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Tag Fight For Me

Page 10

by Catherine Charles

  * * *

  Presley is a beast when it comes to Christmas shopping. Not that we had a ton of people left to buy for, but we were in and out and back home in two hours. By the way she moved, you could never tell she was pregnant, or that the first twelve weeks were a living hell. She was glowing, practically radiating, and full of energy.

  We finally get home and I follow her inside, carrying an armful of shopping bags. She heads into our bedroom while I set the bags on the table, eager with anticipation, I can only imagine what little outfit she’s slipping into.

  “Now about that promise…” I turn the corner into the bedroom and see her doubled over, gripping the counter in the bathroom, tears and worry in her eyes.

  “Something’s wrong, Robert.”

  Acting on impulse only, I scoop her up and carry her back out to the truck, gently placing her in before speeding out of the driveway and heading straight to the hospital.

  Dr. Ward gave us his personal cell number early in our visits, so I call him and let him know what’s happening and our ETA. Presley’s hand doesn’t leave her stomach the entire drive. Surely life isn’t this cruel, why go through surgery, and past the eight-week mark, only to lose her.

  As soon as we get to the hospital Dr. Ward is waiting at the emergency door waiting to help get Presley. I toss my keys to a nearby nurse asking her to park the truck as I follow behind a quickly walking doctor and an anxious wife. She looks a little dumbfounded but does as she’s asked.

  Presley is wheeled into a private room, foregoing the ER line and standard check-in procedures we’ve become accustomed to over the years.

  “Any cramping?” Dr. Ward doesn’t wait for her reply before he orders bloodwork and has and ultrasound wheeled in.

  “Just what I felt at home and a few in the car, however those weren’t as strong.”

  “On a scale of one to ten, how strong was the first?”

  “A nine.”

  “Bleeding?” He fires questions one right after the other not allowing a moment of silence to pass as my eyes dart from Dr. Ward to Presley.

  She nods her head, and the bottom of my stomach gives out.

  “A little.”

  “What? When? Why didn’t—”

  “I noticed it when we got home. I was coming to tell you.”

  Her eyes are dark with worry as she is now laying on the exam table, ultrasound jelly smeared all over her small bump while Dr. Ward frantically tries to shed light on the situation. I want to wrap my arms around her, protect her from all that’s going on around us, but I can't. The best I can manage is to hold her hand, to be present for her. Seconds, then minutes tick by before Dr. Ward presses a button and the sound of racing horses fill the room. Our baby’s heartbeat.

  Never have tears filled my eyes so fast.

  “Baby’s heart rate is still nice and strong, and everything looks to be in tack. We’ll wait on your blood results, but I want to keep you here for twenty-four hours just to be sure. I don’t want to cause any alarm, but it looks as if you are experiencing what we call a threatened miscarriage. A little rest and you should be good to go.”

  The M word rears its ugly head. I should have known things were too perfect. After everything we’ve been through, there was no happy end for us. Presley would not get to enjoy this pregnancy as she should. We had a few good weeks, and now turmoil was back, bringing along its friends, stress and anxiety, along for the remainder of this pregnancy; however long that might be.

  “What were you doing before this happened?”

  Pres wipes her eyes and takes a deep breath, shoving her anxiety down. “We went Christmas shopping.”

  “And before that?”

  Presley’s cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and Dr. Ward gives a knowing nod.

  “That’s what I thought. I’m glad to see you two worked out whatever was going on yesterday.” He smirks at her and then directs his attention to me. “For most women, sex while pregnant isn’t an issue, however, Presley isn’t like most women. I hate to cut you off, but I will if I have too. Once a week. Missionary. Elevate her hips to take pressure off the back. That’s all you get.”

  He looks between the two of us again and I can tell he’s gaging our understanding of the situation. My little vixen sits just behind the eyes and I can tell she feels as though she’s been sent to the principal’s office and given detention. Remorseful, but rebellious. It’s time to lock the devil away, for the safety of Presley and our daughter.

  “Once you hit thirty-five weeks, you two can go at it like rabbits, but until then, I’m in control. I’m also putting you on bed rest for the next week.”

  We nod in unison before he steps out of the office to check on her blood work.

  The door closes and I waste no time in apologizing. Had I just been honest with her, the make-up sex never would have happened, and we wouldn’t have been in this position. “I’m so sorry, Presley. I feel like this is all my fault.”

  “Don’t you dare say that. I wanted it just as much as you did. If anyone should be apologizing it should be me, you wanted to stay in and rest, and I took us out shopping. I might have been fine had I not—”

  “What the hell is going on!” Both Presley and I are caught off guard as Liv comes barreling through the exam room door. “Trey saw your truck speed out of the—AAAH! Sweet mother of fucking pearl!”

  Liv’s body folds over, her hands instantly fly to her stomach while she pants out her breath.

  “Liv?” Presley ask worriedly while I stick my head out of the room and call down the hall for Dr. Ward. “Liv are you in labor?”

  “No. No. No. I can’t be.” Liv manages her response before she is once again gripping the exam table, dropping into a squatted position. “I still have—Oh. My. God. Someone call Trey!”

  Dr. Ward rushes in and gives one look at Liv. “So much for an easy night. Nice to see you Mrs. Ryan. How do you two know each other?”

  Liv shoots Dr. Ward a look that could possibly kill a normal man. “Best. Friends. You—”

  Another wild scream comes from Liv, and I take that as my cue to exit the room. “I’ll call Trey.

  “Olivia, let’s get you in a room and check you.”

  Through the open door, I watch as Liv shakes her head. “No. Need. I can feel them.”

  Frantically, Dr. Ward calls for a nurse who brings in a wheelchair. “Get her set up for delivery.”

  “Drugs. I want drugs.”

  “Sorry Olivia, you’re way past that now.”

  Panic flashes across her face. “What! No! Robert! Where the hell is my husband?” Fear and worry pull at her emotions as she knows the answer before I can even say it.

  “He’s on his way, just as soon as the babysitter comes over.” Presley and I were the backup sitter if things should happen sooner than planned. Trey’s parents were supposed to be here to take care of Jackson; they were flying in for Christmas and then staying till the twins were born. None of this was what was planned.

  “Robert.” Presley’s voice is the calm in the chaos, “Go. It’s okay. She needs you.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Don’t be sorry. You’ll just be prepared for when it’s our turn.” I kiss her quickly and run after Liv and the nurse.

  * * *

  – Two Hours Later –

  The lights are out in Presley’s room. She’s resting with her hand draped across her stomach, absolutely peaceful looking. I take a moment to stare at her in awe and wonderment of what she’s about to go through for us, for our family.

  I knew Liv was strong, and that birth was hard, but I wasn’t prepared for what I just went through with her. Presley knew, though. She knew Liv needed me. She knew what birth would be like, the pain that would come during, and after all our failed attempts, she still wanted to go through it.

  I push her door open and make my way over to her, brushing my lips across her forehead before sitting in the chair by her bedside. She stirs
the smallest fraction, prying her eyes open. “Hey, how are they?”

  “Pres, they’re perfect. Ten tiny toes and fingers. Two ears. Two eyes. And Liv...Pres, you should have seen her. I—there are no words.”

  The corners of her lips turn up as I try to put into words what I’ve just witnessed. “Did Trey make it?

  I shake my head. I can't imagine not being there. “He showed up about thirty minutes later.”

  “I’m glad you were there for her.” Her thumb brushes against my knuckles.

  “I could tell he was disappointed, but she was three weeks early. Who knew?”

  “I want to see them.”

  “You will. Trey said he would bring them in for you just as soon as Liv feeds them and they get cleaned up.”

  I pull my chair closer to the bed and rest my hand on the swell of her belly. Kissing it under her adoring gaze, stroking it with my thumb. “Cora, your mommy and daddy can’t wait to meet you, but we need you to stay inside until your big and strong okay.”

  Presley’s hands instantly fly to her stomach as her eyes widen. “Do that again.”


  “Talk to her.” Presley is grinning like the Cheshire cat and I know she’s been given the reassurance she needs.

  “I hope you have a cute button nose like your momma and beautiful blonde hair.”

  I look back up at Presley, tears run like rivers down her cheeks as she tilts her head back against the pillows. “I felt her Robert. She’s still in there and she’s safe.”

  We talk to Cora until there’s a gentle knock on the door and Trey pushes it open with his back, two little girls held protectively in his arms. Each swaddled tightly in a pink blanket with a cream-colored cap on and delicate satin cream bow. They have Liv’s large eyes but Trey’s mouth. He places one of the girls in Presley’s arms first and I watch as her face lights up as she stares at her tiny features.

  “That one’s Emma. And this one’s Becca.”

  He places her in my arms as if she were as fragile as a china doll. “Don’t tell Liv, but I think Becca’s gonna be a daddy’s girl.”

  I chuckle as I stare at the little bundle in my arms. I held Jax shortly after he was born, but there’s just something about a daughter.

  “Congrats man. They’re beautiful.”

  Chapter Twelve

  – February 1 –

  Presley is twenty-two weeks pregnant and we’re finally over halfway there.

  After getting pregnant and passing the eight-week mark, neither one of us could have guessed the struggles we would continue to go through.

  All the family came down for Christmas and opted to stay at a hotel close by. They said they didn’t want a repeat of Thanksgiving, even though we assured them all sexual activities had been suspended until thirty-five weeks.

  Presley has been admitted an additional three times for threatened miscarriages and has pretty much been on bedrest since the middle of December. Dr. Ward now has an ultrasound tech coming every other day to do checks as well as blood work. It’s clear Presley is over being pregnant. We’ve started discussing Cora being our only one. The fact that we will be moving to Chicago plays a rather large part in the decision; Dr. Ward isn’t in Chicago. We are unbelievably grateful that both of us have careers that can pay for all the extras that have come along with this pregnancy.

  Liv has adjusted to life with twins, and Jax is an amazing big brother.

  When she found out what I was planning for Presley, she seemed beyond pissed that I hadn’t included her in the surprise. Then when she found out it was because Trey said no, he ended up sleeping on the couch for a week and was on night duty with the girls.

  I report back to the league in five days for training, and then games kick off six weeks later, immediately sending me on the road for the first two weeks of the season. It’s definitely not ideal, but our mothers will be here before I leave and will stay until we leave for Chicago.

  We’ve started looking at houses up there, with the plan to have it remodeled and set for an immediate move in June. We’ve decided to keep our Texas home for the off season. Along with picking paint colors and wallpaper, Presley is decorating the entire house from scratch, which keeps her preoccupied while Trey, Liv, and I plan her surprise.

  “Coach and Marcus have reached out to everyone, and so far the guest list is around 200 strong. Everyone is coming to this.”

  It’s music to my ears. I didn’t really worry about the attendees, but I would hate to have thrown a party in her honor only to have a horrible turn out. “Thanks Liv for coordinating all of this. I really would be lost without you.”

  “I know.” She smirks and gives a little bobble of her head. “How are you gonna get Presley there without raising suspicion though?”

  Trey very matter-of-factly chimes in, “Your dad’s coming into town and we’re playing it off as a formal welcome dinner to all players this year.”

  “Okay. Then I guess all that’s left are the decorations. I took care of food last week.”

  “Liv this has to be perfect.”

  “Oh, it will be. Don’t you worry that sweet little head of yours.”

  * * *

  I was always taught that if you want something done right, then you have to do it yourself. “Oh Presley.” Her name practically rolls off my lips like a song as I try to hide my excitement.

  “In here.”

  I make my way into Robert and Presley’s bedroom only to find her looking like the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Hair all frazzled and knotted on top of her head, wearing what I’m almost positive are three-day-old sweats, glasses resting on her nose and buried behind her laptop. “There’s my beautiful pregnant friend.”

  She raises her eyes and glares at me. “Pregnant, yes. Beautiful, far from it.”

  I plop down on the bed next to her, letting out an exaggerated sigh.


  “It’s nothing. I just need a break. Daddy’s coming into town and he wants to throw a formal dinner for this year’s team in just a couple of days. He’s asked me to help with it, but between Jax and the twins, I’m over my head.” I’m crossing my fingers, toes, arms, legs, and any other body part I can inconspicuously cross, praying she buys into my ploy.

  “Want help?”

  Well, that was easier than I thought.

  “Would you mind?”

  “I’d love too! I can only look at so many houses in Chicago.”

  Chicago, the thorn in my side for the next seven years. “So y’all are really moving?”

  “Yea. I’m gonna miss you so much and I hate that Cora won't have Emma and Becca to play with.

  “Well, you two better come back. Otherwise what the hell am I doing down in this desert.” I giggle and she smiles a little. There’s my beautiful Presley.

  “We will. Now let me see what you’ve got.”

  I pull a stack of catalogs out of my tote along with my laptop and we get to work. What a better way to make sure the evening is perfect than to have Presley unknowingly plan the décor herself. We laugh, talk and joke over the course of a few hours and soon everything is picked out and ordered. Now I just have to get her to agree to come.

  “I really appreciate your help with this P. I had no idea how I would get it all done.”

  “Anytime. It as a nice distraction.”

  “So…do you have anything to wear?” I try my best to act as nonchalantly as possible and by her sarcastic laugh, I’d say I managed just fine.

  “Oh, I’m not going to this. Robert will have to attend this function without me.”

  “Are you still on bedrest?” Because you kinda look like you are; that part I mutter to myself.

  “No. Not technically, but things seem to go south when I get out and do too much.”

  I can't begin to imagine what she’s going through. Years ago she was this jet setting bad ass, and now she’s been confined to a bed, living in fear for the last several months.

  “There’s nothing
to do. You’ll be resting all night, eating amazing food, all while my father, I’m sure, gives a motivational speech of some sort. You have to come. I don’t know any of the other wives. I need you to entertain me. Besides, I have a babysitter and I need a night away from my children.”

  She giggles and cocks her head to the side; she’s softening to the idea. “Liv, I don’t have anything to wear, and I’m not going shopping.”

  “Then I’ll bring the dresses to you. I’ll even get you those cute ballet slippers you like to wear. Please. Please. Please.”

  The grin on her face tells me all I need to know, I’m on the verge of winning her over. “Are you ever gonna stop?”

  “Only when you agree to come. Please. Please. Please.”

  “Hey you two. What’s going on here?”

  “Just helping Liv plan this year’s welcome dinner.”

  Robert shoots me a look that I easily brush off. If he didn’t want my help then he shouldn’t have asked.

  “Oh, yeah? I hadn’t heard anything about it.”

  “You’ll get your invite when you check in. Robert tell Presley she has to be there.”

  “It’s totally up to her.” His line-of-sight moves from me to Pres as he makes his way to her side of the bed, pressing his lips to hers. “But I would really like it if you were there, babe.” Another peck and his sultry eyes melt away her hesitation. “Besides, it would be good for you, a change of scenery and all.”

  “See. Robert’s on my side. So…do I need to start with the pleases again? Please. Please. Please.”

  “Fine. I’ll come, but those better be some nice dresses and those shoes better be comfortable.”

  I knew once I had Robert on my side, she would do anything for him. “Oh goodie! I’ll have them delivered in two days and you can pick one out.”

  Robert gives me a wink, but my moment of satisfaction is dashed by the sounds of annoyance. “Don’t you have twins to take care of?” Bedrest and no sex has Presley sounding more like her evil alter ego Donovan every day.

  * * *

  – February 11 –

  “Liv, I can’t believe I let you talk me into this!” Presley calls from the bathroom as I sit on the chaise lounge in their bedroom.


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