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The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3)

Page 50

by T. G. Ayer

  "The fact that he's a demon doesn't make me feel in the least bit sorry for her. And as a demigod, you sure are pretty naive," said Maya dryly, her narrow eyed gaze never leaving Nik's face. She wasn't planning on making it easy for him.

  Joss cleared her throat. "Who is a demon?" she asked looking from Maya to Nik and back again.

  "The rich guy. Thakkur," answered Nik, scrubbing his scalp leaving his hair standing up at a hundred odd angles. Just seeing that gesture calmed Maya down a little. Their relationship was complicated but she was sure they could figure things out eventually. At least that's what she told herself. And yet the hard, tight feeling in the pit of her stomach didn't disappear. She refused to consider what that meant.

  "You're kidding." Joss stared at them eyes wide.

  "Nope," said Maya. "And he's powerful and knows enough magic to ward himself. But when he got close, I knew. Guess his magic doesn't work on humans with the taste for demon blood."

  Joss shudder, "Yuk. Did you have to remind me of your bloodsucking proclivities. That's walking a very thin line, Maya. A very thin line." Joss shook her head, a sad look on her face and Maya just laughed.

  Then she turned to Nik. "Maybe you should call her. She might be able to give us information about the bow."

  Nik nodded. "But, I do think we need to wait. Let's sneak in and try to get the bow out of the mansion. Once we have it safe we don't have to worry about losing it."

  "I agree. Let's go. We'll call her as soon as we get back."

  "And I guess I'm staying here?" asked Joss, her cheeks pink.

  "You need to stay here for Ria. What if that asshole husband of hers comes looking for her? Go back to our room and don't answer the door for anyone. We'll come directly into the room but we'll stay near the door so we don't scare the hell out of Ria. Keep the chain on the door and keep your Madu's close in case you need to defend her." Joss nodded as Maya spoke, her face serious as she realized, just as Maya did, that Ria's situation is not a small problem. "Look at it this way - you can used you Madus on a real live candidate.

  Jess nodded, definitely comforted by the possibility of skinning Viren herself.

  Maya hesitated, then looked at Nik. He put a hand on her shoulder, "We won't be long. We know exactly where the bow is."

  "Okay, let's go and get this done with." He held out his hand. As Maya took it Joss was already walking out of Nik's room.

  They disintegrated and reappeared in the study beside the room holding the bow. What they hadn't expected was for the room to be occupied.

  Two men sat in the armchairs in front of the desk. Both turned around as Maya and Nik materialized.

  They rose shoving the armchairs out of their way. Maya's nose filled with the odor of the two Rakshasa's as they came at her and Nik. The first demon pounced at Maya, an almost feral look in his eyes. Maya lifted her hand, undulating her palm, the movement pulling the fire from her solar plexus. Then she turned her palm toward the demon and let him have it. A fireball erupted from her hand and went straight for the approaching demon. The white flame hit him in the gut, spurting wider, embedding themselves into his abdomen.

  The expression on his face went from feral to confused, a transition that made Maya want to laugh out loud. Instead she pulsed more power into another ball of fire and let it loose. It hit the demon in his chest. The shock of the second impact made him go still, the veins in his neck stiffening as he instinctively resisted the power of the fire. A soft golden shimmer appeared beneath his skin, the fire scorching him from inside. When his eyeballs began to glow Maya let out a sigh of relief.

  For this particular demon it was over.

  A glance over at Nik's opponent showed he was in a similar boat, about ten seconds away from biting the dust.

  There was a faint pop and Maya's demon disappeared in an explosion of glowing embers and slowly disappearing flames. Nik's demon followed suit and then it was just Maya and Nik facing the door into the next room. They moved together and Nik cracked it open. When he stiffened, Maya glanced up at his face, frowning.

  "Something is wrong." He spoke softly, so quietly Maya almost didn't hear him. She paused at his elbow and peered into the room. The bow sat on a long table, glittering in the soft yellow light of the three lamps in the room.

  "What is is?" whispered Maya.

  "It's a bow. It's not the real thing."

  "No heavenly GPS?"

  "Not a single vibration."

  "So we're in trouble?"

  "Pretty much."

  "Let's get out of here then."

  But before Maya could grab Nik's hand the main door to the hallway was flung open and three more demons entered. They ran at Nik and Maya giving them no time to take stock of the situation. Maya sent off two blasts of fire, both connecting to two of the demons. They were flung backwards, but only one landed on his butt, sitting there fire-dazed.

  The other stumbled, then regained his footing. He ran to Maya, his eyes glowing red, arms outstretched. His fingernails turned into blades and stretched out in front of him. Maya flashed back to the first time she'd seen similar blades on the Amber-demon's fingertips. That day, Amber had almost killed her.

  She ducked just in time as the demon swept over her with his wicked-sharp blades. Low on her knees Maya produced a fiery stream of heat sending it straight into the demon's stomach. He backed off, springing into a backward somersault and landing in a low crouch a few feet away from her. This demon was stronger, smarter than the last two they'd encountered. But Maya was confident her fire won't let her down.

  She sent another fireball at him and then had to turn her attention to the second demon who had though it a smart move to creep up on her while her attention was elsewhere. Smart enough, but not so smart as he was dealing with the Hand of Kali.

  Nik was busy pummeling the life out of the last demon. Maya glanced at the approaching Rakshasa, whose bladed fingers had fierce looking jagged edges. Maya so did not want those anywhere near her. She spun around, planting a roundhouse kick to the middle of his sternum and watched the look of surprise on his face as he fell on his ass a second time. He wasn't as shocked as Maya though, as she hadn't expected the move to be completed so effortlessly, and with such power.

  More confident now, she waited as the first demon came at her again. This time she glanced around for a weapon, her eyes alighting on a ceremonial dagger. Straight and thin, it looked European in origin, maybe French. It lay on a pedestal just a foot to her right. She grabbed it, the rounded, twisting pommel more suited to fencing than dealing with demons but for Maya's purposes it would do.

  She called her fire, sending it spiraling into her fingers and surging into the tip of the metal. The dagger glowed with the heat of the flame but neither Maya not the demon paid attention. He simply ran at her, his ego slashed to bits having had to retreat from the fire produced by a girl and a human at that. In his ferocity he was careless, didn't consider a possibly that the dagger would be fatal.

  Only when Maya sidestepped as he barreled at her and buried the glowing dagger in his side did he take the time to look at the weapon. For him it was too little too late. The hilt of the dagger remained outside his body, the pulsing fiery blade burned deep inside his flesh. Maya could see the glow through his skin and from the way he stiffened she knew he could see it too.


  And deadly.

  She looked back at the second demon, leaving the first to die slowly at her feet. She stepped over him but shouldn't have bothered. It took mere seconds before the body disintegrated into nothing, the dagger clattering to the stone floor, free from the constraint of dying demon flesh.

  Glaring at him, she saw the moment of hesitation in his eyes as he glanced at the door. Escaping wasn't the plan, though. She squatted and grabbed the dagger from the floor where it lay in a small pile of black embers.

  The demon gave the door one last desperate look and launched himself at the exit. Maya caught him in the middle of the back with the glowing
dagger. A stream of fire remained attached to the pommel as she continued to send Kali's flame deep into the demon's body.

  Seconds later, he exploded into a thousand orange and black flecks. Followed closely by Nik's demon, who stared at the demigod, a strange confused look on his face as the rest of him stood in place, a charred body topped by a conscious and aware head. And then with a puff he disintegrated into dust.

  Nik dusted his fingers and Maya stared at the dagger in her hand. "They would have caught that on their cameras. We should get out of here."

  "Yeah, nothing to see but a fake."

  Maya grabbed Nik's hand as he disappeared. She felt the whoosh, the odd sense of being sucked into a pool of darkness.

  And then they materialized in the girl's room beside the front door. Maya moved slowly into the room to see Joss on her phone while Ria lay unmoving on the bed, fast asleep.

  "She's been out for a while now," Joss whispered.

  "Not surprising considering what she'd been through," Maya answered.

  "So did you get the bow?"

  Nik and Maya both shook their head and Maya flushed with the disappointment of the whole evening. "It wasn't there. They put a fake in its place."

  "That was quick," Joss answered, her eyebrow raised.

  "Exactly what I was thinking," said Maya. Then she looked at Nik. "Call her. There is still a chance that she could be innocent. We need to know where the real bow is and she's our only lead right now."

  Nik nodded and typed the number into the keypad. He waited as the phone rang then made a face and cut the call. "No answer."

  Maya wasn't so sure. "Wait. If she really wants to make contact with us she'd be watching her phone. If she couldn't answer she'll make the time to get back to you."

  And sure enough, a few minutes late Nik's phone buzzed. "She's sent a text." Maya had to shake her head at the incongruity of a texting Apsara.

  Moments slipped away and both Maya and Joss stared at Nik with raised eyebrows. "What does she want?" asked Maya, keeping her voice hushed.

  "It's just an address and a time. The Mall down the road."

  "What if its a trap?"

  "That's why I go alone."

  "We can't let you do that," Maya protested, her voice raised a little too loud. She glanced at Ria but the poor girl hadn't stirred.

  "Maya, I can leave the mall whenever I want. How can they stop me?"

  "Are there any spells that they can use on you? To bind you?"

  Nik shook his head. "No, I haven't heard of anything that could bind a god or a demigod for that matter. You can create a ward to keep something in or out. But I didn't see how or why they would ward an entire five floor mall. He can't have that much power."

  "Are you sure?" Nik nodded and that left Maya unsure if further protests would be worth the effort. It was true he could just beam out of there if things got dangerous. "Okay, fine. But don't go taking any chances. If it is a setup just get the hell out of there."

  "Yes ma'am," he said giving her a small salute.

  Maya made a face as he disappeared.

  Chapter 38

  Nik reappeared after half an hour.

  A half hour that had almost driven Maya insane. Even when she asked herself if she was jealous of Nik being alone with the beautiful Apsara, Maya couldn't answer truthfully.

  When he appeared, going from liquid and shimmer to solid, Joss and Maya both stared at him, waiting patiently.

  "So?" asked Joss. Maya hadn't trusted her voice to ask the question.

  "She confirmed they moved the real one. She gave me the address of its new location."

  "But the question is do you trust her?" asked Maya.

  "Can we do anything else right now but trust her? If the bow really is where she says it is, then we need to trust her. If only just for the bow."

  Maya sighed. "I guess you're right. But let's just be clear on this. I don't think we should trust her so keep a close eye on her. I just think it was way too convenient that she was the one to release us, and that she's asking us to help free her." Maya frowned. "Are we going to help her escape?"

  "I think we should. She might be of help."

  "And she may just be a mole and be feeding information to her boss all along. He's a very powerful Rakshasa. So powerful I almost threw up when he touched me."

  "When did he touch you?" Nik asked, his voice rough.

  "When he passed me the serviette. His fingers touched mine. And believe me it's an experience I'd prefer not to relive, thanks." Maya shuddered, hiding a smile at Nik's reaction. She loved when he got all protective and possessive over her.

  Within limits, of course.

  Before he could say anything, a loud knock sounded on their door. Maya and Joss jumped, Nik whirled around and Ria sat up in the bed, fear marring her features.

  "Open up," a voice rang loudly at the door.

  Nik stepped forward but Maya held his arm, pointing at his room with her thumb. "Are you sure?" Nik asked, but Maya was willing to risk Ria finding out that Nik had powers. She nodded and walked closer to the door.

  "Who is it?"

  "It's the concierge Madam. And a Mr. Viren Sen. He believes you are harboring his wife." Maya glanced over her shoulder and watched as Nik held his hand out to Ria. "Go with him," she whispered.

  Ria looked at Maya, a worried expression twisting her brow but she took Nik's hand and with a gasp disappeared into thin air.

  With Ria safely out of the room, Maya went to the door and opened it. "I'm sorry but we haven't seen Ria since the other night when we saw her at dinner." Maya decided to go with her version of the truth.

  Outside, Viren stood with his arms folded, his face red and mottled with anger and no doubt alcohol too. "I don't believe her. I want to see the room."

  "I don't think you have any right to come into my room without a warrant."

  Viren laughed coldly. "Don't worry. I'll show you a warrant soon enough if you don't let us inside. His eyes flashed, and there was a coldness that Maya saw there that chilled her blood. Now she wished she'd never seen the Viren that Ria saw on a daily basis. This person was capable of far worse than just physical abuse.

  The concierge stepped toward the door. "I apologize for the inconvenience Madam, it would make things much easier for all of us if you would allow the gentleman to look for his wife."

  Maya looked at the man's face and figured he was afraid too. The way his eyes darted in Viren's direction made Maya worry about what Viren would do if he came inside and found the room empty. "I'm not opening the door until you get the manager here."

  "I assure you the manager is on his way Madam."

  "Then that's fine. I'm not letting this man into my room without protection. What if he hurts us?" I glanced at Viren, noting the purpling of his skin as his anger was fueled by my delay.

  The concierge didn't need to answer. Footsteps from the direction of the elevator made them turn and watch the bulky figure of the hotel night manager as he waddled his way toward us. He had a security guard with him and I wondered who the thin-faced was there to protect. The manager stopped in front of Maya's door and mopped his sweaty brow with his already sodden handkerchief.

  "Good evening, Madam." He squinted at Maya as she peered thought he partially open door. "I'm so sorry for the disturbance."

  "Miss Rao was waiting for you to arrive before she allowed Mr. Sen to enter the room."

  "Ah, you will allow him to check the room?" asked the manager, pippin his head out hopefully.

  "Of course. I have nothing to hide. I was concerned for my safety and that of my friend. Mr. Sen looks very angry." And though she didn't say it she could see that both the concierge and the Manager could hear the unsaid words 'and he looks very drunk'.

  "Thank you very much for you cooperation, Miss Rao."

  Maya merely nodded stiffly and closed the door to removed the chain. The moment she opened the door Viren charged past her, shocking her aside and slamming the door against the wall so
hard Maya flinched.

  He growled as he entered the room then glanced around into the bathroom. Maya followed and watched and he stalked to the closed toilet door. He flung it open and then whirled around. "Where are you hiding her?" The words were a shriek. He look ready to burst a blood vessel. Then he straightened and smiled, the grin cold and knowing as he nodded at Maya. "I know where they are keeping her."

  Neither the concierge nor the manager asked where. They just stared at Viren patiently waiting for his next words. Maya wondered if it was trepidation or were they working for him?

  "The boy. The one who is here with them."

  "Nik's room is next door, "said Joss from where she stood beside the bed. She was glaring at Viren as if she wanted nothing better than to gouge his eyes out. He gave her a cursory glance and immediately dismissed her.

  He turned to the manager. "I want to see that room as well."

  "Mr. Sen, I'm not sure what we are doing is withing the regulations of the hotel," the manager stuttered then flinched as Viren stepped in toward his face.

  "You will let me into his room." Viren growled the words, making the manager gasp for air.

  I cleared my throat. "I'm sure Nik won't mind if it will assure Mr. Sen that we are not harboring his wife in our rooms."

  The manager sighed with relief then turned on his heel and maneuvered his bulk out of the room. Viren walked past Maya, giving her a cold glare.

  Maya shut the door as they headed to Nik's room. Joss was already on the phone with Nik. He appeared in seconds with a very pale Ria, then disappeared to answer his door. The knocking was so loud the three girls could hear it in their room. Then there was silence for a long while.

  A silence that ended with Viren stamping out of Nik's room yelling about hiding Ria somewhere and that he'd better not find out we were keeping him from her.

  Nik appeared soon after that and the four of them stood in a the girl's room in silence.

  Ria was the first to speak, "Can someone please tell me what just happened?" she asked, her gaze going from Nik to Maya to Joss, like a fluttering sparrow, unsure where to land.


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