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Creation in Death

Page 15

by J. D. Robb

  That made her frown—and put her back up again, a little. “You’ve done cop work before.”

  “Bits and pieces it comes clear to me now, and that with some challenge and a clear end goal.”

  “Challenge? Like risking your life and getting bloody.”

  Calmer, he circled his head on his neck and wondered how many years it might take to get the last of the kinks out. “A lot more appealing, sad to say, than sitting in front of a screen or on a ’link for hours on end.”

  “Yeah. I know just what you mean. But this is part of it, a big part of it. It’s not all land to air chases and busting in doors. Listen, you can take an hour in the crib. Probably should. I’ll clear it.”

  He flicked a finger along the dent in her chin. “Not only does that sound extremely unappealing, but if you’re on, I’m on. That’s the new rule until we’ve finished this.”

  Arguing took energy she didn’t have to spare. “Okay. All right.”

  “Something else is wrong.” He put a hand under her chin, left it there even when she winced and tried to knock it off. “Shows what happens when your brain’s used as a punching bag that I didn’t see it before. What is it?”

  “I figure having some murdering bastard who slipped by us before back torturing and killing women under our noses is pretty much enough.”

  “No, something else in there.” It was the “slipped by us” that clicked for him. “Where’s Feeney?”

  For an answer, she shifted, and kicked the vending machine so viciously it sent off its security alarm.

  Warning! Warning! Vandalizing or damaging this unit is a crime, and punishable by a maximum of thirty days incarceration and a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars per offense. Warning! Warning!

  “All right, then,” Roarke said mildly, and taking her arm, pulled her down the corridor. “Let’s just take this to your office before we’re both arrested for attempting to steal fizzies.”

  “I don’t have time to—”

  “I think making time is in everyone’s best interest.”

  He took her straight through, so the scatter of cops on weekend evening shift barely glanced over.

  Inside her office, he closed the door, leaned back against it while she kicked her desk. “When you’re done abusing inanimate objects, tell me what happened.”

  “I screwed up, that’s what happened. Fuck, fuck, and shit. I messed up.”


  “What would it have taken me? Ten minutes? Five? Five minutes to give him the rundown before the briefing. But I didn’t think of it, never crossed my mind.” Obviously at wit’s end, she fisted her hands on either side of her head and squeezed in. “What the hell’s wrong with me that it never crossed my mind?”

  “Once more,” Roarke suggested, “with clarity.”

  “Feeney, I didn’t feed him the new data, tell him about the new angle we’d work. That the suspect had contacted the target, lured her to him rather than doing the grab on the street. The way we’d worked the first case. Damn it!”

  Her desk took another slam with her boot. “I just lumped him in with everyone else, didn’t take into account that he’d led the first investigation. All I had to do was pull him aside, tell him, ‘Hey, we’ve got something fresh.’ Give him a little time to take it in.”

  “He didn’t react well, I take it?”

  “Who could blame him?” she tossed back. Her tired eyes were dark with regret. “Jumped on me with both feet. And what do I do? I get my back up, that’s what I do. Can’t just say, hey, I’m sorry, I got caught up in the roll and didn’t think it through. No, can’t say that. Oh well, shit!”

  She covered her face a moment, heeled away the tears that got away from her. “This isn’t good.”

  “Baby, you’re so tired.”

  “So the fuck what? So I’m tired, that’s the job, that’s the way it is. Tired means nothing. I bitch slapped him, Roarke. I told him to take a break, to go home. Why didn’t I just knock him down and rub his face in it while I was at it?”

  “Did he need a break, Eve?”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “It certainly is.”

  Now she sighed. “Just because it was the right call doesn’t mean it was right. He said I didn’t respect him, and that’s not true. That’s so far from any truth, but I didn’t show him respect. I told you before, the other one was on him—that’s command. All I did by handling it this way was add to that weight.”

  “Sit down. Oh, for Christ’s sake, sit for five minutes.” He strode over, all but lifted her bodily into her chair. “I know something about command, and it’s often not pretty, nor comfortable, and very often it’s not fair. But someone had to make the calls, the decisions. Maybe you didn’t account for his feelings, and you can regret that if it helps you. But the simple fact is, you had a great deal more on your mind than coddling Feeney.”

  “It’s not coddling.”

  “And he had a great deal on his, and obviously needed to vent some of the pressure,” Roarke continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “Which he did, quite handily, I’d say, on you. Now you’re both feeling sorry for yourselves.”

  Her mouth dropped open in sheer shock for two seconds, then twisted into a snarl. “Bite me.”

  “I hope to have the energy for that at some point in the near future. You told him to go home because you understood, even if you were angry and hurt, you understood he needed to step away for a time. He went because he understood, even being angry and hurt, that he needed to. So, mission accomplished, and I imagine sometime tomorrow, you’ll both clean up the fallout and forget it. Correct?”

  She sniffled, scowled. “Well, if you want to be all insightful and reasonable about it.”

  “He loves you.”

  “Oh, jeez.”

  Roarke had to laugh. “And you love him. If you were just cops to each other, it might still be a bit tricky. Add love, and it’s a very thorny path the two of you walk when you’re entrenched in something like this.”

  From where she sat she could still kick her desk. She did so, but lightly this time. “You sound like Mira 101.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment. Any better?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe.” She pressed her hands to her temples. “My head’s killing me.”

  He merely reached into his pocket, took out a tiny case. Thumbing it open, he held it out to her. She frowned down at the little blue pills. Standard blocker, she knew, just as she knew he’d nag her to take one if she balked—which would only make the headache worse. Or he’d just force one down her throat, which was a humiliation she didn’t want to risk so close on the heels of pity tears.

  She took one, popped it.

  “There’s a good girl.”

  “I repeat: Bite me.”

  He pulled her up, pulled her in. Nipped her bottom lip. “Just a preview of things to come.”

  Since it was there, she touched his face. “You looked a little worn and down before, too.”

  “I was feeling that way. Worn and down.” He rested his brow on hers a moment. “Let’s go have a sandwich and some decent coffee.”

  McNab signaled the minute they walked back in.

  “Getting some beeps here.”

  “Wipe the mustard off your face, Detective.”

  “Oh, sorry.” He swiped at it with the back of his hands. “Started the Ted search at the branch where Rossi works,” he began. “Got guys that fit the height and weight, but not the age, fit the age, but not otherwise. Fanned out to other branches. This Pi’s being really trim about it. But still nothing that really rings the bell. So I moved out to the boroughs.”

  “Bottom-line it, McNab.”

  “Okay, I’ve got a few—nobody named Ted—but a few who fall into the description you may want to have checked out. But they don’t fit the profile. We got married guys, with kids, grandkids, and no property like we’re thinking listed under their name or names of family members I’ve dug up so far.”
/>   “And those are my beeps.”

  “No. I started thinking, hey, let’s try the locales of the other murders. Hit Florida first, and got us a beep.”

  He called the data on screen. “Membership in the name of Edward Nave. DOB June 8, 1989—down on the age—and the membership required a workup, so we’ve got his height—down with that—weight—a few pounds lighter, but you gotta figure on some flux. Oh, and Peabody says that Ted’s a nickname for Edward, so—”


  “Yeah, that’s a problem. Address is bogus. He lists a Florida addy that would have him setting up in Miami’s Grand Opera House. I checked it out.”

  “Bring up his ID.”

  “Okay.” McNab pulled at his heavily decorated ear. “Problem number two. I can give you a fistful of Edward Naves, but none of their ID data matches the membership data.”

  “Copy me on them anyway. We’ll run them down. How long has he held the membership? When did he pick it up in Florida?”

  “Five years. About three months before the first murder there. It’s him, Dallas.” Conviction pushed through McNab’s voice, hardened his face. “Gotta go with the gut on it, but he’s covered it.”

  “We’re going to uncover it.” She looked at Roarke. “This franchise in Europe?”

  “It is.”

  “Start searching the memberships in the other target cities. Maybe, just maybe, this was one of his trolling tools.”

  She started to go to her own station. She’d dig into Florida again, she decided, see if she could find any connection between the fitness center and any of the victims there. A member, one of the staff, cleaning crew.

  “Eve.” Mira stood up, and the look in her eyes had Eve’s stomach sinking. “I’ve been trying to contact an Ariel Greenfeld. She’s a baker at a place called Your Affair downtown. She doesn’t answer the ’link numbers listed on her information. I’ve just spoken with her emergency contact, a neighbor. Greenfeld hasn’t been back to her apartment since she left for work this morning.”

  “Get me the address.” She started to tell Peabody to get moving, then stopped. She’d made a mistake with Feeney, there was no point in giving out another personal slap. “Roarke and I will check it out. Unless notified, all team members are to go the hell home by twenty-three hundred or hit the crib. Report back at oh-eight-hundred for first briefing. Anything, absolutely anything pops meanwhile, I’m the first to know.”

  As they headed toward Ariel’s apartment, Eve glanced at Roarke. His face was unreadable, but she understood it. Guilt, worry, questions.

  “What’s Your Affair?”

  “An event shop. Ah…upscale, everything you might need under one roof. A variety of specialty boutiques—attire, floral and planting, bakery, catering, decor, event planners. It was something I thought of when we were dealing with our wedding. Why go to all these places, all these people, if you can go to one location and find effectively everything you’d need. And if you want something else, there are consultants who’ll find that something else for you.”

  Eve thought she might actually shop in a place like that. If she fell out of a three-story window, cracked her head on the sidewalk, and suffered severe brain damage. But she said, “Handy.”

  “So I thought, yes. It’s doing quite well. She’s worked there eight months. Ariel Greenfeld.”

  “And right now, she could be boinking some guy she picked up in a bar.”

  He turned his head to look at her. “You don’t think that. I should contact her supervisor, find out what time she left work.”

  “Let’s wait on that. Let’s check out her place, talk to her neighbor. Look, do you know why I’m keeping the team on another two hours? She might not be the one. We pull off, push everything into this, maybe somebody else gets taken. First, we get a clearer view of the situation.”

  “Yes, a clearer view. How’s the headache?”

  “Sulking behind the blocker. I know it’s there, but it’s pretty easy to ignore.”

  When they’d parked, he laid a hand over hers. “Where are your gloves?”

  “Somewhere. Else.”

  He kept her hand in his, opened the glove box. And took out the spare pair he’d bought her on a recent shopping trip. “Wear these. It’s cold.”

  She pulled them on, and was grateful for them as they hiked a block to the apartment building. “You never got that sandwich,” she pointed out.

  “Neither did you.”

  “At least I didn’t shell out hundreds of dollars and not even end up with a pickle chip or a splat of veggie hash.”

  “I’ve never understood the appeal of anything referred to as ‘hash.’” Appreciating her, he draped an arm over her shoulders as they walked.

  Rather than wait to be buzzed in, she used her master on the front entrance door.

  Decent building, she noted. What she thought of as solid working class. Tenants with steady employment and middle-class income. Tidy entranceway, standard security cams, single elevator.

  “Third floor,” she requested. “She could walk to work from here, if she didn’t mind a good hike. Catch the subway and save five blocks in crappy weather or if she’s running late. Bakers, they start early, right? What time does the store open?”

  “Seven-thirty for the bakery, the café. Ten to six for most of the retail, with extended hours to eight on Saturdays. But yes, I’d think the bakery section would start work before opening hours.”

  “Couple hours maybe. So if she had to be there by six…” She trailed off as they reached the third floor. “Neighbor’s 305.”

  She walked to it, had just lifted a fist to knock when the door opened. The man who answered was late-twenties, sporting spikey hair of streaked black and bronze. He wore a baggy sweater and old jeans, and an expression of barely controlled worry.

  “Hey, heard the elevator. You the cops?”

  “Lieutenant Dallas.” Eve held up her badge. “Erik Pastor?”

  “Yeah, come on in. Ari’s not home yet. I’ve been calling people, to see if anybody’s seen her.”

  “When did you see her last?”

  “This morning. Early this morning. She came in to bring me a couple of muffins. We went out last night, a group of us. Ari went home before midnight, because she had to be at work at six this morning. And she figured—correctly—I’d be hungover.”

  He lowered to the arm of the couch. The area reflected the debris of a man who’d spent the bulk of the day nursing a long night. Soy chips, soft-drink tubes, a bottle of blockers, a blanket, a couple of pillows were scattered around.

  “I only made it as far as the couch,” he continued. “So I heard her come in, groaned at her. She razzed me a little, and said she’d see me later. If I wasn’t dead, she’d pick up a few things on her way home and fix me some dinner. Has something happened to her? They wouldn’t tell me anything on the ’link.”

  “You’re tight? You and Ariel?”

  “Yeah. Not, you know, that way. We’re friends. We hang.”

  “Could she be out with someone she’s more than friendly with?”

  “There’s a couple of guys—casual, nothing serious. I checked with them, hell, with every damn body. Plus, she’d have told me.” His voice shook a little, telling Eve he was struggling with that control. “If she says she’s going to come back and fix dinner, that’s what she does. I was starting to worry before you guys called.”

  “What time did she get off work today?”

  “Ah…give me a minute. Four? Yeah, I think four. It’s her long Sunday, so it’s four. Usually she heads straight back. Short Sundays she might do some shopping, or some of us would meet up for lunch or something.”

  “We’d like to look in her apartment.”

  “Okay, sure. She wouldn’t mind. I’ll get the key. We’ve got keys to each other’s places.”

  “Did she say anything about having an appointment today? About meeting someone?”

  “No. Or, God, I don’t know. I had my head buried
under the pillow and was praying for a quick, merciful death when she popped in this morning. I didn’t pay attention.” He dug a set of keys out of a drawer. “I don’t understand why she’s not answering her pocket ’link. I don’t understand why you’re asking all these questions.”

  “Let’s take a look at her place,” Eve suggested. “Go from there.”

  It smelled of cookies, Eve realized. Though the kitchen was small, it was organized and equipped by someone who knew what they were doing.

  “Some women buy earrings or shoes,” Erik said. “Ari, she buys ingredients and baking tools. There’s a specialty shop in the meatpacking district called Baker’s Dozen? She’ll have an orgasm just walking in there.”

  “Is there anything missing that would normally be here if she was just going to work?”

  “Uh, I don’t know. I don’t think so. Should I look around?”

  “Why don’t you?”

  While he did, Eve studied the little computer on a table just outside the kitchen. Couldn’t touch it, she thought, not until there was an official report.

  Bending the line of probable cause.

  “He might be on there,” Roarke murmured. “Something to do with this might be on there.”

  “And she could walk in the door in the next thirty seconds, and I’d have invaded her privacy, illegally.”

  “Bollocks to that.” He started to move past Eve to open the computer himself.

  “Wait, damn it. Just wait.”

  “Her shoes.” Erik stepped out of the bedroom, his face radiating both confusion and concern.

  “What about them?”

  “Her good black shoes aren’t here. She wears skids to work. She walks. It’s eight blocks, two of them crosstown, and she’s on her feet all day. Her work skids aren’t here, either. She’d take a change if she was going somewhere after. She’d take other shoes.”

  His face cleared. “She took her good black shoes. She must’ve had a date or something, just forgot to tell me, or I was so out of it…. That’s all it is. She hooked up with somebody after work.”

  Eve turned back to Roarke. “Open it.”



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