man who Maya's gut was telling her had a hidden agenda. And Maya suppressed a shudder. Who knew what type of man Viren truly was. Would he turn on Ria once they're married? Show his true side? Become exactly like her father as he grows older? The coldness in his eye scared Maya.

  How could she be happy for Ria? Her friend was giving up her life and Maya wanted to sob because it was so clear Ria was blind to it all. Did she see this marriage as an escape route? Did she not realize she could be running from one cruel controlling male to another? And this time the decision may well be forever. No turning back for Ria.


  Maya swallowed her tears. She ached to get up and run away and leave Ria and Viren and just flee. But she couldn’t. Because Viren said, "Maya there is one thing I meant to ask you."

  "What is that, Viren?" Maya asked as politely as she could, as she placed a spoonful of kulfi in her mouth. The cool, mango goodness calmed the tears in her throat a bit, for which Maya was incredibly grateful.

  "I want you to give me your blessing."

  Maya almost choked on her kulfi which suddenly became hard and icy and impossible to swallow.

  He dared ask me for his blessing? Even when he's giving me that cold look that's telling me he doesn't give a damn about my opinion?

  Maya stared at Viren, wondering what she could possibly say that would allow her to get out of the situation without offending her best friend's future husband. But his eyes told her all. His eyes were saying he couldn't care less about her blessing. His cold hard eyes told her in no uncertain terms she wasn’t welcome in the least.

  Maya had always abhorred the tradition of arranged marriage. She'd seen the sadness in Ria's mother's eyes. And in the eyes of many of the girls she knew whose families still practiced the tradition even after immigrating to the States. Now she faced it head on in the form of Viren and Ria. Her heart ached for what Ria may endure, and Maya prayed Viren's coldness was because he didn't like her, and not an indication of his nature, not a suggestion of his treatment of her friend.

  "Er . . . I'm not the person you should be asking," Maya replied shaking her head.

  "I think you are the best person. You are Ria's best friend, and staunchest protector." Maya stiffened. He wasn't letting it go. Apparently he seemed to expect an answer, seemed to want this farce to be acted out to the end. Was he trying to prove something?

  "But I don't know anything about you, Viren. I don't think you should be making me part of this . . . arrangement."

  "Then maybe you can get to know me?" Viren offered Maya his hand. "Why don't you give me a chance and let's be friends."

  Maya took his hand, although still filled with doubt. "Viren, look, it's not easy to just be someone's friend, it takes time-"

  "We have plenty of time," he replied, not taking any of Maya's excuses for an answer. He seemed adamant and open. But his eyes still lacked warmth.

  Maya scoffed in silence. They didn't have a lot of time. They'd be getting married soon. "So when is the wedding?" How did he expect her to get to know him when within no time Ria would be plucked out of school, married and gone to live with her brand-new husband to her new life, cooking, cleaning and popping out sons?

  "We've decided to set the date for after Ria completes her schooling," he said, moving again to Ria's side.

  That surprised Maya, but it still wasn't a long way off. She rose to her feet. She really couldn’t take this anymore. Sitting there pretending she was fine with Ria being shipped off to marry a stranger. "Look, I really have to be going. My mom and dad will be wondering where I've gotten to."

  Viren and Ria both rose and followed Maya as she left the sitting room and went to the door. She turned to take in Ria's expression. Disappointment.

  Viren reached out and Maya took his hand giving it a firm shake. "It was nice to meet you, Maya. I hope we can meet again sometime soon." He smiled at Ria and held onto Maya's hand a little too long. Squeezed it a little too hard. A warning sent and taken, Maya thought. Then he left the hall, heading upstairs giving Maya and Ria some privacy.

  "Thank you for coming Maya," Ria smoothed her dark hair back.

  Maya reached out to hug her. "I'm glad I came. I'm glad you're well and healthy."

  "But you aren't happy about my choice to marry?" Ria snorted. "Maya, I can read you like a book. You're upset with me and you're taking it out on Viren."

  "What do you mean?"

  "He was kind enough to offer you friendship. He even asked for your blessing. Maya, if you can't find it in your heart to give us your blessing how can you really be my friend?"

  "Ria, no. It's not like that." Tears filled in Maya's throat, threatening to spill again. "I just . . . how do you know you're not making a mistake?"

  "I know. I've gotten to know him, Maya. And he is a good person. He wants what's best for me. And if you can't see it, if you can't accept it maybe our friendship is not as strong as I thought."

  "Ria." Maya had seen the hardness in his eyes. This was not a man who had Ria’s
best interests at heart. There was cruelty in the hardness. With everything that had happened, with all the power Maya had gained, she knew she had to follow her gut. And her gut was saying Viren isn't the warm and loving fiancée he's pretending to be.

  "No, Maya. If you can't accept Viren is right for me, and if you can't support me in this then please don't visit me again. I ask you to please leave me alone."

  "Ria, how can you ask me to do that?" The words came out as a whisper.

  "Then can I count on your support? Can Viren count on your blessing?" Ria pushed for an answer. When did Ria develop this type of strength? Maya wondered.

  "I . . .” Maya could not say it. Wouldn't ever let a blessing for their marriage pass her lips. Even the thought of such a thing was like a curse on Maya’s own soul. She grabbed Ria's hands and squeezed them. "You know I love you. And you know how I feel about arranged marriages. But how could I abandon my best friend just because I don't agree with her decision? You know I will do everything in my power to help you. Fine, maybe I don't adore Viren and maybe I won't even after I get to know him better, but this is your choice and I will stand by you. You will always have my support."

  “Oh, Maya." Ria grabbed hold of Maya and squeezed her into a bone-crushing hug. "Thank you. I know you don't know Viren and maybe you two won't get along." Ria tilted her head, a shadow of sadness darkening her features. Then she smiled. "I can live with that. I just can't live without you in my life.”

  The girls grinned at each other and Maya sighed, relieved. "I have to go. See you at school?" Ria nodded.

  Maya stepped off the porch and turned to wave at her friend as she closed the door.

  On Maya and a chapter of their lives spent entirely with each other. Maya wasn't looking forward to adding Viren into the mix.

  Chapter 63


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