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Page 9

by Pepper North

  “I know you have a big party to get ready for today, Matt. Do you have time to treat, Bradley’s tummy?” Thorston asked not wishing to impose on Dr. Richards’ time.

  “Of course, I have time. It’s important to get Bradley back on the road to feeling better. Once we get him all cleaned out, he’ll be really hungry for some cake,” Dr. Richards laughed. He put together a large enema bag filled with warm water and a cup of his special cleanser. He inserted a large nozzle into Brad’s anus and began the flow at a brisk pace. “Thorston, rub Bradley’s tummy every ten minutes to help the cleanser move throughout his bowels. I’ll be back in about 15 minutes. The enema should be finishing at that time.” Dr. Richards walked out of the exam room again leaving the door open. The sounds of people talking and laughing echoed into the room. The crowd in the waiting room was growing.

  Brad flushed bright red. His bottom was spread wide, and on display just like that girl, Cecily’s had been when they first arrived. He couldn’t move his legs from the stirrups, and he was fastened to the table at the chest and wrists. He pushed his pacifier out of his mouth. “Daddy, can you shut off the enema? I really don’t need it,” he pleaded.

  Thorston looked at him sternly. “The enema has been prescribed by your new doctor. Do you think he didn’t examine you closely enough to know what you need?”

  Brad shook his head desperately “no.”

  “Then we’ll follow his treatment plan.” Thorston began to rub the water deeper into Bradley’s tummy. “You are going to feel so good after Dr. Richards’ treatments have solved this problem.

  “Could you close the door? People can see in here?” Brad asked desperately.

  “The doctor left it open so he can monitor your progress. You’re fine, Bradley. Everyone out there knows what a Little boy’s bottom looks like. Remember Dr. Richards treats them as well. The Littles know what it’s like to get an enema. They aren’t watching.” Thorston picked up the pacifier and dipped it again in the soother before pressing it into Brad’s mouth. “No more whining, young man. The enema has to go in.”

  Chapter 22

  Brad’s tummy was bulging when Dr. Richards came back in to check on him. “Good boy, Bradley. All the enema went in, and your Daddy helped it go as deeply as it needed too. At home, Thorston, I’d suggest you leave the cleanser in Bradley’s tummy at least twenty minutes. Thirty would be better. For today, I’m going to let Bradley expel the enema now.” He unfastened Brad’s legs and wrists before releasing the chest restraint. He helped Brad stand up, and he walked him to the toilet in the corner of the exam room. Pulling the nozzle from his rectum, Dr. Richards allowed Brad to drop to the seat, and a torrent of dirty water and suds burst out of him.

  Brad held his tummy and groaned. It felt like his insides were coming out. “Daddy, I don’t like this.” Thorston knelt by his side and wrapped Brad in his arms. Brad was embarrassed by the sounds and smells coming from his body but somehow having his Daddy hold him made it all better.

  Dr. Richards smiled at the two. He surreptitiously took a picture of the nude Little on the toilet surrounded by the arms of his very large Daddy. Brad’s head tucked into his Daddy’s neck with Thorston whispering into his ear to reassure him. He sent it quickly to Thorston’s phone and watched the caring Daddy’s watch buzz with notification of the picture. Thorston grinned up at Dr. Richards, “Thanks, Matt. I’ll treasure that one.” Brad didn’t even stir. Dr. Richards finished preparing the large quantity rinse enema. He draped a towel over the bag hanging on the medical stand to hide it from Brad.

  Finally, when Brad thought everything was out, his Daddy cleaned up his bottom and helped him stand. Dr. Richards urged him back up on the exam table this time on his hands and knees. He had Brad stretch his hands back to the top of the table, and he secured his wrists again. Dr. Richards fastened his calves into place so that he was leaning over propped up on his knees with his head lowered down to the padded exam table and his hips high in the air.

  Brad recognized this position from Cecily’s when they had seen into her exam room. He knew what was coming next. A tube entered his bottom. It felt wide but not as wide as the previous nozzle had been. The water started spurting into him. He tried to stand up by reflex only to be stopped by the restraints at his wrists. Thorston was immediately by his side.

  “You’re okay, Bradley. Dr. Richards is rinsing that cleanser out of your bottom. Just relax and let the tube slide in,” he urged.

  Brad became aware of the tube sliding deeper and deeper. The spurting water had disguised its progress, but now he could feel it winding through his intestines. He grunted in reaction as the tube ran into an obstacle. He felt Dr. Richards advance and withdraw the tubing several times, twisting it as he pushed it in further. Finally, it popped around a corner and slid deeper. Finally, he felt it stop moving. Brad relaxed to the surface of the exam table thinking it was done, but the water kept spurting into him. His stomach felt like it was being dragged down with the weight of the water. Surely, it was almost finished. “Daddy?” he asked pushing his pacifier out.

  Thorston immediately knew he was asking if the enema was done. He glanced at the bag. There was about a third of the volume left to drain into his Little boy. He’d have to help him take it all inside. “You’re doing a great job, Bradley. Your rinse is almost inside. Let’s try to distract ourselves. What presents do you think Zoey will get at her party?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” whined Brad. “I’m not a girl. I know what presents a boy would like.”

  “What presents would a Little boy want for a birthday?” Thorston decided to keep the conversation going.

  “I’d want a fire truck and a real cowboy hat. I wouldn’t want a spanking. Zoey was joking about her birthday spanking, but I don’t think Dr. Richards was,” Brad panted as he struggled to take in the rinse enema.

  Dr. Richards started to laugh. “You’re right, Bradley. Birthday spankings are real in this house. Zoey’s twenty-six today. Twenty-six spankings with her birthday paddle will make her bottom very sore. Spankings are good for Little girls and boys. How old will you be on your next birthday, Bradley?”

  “Twenty-five. But my birthday’s not until November,” Brad rushed to say.

  They all heard the gurgle of the enema draining fully. “I don’t know, Bradley. That enema ran out just as you were talking about your birthday. Maybe that was your present for this year, and we should give you an early birthday spanking,” Thorston teased. He watched as Dr. Richards pulled the long hose out of Brad’s bottom. He was glad he’d seen this done. His Little boy could absorb a lot of tubing to reach high in his system. He’d have to remember this. Finally, the tubing was out, and Brad was released from the restraints to rush to the toilet.

  Dr. Richards urged Thorston to let him take his time releasing the enema. He placed a large pair of an adult pull-up diaper on the exam table. “Brad will need to go to the bathroom frequently during the party. There are several potty chairs in the waiting room that he can use, or he can come in here to use the toilet. Just be sure to wipe the potty chairs with the disinfectant wipes next to them after he uses one and it will be ready for the next Little that has to potty fast. When he’s ready, come on out and join the party. Zoey wants to get to know Bradley better. There are a lot of games to be played for valuable prizes. Thorston, here’s your goody bag with the correct size of thermometer, the pacifier soother gel, and a few other goodies including an overnight enema bag if you need it tonight. I’ve included a canister of suppositories. I want one of these to be placed deeply in Bradley’s rectum every morning and evening. Just put it in after you insert the dilator. Call and make an appointment for next week for a follow-up. I want to see how his tummy is and I’ll have the results of his tests. Bradley will need an enema every other day to start. Just simple warm water in a medium sized enema bag. Keep up the stretching exercises. I would leave the dilator in for 8 hours now and supplement that by placing your penis in his rectum regularly. Little
boys need to feel their Daddy’s penis inside. It makes their world happier. Call me if you have any questions. My personal number is on your paperwork.” With a cheery wave, Dr. Richard left to mingle with his guests.

  Chapter 23

  What seemed like hours later, Brad felt confident that he had expelled all the enema and could join the party. He and Thorston walked out of the exam room, and he stayed by the door while his Daddy took the supplies to the car. Thorston walked back to the house with the beautifully decorated birthday gift for Zoey. He handed it to Brad and gave him a gentle push to take it to the birthday girl surrounded by all the chatting and laughing Littles. He watched Brad walk slowly toward the group that all knew each other. He could feel Brad’s nerves. When Brad hesitated and looked back at him, Thorston smiled and waved him on. Brad kept walking a few more steps.

  Suddenly, Zoey saw him and rushed to greet him. “Hi, Brad! Thank you for coming to my birthday party. I’m so glad I get to know you better. Let me introduce you to my friends. You’ll like them a lot.” She pulled Brad toward the group.

  “Um, Zoey, this present it for you. Happy birthday!” Brad said smiling at the cheerful girl.

  “Thank you so much. You didn’t have to bring a present. I’m just glad you’re here. Is it okay if I open it later?” Zoey asked earnestly.

  “Of course. It’s your present,” Brad answered.

  “Hey, Everyone. This is Brad. His Daddy is that enormous man over there. His name is Thorston Burmingham. Brad just had his first checkup with my Daddy so we’ll have to be especially nice to him,” Zoey shared, and everyone swarmed in to meet him. Brad hugged and was kissed by a whole big group of Littles. His cowboy pants with the fringe were especially admired. Zoey held his hand the whole time and helped him learn everyone’s name. “Now that everyone’s here, let’s play a game.”

  Dr. Richards came forward with a blindfold. “All right, Littles. Let’s see if you can pin the tail on the donkey. Zoey, you get to go first. Everyone stand back. Zoey’s dangerous at this game. She almost pinned the tail on her Daddy last year.” Everyone laughed. When the blindfold was in place, Dr. Richards turned Zoey around five times as everyone counted. With a smart spank on the butt, Dr. Richards pointed Zoey toward the picture of the donkey on the wall. Zoey walked and walked and finally, pressed her tail on her selected target. When she took her blindfold off, Zoey laughed with the crowd. She had pinned her tail on the back of an upholstered chair.

  “That’s my Zoey,” Dr. Richards laughed.

  One by one all the Littles tried to place their tail the closest on the donkey. Brad was chosen to go fourth. His tail was the closest through all the next Littles. He was so sure that he would win until Angelina started forward. She walked with grace and didn’t appear to be dizzy at all. She hesitated when she reached the wall and moved a few inches to the left and then back to the right. Finally, she just pressed the tail onto the wall. Pulling off the blindfold, everyone cheered. She had won. Her tail was an inch away from the donkey’s bottom. When Angelina got her prize of a new pink sparkly bottle, she walked immediately to Brad.

  “You should have won. I’m sorry I was closer,” Angelique apologized.

  “No way. You were a pro. You weren’t dizzy at all were you?” Brad answered.

  “No, I don’t get dizzy. Daddy says I should have been an astronaut. But I always ask who would change my diaper in space. It makes him laugh. I like it when my Daddy’s happy. Would you like my prize?” she offered.

  “You should have been an astronaut. Which one is your Daddy?” Brad asked curiously.

  Angelina pointed to a tall man with black and grey hair. He stood very straight and looked super solemn. “That’s my Daddy. His name is Paul. He works for Dr. Richards, so I get to come here often to play with Zoey.”

  Paul saw her pointing at him, and he raised an eyebrow. Angelina laughed and blew him a kiss. “He so looks like Spock when he’s trying to send me a message to be good. Did you see it?”

  Brad was nodding when a very muscular Little came over to shake his hand interrupting their conversation. “Hi Brad, I’m Jake. I’m glad to see you here. We boy Littles need to stick together. I’ve already asked my Mommy for a cowboy outfit like yours. You look super cool,” Jake complimented him. “Come on. We’re going to have a competition eating a whipped cream pie. The first one done wins a dump truck. One of us guys has to win. I’ll introduce you to the others before it begins. Are you coming, Angelina?”

  “No way! I did that last year and ended up with whipped cream up my nose. Gross!” Angelina exclaimed.

  The two Little boys looked at each other slapped hands in a high five. “Cool!” They took off at run only to hear both Thorston and Anne yell. “No running, boys.” They slowed down and grinned at each other.

  Jake introduced him to the other Littles entering the contest. Brad knew Zoey, of course, but he met Tony and Steven. Tony and his Daddy own a service station, and Tony was a great mechanic, Jake bragged for him. Steven was also talented with his hands. He was a plumber who worked with his Daddy, Rob. They were joined by not only Zoey representing the Little girls but Abigail and Cecily. Abigail’s Mommy, April, owns a beauty salon where all the Littles and their parents went to get their hair done. From the wincing hints at other treatments, Brad figured out that many of the Littles’ parents had taken them there to have some waxing done of some sensitive areas. Brad had seen a lot of Cecily. She’d been in Exam Room 1. They commiserated about Dr. Richards and his enema treatments.

  Zoey laughed at them saying, “You should have him as a Daddy,” and then, smiling back over her shoulder at her Daddy. “He takes really good care of me. I’m really lucky.”

  The crew lined up in front of seven plates of whipped cream. They had to clasp their hands behind their backs and “tweeeeet!” a whistle sounded the beginning of the competition. All the Littles dived into their whipped cream pies. The other Littles and the parents cheered them on. Jake finished way before the rest of the Littles. They all raised their heads and pointed and giggled at each other. They looked like snow Littles. Everyone had whipped cream smeared all over their faces. It was in Abigail’s hair, and Cecily had somehow gotten a big glob on her right ear. No one could figure out how she did that. And everyone had whipped cream up their noses. Parents swarmed the group with wipes and cleaned their Littles up the best they could.

  Jake was awarded with the shiny blue dump truck. He held it to his chest.

  “He has a dozen real dump trucks at work, and he’s so excited by a toy one to play with at home,” Jake’s Mommy, Anne said to the other parents. “He’ll sleep with that tonight.

  Jake brought the dump truck over to show his Mommy. “Do you want me to keep it, Jake?” He wrapped his arms around it and shook his head saying “No. I want to play with it.” Anne wrapped her arms around her precious Little and squeezed him. “Go play, sweetie.”

  Chapter 24

  Soon all the games had been played, and many of the Littles had won prizes. Jillian, Dr. Richard’s housekeeper, brought out a big cake with twenty-six candles and everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to Zoey. She grinned from ear to ear and bounced in happiness. The parents all made their Littles sit on the floor in the entry hall to eat so they wouldn’t spill anything. Everyone all ate the delicious cake and ice cream. All the parents could hear were the MMmmmms and smacking lips as the Littles enjoyed their treat.

  Slowly, the parents started gathering their Littles. All stopped on their way out to talk to Brad and Thorston, welcoming them to the group.

  Zoey and her Daddy, Dr. Richards, stood at the door and thanked everyone. She hugged each Little and thanked them for their present. She handed each one a big bag of goodies from her Daddy and herself. Dr. Richards winked at some and assured the parent that there were presents in the bag for them as well. Some Littles hesitated to take a bag. They were a little afraid of anything that came as a present from the doctor. Zoey reassured them that she’d put good candy in t
heir bag.

  Brad and Thorston stopped on their way out and thanked Zoey and Dr. Richard for inviting them. Zoey hugged Brad while Thorston shook hands with the doctor. Dr. Richards leaned down to talk privately to Brad. “How’s the tummy?”

  Brad thought for a minute and whispered in an amazed tone, “It feels a lot better.”

  Zoey said proudly, “My Daddy is the best doctor. Even I don’t like some of his medicines, but I always feel better. I’m glad he’s taking care of you, Brad.”

  “Me, too,” Brad admitted as he held Thorston’s hand.

  “Come on whipped cream boy. We need to take you home and dunk you in a bathtub, so you don’t stick to the sheets,” Thorston observed drily. He tucked Brad into the passenger seat and drove home. Brad fell asleep in five minutes.

  Chapter 25

  Brad and Thorston fell into a routine. They both liked to spend time together, so Brad stayed at Thorston’s most days after work. They also spent Brad’s days off together. Thorston stocked Brad’s closet with several pairs of scrubs, so he always had fresh clothes to wear to work as well as a lot of fun Little clothes to wear around the nursery and the mansion.

  While both men were very happy to have found each other, there was still an invisible barrier in their relationship. Brad struggled to allow Thorston to control all the aspects of his life. He was having trouble using his diaper and adjusting to Dr. Richards schedule of health treatments. Letting Thorston make decisions for him was hard. He’d been living on his own for a while. He wasn’t used to asking for permission or letting someone do intimate things for him. Thorston was so big and imposing. It was tough not to follow his directions but Brad was afraid if he just gave in that Thorston’s stern personality would overwhelm him.


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