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The Rancher Meets His Match

Page 12

by Kate Pearce

  “I guess I’m the fun one because somebody had to be,” he said slowly. “Dealing with my dad when we were kids was . . . hard. We all tried in our different ways to appease him, and I suppose sometimes, if I made a joke, it protected someone else, or lightened the mood, or refocused his ire on me, which was better because I could take it. I guess it became a habit.”

  She was quiet for so long that he almost forgot to breathe, and then she set her hand over his.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” He shrugged. “Having to listen to me whine?”

  “You’re not whining. You’re explaining how difficult things were for you, and how you learned to cope.”

  He stiffened. “Now you sound like you feel sorry for me.”

  “I do.”

  “So this ‘wanting me’ is some kind of gracious pity party for poor little Kaiden?”

  She snatched her hand back. “Just because you admitted something personal doesn’t mean you have to immediately lash out at me for being the person to hear it. I’m not exactly going to run around telling everyone that Kaiden Miller has a soft side.”

  He snorted. “Like anyone would believe that.”

  She regarded him seriously. “You’re wrong. Everyone likes you, and you know it.”

  “That wise-cracking fake-assed guy who wants so badly to be liked?”

  “Kaiden . . .”

  He looked out of the window and slowly inhaled. What the hell was wrong with him? He rarely lost his temper, and certainly not over something so stupid as his feelings. His dad would’ve destroyed him if he’d thought any of his sons were so weak. He took another two, long, slow breaths before turning back to Julia and offering her a smile.

  “So what were you saying earlier about wanting me?”

  She opened her eyes wide. “That’s what you’re going with? Really?”

  “It’s not often that I get propositioned by the most beautiful girl in high school.”

  He could almost hear her teeth grinding together as he continued to smile and she breathed through her nose.

  “Forget I ever said it, okay?”

  He picked up his cell, which had revived sufficiently to light up the screen. “Sure!”

  He thought she muttered something about idiots, but his attention was caught by the numerous messages now flashing up on his screen and he hissed a curse.

  “Kaiden? What’s wrong?” Julia’s voice finally penetrated his terror and he looked up.

  “My dad.”

  “What about him?”

  “No wonder he wasn’t chasing me down.” He swallowed hard. “He’s been flown out to Mammoth with a suspected heart attack. Everyone’s been trying to get hold of me for hours.”

  She grabbed his arm. “Then let’s get you back home. Go straight there and we can sort out my transport afterward.”

  * * *

  He didn’t remember driving back to the ranch, which probably wasn’t a good thing. Julia had offered to take his place, but he’d needed something solid to hold on to, and a reason to overcome the sensation of terror that kept stealing his breath and making his own heart stutter in his chest. His dad might be the most god-awful pain in the ass, but he was as invincible and immovable as the Sierra Nevadas under whose shadow his family had made their home.

  He couldn’t die.

  Could he?

  “You’re almost there,” Julia encouraged him as they turned up the drive. She’d taken over his phone and had been texting away, telling him what was going on as he drove through the darkness. “Almost everyone is home except Adam, who went with Jeff to the hospital.”

  “Okay.” Kaiden concentrated on not driving too fast as the truck climbed uphill to the flat pad the ranch house and barn stood on. “Got it.”

  He turned the engine off, didn’t bother to wait for Julia, and ran straight for the house. His family was gathered in the kitchen just where he’d expected them to be, and they all looked up as he burst into the room.

  “God, I’m so sorry. My phone was out of juice, and I—”

  “No, it’s okay!” His sister, Daisy, rushed over to him. “There’s nothing you could’ve done anyway. We were right here when it happened, and there was no sign that anything was wrong.” She drew a shaky breath. “One minute he was standing by the table arguing with Adam, the next he clutched his chest and just fell over.”

  Her fiancé, Jackson, came up behind her and looped an arm over her shoulders. “She’s right, dude. Nothing anyone could’ve done. Adam was right on the chest compressions while Lizzie called Dr. Tio, who sent for the medevac team.”

  Kaiden sat down so suddenly he saw black spots and grabbed hold of the table edge.

  “I should’ve been here, I—”

  “Stop beating yourself up.” Danny patted his shoulder. “You wouldn’t have been able to do anything we didn’t do. Dad’s in the best place right now. Adam’s going to call us when they get a proper diagnosis, okay?”

  He managed to nod, and someone shoved a mug of coffee in his hand while everyone continued to tell him their version of what had happened. All he could think was that he was glad his father hadn’t been alone, because what would have happened then? He shuddered and half the coffee slopped over the rim of his mug, scalding his fingers.

  “Give that to me.” Julia took the mug from him and set it on the table. He’d forgotten she was there. “You said they took him to Mammoth, Danny?”

  “Yup.” Danny, who had perched on the edge of the table on the other side of Kaiden, spoke up. “If he needs major surgery, they might transfer him to a bigger hospital, but we won’t know that until Adam calls.”

  Kaiden struggled to find his voice. “I should take you home, Julia. You don’t need to deal with this.”

  She took his hand. “I’d rather hang with you at least until we know how things stand. I already texted Dad and he knows where I am. He sent his best wishes by the way.”

  “Thanks,” Kaiden replied automatically. “That’s good of him.”

  Julia squeezed his fingers and looked over at Danny. “How long is it since Mr. Miller was helicoptered out?”

  “About two hours. We should hear something soon.” Danny sounded his usual quiet, reassuring self. “If it makes you feel any better, Kaiden, he was already complaining when they wheeled him out of here on the gurney.”

  Kaiden managed a smile. “Typical.”

  “So don’t count him out just yet.” Danny nodded at Julia. “If you’re staying, can I get you some coffee?”

  “That would be awesome,” Julia said as she brought her chair as close to Kaiden’s as she could manage.

  “Did anyone let Mom know?” Kaiden asked just before Danny turned away.

  “Yeah, Adam did. She’s fully in the loop.”

  “What about Ben?”

  “He and Silver were on a plane back to LA when it happened so I called Ben when he arrived. He’s standing by to get Dad to an LA hospital if necessary.”

  “Good,” Kaiden said as his brain finally decided to function more normally again. “Let’s hope Adam gets back to us soon.”

  * * *

  “Hey.” Adam waved from the screen of Daisy’s phone. He looked worn out and he wasn’t wearing his cowboy hat, which made him look like a stranger. He appeared to be standing in a large parking lot, which Kaiden guessed belonged to the hospital.

  Everyone waved back but kept the noise level to the minimum, not wanting to burst Adam’s eardrums, or miss what he had to say.

  “Dad had a minor heart attack. They did a whole load of tests and decided to do stent surgery to alleviate the blockages they found. He’s got to stay here for twenty-four hours and then they will assess him again. If it’s all looking good, he’ll be discharged and he’ll be able to come home.”

  Kaiden felt like a deflated balloon as his breath hissed out.

  “So, he’ll be okay?” Daisy got to ask the questions because it was her phone.

  “Apparently so, althoug
h he’ll need to take medication and change his diet and lifestyle.” Adam managed a tired smile. “He was cursing up a storm when I stepped out to make this call, so I’d say he was on the mend. His color looked good too.”

  “Are you going to stay the night in his room?”

  “You’re kidding, right? I offered, and he told me he wasn’t five years old and to stop trying to mother him. He said he’d get enough of that when Mom turned up—which she is planning on doing, by the way.”

  Adam rubbed a weary hand over his unshaven jaw. “I’m going to get a hotel room and then I’ll have to figure out how to get the two of us home if he’s discharged tomorrow. I don’t think the helicopter does return flights.”

  “I can bring your big truck and come get you,” Kaiden offered.

  “That’s certainly an option. Can you hang tight on that until tomorrow, Kaiden?” Adam asked. “I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”

  “Sure.” Kaiden nodded. “Just give Dad our love, okay?”

  “Will do,” Adam said. “I think I’ll go back and check on him before I turn in. He won’t appreciate it, but I sure will. I’ll call if anything comes up overnight, but otherwise expect to hear from me in the morning.”

  “Okay.” Daisy blew her big brother a kiss. “Thanks so much, Adam. We appreciate you.”

  * * *

  Julia glanced over at Kaiden’s uncharacteristically stern profile as he drove her home in his truck. She’d offered to drive herself back, but he’d seemed determined to take her, and she hadn’t wanted to argue with him right now. His obvious shock at what had happened to his father still showed in his face, and she wished she could comfort him. So far he’d resisted all her helpful comments and attempts to get him to share his feelings. She relapsed into silence and instead watched the moonlight through the glass as it guided their way home.

  He pulled up at the house and cut the engine before turning to her.

  “Thanks for putting up with me this evening.”

  “As you said, we’re friends and we support each other,” Julia said. “Thanks so much for bringing me home. You don’t need to get out. I’m sure you’d rather get back to your family.”

  She opened the door and stepped down onto the ground. There was a light on in her father’s bedroom, but everything else was dark. Apparently, when Dr. Tio had arrived to pick up his grandmother, knowing what was going on at the Millers’, he’d offered to help her father to bed.

  Despite Julia’s words, Kaiden was already out of the truck by the time she rounded the hood. He reached for her hand and she went still.

  “Thank you.” He reeled her expertly into his arms against the hard wall of his chest. “I really mean it. You kept me sane.”

  She couldn’t resist cupping his chin and looking up into his eyes. “I’m glad I was there to help.”

  “Dammit,” he muttered as his mouth crashed into hers and she kissed him back. “Julia . . .”

  She pressed against him as he practically devoured her whole, his arm wrapped around her hips almost pulling her off her feet.

  Words weren’t working, so this was obviously the best way to comfort him, Julia thought dazedly. She couldn’t say she minded his single-minded intensity one bit. She slid her hand into his hair, knocking his hat to the ground, and raked her nails over his scalp making him groan.

  “Truck,” he muttered, gathering her in his arms and flinging open the passenger door. “You and me, right now.”

  He somehow managed to get himself in the seat first and then hauled her into his lap, which meant she ended up squashed against the hardness in his jeans. She slowly undulated in time with the thrust of her tongue in his mouth and his grip on her butt tightened.

  “Let me touch you,” he murmured between kisses. “I need to feel . . .”

  She stripped off her jacket and placed one of his hands over her breast, gasping as he immediately thumbed her already tight nipple.

  He expertly unbuttoned her shirt and slid his hand inside making her shiver with pleasure. He cupped her breast and pressed his mouth to the vee of uncovered skin at the base of her throat. She arched her back, offering him more as he kissed his way down to her now uncovered flesh and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

  His other hand cupped her between the legs rubbing on the raised seam of her jeans. Even as she gasped his name, she was frantically unzipping her jeans. He took the offer and slid his fingers inside. Her panties were already damp, and he had no problem sliding his thumb over her already swollen bud.

  She came so hard and so fast that it took her by surprise, and she bit his throat. Not that he seemed to care as he continued to play with her until she came again, now with his fingers thrusting inside her. She collapsed forward; her face cradled against his shoulder and she tried to gather her breath.

  * * *

  Kaiden didn’t speak as he quickly set Julia to rights, buttoning her up, and smoothing down her hair until she eventually sat back and faced him. The sight of her reddened lips and the hint of sensual satisfaction in her eyes made his dick throb even more. He’d done that to her. He’d put that look on Julia Garcia’s face, and for a moment he was the proudest man in the world.

  She stroked his jaw. “Would you like me to . . . ?” She pointed down at his groin.

  “No, I’m good.”

  If he let her touch him he’d start begging, and maybe say things that shouldn’t be said, and then where would he be?

  “Are you sure?”

  She looked disappointed, which wasn’t helping his resolve.

  “I do need to get back,” Kaiden reminded her, and her smile died.

  “Oh! Of course.” She attempted to climb off his lap. “I’m sorry.”

  “Nothing to be sorry about.” Aware that he had erred in some way he opened the door and helped her out. “I’m the one who shouldn’t have started anything while I’m in a state of shock.”

  She stilled. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “Julia . . . that’s not what I meant at all.” God, he was too tired to deal with another complicated conversation with her. “If I offended you—”

  “You didn’t.” She offered him a bright smile. “I’m the one who should be thanking you, right?” She stood on tiptoe and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Good night, Kaiden. If you have time tomorrow, can you let me know how things are with your dad?”

  “Yeah, sure, I’ll do that, but—”

  She was already walking away like she didn’t have a care in the world and he—the man who was supposed to have all the answers—had no idea how to stop her.

  He waited until she went through the door and then slowly climbed back into the truck, which smelled of her, and sex, and longing. God, she’d come for him . . . twice. He slowly thumped his head three times against the steering wheel and started the engine.

  “You’re an idiot, Kaiden Miller.”

  No one contradicted him, and he drove home with nothing but the silence of his own complicated thoughts to entertain him.

  Chapter Ten

  “So, he did okay,” Miley said with great reluctance. “Not great, because when they asked him questions, he kind of didn’t know the answers, but luckily the rest of us were able to cut in and answer most of the queries.”

  “That’s great,” Julia said.

  She’d held off calling Miley to find out how the meeting had gone for as long as possible, but had eventually succumbed in the early afternoon. She’d had a restless night full of sexy dreams about a naked Kaiden, and horrifying images of hospitals and coffins. Not a good mix. She’d woken up early, done all the barn chores, taken her horse out for a ride, and it still wasn’t lunchtime.

  After an hour talking to her dad about the plans for the remodel, they’d settled on a design and a price point, and she’d promised to talk to Kaiden when the situation with Jeff had resolved. She’d had one text from Kaiden saying his father was doing well and was being flown back directly in a pr
ivate plane to Morgan Ranch, courtesy of Silver and Ben.

  She’d sent him her best wishes and left it at that. She knew from when her own father had been diagnosed with MS and had medical issues that the last thing you needed was people bugging you for updates all the time. Back then, it had just been her dealing with everything because Miguel had been out of the country, whereas Kaiden had a big family willing to support each other.

  When she was a kid, her parents had hosted regular family gatherings at the ranch after Sunday mass, where the women did the cooking, the men ate first, and the kids got to hang out with their cousins. When her grandparents hadn’t wanted them to know what they were talking about, they’d switched to Spanish, which Julia’s father hadn’t taught her, although her mother had tried. After her parents split, her father hadn’t continued the family Sundays, and Julia hadn’t seen most of her cousins for years.

  “I’m glad that Blaine didn’t mess everything up for you,” Julia said.

  “He tried his best, but we were all on it,” Miley said. “Is it true that he came out to your father’s ranch?”

  “Yes. He turned up yesterday.”

  “What an ass!” Miley shook her head. “That’s why his presentation was so good. You wrote it for him, didn’t you?”

  “I did,” Julia agreed. “He threatened to give me a crappy yearly review if I didn’t.”

  Miley snorted. “I can just hear him saying that. I’m sorry he put you in that position.”

  “I’m sorry he’s put us all in that position,” Julia said, and then paused. “Now that the major crisis has passed, will you have time to look into something else for me?”

  “Always, boss.”

  “I don’t want you to make a big deal out of it, but I’m looking to connect with a small boutique house builder that specializes in limited-sized sites, and is highly sensitive to the historical and environmental aspect of their work.”

  “In San Francisco?” Miley was writing notes in her book. “Like there is any space left to be sentimental.”


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