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Salvation in Darkness (Misplaced Halos Book 2)

Page 29

by Nicole Edwards

Without hesitation, Eclipse shot off a telepathic message to Obsidian so his brother could deal with the archangel’s impromptu appearance. Before he even finished, Obsidian appeared, his eyes scanning the room, clearly looking for Penelope before shifting to Michael.

  “Michael wants us to bring Taayin in,” Eclipse relayed.

  “Now,” Michael tacked on. “Do not waste time.”

  “I’ll go get him,” Obsidian said, pivoting away from them.

  “No.” Michael shook his head. “Not you.” His hard stare locked on Eclipse. “You.”

  “Go,” Orianna urged, the word a broken whisper.

  Because one didn’t question an order from the archangel, Eclipse stood.

  “I’ll stay with her until you’re back,” Penelope stated, taking Orianna’s hand and giving it a gentle squeeze while Bijou took the position Eclipse vacated.

  “Me, too,” Bijou added.

  Comfortable his amsouelot was being taken care of, Eclipse headed out of the room. He didn’t bother with his phone, instead vanished at the same time he ventured above Darkness, scanning the surrounding area until he locked onto Taayin’s location. Before taking form near the abandoned warehouses the male was currently moving through, Eclipse reached out to Magnar and told his ladeare to meet him.

  A minute later, with Magnar by his side, they strolled into the warehouse to find Taayin standing stone still, eyes glowing brightly.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Magnar asked, his question directed at the two Fae standing near him.

  “No idea.” Basker’s amethyst eyes were wide, his pale face even whiter than normal. “He was walking and then he wasn’t.”

  “How long’s he been like that?” Eclipse prompted.

  “A few seconds. A minute at most.”

  “I want him back at the mansion,” he ordered the Fae. “And I need your assistance in making that happen.”

  Using two fingers, Eclipse touched Taayin’s forehead. The move had the male’s knees giving out, his body crumbling. Magnar reached for him, easing him down to the floor.

  “Where should I send him?” Basker asked, moving to stand over Taayin.

  Dungeon, said the voice in his head.

  With a sigh, and a bit more animosity than was probably appropriate, Eclipse relayed Michael’s command.

  “The dungeon?” Magnar asked, his voice steely. “What the fuck are we putting him down there for?”

  “His own safety.” Not the first place Eclipse would’ve picked, but again, they didn’t have the luxury of questioning the archangel’s motives. “Now get him there.”

  Because he knew the Fae would do what was necessary, Eclipse relocated himself back to the mansion, this time taking form belowground, at the entrance to the rooms they’d allocated for prisoners. No one aside from Michael referred to it as a dungeon, but for all intents and purposes, that was basically what it was. A handful of ten-by-ten cells lined with stone on three sides and iron-over-titanium bars on the front. The iron was for strength, the titanium to keep anyone from materializing in or out.

  “Where is he?” Michael asked, his voice as cold and hard as the rock lining the inside of those rooms.

  “Basker is—”

  Suddenly Taayin’s lifeless body appeared, flat on his back on the unforgiving stone. Good thing he didn’t know where he was.

  When Basker stepped out of the cell, Michael immediately closed the door, locking it with his mind.

  “Why the urgency?” Obsidian asked, appearing beside Michael.

  Before the archangel could answer, Taayin’s eyes flew open and a blue light filled the space. The male shot to his feet, body braced for a fight. His fangs were descended from his jaw, and there was an air of menace surrounding him.

  “That’s why,” Michael said when Taayin let out an earsplitting roar.

  Eclipse took a step back when Taayin rushed the door, the thick iron actually bending under the impact.

  Michael waved a hand and the bars returned to their original form. “Reinforced now. It’s for his own safety.”

  “Orianna said Asmia’s his amsouelot,” Eclipse told Obsidian, not sure if his brother was aware of the new development.

  “The Fates confirmed,” Michael stated. “It’s the reason I’m here. Their souls have been aligned.”

  “I don’t understand.” Eclipse turned to face Michael. “They’ve been together for a long time. Why’s this just coming to light?”

  “Because it’s a recent development,” Michael said, glancing between Obsidian and Eclipse.

  “You did this,” Eclipse accused.

  There wasn’t a hint of remorse on the archangel’s face. “I did.”

  “At my request,” Obsidian interjected, his concerned gaze trailing over Taayin, who was now pacing like a caged animal.

  Eclipse spun around. “What? Why the fuck would you do that?”

  “To protect them both.”

  Eclipse motioned to the male behind the iron bars. “How the fuck is this protecting him?”

  Obsidian stood tall, clearly ready to defend his own actions. “Perfidious was going to claim Asmia as his mate.”

  “And this”—Michael motioned toward Taayin—“keeps Lucifer from taking her soul.”

  Eclipse glanced between the pair. “I’m confused. The reason we have to locate our amsouelots is so Lucifer can’t get his hands on our souls. Why is this different? Won’t he now get a two-for-one?”

  Obsidian was the one to answer. “The Fae…” He swallowed, as though the words were bitter on his tongue. “Their souls belong to no one, Eclipse. Because of their race’s past transgressions, God won’t claim their souls or permit them in Heaven.”

  Eclipse felt a cold pit opening in his stomach. Why would the Almighty do that? And why the fuck hadn’t he known that?

  “By aligning their souls, my father has no choice,” Michael explained.

  “With her soul aligned with Taayin’s,” Obsidian continued, “we can safeguard her. For the time being, he can’t take her to Hell. As long as we keep Taayin safe, essentially, Asmia is as well.”

  From behind the bars, a strangled sound came, drawing all their attention. Taayin dropped to his knees on the floor, head hanging down as though he’d been drained completely.

  “He won’t survive without her,” Eclipse warned, turning his attention back to Obsidian as his anger renewed. “And what did you have to give up in order to make this happen?”

  He knew Michael, like the Almighty, didn’t do anything for free.

  “That’s not for you to worry about,” Michael inserted.

  “We’re going to sedate him,” Obsidian said, clearly sensing Eclipse’s need to argue and wanting to change the subject. “Until we can get her back.”

  Glancing between the two, Eclipse heard what they weren’t saying: which won’t be anytime soon.

  Chapter Thirty

  Orianna had no idea what was going on, but something had happened. Whatever it was, it had everyone in the mansion on edge, where they’d been since last night when that archangel had appeared and ordered Eclipse to bring Taayin back. She had yet to see the angel in question, but there were rumors he was being kept in a cell below ground.

  A cell. In the dungeon, to use Bijou’s words.

  As for Eclipse … well, he was fit to be tied. Had been ever since his return, and Orianna was a bit hesitant to ask what was wrong for fear of setting him off.

  Which was why she was feeling a bit selfish at the moment. No, make that needy. Yes. That was an apt way of describing it. Needy. As had been the case every single day for the past few weeks, as that lingering desire continued to build, growing steadier and more constant. Only these past couple of days it had intensified. She couldn’t seem to shake it no matter how many times she and Eclipse made love.

  There was hardly a reprieve from when it abated to when it came back with a vigor that shocked her. She hated that she was constantly disrupting Eclipse’s night, seeking him out in an effo
rt to assuage the heat that had become part of her chemical makeup. It didn’t help that she knew what it was, either. Nor did it help when Penelope warned her it would get significantly worse as time went by.

  Perhaps a shower would help.

  After hopping up from the chair she’d been occupying in the second-floor library—which was quite honestly the most impressive library she’d ever seen—Orianna made her way up to the third floor. Thankfully, she could come and go as she pleased, not having to wait for Eclipse or someone to let her in the door. It felt strange having full access to the mansion, but she appreciated the fact that they trusted her enough to give her the ability to roam freely. Then again, from what she’d seen, they could monitor her every move thanks to the many cameras mounted throughout. Not to mention, all the nifty powers these angels were programed with.

  When she stepped into Eclipse’s bedroom, she came to a halt. She could hear something ringing and it sounded—

  “Shit.” She raced to the nightstand, her hand slipping on the handle when she tried to open the drawer.

  The second attempt proved successful, but then she nearly dropped the vibrating device in her attempt to answer.

  “Hey, Mom,” she said on a rush of air.

  “Orianna? Are you all right? I haven’t heard from you in a few days. I was worried.”

  Worried seemed an understatement based on the fear she heard in her mother’s tone. Worse was the guilt that flooded her chest because her mother was right, she hadn’t called. She’d been so caught up in all that was going on she’d neglected her own mother.

  “I’m so sorry, Mom.” Orianna perched on the edge of the bed, crossed her legs in an attempt to stave off the heat. “I’ve been busy. It’s no excuse, I know. I’m sorry. I meant to call you this morning.”

  “Please tell me you’ve found Amber.”

  A pain ghosted through her chest. It was the phantom reminder that she had yet to tell her mother what she’d learned about her sister. Looked as though she was in the running for the world’s shittiest daughter award.

  “Not yet. But I’m still looking.” The lie tasted terrible on her tongue, but it wasn’t like she could tell her mother over the phone, even if she wanted to deliver the gut-wrenching news.

  “I heard from your father.”

  Orianna’s back straightened. “You what? What did he say?”

  “He was calling to check in. To see how I was doing.”

  Orianna grunted. Check in. Right. More like Erik had run out of money and he was hoping to hit up Elizabeth for a loan. That was how it always worked, and for whatever reason, Orianna’s mother always came through for him. Didn’t matter that the man would rob her blind if he thought he’d get away with it. The only reason he hadn’t was because Orianna had threatened him within an inch of his life.

  She stared around the room, eyes bouncing across all of Eclipse’s things.

  What was she going to do about her mother? It had always been her intention to take care of Elizabeth once she found Amber. To go back to Oklahoma, move in with her mom so she could help her with her day-to-day as well as find a way to get her weaned off those damn pain meds that had stolen her mind. Was that still the plan? Could she really leave Eclipse? The thought of never seeing him again … yeah, that wasn’t something she wanted to ponder. Not now, not ever.

  “Honey, I miss you.”

  Her shoulders slumped, another fissure forming in her heart. Orianna could feel her mother’s pain, or it seemed like she could. She couldn’t imagine what it was like for Elizabeth to be trapped in her own body, relying on others to take care of her because her own family had abandoned her.

  “I miss you, too, Mom.” And that much was the truth. No matter what she was dealing with in her life, Orianna always missed her mother. She wouldn’t go so far as to say they were close, because Orianna had been gone so long, that wasn’t even a possibility. However, for the most part, her mother was the only family she really had.

  “I promise I’ll call you in the morning, let you know if I’ve made any progress.”

  It pained her to lie, but Orianna knew the truth would only cause Elizabeth more anguish. Worse was the idea of explaining to her mother how she had called off the search, given in to the fact that Amber was dead. Even Barin had confirmed as much, and she was apt to believe the guardian angel. Why would he lie to her?

  “I love you, Orianna. Call me tomorrow.”

  “I will. I love you, too, Mom.”

  The call disconnected and Orianna tossed the phone onto the nightstand. The instant she was on her feet, that damned heat washed over her entire body. It started in her chest, then bloomed out to her extremities before centering at her core. Desire—far stronger than it had ever been—took root, flooding her with need. She stumbled in her attempt to remain steady, catching her weight with her hand on the mattress. Whatever this was, it had its own pulse, raging like a wildfire inside her.

  Figuring a cold shower was in order, she tried to get her legs steady. Before she made it three steps, her clothes became unbearable against her oversensitive skin. Orianna shed each piece as she trudged forward. By the time she reached the decadent shower, she was naked and burning from the inside out.


  “In here,” she answered, surprised when the words came out on a whimper. “Eclipse…”

  “I’m here, sezari. Right here, love.”

  Still completely dressed, Eclipse joined her in the shower, the water instantly plastering his shirt to his chest, flattening his mohawk. He made quick work of removing the soggy cotton, ignoring his hair after brushing it back from his face.

  God, he had a beautiful face. All the stark angles, the black slashes of his brows, and those mesmerizing eyes.

  Get with the program, sista!

  Yep, that needy chick inside her wanted Eclipse naked, so Orianna began ripping at his clothing, desperate to get to bare skin.

  “I need you. It … hurts.”

  When Eclipse shifted her fumbling hands away so he could remove his jeans, Orianna stepped back, leaning against the tile, her hands instantly roaming to her breasts, squeezing, kneading.

  What the hell was happening to her?

  “Please … do something,” she pleaded as Eclipse dumped his wet jeans to the shower floor.

  A lightning bolt of desire pierced her when he went to his knees in front of her. With all her inhibitions obliterated by this overwhelming ache, Orianna didn’t even blink when she placed one leg over his shoulder, opening herself for his mouth. She cried out when he sealed his lips to her pulsing clit. Her brain barely registered the exquisite sensation when she detonated, her orgasm rocketing through her. It was the first of many to follow, but no matter how many times he made her come, the heat didn’t dissipate. In fact, she was pretty sure it was growing stronger.

  Praying he wouldn’t stop, Orianna grabbed for his hair, tugging firmly as he feasted between her thighs, fireworks going off behind her closed eyes as she orgasmed in rapid succession. When her supporting leg became too weak to hold her, Eclipse was suddenly on his feet and Orianna was no longer on hers. He lifted her easily, her back still pressed to the tiled wall as he aligned their bodies and pushed in deep.

  “Oh, God, yes,” she hissed.

  She ringed her arms around his neck and held on, loving the way he filled her, stretching her so perfectly. Finesse wasn’t even an option as she tried to find his lips with her own, needing more from him, something to quell this ache she couldn’t seem to sate.

  “Relax, sezari,” Eclipse rumbled against her neck, his warm lips blazing fire across her skin.

  “I can’t.” She squirmed, trying to get him to go deeper although she could feel every delicious inch of him inside her.

  Eclipse pulled back and met her gaze. She knew what she looked like. Hair plastered to her head, eyes likely crazed with this ridiculous desire threatening to drown her.

  “Look at me,” he ordered.

she managed to stop writhing, Orianna met his eyes. They were glowing, brighter than she’d ever seen before. It was there she saw the intent in the silver swirl. Eclipse took over, driving into her with quick, shallow thrusts that soon took a turn. Long and deep, he pummeled her, and as she watched him, she realized he was close. Suddenly desperate to watch him come, Orianna gripped the sides of his face and held him there.

  “Come for me,” she pleaded. “Deep inside me.”

  As though her demand was the trigger, Eclipse’s head fell back and he groaned, his hips stilling as he filled her. It was in those blessed seconds that the ache eased, the need going from rapid boil to steady simmer, giving her some semblance of control.

  “How long does this last?” she asked when Eclipse’s breaths evened out, his eyes returning to their normal light.

  He didn’t answer, nor did he move to put her down, and Orianna was content to remain right where she was. Despite the fact she could breathe again, she got the feeling this was far from over.

  “It seems to be getting more intense.”

  And Penelope had told her it would only get worse. Until when?

  Now that she thought about it, they’d been having sex roughly three or four times a day. She hadn’t put too much thought into it—aside from how much she seemed to be interrupting Eclipse—because she was attracted to him and this thing between them was new. It made sense that she would want him, that their sex life would come charging out of the gate at a full gallop. But at what point did it start to ease up? She seriously doubted most couples were doing the horizontal mambo all the damn time. How would they get anything else done?

  Eclipse’s hold remained firm, bracing her against the wall as he plunged into her, just a steady shift of his weight on his feet, pushing him in deep. He repositioned her as though she weighed nothing, the muscles in his shoulders and arms flexing beautifully. But that’s what he was. Beautiful. In every way. Sometimes she would find herself staring at him, completely in awe of how perfectly he was built. Then again, he was an angel, so it made sense.

  Orianna sighed, gripping his shoulders as her body tingled, another orgasm on the horizon. She noticed Eclipse’s eyes dropping to her neck and she knew what he needed. He’d been feeding from her daily, ever since that first time when she offered herself up to him. Oddly, it brought her pleasure to know she could give him something he needed. Eclipse had been taking care of her since that night at the club all those weeks ago, and she had nothing to give back. Nothing except for her blood.


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