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The Bloodwolf War

Page 28

by Paula Boer

  Fleet gazed down on the young horses growing strong on the lush feed. Tress instructed the mares about which herbs they should eat to make their milk rich, and led the foals to patches of nettles and garlic to aid their bone development. His eyes lingered on her colt. They had expected him to be black like themselves. Instead, his silver coat sparkled. His hooves, mane, and tail shone like the copper that threaded the basalt cliffs. His light build and dished face belied his heritage; hence they had named him Mystery.

  As he surveyed his territory, Fleet spotted a trio of humans trekking along the river. It wasn’t unusual for people to join the growing Waterfalls clan. The first settlers had remained after exterminating the bloodwolves last summer, finding the meandering river protected by hills to their liking. Diamond and Echo had been true to their word and visited every water source twice, once to deposit the jade dust and later to ensure all the scorcheels had been vanquished.

  The three people far below all looked to be men. A pity, as more women were needed for them to build their numbers. Although Fleet still didn’t enjoy the company of children, with their screams and sudden movements, he understood the need to establish a larger clan. The people groomed the mares and sometimes rode out to hunt hogs, but with such a small clan, they couldn’t grow sufficient oats and hay for the herds. Maybe more men were a good thing after all. They could help at the forthcoming harvest.

  Fleet studied the newcomers. The walk of the lead man looked familiar. A ray of sunshine caught in the man’s orange hair. “Yuma!” Fleet’s heart quickened as he remembered the seasons of travel and the hardships they had overcome. He had missed their friendship.

  Leaving his post, he galloped to greet the people.

  He pulled up in a cloud of dust.

  Yuma threw his arms around Fleet’s neck and buried his face in his mane. “Greetings, old friend. I see you’ve been busy.”

  “Why aren’t you riding?” Fleet would have welcomed more warriors to his domain. No coldblood was a threat to his rule. After a fateful challenge from a former king, the rest of the stallions had treated him with respect.

  After introducing his companions as Chaytan and his son, Yuma explained he had no desire to ride a horse he couldn’t talk with. “You’ve spoilt me, my friend.”

  Fleet nibbled Yuma’s hair and then accompanied the men to the village, sharing their news along the way. No-one else was around, as most people had returned to their homes even though plenty of daylight remained. With only a small population, food was plentiful despite the slow return of animals. A reduction in the number of wolves meant the hogs’ offspring had survived in vast numbers.

  Pleased as he was to be reunited with Yuma, Fleet didn’t under­stand why his friend had returned, especially making the long trek on foot. “So why are you here?”

  “I want to rebuild the village. I owe that to my parents. Not that I want to be chief. But it’s too good a site to waste, and many people have no wish to remain in their old homes with the memories of those they’ve lost.” Yuma stopped on the outskirts of the huts, the new timber bright and strong where once there had been only charred remains. “It looks as if some people have arrived already.”

  “You’ll be surprised how many are here.”

  The village buzzed with activity. Fleet escorted Yuma and his friends to the central hut. “You must meet the healer. She’s very different from Laila, but she helps with difficult foalings, and tends to horses and people alike.”

  When Fleet called her, a tall slim woman ducked out of one of the huts. Before he could introduce her, she ran across the clearing.

  Yuma ran towards her and threw his arms around her. “Winona! I thought you were dead. How did you survive?”

  After wiping away her tears, Winona told how she had been gathering far afield when the bloodwolves attacked the clan. “I lived rough in the forest for many seasons. One day I saw a huge blaze. When I investigated, the Mother had purified the site. Any trace of poison or destruction was burnt. Since then I’ve been rebuilding what I can.”

  When Yuma had built the pyre to cremate his parents and the other dead, and had burned the huts, neither Fleet nor Yuma had thought anyone had survived. Fleet was pleased his friend’s sister still lived. It was bad enough to lose one’s parents, let alone a sibling as well. A twinge of regret pricked him as he thought of Shadow. He was the goddess’s most powerful creation. Was he still alive? If so, where? Pushing his doubts away, the recovery of the land was all the proof Fleet needed that he had done the right thing.

  As Yuma and Winona shared their stories, Tress galloped up in a panic. “Fleet, I need the healer! Mystery is in great pain. Come quickly!”

  They huddled around the colt. Fleet was shocked to see Mystery’s forehead swollen. Sweat poured from around his ears. His copper forelock tangled in a wet mass, the hair underneath falling off in clumps.

  Winona opened her medicine pouch and extracted a wad of maple leaves. She ordered Yuma to sit on the colt’s neck and applied a poultice over the boil. “I may need to lance it. Perhaps it’s an allergic reaction to a sting. I’ve never seen anything grow so quickly.”

  Tress paced around her colt. His flanks heaved.

  Fleet shuffled from hoof to hoof, powerless to help.

  Chaytan sent his son to fetch water and held the colt’s forelegs to stop him thrashing and injuring any of them. A spray of ichor gushed from Mystery’s forehead.

  Winona jumped back.

  A copper snake erupted from the wound. It straightened, hardening into a spiralled horn as long as Mystery’s leg below the knee. The colt blinked away the moisture. “I’m alright. Let me up. Give me space.”

  Yuma and Chaytan immediately leapt up and joined Winona.

  They had understood Fleet’s son! Mystery was almost half warm­blood but hadn’t mated. How could he be heard by people? Fleet blinked as he realised the truth: he wasn’t a noncorn like his sire.

  Mystery had become a unicorn.

  Yuma congratulated Tress and Fleet. “Moonglow must have foreseen this, which is why she wouldn’t mate. A pity she didn’t think to explain so we could have been prepared.”

  Fleet couldn’t help thinking Tempest would be unimpressed. He shared his amusement with Tress.

  She ignored him and nuzzled her colt’s neck as he leapt to his feet. “Does it still hurt? Maybe we can travel to Shimmering Lake to seek help from Gemstone.”

  Mystery shook himself before bounding over to the creek to splash in the shallows. “No, I feel wonderful. I could gallop forever.”

  Dismayed, Fleet watched as Mystery cavorted. It seemed he could already draw energy from the land. How much more powerful would he become?

  Tress stood by Fleet’s side. “How will I rear a unicorn? I can’t teach him to use his powers.”

  The other horses cantered over to investigate Mystery’s new status.

  Fleet acknowledged their son needed more guidance than either of them could give. “He must be sent to one of the other unicorns. It’s time he was weaned anyway. You need to rebuild your strength ready for your next foal. But I can’t leave the herd. I’ll see if one of them will come here.”

  Yuma glanced at Winona. “I was bringing Chaytan here before heading to Shimmering Lake. I can take Mystery to Gem.”

  Fleet blinked. “I thought you’d returned to rebuild the village. Why would you travel so far now you’ve come home and your sister is here?”

  “I’ll be back. But we’ve very little jade left and I fear, as you do, that Shadow may not be dead.”

  Slapping his friend on the back, Chaytan winked at Winona. “More likely there’s a certain young woman he’d like to see again.”

  Yuma shrugged and addressed Winona. “I’m sorry I have to leave so soon. We had to abandon the goddess’s feathers at Obsidian Caves. If he’s alive, Shadow might be able to use them.”

  Fleet agreed, and glanced toward his son. “Shimmering Lake is a good place for Mystery to grow up. I think Diamond may still be there too, even after all this time. I’ll tell them you’re on your way.”

  Bursting with pride, Fleet galloped to the crest of the nearest ridge. Tress and their colt raced after him. As the sun shone on their son’s copper horn, Fleet reared and whinnied. He absorbed the energy of the wind and sent a message to the far corners of Equinora.

  Welcome Mystery, the new Fire Unicorn!

  Fleet's Ancestry




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