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Complete Sin Box Set

Page 55

by Georgia Cates

  I’m reaching behind my back to unfasten my bra when Sin comes to me. He grasps my panties and pushes downward until they fall to my feet. I kick them away and drop my bra next to them.

  I glide my hands up Sin’s arms until they meet behind his neck. His mouth possesses mine as we move toward the bed. In one fluid motion I sit and slide backwards. I lift my hair from my back and shoulders before lying down so it’s spilling around me. He loves that.

  I’m stretched side to side across the bed. Wet and wanting. Knees bent. Thighs spread wide.

  Sin grabs my ankle and brings it to his mouth. He kisses the inner side. His hand glides up my calf to my thigh. “I love your legs.”

  “I love my legs when they’re wrapped around you.”

  His mouth moves up my calf, spreading kisses in its path. “These are going to get a lot of exercise chasing after two bairns.”

  “I’m sure they will, but I hope they get a lot of exercise tonight keeping up with you.”

  “You’ll get all the workout you want, but first I’d like to show my gratitude for your very generous mouth during our period of abstinence.” His lips trail kisses up my inner thighs. “You were very good to me. Now I’m going to be good to you.”

  Sin crawls on to the mattress and grabs two of the extra pillows. “You know what I need you to do.”

  I absolutely do. He’s going to wedge my bottom upward so his mouth can perform its duties to the fullest potential. He’s full-service when it comes to oral. “Whatever you say.”

  He pushes my legs apart and nibbles each side of my groin. I think I may convulse from the ecstasy.

  I’ve never wanted to feel his mouth on me so badly. I’ll beg if it’s what he wants. “Please.”

  “Please what?”

  I’m trembling. “The teasing is killing me, Breck. No more. Please put your mouth on me before I die.”

  His warm wet tongue glides up my center slowly. “Ohh.”

  I fist his hair when he does it a second time.

  “Is that what you want from me?”

  “Yes! It feels so different from before. So much more sensitive.” I read that a pregnant woman’s erogenous zones are heightened during pregnancy. I thought it was bullshit. But now I see that I was wrong.

  He continues licking me but it isn’t just the center. He nibbles and sucks my outer lips, teasing me before moving back to the middle. I can’t stop myself from rocking against his mouth. “Ho-ly shit!”

  He wraps his arms around my thighs and holds me still while sucking my clit. First soft and then hard, alternating back and forth between the two.

  Sweet torture.

  It’s been months since my last orgasm but I easily recognize the signs of its approach. “Oh. Oh. Oh. It’s starting.”

  Sin sucks harder, making me come faster. I fist his hair and rock my hips to ride out the warm pulsations of pleasure. “Ohhh!”

  Sin puts my legs over his shoulders and my toes dig into the muscles of his back. I tense, pulling him against me even harder. I can’t get enough. I crave more. Need it.

  When I spiral down from the high, my body goes limp. My face pulsates. Euphoric waves of warmth spread down my legs and arms. My hands tingle. All signs of a magnificent climax. “That was incredible.”

  I’m boneless, unmoving.

  “We aren’t done yet.” He crawls over me and kisses my face. “Not even close.”

  He pushes his body away from mine and looks down at my belly. He caresses it with his hand. “Your baby bump feels like a grapefruit pushing against my stomach. You didn’t have that the last time we did this.”

  Hearing him say that is a reminder of how long it’s been. It seems like forever ago.

  He adjusts so he’s holding most of his weight off me using his arms. “Is it too much pressure? Am I hurting you?”


  “Are you uncomfortable?”

  I reach behind his neck and pull him down so our bodies are pressed together again. “I’m fine, Breck. I’ll tell you if that changes.”

  He kisses me hard. I part my thighs so his erection is pushing against my entrance. I cross my ankles behind his back and squeeze him closer. I lift my pelvis and his tip barely enters me. It isn’t enough. I’m desperate to have him inside me to the hilt. “I really want you to fuck me.”

  He pulls out. Not the direction I’m looking for. “I’m terrified that fucking will hurt you or the babies.”

  “Not going to happen.”

  “You’re my china doll. It would kill me to harm you in any way.”

  I grab his face, forcing him to look at me. “Listen to what I’m saying. I won’t break.”

  He doesn’t look convinced.

  “Okay. It probably isn’t a good idea to bend me over the arm of the sofa or put me face down on the bed with my ass in the air. But we’ll find what works.” I reach between us and grasp his cock. I position it at my entrance and wrap my legs around him again. “Ease in if it scares you. Start out slow and shallow and build up to deeper and faster as you become more comfortable with it.”

  He’s unmoving.

  “Please, Breck. It’s safe. Dr. Kerr said we could do it and we both want to. Making love is a huge part of who we are. We need this.”

  “You will immediately tell me if anything hurts or doesn’t feel right.”


  He relaxes and breathes deeply. “Okay. I’ll try slow.”

  I glide my fingertips down his face. “Into me… you see.”

  He catches my hand with his and presses it against his cheek. “Into me… you see.”

  He enters me slowly and squeezes his eyes shut. “Oh fuck, you feel so good.” He thrusts slowly several times. “So wet and tight.”

  I rock my hips with him slowly. I’m afraid of spooking him if I’m too aggressive.

  What they say is true. You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. “God, I’ve missed this.”

  His face is buried in the bend between my neck and shoulder. All of his weight is supported by his arms pressed into the mattress on each side of my head. “I’m not going to last long.”

  “I’m pretty sure we didn’t rent this room with the intention of doing it once.”

  Sin tenses and groans. It’s the only sign of his climax since he doesn’t thrust deep or hard as per his usual finale.

  Neither of us is out of breath or slick with sweat. I wish we were.

  He rises and throws the covers back, patting the side of my hip. “Lift.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “It feels like something’s oozing out.”

  “I’m sure it is. It’s called semen. And probably a lot of it since we haven’t had sex in so long.”

  He lowers himself and hovers above me, our bodies barely touching. It’s maddening. “I just needed to be sure it wasn’t blood.”

  I pull him closer but he holds himself steady. “I love that you’re concerned for our safety but I really hope you get over this fear soon.”

  “Forget it. I’ll never get over my worry or fear for your well-being or that of our children.”

  He kisses me quickly and rolls to lie beside me. He laces his fingers through mine before resting our clasped hands on his chest.

  “There’s so much more to us than sex, but I must admit, I’ve missed doing that terribly.” He brings my hand to his mouth for a kiss.

  “Me too.”

  We lie side by side, simply enjoying post-orgasmic bliss. It’s more relaxing than any pill or drink.

  My mind wanders from one topic to the next but lands on my sister. “I’ve been thinking of Ellison a lot lately.”

  “She appears to love being in Edinburgh. I’m under the impression she doesn’t intend on leaving anytime soon.”

  “Not before these two make an appearance.”

  “Realistically, do you think your sister will be able to leave after they come?”

  The babies and I are the only family Ellison has.
And there’s nothing waiting for her at home. I know where this conversation is going. “I’m not sure how to tell her about The Fellowship so she doesn’t flip out.”

  “Is it possible you’re giving Ellison too little credit, just as you did Harry?”

  Sin was right about my dad, which means I was wrong. I can admit that. “Maybe.”

  “It’s your choice but I think you should do it soon if that’s the direction you’re leaning toward. Telling her after our hand has been forced won’t go as well.”

  “I think my decision has evolved into how to tell her rather than if I will.”

  “Do you want me to help you explain everything to her?”

  “No. It’s probably best if I do it alone. She’s going to have a lot of questions. It’s important for us to be able to speak freely. I’m afraid she’ll feel uncomfortable if you’re there.”

  “That’s understandable, but I’m always willing to take care of it if you should decide it’s what you want.”

  “Right now, there’s only one thing I want.” I rise and put my leg over Sin so I’m straddling him.

  He’s afraid of hurting us––and I understand that––but he needs to see that I’m durable. That’s why I’m taking control this time.

  I lean down and kiss the side of his neck. “Been long enough for round two?”

  He thrusts his hips up so his erection pokes me. “You tell me.”

  Good. He sounds more confident. And playful.

  I reach between us and grasp his cock, positioning it at my entrance. “Easy, Bonny.”

  “I’ll be careful.” I sink down slowly and he grabs my hips, preventing me from going all the way.

  I put my hands on top of his. “I’m in control.”

  I lean down to feather kisses over his face and he becomes less tense. I sink deeper before lifting my hips to slide him out. “That’s it. Just lie back and enjoy the ride.”

  Four rounds of sex over six hours. The last time was a concession on Sin’s part––because I begged. He’s satiated but I’m not. My hormones are raging.

  He sits on the edge of the bed to put on his prosthesis. I’ll never get him to agree to another go once he secures his leg. “One more before we have to leave?” I kiss the side of his neck to encourage an affirmative. “Please, Breck.”

  “No, Bonny. We did it three times more than we should have.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  He twists around to kiss me. “I need to take you home. I have a meeting in an hour.”

  He hasn’t mentioned a meeting. “I thought you cleared your workday for us.”

  “I cleared my day at the office. I have Fellowship business to tend tonight.”

  I don’t always love the affairs he’s in charge of. “I hope it’s not another meeting about a gentlemen’s club.”

  “Nothing like that. A brother has asked me to meet with him at Duncan’s about a match with Lorna.”

  “In the pub of the man in love with her?”

  “You don’t have to tell me how fucked up it is. But maybe Leith’s eyes will be opened to see what’s right in front of him.”

  I’m confused about so many things when it comes to Sin’s friendship with Leith. It’s different from his with Jamie. Something happened and I’m guessing it has everything to do with Lorna since that tends to be a sore topic between the two. “You said that there was history with you, Jamie, Leith and Lorna but you never told me what it was.”

  “There’s a reason for that.”

  I hug him from behind. “It can’t be so bad.”

  He sighs. “You’re wrong. What we did was fucked up.”

  “I can always handle the truth. The not knowing is what kills me.” I say the words but my heart pounds. He’s told me it’s bad. Do I really want to know this secret they share?

  He drops his head as though he’s ashamed. I’ve never seen this reaction from him. “It isn’t pretty. I don’t want my past with Lorna to change the way you feel about me. Or her. She’s one of your best friends. You treasure that friendship, and she does as well. I don’t want to see a problem develop between you.”

  “What’s passed is past.”

  “You say that now.”

  Okay. They’ve had sex. It happened before me so I can move beyond that. “Can’t you see that you’re choosing to be loyal to them by keeping this secret from me?”

  “I’m not. I’m making the decision to shield you from something that is so very ugly. Protecting you is what I do. Never mistake that as me being loyal to someone else. My devotion belongs only to you. Always.”

  That’s not how it feels. “I’m a rational adult. I swear I will not hold your past against you.”

  “Leith, Jamie, and I were young and stupid. We were boys trying to be men. Lorna was starved for attention. So we gave it to her.”

  “In the form of sex.”

  “No. In the form of fucking. A lot.”

  It’s not something I’m proud to hear but I’m not sure why he thought I couldn’t handle this. “I guessed as much judging by the things you’ve said.”

  “You haven’t nearly guessed all of it. When it was happening, I wasn’t thinking of anything but the present. I never considered the possibility that I’d one day have this beautiful woman in my life that I adore. By some miracle she’d agree to be my wife and become the mother of my children. I never imagined I’d be sitting here searching for the words to explain the things I did with one of her best friends.”

  I don’t know what to say to that.

  He breathes in deeply and releases it slowly. “We took it much further than we should have.”

  I will be sick if he’s talking about rape. “As in what?”

  “We were all with Lorna at the same time.”

  I need a clearer explanation. “When you say at the same time, do you mean the three of you were sleeping with her over the same period of time or do you mean she let the three of you gangbang her?”

  He doesn’t answer right away. “It sounds even worse when you use that word but aye. We had lots of three-on-one sex. But it was always voluntary.”

  This isn’t what I was expecting. I feel queasy.

  “It was her suggestion. Of course the three of us were numpties and thought it was a fantastic idea. But it was after her parents were killed. She was hurting and looking for love and security. We used her for sex. Not my proudest moment.” He shakes his head. “If we have a daughter and any man did to her what we did with Lorna, I would kill him.”

  I feel minimally better knowing it was Lorna’s idea instead of them talking her into it. “I hope you all used condoms.”

  “Every time.” At least they used some intelligence.

  My God. What was Lorna thinking she would accomplish by doing that?

  “I don’t need details but explain how the foursome came to an end.”

  “Jamie lost interest. So it was me, Leith, and Lorna. After that, the dynamics changed among the three of us.”

  This is totally predictable. “Anyone knows that you put two males and one female together in a sexual situation and there’s going to be a pissing contest. It’s the nature of testosterone.”

  “That sounds like a fair assessment of what happened. Leith began competing with me for Lorna. He wanted all of her attention.”

  I know my husband. He doesn’t like losing. “So a rivalry was born among best friends.”

  “Aye. A rivalry to see who she’d choose for sex. That’s all it was for me. Never a battle for her heart.”

  “But you think it was more for him? A duel for her love?”

  “I do now. I think he fell in love with her and saw me as the one keeping them apart.”

  Even then, Leith and Lorna knew Sin would one day be their leader. I highly doubt either of them would have told him to bow out so they could be together. “What brought it to a head?”

  “Ugh,” he groans. “These aren’t things a husband is supposed to tell his wife.”

He has this wrong. “They are when you’re my husband.”

  He puffs his cheeks out as he exhales. “Leith walked in on me and Lorna in the stockroom at the pub. He’d seen us have sex on many occasions so I didn’t think a thing of it. But Leith was never the same after that. Even today, it’s like we pretend to still be best mates but he hates me.”

  Men are so stupid sometimes. “That’s because you were having sex with the woman he loves.”

  “That was more than two years ago. Never again after that night. I swear.”

  This is a damn mess. “What do you plan to do about this brother proposing a match with her?”

  “I want to make this right for Leith and Lorna. I’m going to give him one final chance to do what he should’ve done years ago. If he doesn’t, then that’s on him. I can’t spend the rest of my life blaming myself because they aren’t together.”

  What Sin did was wrong. No doubt about it, but he shouldn’t continue holding himself responsible for Leith and Lorna being apart. “They’re mature adults now. They can make their own decisions about what they want from one another. That’s why I’m calling her. She should know what’s happening so she can make an informed decision about her destiny. Clearly, fate shouldn’t be left solely in Leith’s hands in case he decides to fuck it up again.”

  Chapter 10

  Sinclair Breckenridge

  We drop Bleu at home and Sterling drives me to Duncan’s. I’m not scheduled to meet with Noah Wallace for another hour. I’m intentionally early since I have business to discuss with Leith. I’m giving him another chance to claim what he wants before I move on to another suitor for Lorna.

  I sit at our triad’s table. The vinyl-covered seat beneath my arse doesn’t have time to warm before Lorna plops down across from me. “Bleu called.”

  “I know. She told me she would.”

  “Please tell me why it is that I’ve known you my entire life but it’s your wife who calls to inform me that you have a meeting with Noah Wallace to discuss a possible match between us.”

  She’s angry. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t told her about the meeting with a brother concerning her future or because it’s not Leith who has approached me.


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