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His Pet Princess

Page 5

by Loki Renard

  His cock breached the barrier just inside her lips and sank deeper, several inches of hard Ere flesh spearing into her pussy, obliterating all traces of her virginity. She felt the last vestige of innocence tear away with a sting that was soon absorbed into pleasure.

  “My father…”

  “Would rather have you back deflowered than not at all,” he said, sinking his cock deeper. “Is now really the time you want to be thinking about him? You have a new daddy, Princess.”

  His words made her blush furiously, her pussy tightening around his cock with fresh desire. God. He was so crude. So rough. So remorseless. And her cunt was being taken by him. Not by any of the hundreds of desperate suitors, but by a man who hardly cared she was a princess at all.

  He started to fuck her with slow but strong strokes, her pussy forced to take each new intrusion. She moaned softly with every thrust, feeling her body submit to him. Her bare inner walls rubbed against the hot hard skin of his shaft.

  “This is what happens when you’re disobedient,” he growled softly into her ear as he thrust all the way deep into her sex with one long stroke, then pulled all the way out, the head of his cock lingering at the opening of her freshly deflowered pussy.

  “This is what happens to naughty princesses who don’t listen to warnings,” he continued, giving her another rough thrust all the way in. She gasped, but he was holding her tight, one arm wrapped around her waist, holding her arm behind her back, the other hand at the back of her neck, keeping her face down next to his so he could lecture her even as he fucked her.

  “Your cunt is mine now.” Another thrust that seemed to go deeper than all those that came before it.

  “I’ll spread your lips and fuck you whenever I please,” he growled, his hand leaving her lower back to slap her bottom hard enough to make her cry out, just as his cock slid in and out of her pussy again in one of those rough thrusts.

  “And you’ll do as I say, Princess.” Another slap, blazing across her bottom. Another hard thrust all the way in and all the way out, spreading her pussy roughly open then leaving it entirely empty.

  She was being punished even as she was being pleasured, and caught between those two poles of experience, she was trapped and entirely helpless as Maxim rolled over, covering her body with his own, and began to fuck her even harder, his hands going down to her thighs and pushing them back so her pussy was open to him as his hips began to hammer against her, his cock plunging into her cunt over and over with hard thrusts.

  The position also put her bottom on display, the rounds of her cheeks off the bed, as her thighs were pushed back almost to her ears. His palm painted both her bottom and her thighs with stinging slaps that made her cry out as his cock plunged into the wet hole between her legs over and over, indecent sounds escaping both her and her pussy.

  She did not feel like a princess anymore. She felt like a strumpet. He was using her as any common girl would be used, her pussy no better or worse than any tight hole. She felt more than deflowered—she felt dethroned. There was no trace of her royal privilege left as she wailed beneath his thrusting cock.

  “Don’t worry,” he growled down at her. “I won’t come inside your royal pussy.”

  The very thought of him spending himself inside her made her pussy clench around his cock with an eager milking motion.

  “Oh, gods! Sabine!” He shouted her name and pulled free, leaving her tight slit empty. She squirmed, searching for his cock and moment later she felt his hot seed spurting against her lower lips, massaged in with the head of his twitching member.

  He had come all over her pussy, coated her swollen lips and her clit with his hot seed. She feared that it was over, but a moment later he pushed that cum-covered cock back inside her pussy and began rubbing her clit with his fingers, rubbing the hot, slippery liquid into that tender little nub.

  Sabine cried out with pleasure, her hips bucking, her pussy clenching all the way up to the deepest parts, clamping down on his still hard cock.

  “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” He chuckled against her ear as her pussy clutched at his cock, her inner walls grasping him with every orgasmic spasm.

  Bad? It has been incredible. He had made her feel things she never knew she was capable of feeling. Her body had become something much more than she had imagined it to be, a conduit of pure pleasure and ecstasy. She was stunned by what had taken place between them, and she thought surely he must be equally affected. She lay on the bed, feeling almost as though she were floating on air. Her body had never been so relaxed, her mind so clear. She felt warm all the way to her core, the traces of his lust and desire still between her thighs, her lower lips tender and aching, but in a way that felt good and satisfying.

  “Are you alright?”

  She realized she had been lying there quite a long time. Maxim was stroking her hair back from her head and gazing down at her.

  “Look at me, Princess.”

  She raised her eyes to his and saw how serious his gaze was. He did not seem to be basking in the bliss of their coupling as she was. He was serious and intense.

  “You’ve come to a world of many compromises and few morals,” he said. “You cannot expect to be given royal privilege here. You’ve come a long way, Princess and you’ve got a lot further to go. It won’t be easy, and I can’t make it easy for you. All I can promise is that I’ll have you back in Ere as soon as I can.”

  She wished he had not said those last words. She wished he had not said anything at all. After what they had just done, why did he have to ruin it by talking about Ere? Why couldn’t he just keep touching her and making her feel good?

  He didn’t seem to understand that she did not care about the hardships, if that was how their coupling could be described. The prospect of going back to Ere was what scared her. Sabine didn’t bother to even try to explain it to him. He obviously didn’t understand, and he didn’t seem to be interested in what she wanted. He might have taken her virginity and obliterated the last barrier between her and her sexuality but there was a wall between them, a wall of expectation and of will. She wanted to escape Ere and he wished to return her, so as close as they had been physically, they were still worlds apart in every way that mattered.

  He dressed himself and told her to wait. She did so quietly, trying to come to terms with the feelings he had unleashed in her. In the midst of passion, she had given herself to him completely, now he sought to return her. Why was his rejection so immediate and complete? Had she perhaps not been adequate in the act of love? Surely a man, having taken a princess of the realm would want to keep her for his own. Sabine was well aware of how much competition there had been among the men of the realm for the right to do what he had just done. There were men who would have given limbs for the chance to share her bed. How cruel that in the end it was a man who did not care for her at all who had taken that place.

  If he held no interest in her, then she had no loyalty to him. She would slip his custody at her earliest convenience and make her way out into the world. It might be difficult to escape, but she was beginning to believe she had a talent for evasion. She had escaped Ere, so she could escape from anywhere.

  When he returned a few minutes later, he had fresh clothing for her. A silvery skirt that fell to mid-thigh, and a slim-fitting top that was silver and much like his own undershirt. It was rather sparse and skimpy, though she didn’t mind that so much. It was comfortable at least, and there were boots to go with it that rose to just under her knee. When she was dressed, she looked like a bauble of some kind. There was no underwear, and beneath the skirt she could feel his seed still sticky between her thighs.

  He nodded, approving. “You’ll fit in perfectly. Oh… can’t forget this.”

  He picked up the silver band the woman at the counter had given him and put it around Sabine’s neck. It felt cool against her skin, not too heavy, but quite sturdy. He clipped it into place and she put her fingers up to it.

  “What is this? Some kind of

  “Some kind,” he said with a smile. “I’ll explain it all later. For now, don’t take it off. It’s important.”

  She nodded, tracing the line of it with her fingers. She liked the way it felt, though she wasn’t entirely sure why. It was quite strange to have something around her throat, but in some way it was like being held by him. It quite obviously linked them in some significant way.

  Maxim took Sabine by the hand and she let him lead her out of the strange water glass building and out into the sunlight of what felt like a new world. She blinked for a moment as the brighter exterior forced her eyes to adjust.

  There were people everywhere. Not as many people as had been crushing the streets in Times Square, but more than a decent number of people, enough to form a useful crowd. The terrain was much more open, and the buildings all looked a great deal newer, not to mention larger. Greenery covered many of them, cascading leaves and fronds making for a tranquil city experience. There were trees here, stretches of open grass, and there was far less tension in the air. People were smiling, strolling, laughing rather than pushing, rushing, snapping.

  “This is much nicer,” she said. “Why doesn’t everyone live here?”

  “Nile offers open citizenship. So people of lesser means live there. As a trade-off, there is increased security and fewer resources. It’s still possible to have a good life, but there are more people leading bad ones. Centillion requires a certain bank balance to gain citizenship. It can be revoked if your credits fall below acceptable levels. Crime is much less common here, so security is more relaxed… hey!”

  His exclamation came from behind her, because Sabine had pulled away from his hand and was running as fast as her legs would take her. Escape was essential. She had her gaze fixed on an open plain in the distance, what looked like a wooded area in between buildings. She needed cover.

  Maxim was faster than her, but she knew he was handicapped by two things. One, he didn’t want to make a scene. Two, his much larger bulk was harder to maneuver through a crowd. She scampered past people who, for some reason, seemed to find her dash quite amusing. More than one peal of laughter followed her as she dodged between couples and groups of people.

  Her feet had just reached the grass when a large hand clamped down on the back of her neck, another wrapping around her waist to pull her off her feet.

  “That was naughty, Princess,” he growled in her ear. “Very naughty.”

  The hand at the back of her neck left for a moment and returned in a hard swat to the seat of her skirt. She yowled and cursed at him.

  “I’ll deal with you properly at home,” he said, dropping her the few inches to the ground and grabbing her by the hand again, his grasp a lot more firm this time.

  “New pet?” A passing man smiled. “You need to invest in a good leash. It took me months to teach mine any kind of meaningful recall.”

  “Very new pet,” Maxim replied. “She’s going to need more than a leash.”

  “My girl responded well to the training classes,” the stranger said. “It’s only a few hours a week, but they make all the difference.”

  “I’ll think about it, thanks,” Maxim said with a tight smile.

  Sabine had no idea what they were talking about, but she did not like the sound of it. They were talking about her as if she were a mere possession, not really there at all. Sabine was used to being regarded as an object of sorts, but a revered one. No commoner Ere would dare approach her and speak so freely about her without even acknowledging her.

  “You might consider training classes of your own,” she added before they went on their way. “You have no manners, sir. None at all.”

  “Sabine…” Maxim growled her name warningly. The stranger looked at her in surprise, as if she had just sprouted an extra head in front of his very eyes.

  “Isn’t she vocal,” he said with a much less cheery laugh.

  “She is a princess… Ow!”

  Sabine squealed as Maxim’s hand landed on her rear hard enough to silence her tongue.

  The man’s expression softened again. “They all think they’re princesses,” he smirked. “Best not to let that idea get too ingrained. Seriously, training classes. Can’t recommend them enough.”

  “Maybe,” Maxim said. “Let me see if I can get her home first.”

  With that they were on their way, Maxim striding along with Sabine once more trailing in his wake.

  “Why did you let that man speak to me in that familiar way? I am to be treated with respect!”

  “Not here,” he snapped at her. “I thought I explained it to you, Princess. You have no royal standing here. And you certainly cannot speak to other owners that way.”

  Sabine rolled her eyes. He was annoyed with her, which hardly seemed fair. Yes, she had come through the portal and almost got arrested and… well… okay, maybe she had caused some amount of trouble, but that was her prerogative as a princess. She had submitted to sex with him, but that didn’t mean she was going to let every commoner come and give his opinion. The very idea!

  “You’re not used to royal women, are you?”

  “No,” he admitted, keeping her hand in his own.

  “Well, I think you need to learn how to talk to one, because you’re very rude.”

  “Oh, dear,” he deadpanned, leading her across a busy road. “I suppose we both have a lot to learn, don’t we, Princess.”

  “Where are we going?” She ignored his rude lack of response in favor of extracting more information.

  “I have a place here,” he said. “We’re going to it and we’re going to keep our heads down.”

  The building he was leading her toward was a large spiral-shaped construction with trees growing on balconies and vines descending majestically from the very top all the way down to the bottom, at least a hundred levels high by Sabine’s estimation.

  “Aren’t people afraid to live in places like this?”

  “Why would they be afraid?”

  “It’s so high. They could fall…”

  “They tend not to,” he said, his lips quirking.

  “But it’s so high up! They should be living really close to the ground in case…”

  She was babbling. She didn’t know why. Something was making her nervous and it wasn’t the building. His energy had changed since her attempted escape, become sterner and more determined. She had the sense that she was in big trouble. Without another word to her, Maxim led her through the airy spacious interior of the building’s first floor into a very small room with a lot of numbers on the door. As the doors closed, she panicked a little, feeling suddenly claustrophobic.

  “Let me out!”

  “Wait a moment,” he said. “We’ll be there in a sec…”

  She let out a small scream as the floor moved and she with it and she had a rushing sensation as if she were rising really high really fast. Grabbing at Maxim, she sank to the floor and cowered at his feet until the sensation stopped.

  “It’s just an elevator,” he said, reaching down to pat her head, then crouching down as she remained stuck at his feet. His eyes locked on hers with a warm smirk. “All the things you’ve experienced here and this is the one that scares you?”

  “You didn’t tell me it was going to move!”

  “True,” he said. “But it’s safe enough. It’s the least dangerous thing we’ve done today, I can tell you that much. Come on.”

  When she stayed rooted to the floor of the elevator, he reached down and picked her up, depositing her on her feet outside the elevator.


  “You have to tell me if any of the other ground is going to move,” she said stridently. “I did not care for that at all.”

  “There’s going to be a lot more you don’t care for, Princess,” he muttered under his breath.


  “Let’s go,” he said, grabbing her by the hand. “My apartment is this way.”

  She followed him down the hallway, pa
ssing several numbered doors. He stopped at one marked 667, put his eye to a little circle toward the top of the door and waited a moment for the door to unlock with a smooth humming sound.

  “Welcome, Mr. Monterey,” a female voice purred.

  Sabine looked around for the source of the sound, but the large airy apartment seemed to be empty.

  “Who’s that?”

  “That’s the home computer,” he said. “Her name is Isri.”

  “There’s a lady in the walls?”

  “There’s a computer… like… an electronic mind. It controls things like lights, temperatures, locks. It’s not a real person.”

  She curled her upper lip. “I don’t know if I like that. Some strange woman turning lights on and opening doors.”

  “It’s not a woman,” he repeated. “It’s a machine, essentially. She just has a female voice. More soothing. Anyway, you have bigger things to worry about than Isri.”


  “Me, for starters,” he growled. “I’ve finally got the time to do this.”

  Sabine’s world spun as he took her by the arm and pushed her over the back of a well-stuffed couch. One of his hands locked her in place, while the other flipped her skirt up, baring her from the waist to the knees.

  She let out a squeal of complaint, which was elevated to a loud cry as his palm swept down and met her bottom with a solid slap. It burned terribly and he repeated the treatment over and over, spanking her hard and fast, his palm searing her soft skin without mercy.

  “Don’t ever disobey me again,” he growled. “We could have made it back to Ere already if not for that stunt you pulled in Times Square. You could have cost us both our lives! And then again here, trying to run away in public of all places! You cannot make scenes like that, Sabine!”


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