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Tag Fight For Me

Page 31

by Catherine Charles

  As I lie there on the studio floor, Cora wrapped in my arms, I realize a few different things.

  One, she has started calling me Jackson more, usually when she’s really happy with me, deadly serious, or when we’re semi intimate. There is something about the way she says it, it’s soft and delicate almost as if there is a hidden message tucked away inside of it. I love when she says Jackson, I know that whatever she says around it, is important. Jax is only used when we’re playing around.

  Two, she wants to kiss me just as badly as I want to kiss her; but I’m struggling with what to do in the moment and how this will affect the next five years. This isn’t just about me. I have to look out for her feelings as well.

  But the fact that Jace came close to stealing her first kiss sparked a flame which led to my third realization...there’s a good chance I’m going to murder Jace today. I know technically Cora isn’t mine, but he knows damn well the line he’s crossing, at least we won't be on school property. All I need is one reason to beat the shit out of him, it doesn’t even need to be a good reason.

  * * *

  The next morning I awake to Cora counting steps to unknown music. I lay there watching her as she meticulously counts out every step, watching her plan out the next move before she’s even taken the first. She’s relentless in her craft, stopping every few counts to jot something down in a notebook. “Do you ever sleep?”

  She startles from her thoughts and smiles as her eyes land on me. “Only just a little. Did I wake you?”

  “Yes, but what a beautiful way to be woken up.”

  Her smile falters, her eyes dart to the side walls and she shuffles her stance.

  “Come here, Cora.” I stretch out my hand waiting for her to take it. She hesitates.

  “Jackson, about Jace...he’s going to be here today.”

  “I know. Now come here.”

  She squeaks out a startled, “You do?”

  “Yeah. I heard him in the locker room with another guy.” Hand still waiting to take hers, but she doesn’t move.

  “Is that when the fight started?”


  “No Jackson. You told me you would tell me what happened—”

  “And I will, just please come here. It will make it easier on me.” She gives into my request, and places her hand in mine, and I pull her down on top of me, wrapping my arms around her just to feel her and know that she’s safe with me. “Thank you.”

  She rests her head on my chest but lays there like a stiff board. “Was the fight over me?” I like how she’s direct and to the point, no playing games, no beating around the bush.


  “Do I want to know more about it?”

  I swallow. Nothing good will come of telling her that all she is to Jace is a bet. A pawn in some sick twisted game he’s playing. He’s going to lose anyway, and I would rather not have her thinking she’s only viewed as an object to a sick, twisted minded asshole. “No.”

  Her breathing freezes for several seconds and then her hard frame softens and relaxes in my arms.

  I can phrase my warning to imply Jace’s motives without making her feel as though she is nothing but an object. “Cora, please don’t ever put yourself in a position where you’re alone with him.” My hands rub her back in comfort. “I don’t trust him, and neither should you.”

  Her chin rest on my chest, green eyes searching for the truth. “Okay. I trust you and that’s all I need.”

  “I love you, Cora. And I won’t ever let anyone hurt you.” I brush a loose strand of hair behind her ear, cupping her face as she dips her eyes.

  “I know Jackson. I love you too.”

  I raise my head angling it to meet her lips when she quickly rolls off of me, frazzled and rushes to the center of the studio in a hurry. Her eyes fixed on the now opened door with Emma standing in the doorway. I know I locked it last night. I chuckle and look at her, her cheeks a soft pink as she giggles.


  “What?” She shrugs her shoulders and knowing damn well what.

  “Jax! What are you doing here? Mom’s looking for you.” Emma looks between Cora and me and shakes her head. “Forget it. I don’t want to know.” Then looking at Cora she frowns, “You do know you could do so much better than my brother, right?”

  Cora giggles but doesn’t say anything, just glances in my direction.

  “Yea, yea, I know when I’m not wanted.” I leave the makeshift bed in the corner and make my way to Cora, threading my arm between her dangling ones, wrapping my arm firmly around her waist before kissing her cheek, making sure to get just the corner of her lip. Her body rocks forward as I pull away and I’m almost positive I hear a whimper at the loss of contact. Cute little Cora. Cute little needy sounds. “I’ll see you soon,” I whisper before giving her a wink and heading out the door, making sure to push in the lock on my way out.

  “Bye big brother. Love you.”

  “Love you both too.”

  * * *

  As Jax leaves, I look at Cora, completely dumbfounded. Jax and Cora? She can’t take her eyes off of him and looks love drunk. She’s held captive until the door clicks closed behind me and even then her eyes don’t move from the solid black metal door.

  “Oh. Em. Gee!” She startles with my loud outburst, but being the professional that she is, she starts moving about the room setting things up for my lesson. “Spill everything now!”

  “Emma...” There’s a warning in her voice, yuck...she sounds like Jax.

  “Seriously? Jackson?” Out of all the cuties in school...Jackson?” I can’t help the screech in my throat. She tries to cover her red cheeks with her hands, but it’s too late.

  “Em, you have practice.”

  “Forget practice. This...” I motion to their little makeshift bed. “This is way more important. Now start talking.”

  “There’s nothing to spill, Em. We missed each other, that’s it.”

  “Have you kissed him? Was it good? No, wait, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know all the gross things you do with my brother.”

  Cora rolls her eyes and begins folding the blankets to make more floor space. “Em, please...the most Jax and I have ever done is a kiss on the cheek. That’s it.”

  She stops mid fold and looks at me, possibly wondering how much she can say. We’re not the best of friends, but we’ve grown up together; she’s more like a distant friend, or a cousin you see once maybe twice a year, but from the way Jax looks at her, it’s obvious that one day she’ll be much more.

  “You can talk to me, Cora. Just tell me whatever it is.”

  She takes a deep breath and releases it. “You have to promise not to tell anyone.”

  I make and X over my heart and then zip up my lips tossing away the key as one would do to signify locking away a secret. “Come on. Tell me.”

  She blushes and the spills like a little schoolgirl. “I’d love to kiss him. Sorry if it’s weird, but god! Em, the way he makes me feel...I guess I’m just waiting for him to make the first move. He’s older than me and more experienced. What if I’m not good at this?”

  “He’s three years older, big whoop. Several seniors are dating younger classmen.”

  “But what about when he turns nineteen? I become jailbait Emma. I’d never put him in a situation like that.”

  “Oh please, our parents wouldn’t care.”

  “Maybe.” She shrugs but looks defeated. “But I feel like something keeps holding him back.”

  She mumbles something under her breath, and I swear I hear mine and Ryan’s name.

  “Now come on. Start with your warmups.”

  I huff a breath and take my position. “Well you’re no fun.”

  “Never said I was.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  The rest of the morning and into the early part of the afternoon was filled with little comments from Emma, and then Becca had to join and put in her two cents.

  I had enough on my plate
worrying about Jace to listen to Tweedledee and Tweedledum comment on mine and Cora’s relationship, friendship, whatever-the-hell-ship this was.

  We were way past friendship, but I still had that ugly number five in the back of my mind.

  I had practically begged Mom to let me go to Cora’s early, but she was headfast on our family walking over together.

  I watched Jace’s car pull up in the driveway about forty-five minutes ago, double birds raised in the air towards me as I stood on the front porch before he rang the doorbell and was greeted by Robert, giving me a knowing nod before closing the door behind him.

  I’d been short with everyone today and just wanted to get this over with. Mom, Dad, and Emma also seemed to be on edge for some reason. Apparently, none of us ‘slept well’ last night.

  In reality though, I had one of the best night’s sleep of my life. Every night I’ve ever spent with Cora has been amazing.

  When Mom finally gives the okay to head over, we are greeted by Aunt Presley, and my eyes immediately dart over her, scanning the room for Cora and Jace.

  The whole situation is weird.

  Three hundred and sixty-three days a year our families go back and forth between the two homes as we please, the back door always unlocked; however, for some reason for Thanksgiving and Christmas, there’s a formality, and we go through the front door.

  “Hey, Aunt P, is Jace here yet? I thought I saw his car out front. It would be nice to see him.” I’ve got to play this cool. Too many people don’t need to be involved in this situation.

  A flash of panic sweeps over her face as we walk through the door she has held open. “I, um, I’m not sure where he is.”

  Out of the corner of my eye I see Emma scoot closer to Dad who protectively wraps an arm around her.

  “Jax, will you go upstairs and let Cora know I could use her help in the kitchen?”

  I give a quick nod and rush up the stairs, heartbeat thumping from more than my sudden exertion.

  I hear a muffled Matchbox 20 song playing from behind the closed door while she quietly tries to sing along even though the girl is completely tone-deaf. I pause my knock to listen to her for just a second. She’s happy. Jace isn’t in there; there’s no reason I can’t let her finish the song.

  I knock gently and splay my hands on either side of the doorframe to prevent myself from going into her room and finishing the kiss that has twice been interrupted.

  The door opens, and I’m greeted by the most beautiful smile I’ve seen on her. Lips wide, cheeks full, eyes unmistakably love drunk.

  “Jax!” she quietly exclaims before jumping to wrap her arms tightly around my neck, causing me to stumble forward and pull her tight to me just to maintain my balance. Burying my head against her neck, I breathe in the clean scent of her honey and jasmine body wash and perfume before placing and open-mouthed kiss on her neck, sucking just enough for her to arch into me before nipping her neck. What the hell am I doing? Fuck it. Shut up Jackson. No you shut up.

  “Hey, Aunt P needs you downstairs.”

  I release her and notice her flush chest just before she pulls a grey sweater over her white tank top and black legging; stark white tennis shoes complete her look. She’s not a girly girl, probably the result of growing up in a house full of brothers. When she dresses up, she still has an athletic look about her.

  “Okay. Tell her I’ll be down in a minute.”

  I stand firm against the doorframe as she moves about her room and lower my voice. “Cora, downstairs, please.”

  My eyes are pleading with her to understand, and she seems to receive my message. She looks at me slightly worried but walks to the door. “Thank you, Cora.”

  She smiles at the praise, but stops, hooking her finger through a front belt loop. “Do I need to worry about something?”

  I can't stop my hand from gripping her waist and pulling her closer. “Just stay in sight. I don’t trust him.”

  Her forehead comes to rest on my lips before she lets go of me with one deep breath and heads downstairs.

  I adjust myself and walk out of her room, just in time to see Robert eyeing me suspiciously. Cora is safe in the kitchen by the time Jace walks in from the back door, eyes locked on Cora as he also heads into the kitchen.

  “Mrs. West, everything smells amazing. Do you need help with anything?”

  “Thank you, Jace. I think we got it. Why don’t you go play video games with the boys.”

  I chuckle under my breath. Nice one Aunt P, confined to play with the little kids.

  “Jackson,” she calls up to me as I make my way back down, “will you help Cora set the table please.”

  Before I have a chance to respond, Jace speaks up. “I can do that. I really don’t mind.”

  Presley, Cora, Mom and I all exchange glances.

  “It’s okay. Jax knows where everything is and how Mom likes it done. Go play with my brothers; they’ll enjoy it. Want something to drink?”

  Jace rolls his eyes as he moves into the living room, “Whatever you want to bring me angel, is fine.”

  Angel? I love Cora, but she is no angel. She has one name and that honor belongs to me. And does he really expect her to serve him?

  I take the bottle of water she has in her hand and call out his name as a courtesy before hurling the bottle at his head; throwing it with more force than necessary.

  Cora laughs as he fumbles to catch it and it falls onto the floor.

  As he enters the living room, pride slightly bruised, he chooses a seat next to Emma who promptly gets up and moves into the kitchen.

  She used to love being around Jace, and now she hurries to get away from him. I always teased her about having a crush on him.

  “Hey Cora, I’ve been working on the steps for the opening number and I can't seem to get it right. Can you help me with it upstairs?”

  Cora looks surprised at Emma’s request, but seemingly shrugs it off.

  “Mom, how much time do we have?”

  “Just a couple of minutes, sweetie. I’ll send Jax up when it’s time to come down.”

  Mom gives Emma and Presley a glance before they head upstairs and I’m beginning to think there is more to worry about with Jace than I had originally thought.

  * * *

  As soon as we’re in my room, Emma closes the door and in a hushed tone, asks me to put music on.

  “Okay, what’s up?”

  She shakes her head and points to my phone. “Music first.”

  “What? Em, you know everything is down in the studio.”

  “Can't you find it on YouTube or something?”

  “Emma, what’s going on?”

  Obviously flustered she says again, “I told you I needed help with my steps.” She motions towards my phone before sitting cross-legged on the bed.

  I’m so confused as to what’s going on. Today feels like one big secret with little parts just waiting to expose themselves. I turn on the music and take a seat next to her.

  “Look, there’s something I need to tell you about Jace.”

  “What? Besides the fact he’s a creep?”

  We both laugh and Emma seems to relax a little.

  “Look, the reason he’s not allowed in our house anymore is because he came on to me. He tried to force himself on me, but Mom caught him and kicked him out.”

  “What! Emma I had no idea. Does Jax know?”

  “NO! And you have to promise not to tell him either. He would lose his shit if he knew what happened and would probably be in jail for murder. Dad just told him he wasn’t allowed back. I don’t think Jax cared one way or another. He just hung out with him to pass the time when you were gone.”

  I open my mouth to say something, but instead we hear a loud crash from downstairs and Jackson is spewing a long slew of choice adjectives at a certain someone.

  Quickly I open my door to reveal the chaos below. Jackson and Jace are going at it on the living room floor, a lamp lays in shatters near the patio door while Mom and A
unt Liv take the boys outside. Uncle Trey and Daddy stand back ready to get involved if need be, and Becca looks as if she wants to cry; the stone-cold statue has emotions.

  “Jackson!” I scream, too worried about his safety. “Jackson! Stop.” My throat stings and the sound I make seems completely foreign to me.

  I run down the stairs to interject myself into their fight, but Daddy manages to stop me, keeping me held back, forced to watch the carnage.

  I scream louder, but they keep fighting.

  Daddy’s hold slips for a second and I break free, inserting myself between Jackson and Jace, splotches of red cover Jackson’s grey button down, while Jace’s white shirt is crimson red around the collar.


  Jace either doesn’t realize what I’ve done, or he doesn’t care, but I feel a punch connect with my cheek bone and everything goes quiet, a black fog threatens to cloud my sight, a red-hot stinging sensation heats my face and my eye swells shut. Only Jackson moves to pull me to him, out of Jace’s reach. Warm tender hands cup my face, looking me over, kissing where Jace’s fist made contact. Tears start to pool as the pain begins to intensify and Jackson quickly soothes them away before they can fall. I’m pissed. That rat bastard doesn’t get to take pride in making me cry. Fuck him.

  Slowly I turn to face my attacker just as Mom and Aunt Liv come back inside.

  “You must be a special kind of stupid. Do you know who my mother is? All it takes is one word from her and your football days are ruined. Over. Done.”

  Jace laughs as he takes in the sight before him, cuts on his cheeks and a mouth full of blood is spit onto the floor.

  “She can't do shit to me little Cora.”

  Mom’s phone is already in her hand, and though most wouldn’t recognize it, that woman standing in front of me is not my mother, she is someone much scarier, a pissed off momma bear with a vendetta.

  “Jace, you have been officially expelled. You will not be permitted to walk in graduation this year, and if you choose to become a high school graduate you will take GED classes. Your scholarships have been pulled from all universities and you have been black-listed from all future professional teams.


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