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The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3)

Page 48

by T. G. Ayer

  "That is one amazing statue," breathed Maya.

  "It is. It's hand carved from meteor rock."

  "How can you tell?" Maya stared at him, curious.

  "Rock that is extraterrestrial gives off a resonance that is immediately recognizable and different from terrestrial formations."

  "Woah. ET GPS." Maya was in awe and glanced back at the black statue.

  Nik frowned. "ET?"

  "Extra-Terrestrial? ET go home?" Maya looked at Nik and shook her head, laughing. "You really need an education in movies. I think I will make it my mission to teach you."

  "Sorry Maya, no time to watch movies."

  "Of course, you have time. When you visit with your Mom make her hot chocolate or iced tea and put on a DVD of ET and watch it together. She'll remember the movie. And you can both enjoy it together."

  "What a lovely idea." Nik nodded, his face serious. "I never would have come up with that myself. We must discuss this in more detail. Although for now I think we need to descend into the morass that is this party."

  Maya looked down into the seething mass of people and tried unsuccessfully to tamp down a shudder. So many people. "I am so going to get hives."

  Just before they set foot on the first stair Maya stiffened. Directly across from them a man stood watching their progress intently.

  "Don't react, just act normal." Nik seemed super-attuned to her body's reactions.

  "What's normal?"

  "Just look at me." She looked.

  "Who is he?"

  "I'm not sure but he is quite likely our host so the best thing is to not react in a negative way."

  "What makes you think he's Thakkur?"

  "Not sure. Maybe the cigars in his pocket. There is the odd older gentleman walking around with a lit cigar but none have stock in the jacket pockets."

  "So he's handing them out. And it would be the host who would do that." Maya nodded. "You're good. Give Bond a run for his money." When she glanced at Nik, he rolled his eyes.

  "I know who Bond is. We watched that movie together remember, Golden something?"

  Maya giggled. "Goldeneye. Fine. You get that one. But it's still not good enough."

  She held onto Nik's arm and they descended the staircase. Maya's floor length skirt trailing the steps behind her as she walked. They end up at the left side of the ballroom floor. A waiter glided past, his tray full of bubbling champagne but both Maya and Nik refused. They weren't here to eat or drink.

  They mingled, weaving thought the mass of people, pausing every so often to inspect a piece of art set up on dozens of pedestals along the edges of the ballroom. Maya was in awe of some of the pieces, especially if the name-cards claiming their ages were to be believed.

  "Nik," she whispered. "Some of these pieces are three thousand years old. Where is he getting them from?"

  "Museums. Illegal digs. Black Market. Who knows."

  "But if it's illegal won't the government want to reclaim the relics?"

  "In some cases perhaps, but Thakkur donates part of his finds to the museums and loans the rest if he is asked. Of course, he gets paid a good sum of money for his efforts."

  "So the government is in cahoots with him?"

  "Probably. It's not easy to pay your way into the museums. I've read up on him. He was once accused of buying a relic from the Delhi Museum of Ancient art. He'd insisted his piece was a replica and invited his accusers to test the piece."

  "And of course when they tested it they found it was really a fake," said Maya. "He got a copy made in time, I take it."

  "He is a very clever man. He probably bought the original from the museum and had to cover it up when he was accused. And the copy now sitting in the museum is probably a fake too."

  "Must be hard," said Maya studying the people around her as they streamed past, glittering and loud like sedate seagulls.

  "What must be hard?"

  "Keeping track of it all, getting your head around the whole thing. I can't imagine being able to manage all of that."

  They lingered beside a stone carving of an Apsara and when Maya glanced around her again she caught a girl watching her. Dark eyes, jet black hair hanging all the way to her waist, full lips. The girl smiled, friendly and pleasant. Dressed in a black beaded gown with a plunging neckline, the fabric shimmered in the light of the dozens of chandeliers hanging from the two story high ceiling.

  The girl weaved in amongst the crowd and disappeared. And Maya turned her attention back to Nik who was inspecting a stone carving of the demon Ravana.

  "You think we've mingled enough?" Maya whispered to Nik.

  Nik glanced around as if looking for the next artifact to look at, then bent to her ear. "I can't see him anywhere. There's no telling if he has cameras either."

  "I can't see any."

  "Me either. So I have a plan," he said as he curved his arm around her waist. "We can get a little romantic."

  "Ah I see. Using my tricks against me?" Maya grinned and leaned into Nik. The plan was good. A public show of affection before they disappear down a corridor. If caught they would have a good enough excuse.

  "Of course. I learn from my experiences," said Nik with a wink. He moved closer, eyes on her lips, and Maya did the same. They were far too close, scandalously close, especially considering the few disapproving glances they were getting already.

  Maya stood on tiptoes and whispered into Nik's ear. "Right, we have enough people glaring at our impropriety, so maybe we can get out of here now?" She disliked being a spectacle especially here in India where people were far more staid and strict than they were back home.

  Nik tightened his arm around her and drew her close, leading her off the ballroom floor.

  Chapter 34

  Maya leaned into Nik and stared up at him, adoration plastered on her face. "So what does your Heavenly GPS say?"

  They moved a short way up a hallway that led off the ballroom. Nik gave her an indulgent smile then used his free hand to trace the line of her cheekbone. "I can feel something. We're moving in the direction of whatever is emitting that pulse." Then he stopped, bent over her and kissed her deeply. Maya froze with shock. When he finally let her go she could almost feel the daggers of the stares in her back. "What the hell was that for? There's got to be at least a dozen old geezers staring at us right now, all a millisecond away of either frying their pacemakers or keeling over of a sudden case of myocardial infarction."

  Nik snorted. "That was my intention. They get an eyeful and we have proof of the depth of our passion. Why else would we be running away from a perfectly good party?"

  "Very good thinking. I'm beginning to wonder how much you haven't told me about your past escapades." When Nik sent her a curious glance as he led her deeper into the building she said, "You know, long-lived demigods are notorious for their love 'em and leave 'em ways."

  Nik snorted. "Perhaps you are confusing me with actual gods. And beside, my mother would have my head if I behaved disrespectfully to any woman."

  "I actually think I like the sound of your mother," said Maya, wondering if she would ever get the chance to meet Nik's mother.

  The hallway ended and Nik guided Maya left with a hand at the small of her back. Suddenly she was glad she had fabric covering her body. What would she have done had the garment been backless? "It's getting stronger." He said, walking faster and with more confidence.

  "Slow down, dude. You don't want to draw attention to us," she said gripping his arm and trying very hard not to scan the passage walls for cameras.

  He slowed to a stroll, "You're right."

  Maya glanced around her and was pleasantly surprised. The walls were painted white, the clean lines broken every so often by a a pedestal holding an interesting vase or carving, or by a canvas. "This whole places is a museum."

  "And I don't like it one bit."

  "What's wrong?"

  "My signal is getting interference."

  "Are you losing it?"

  "No. Not losing it
. There seems to be other objects giving off a similar resonance."

  "Crap. You mean this guy has other holy objects hidden within this house?"

  Nik nodded as he tilted his head as if listening to a far off sound that Maya couldn't hear. Then he nodded in answer. "Yes. There are many more, although its fairly easy to identify Gandiv."

  "How?" Maya frowned. "Have you ever been near the bow before?"

  "No. It's not that. Gandiv is powerful. It belongs to Lord Shiva so it's resonance is incredibly strong. The other fields of power that I can sense are much smaller. And though there are quite a few of them, they cannot drown Gandiv out."

  "That's good," said Maya as they strolled down the passage. They reached an intersection of corridors and Nik bent to Maya, kissing her cheek. "Giggle." He said into her ear.


  "Do what girls do when a guy is kissing their neck."

  "Oh," she said then pasted on an adoring smile. She threw back her head and let out a breath, ending it with a soft moan. "Like that?"

  Nik cleared his throat. "Like that, yes. But you need to be so convincing. I couldn't tell if that was real or an act."

  "That's for me to know and you to find out," Maya winked.

  "Not very nice of you, Maya?" he leaned against the wall, his body tense.

  "You're supposed to be concentrating on Gandiv." She scolded in his ear, hiding a grin as the warmth of her breath touched his neck.

  "How can I with you making these kinds of sounds?"

  "I thought that was the job?" she asked innocently.

  Nik cleared his throat again then held Maya away. His face was dark and strained as her pushed off the wall and grabbed her hand, pulling her along the hallway, his speed slightly more urgent than before. Maya smiled to herself as she double-stepped to keep up.

  They reached a set of double door and Nik made a play of looking up and down in case anyone was coming. Anyone watching the cameras would see a young couple looking for a place to be alone.


  Nik pushed the door open then shut it as soon as Maya walked through it. Then he pushed her gently against the door, his hot breath on her cheek, and said, "I can give as good as I get you know."

  "What does that-" asked Maya. When Nik kissed her neck, sending shivers of electricity through every part of her body, all she could do was whisper, "Oh."

  For that one moment Maya forgot everything. Nik's lips moved to hers and she kissed him back as deeply as he kissed her. Their breathing turned ragged and desperate very quickly. When Nik pulled away she felt bereft and almost grabbed him to keep him with her when she saw the look in his eyes. He kept his face in front of hers and looked in the direction of another set of double doors to their left.

  He was telling her Gandiv was in the next room.

  Nik moved his lips to her neck, "We go to the door, open it. If Gandiv is in there, do not react. It's supposed to mean nothing to us, all we are supposed to want is a private place to get to third base. Okay?"

  Maya arched her head and sighed, "Yes."

  Nik growled, his lips at her ears. "I think you are way too good at this." Then, before she could respond he pushed off the door and pulled her toward the other doorway. He tugged it open and they both looked inside the room. Maya blinked and wanted to fall over. She had to force herself to remain calm, to keep her spine soft, to take her eyes of the most beautiful bow she had ever seen in her life.

  Nik pulled her away, then shut the door, as if the bow was insignificant to them. By now they should have been looking for a sofa but this room, that appeared to be a small office, had only single armchairs. The sound of running filtered through to them from the hallway. "Not much time left." He stepped toward Maya and she stepped back slowly until she felt the solidity of the wall behind her. Nik pressed up against her, his chest taking her breath away, the heat of his skin filtering through their clothing until it seared into hers.

  Maya's arms moved around Nik's neck pulling him closer. Her heart thudded in time to the sound of footsteps rushing toward them. Nik grunted. "Lift your leg and give me your knee."

  "What?" Maya asked as she did as requested. When he scrunch up the length of her skirt and pushed his hand up her leg she squeaked.

  "I'm sorry, Maya. We need to be caught in the act and this is as hot as it's going to get to convince them."

  "Okay," she answered a little breathless. She lifted her knee and curved her leg around Nik's hip. She knew how it would look when they burst into the room and a part of her was dying with embarrassment. Another part of her didn't care a damn. She wisher the uncaring part would take charge so she wouldn't be so incredible nervous and so strangely ashamed.

  When the door slammed open Nik's hand lay midway up Maya's bare thigh, the black chiffon scrunched up on her upper thigh. His lips were press against hers so hard she could barely breath, and her arms were curled around his neck so tight she was sure she would choke him if they didn't get done with this charade soon.

  "Don't move." One of the men instructed. Maya shifted her gaze and froze with shock. He was holding a gun on them, as were the three other men who had barged into the room. The look in his eye made Maya's stomach turn to stone and her arms loosened of their on volition, leaving Nik's neck and falling to her sides. She let her foot drop and the expanse of skin she'd just flaunted was now covered by meters of fabric.

  The guard was staring at her as if she was a piece of meat.

  Maybe they hadn't thought this through well enough. In this guards eyes, Maya was trash. What if he decided he wanted a piece of the action himself? "What are you doing here?" he asked and then he laughed. "Okay, forget I asked. It's pretty obvious what you were doing." He walked closer to Nik and Maya, pressing his gun to the side of Nik's head. "Step away from the girl."

  Chapter 35

  Nik gripped Maya's waist. "Leave my wife alone."

  "Your wife?" The guard laughed, although there was a nervous hint to it that showed he had not expected a married couple. Nik hadn't removed his hand and the guard didn't press the issue. Instead he stepped away, a look of disgust on his face. "Your invitations, please."

  Nik pulled them from his pocket and handed them over. After inspecting them the guard said, "Mr. & Mrs. Malhotra, if you will remain here please, Mr. Thakkur would probably like to meet the couple using his study as a brothel." He turned on his heel, spat out instructions to the guards and left the room. Two guards followed him out, one of them remaining to guard the door, the other hurrying after him.

  The third guard glared at them and pointed at the set of armchairs in front of the desk. He turned them around to face the door and placed them side by side. "Sit." He barked the instruction so loud Maya jumped. Nik led her to the chairs and they both sat and waited.

  Maya couldn't help wondering why the guards weren't tying them up. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that they were invited guests. She certainly hoped so, but she wasn't looking forward to seeing Thakkur in person. Just looking at him had made her skin crawl.

  Minutes past and Maya glanced at Nik, worried. He held out his hand and she gripped it hard. He could get us out of there, she thought. But we can't afford witnesses. Teleporting out of the room would be their last resort.

  After what seemed like hours the sound of heels tapping on the marble tiled floor filtered into the room from the adjoining room containing the bow. Then the door opened to reveal the beautiful young girl who had smiled at Maya from across the ballroom. Maya frowned as she entered but the girl ignored them. Instead she glared at the guard, "Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?"

  "What? Madam. Sorry Madam." He said with a confusing flouring of low bows and side to side head movements. "Adil said to watch them while he fetched Mr. Thakkur."

  "I see. Did it ever occur to you dimwits that Mr Thakkur would be extremely upset if his guests were mistreated."

  "Sorry, Madam. We haven't done anything to them. They are okay." He held his hands out,
placating the fiery woman, his face twisted with shame and fear.

  "Okay, yes, but being held gunpoint is not going to make them open their pockets very easily when Mr Thakkur needs their donations." She walked around the guard. "I suppose these things must be explained to imbeciles like you."

  "Sorry, Madam." The guard bowed to her, his head poking out a little as if he offered it to her to lop off if she so desired. Maya swallowed a grin at the queer mental picture.

  When he hesitated the woman took a step toward him. He shrank back as she spoke, "Leave us." As soon as she spoke he scurried out of the room, shutting the door softly behind him.

  "I'm so sorry this happened to you. These men are bumbling fools. They do everything Thakkur Sahib says." There was a note of distaste in her voice.

  "Do you work for him?" Maya asked.

  "I suppose you could say that." The girl answered her, then looked directly at Nik. She titled her head, her almond eyes glinting as she stared at him. "I'm going to take a huge risk here. I need help to get away from Thakkur."

  "Is he holding you prisoner?" asked Maya, snapping the girl's gaze back to her.

  "Yes. In every sense of the word. I am bound to him. Have been for decades."

  "Bound? What do mean bound?" Maya asked frowning. She had the strange sense that the girl was going to say something that she should not believe.

  "He found me thirty years ago. And he found the spell to bind me to him." She glanced again at Nik, as strange familiarity in her gaze. "My name is Archana. I am an Apsara. My mother was the great Tilotamma."

  Nik stiffened.

  And so did Maya. The girl hadn't been afraid to reveal her identity to them. To tell a pair of complete strangers that she was a heavenly creature bound as a slave to a millionaire art collector. Nik hesitated then glanced at Maya before saying, "You took a huge chance revealing that to us." He was still hedging.


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