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The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3)

Page 35

by T. G. Ayer

  "I'm glad you have accepted the training in all its grossness," he said giving her a wink. "Now just one more test and you can call it quits for tonight."

  "There's more? I thought we were done with all the vials," Maya complained as she watched Nik grab all the vials and push them around on the table, messing with the order so Maya no longer knew which vial was which.

  Done, Nik waved a hand at the line of five? Vials and said, "Now for a blind test."

  "You're going to blindfold me."

  Nik laughed. "No. its just a blind test, in a manner of speaking."

  Maya couldn't deny she was relieved. She wasn't sure why but the thought of Nik blindfolding her and making her taste the different blood really, really creeped her out.

  "Right, all you have to do is smell the vial now and tell me straight off what demon's blood it contains." Nik paused, then said, "Now turn around and face the other wall and close your eyes."

  Maya did as she was told, felt Nik hold her hand and open her fingers to place a vial in her palm. Eyes still shut, she unstoppered the bottle and carefully placed her nose to the opening and sniffed.

  The ashy bitter odor identified the blood immediately. Maya grinned. "Preta demon."

  She heard Nik say, "Very good," then felt him take the vial away and replace it with another bottle.

  One whiff and she knew it was Rakshasa. Nik grunted. "Bear in mind I may give you the same blood twice just to keep you on your toes." Then he continued to go through the rest of the vials, sometimes trying to trip her up by giving her the same blood one after the other but Maya was right every time.

  "Right, " Nik said at last. She opened her eyes and grinned at him. Then he said, "Your ability to detect and identify the demon's blood, right down to species, is stronger that even I expected." He stared at her, a look of pride in his eyes.

  "Thanks," Maya said, feeling a tingle of her own pride run through her. And though she knew the power she used was inherently that of the goddess Kali, she also felt a certain level of satisfaction with her ability to learn to use the power well. Thinking of Kali made her wonder about Nik himself and she asked, "Do you have a similar power?"

  Nik paused in his task of placing the vials onto a piece of velvet and tying them in place with little pieces of string attached to the fabric. "I do have the power to detect demons but certainly nothing as strong as yours. Among the gods their powers and abilities differ. Mother Kali is the only god with such specific demon related powers." Maya had to take a moment to digest that. The fact that she was more powerful at something than Nik stunned her. He continued to speak and she had to force herself to pay attention. "And remember, your fire power is also stronger than mine."

  Maya was even more stunned. "You are joking right?" She stared at him. "You are the one that showed me how to heal myself, and how to fight so I would defeat Kas. How can I be more powerful than you?"

  "Because you are." Nik said simply. "I've been teaching you what I know and every time you master the technique within minutes. And the power behind it – that's not something I can compare myself to. I can fight with the fire, yes. But you have more power in your fire than anyone I know. Except for Kali of course." He smiled wryly.

  Maya thought about the goddess and the last time Kali had visited her. She'd bequeathed Maya with these powers but she was hardly around to teach her how to use them, let alone master them. It seemed the responsibility for all Maya's training had fallen squarely on Nik's shoulders. Not that she was complaining. She quite liked Nik as her trainer. But Maya had to wonder. Why had she be given these powers? Were they for her to use to do good in general or were they to use specifically for god-requested missions.

  Ever since she'd left Patala, Maya had had the funny feeling that she was going to be called back soon on another near impossible mission.

  Or maybe she was just being paranoid.

  Chapter 11

  Maya and Nik walked to school in a comfortable silence, the early morning sunshine drizzlingly weakly onto their bared skin. He'd come by to fetch her, appearing on her doorstep as she locked up to leave. She stared up at his face, absorbing the lines of his cheekbones, his dark eyes, wanting to run her fingers along his dark dark eyebrows - his real eyebrows. She blinked, a newborn bird opening and shutting its eyes so desperately slowly. She could see the real Nik beneath the slathered on glamor he'd assumed for his job here in XXX.

  She swallowed hard. Why could she suddenly see through Nik's glamor?

  Sunlight glinted off the bridge of his nose. Nik was back to his old disguise, with a different shape to his nose and much, much lighter skin. Maya looked forward to hearing what Joss would say.

  Tepid sunlight dancing on the soft brushed hair on the top of his head. The soft undercut he'd chosen was nice, a neutral style that gave him that sexy mysterious look. "Nice do." She grinned as he glanced at her, his eyes confused. "Is it just glamor or are we seeing the real thing?"

  His confusion dissipated and he grinned. "Ah yes. It's Mother's idea. It's just glamor. She seemed to think I needed a change. So here I am trying it on for size."

  "Maybe she was right," Maya winked. "It looks good."

  She smiled as he lifted his hand to the short cut sides near his ears. "So you like it enough for me to have it cut?" When she nodded, feeling strange that he needed her opinion, he said, "Good. I'll have it cut as soon as I get the chance."

  Then he was asking her how she'd slept. Stupid smalltalk when faced with revelations like this, but she answered and ended up bringing him up to speed on the Churel. He merely nodded at the news, his expression serious but not in the least surprised.

  "It's expected for your parents to run into these kinds of dangers. I hardly think that would have been the first time, Maya. You shouldn't worry about them so much. After this incident they're probably already better prepared for the next case."

  Maya lifted her shoulder in a noncommittal shrug. It was pretty much what her mom and dad had both told her. He dad was feeling much better and was up and about, readying himself for his next case. But she still felt responsible. They were her parents after all.

  "Either way, I think I'll still go with them whenever I can. Who knows, I can probably be useful." She tried to sound blase but she couldn't hide the note of worry in her voice.

  She stole a glance at Nik as she pushed her long black hair behind her ear. She'd missed him and she was so relieved he'd returned. But nonetheless it bugged her. She wondered if she was being too selfish, too dependent on him. They hadn't had much of a chance to talk after the whole blood sucking training. He'd left Sabala with Maya and went off to do his thing and Maya, although she had been dying to know what he was doing, had restrained herself from asking any nosy questions.

  One ought not to question the son of the god of the underworld.

  At least that's what was expected, wasn't it?

  They escaped the morning sunshine and entered the hallways of the school. A gasp of Chanel No 5 and they were accosted by a happily grinning Joss.

  "Nik," she said whooped so loudly that a few curious heads turned in our direction. Then she lowered her voice to almost a whisper and said, "My favorite demigod has come to town."

  The demigod grinned as Joss grabbed hold of him and squashed him in a welcoming hug. "Hello Joss." Nik laughed and returned the squeeze.

  Joss held him away and studied him head to foot. "Looking good, Nik. I do so love the whole paleface look you have going on." Joss waved at Nik's face and smiled. She meant every word.

  Maya smothered a laugh and pushed the two of them ahead of her. "Let's get moving." Neither of them protested. Joss merely linked arms with Nik, the waterfall of her blonde hair swaying as she asked him loads of forward questions about where he'd been and why he'd been gone so long.

  Concern scratched at Maya and she was about to scold her overzealous friend and tell her not to interrogate Nik when Joss spoke. "That wasn't very nice you know," she chided him, poking a green painted
finger into his bicep. Joss's fingernails were always well painted though these days she made one important concession for their training - her nails were now always trimmed short. No more talons. "You had us worried."

  "I'm sorry." Nik rubbed his arm and had the grace to look a little sheepish. Maya decided she liked Joss giving him the third degree after all. "I really was busy. I didn't realize how long I'd been."

  Joss shook her head, clicking her tongue sadly, the tapping sound echoing around them like an annoyed woodpecker. "I'm sure you know what a cell phone is?" She raised her eyebrows at him.

  "I know. I'm sorry." He raised his hands in surrender, then threw an arm around each of the girls and gave Maya a spine-tingling smile. "How about I make it up to you girls? Let me take you out to dinner. Tomorrow night."

  Maya opened her mouth to protest. Where would Nik get the money for dinner and eating out since his parents weren't exactly human, working a full time paying job. But Joss cut in and said, "That sound totally perfect to me. You two pick me up at six?" She gave Maya a 'don't you dare say no' glare.

  Nik nodded and reluctantly Maya did the same. What was the point in protesting now anyway? The plans were already made and though a small part of her was annoyed that she'd had pretty much no say in the arrangements, she had to admit she like the idea of dinner with Nik.

  Nik and Joss. Yes. Definitely something to look forward to.

  After grabbing their books from their lockers Nik and Maya headed to English. The class hummed with pre-lesson chatter.

  Sandalwood teased her nostrils.

  A whisper of blood

  The volume dive bombed the moment the door swung open to admit Ms. Harris. Maya had to hide her nod of satisfaction – today she'd smelled the Rakshasa before she'd even entered the class. Beside her Nik gave her an inquiring look and she nodded happily.

  Again the demon was careful not to let on that it was Maya she was interested in. And Maya and Nik remained calm and behaved normally. Maya relaxed when Ms. Harris gave no indication that she'd recognized Nik either. His glamor must be working full time. Only when she felt the tension leave her shoulders did she realize she'd been worried about his cover being blow at all.

  Maya focused on the demon at the front of the class. Now that she'd tasted the blood it seemed her power of smell had been amplified. The only thing that Maya now feared was she wouldn't be able to hold onto her breakfast because of the pungent odor of the demon that filled the classroom, becoming stronger and stronger by the minute.

  She glanced over at Nik whose expression confirmed he was paying close attention to the demon. Worry darkened his eyes and filled the shadows of his profile. The class dragged on interminably and Maya had to force herself to pay attention. The demon had the nasty habit of springing questions on the students when they least expected.

  At the end of the lesson, Nik did his obligatory visit to the teacher, explaining he'd been away and asking if he'd missed anything. Maya didn't wait for him. She wasn't eager to tip the Rakshasa off that Nik was with her so she walked straight out of the room.

  Anyone who kept Maya company was fair game where the demons were concerned. The thought brought Maya to a standstill in the middle of that hallway. She stood there in silence, frozen stiff, her heart thudding.

  Ria had been missing from class again.

  "What's wrong?" Joss's voice penetrated Maya's surging fear. "You look like you've seen a ghost. And considering it's you that may be true." Joss grinned.

  Maya ignored her and asked, "Have you seen Ria?"

  Joss's grin evaporated and she shook her head. "No." She glanced up and down the hallway, as if Ria would suddenly appear just because they wanted her to be at school. "That's bad isn't it?" she asked, her voice simmering with worry.

  Maya nodded as Nik caught up with them and they headed to the next class. He shook his head, his jaw held tight. "What is a first class Rakshasi doing at your school? Who would send such a powerful, high level demon to do such a menial task as babysitting?" He spoke so softly that only the two girls would be able to hear him.

  "First class demon?"


  Both the girls spoke simultaneously. Nik cleared his throat and pulled his bag higher on his shoulder. "A Rakshasi is what the female demons are often called. Nobody bothers theses days to make the distinction unless we are talking about higher level demons - it just means the difference between the levels of power. The females are often more powerful."

  "And Ms. Harris is a high level superdemon?" asked Maya, her mind only half on the conversation. A trill of fear slid through her gut. "What does that mean for us?"

  "It means trouble. She's very powerful. She'd nothing like Amber or even Kas for that matter. If you had to fight her you'd have to be in top shape." he trailed off as soon as he saw the girl's expressions he frowned. "What's wrong?"

  The girl's hesitated not wanting to take away from the enormity of their demon saturation but Ria was just as important to them, if not more. They shared a worried glance.

  "Ria," said both girls at the same time.

  "Oh. I take it she isn't at school?"

  They both shook their heads. Then Maya asked, "Is there any way you can find out what happened and why she's not coming to school?"

  Nik looked at Maya, as if contemplating the possibility, but then he shook his head. "Apart from making myself invisible and entering her house to search for her, no."

  "That's a brilliant idea," said Joss, nodding vigorously, her blue eyes gleaming as she glanced over at Nik.

  Nik looked at Maya and she nodded as well. "I agree. Brilliant."

  Nik grimaced "Me and my big mouth."

  "We have to know she's okay. What if another Rakshasa has her?" asked Maya, fear darkening her eyes. She clenched her fists, feeling her nail dig into the soft skin of her palms.

  "Okay, I'll do it." Nik sighed, but something told Maya he himself was concerned about Ria, that he would have checked even if we hadn't asked. "Let's just hope we can get through the day without any dramatics."

  Chapter 12

  The TV was on in the family room but neither one of the girls paid it the slightest attention. Joss sat in the armchair wiggling her foot and staring at the window that opened onto the street.

  Maya paced the same stretch of floor over and over.

  Sabala sat just inside the room door, his eyes following Maya as she moved back and forth.

  Nothing changed until Nik walked into the room.

  He stopped beside Maya and Joss gasped. "How did you get in?" she asked. Then her features tightened, "Oh, I forgot for a moment."

  Maya faced him. "What did you find out?"

  Nik shook his head, his brow creased by a frown, "Not much. Just that she isn't in the house. And neither is Viren. Her room is empty. As if she hasn't been there for a while. It's not helpful I know but I'd have to stay there for days with the hope of catching some piece of information that would tell me where she is."

  "Can't we bug them? Or hack their phones? What about checking Viren's accounts for plane tickets or something." Joss moved to the edge of her chair and stared at Nik expectantly.

  Maya snorted. "Don't be ridiculous Joss."

  But Nik was staring at Joss nodding his head and rubbing his chin, his mind already turning over their options. "Not so ridiculous really. We need to just get in touch with the right people but it can be done."

  "Can it?" Maya asked, very glad she was wrong in her assumption. "Then do it as soon as you can. Please, Nik. What if she is in danger?"

  "I will, Maya." Nik pulled her into his arms and squeezed her tight. "I promise I'll do whatever I can to find her, okay."

  Maya nodded, blinking back her tears. She squeezed him back feeling a million times better. Nik kept his promises and she took comfort in that.

  After the grind of the long school day and the stress of both the Ms. Harris demon and the missing Ria, Maya looked forward to a nice dinner with her parents and Joss. Nik en
ded up joining the family for dinner and Maya cringed as her dad regaled them with the details of his close encounter with the Churel.

  Even though Joss knew what had happened her eyes popped as Dev spoke. Maya rolled her own eyes at he dads theatrics. He had a flair for the dramatic, entertaining everyone as they ate her mom's delicious chicken fettuccine.

  "Well, Dad. I told you before and I'll tell you again. I am coming with you on your next case," she said firmly, sticking her fork into her pasta.

  "Sure you can," he said, nodding as if considering allowing her along. "But if you're expecting to be there to protect us its going to be near impossible for you to be at every single one, you know."

  "I can try," Maya responded after swallowing a mouthful of creamy chicken.

  "We won't stop you, but really Maya," said her mom, "you shouldn't be thinking of protecting us. We've been doing this long enough. Since you were in nappies, actually." Her mom winked.

  Maya was annoyed enough to ignore the teasing. "So what happened with the Churel? How did she manage to trick you so well?" she demanded.

  Dev's face grew serious as he faced his daughter. "She fooled us from the start. The family rang yesterday and we drove over to have a word with the mother-in-law of the churel. It seems that she'd tricked the old woman and put a spell on her, keeping her locked in an attic room while taking on her form. From the moment she opened the door we'd been interacting with the churel."

  Maya looked at Nik. "Why did I not pick up on her then?" Suddenly she didn't feel so interested in food.

  "I'm not sure. Maybe the protection on the house was too strong. Were they burning incense?"

  Maya frowned and sat back, her meal forgotten. "Yes, incense and frankincense and camphor. And come to think of it I did feel something. Just a strange sense that something was wrong. Like I felt it in my bones but couldn't be sure what was setting the feeling off. I just thought it was because I didn't like funerals."


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