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Wounded Souls

Page 13

by R J Nolan

  Heat suffused Dale’s face. She jammed her hands in her pockets and slowly approached Logan and Drake. Don’t be such a sissy. He had been friendly with the tech. “Ready to go?” She shot a look at Drake and found him staring at her. His head was higher than her waist. She barely resisted the urge to step back—far back.

  Logan frowned and placed a hand on Drake’s back. “Is everything all right?”

  Dale swallowed nervously. “Sure. Let’s get out of here.” She hoped she sounded more convincing to Logan than she did to her own ears. She strode to the door and held it open, struggling not to tense when Drake passed her.

  Drake didn’t so much as glance her way.

  Blowing out a breath, she followed the pair to Logan’s SUV. This was going to be a lot harder than she had anticipated. A knot was already forming in her stomach at the thought of being in close proximity to Drake for the drive to Casey’s.

  Logan opened the back hatch of her SUV.

  Dale hadn’t thought of all the logistics of dealing with a dog Drake’s size. Even the simplest thing, such as getting into a vehicle, obviously required planning. How was Logan going to get the huge dog into the vehicle? Dale didn’t think he would be able to jump so soon after abdominal surgery. Would Logan want her help? A moment’s panic struck at the thought. She forced it down with difficulty. You want Logan to see what a total wuss you are? “How can I help?”

  “No need. We’ve got this. You want to go?” Logan asked Drake.

  Drake made the same strange woo-woo sound he had earlier.

  Dale jumped. The vocalization wasn’t a bark, but to Dale’s ears, it still sounded intimidating.

  Logan seemed to find it completely normal and laughed. “Okay. Foot.”

  Drake lifted a front paw and placed it in her outstretched hand. She guided his paw up to the floor of the open SUV, then gave the same command again and lifted up his other paw the same way. Once he had both front feet inside, Logan moved behind him. She put her arms around his thighs and her shoulder against his butt, being careful of his incision. “Up.” As she strained to straighten her legs and lift him like a weightlifter doing a deadlift, Drake ducked his head and walked forward with his front legs. As soon as he was in, Drake turned around and gave Logan a big slurp in the face.

  Blech! Dale grimaced.

  Logan didn’t bat an eye. She reached into the vehicle, pulled out a small hand towel, and wiped her face, then Drake’s. “Love you too.” She motioned him back. “Watch your head.” She closed the back hatch. Smiling at Dale, she said, “Let’s go.”

  Dale glanced into the window at Drake. Logan had the backseats down, and his dog bed from the RV covered the floor. Even without his food and paraphernalia taking some of the space, he would have easily filled the back of the SUV. Drake positioned himself so that his head was right behind the front seats. Once she got inside, they would be eye to eye. Taking a deep breath, she mentally girded her loins and opened the passenger door.

  Logan glanced at Dale, who sat with her hands clenched in her lap and hadn’t said a word since they’d left the animal hospital. What was going on with her? She checked on Drake via the rearview mirror. Just the sight of him made her smile. It was so good to have him with her. Logan slid her hand between the seats and patted his chest.

  When Logan pulled up in front of Casey’s house, Dale let out a relieved sigh and grabbed the door handle the second the SUV stopped.

  “Wait.” Logan caught hold of Dale’s arm, holding her in place.

  Dale glanced over her shoulder at Logan.

  “What’s wrong? You’ve been acting strange ever since we picked up Drake.” There was only one thing Logan could think of that was causing Dale to act so strangely. She held back a disappointed sigh. “Maybe this isn’t a good idea after all. I’ll take Drake home with me. We’ll be fine.”

  Dale turned in her seat to face Logan. “No. Please don’t do that.” Her gaze darted into the back of the SUV. “It’s just…um… I’ve never been around a dog Drake’s size and…” She ducked her head, but not before Logan saw the bright blush.

  She’s afraid of Drake. Logan felt like an idiot for not realizing it sooner. She had been so relieved to pick up Drake, and Dale had been so willing to help that she’d assumed Dale would be fine with him. After all Dale had been through, Logan knew how hard it must have been for her to admit her anxiety. “Hey. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. He’s huge. It takes some getting used to.” She stroked Dale’s arm.

  Dale looked up.

  Captured by the warmth in Dale’s gaze, Logan froze.

  Drake shoved his big head between them.

  Dale yelped and reared back, striking her head on the side window.

  “Drake! Back up!” She scowled at him and put her arm across the space between the seats, blocking his access. “Are you okay?”

  Dale’s smile looked forced as she rubbed the back of her head. “I’m okay.”

  “I swear he doesn’t mean any harm. He has no idea how big he is.” Logan leaned over the console. “I’m so sorry. Are you really all right?” She ran her hand up the back of Dale’s neck and into her hair, checking for any damage.

  Dale’s irises changed, becoming streaked with blue, and she licked her lips.

  Suddenly acutely aware of her breasts pressed against Dale’s arm and the silky feel of her hair between her fingers, unexpected arousal sang through her veins. Logan bit back a groan as her nipples hardened. Her fingers tightened on the back of Dale’s head.

  Logan wasn’t sure who moved, but she found herself inches from Dale’s tempting lips. Her gaze bounced between Dale’s dilated pupils and slightly parted lips. Oh God.

  A low rumble issued from Drake.

  Dale jerked back. Logan’s hand on the back of her head kept her from hitting the window again.

  A flush that had nothing to do with arousal burned Logan’s cheeks when she realized she had leaned so far over the console that she was almost in Dale’s seat with her. She pushed off the side of Dale’s seat and slumped back into her own. Get control of yourself. Remember your promise. Another second and she would have kissed her.

  “He really doesn’t like me.”

  “That’s not true.” She shot Drake a glare. “He—” Logan caught sight of what, or rather, who had caused Drake to react and barely resisted the urge to bury her face in her hands. “It wasn’t you.” She pointed out the side window behind Dale.

  Dale turned in her seat and did bury her face in her hands when a grinning Casey waved. “Oh, great.”

  While she knew Drake interrupting them had been for the best, hearing the embarrassment in Dale’s voice caused an unpleasant sensation in her chest. She bolted from the car.

  Logan hurried to the back of the SUV and opened the hatch, hoping to distract Casey from what she had just witnessed. “Come meet Drake,” she called.

  Casey came around the back of the vehicle. She met Logan’s gaze and waggled her eyebrows.

  Heat rushed up Logan’s neck and brought a vivid blush to her face.

  Never one to be ignored, Drake woo-wooed at Casey.

  Logan watched her reaction carefully.

  Casey laughed. “Hello to you too.” She stepped close to the SUV without a moment’s hesitation. Holding out her hand to be sniffed, she said, “Aren’t you a handsome boy. I haven’t seen a beautiful blue like you in a long time.” She glanced at Logan. “How old is he?”

  “Almost six and a half.”

  “Wow. I would have guessed younger. Despite the white on his face, he looks in really good shape.” Once Casey was sure Drake had gotten her scent and accepted her, she reached up and stroked the large white spot on his chest, then rubbed his ears.

  Drake covered every inch of Casey’s face with slobbery kisses.

  Dale joined them but kept her distance.

Logan smiled at her and tried hard not to think about what it would have felt like to press her lips to Dale’s. Get your mind off Dale and on Drake. She turned her back on Dale. “All right, buddy, let’s get you out of there.” She put her hand on his chest before he could jump out. “Wait.” This was going to be the tricky part. While he occasionally had trouble jumping into the vehicle, he never had any problem getting out. But now with his recent surgery and incision, she didn’t want him jumping down from the SUV.

  “Wait,” she repeated and moved to Drake’s side. She ran one arm under his chest, just behind his front legs, and the other across his broad chest. If she could just support his weight long enough to ease his front legs to the ground…

  Logan started when Casey took up a position on his other side. “Hook your arm under his front leg on your side, and I’ll do the same over here,” Casey said, seeming to know exactly what she had in mind. “Then use your other arm across his chest and I will too.”

  “Are you sure? He’s heavy.”

  Casey braced herself. “No problem. You give the word.”

  “Okay, Drake. We’re going to help. One. Two. Three.” As they started to lift, she said, “Drake. Out.”

  Drake stepped forward but otherwise remained passive as they lifted his front half down. “Wait,” Logan commanded again. He waited patiently as they repositioned themselves to lift the rest of him down.

  “Piece of cake,” Casey said with a grin. Drake let out a booming woof. “You’re welcome.” She leaned over and hugged him.

  Logan watched them interact. While she still dreaded having to once again leave Drake, she was confident that he would be in good hands with Casey. She looked over at Dale, who had remained a good six feet away from the action. Logan beckoned her over. “Let me introduce you. He’s friendly. See.”

  Casey, who was busy loving on Drake, glanced up. “Come on. He’s a big baby like Harley—just a little bigger.” Dale arched an eyebrow. “Okay. A lot bigger.”

  Dale approached cautiously, while Casey stepped out of the way.

  Logan had a hard time reconciling this image of Dale with the one from work. Many times she had seen Dale charge into a trauma like a warrior ready to do battle.

  Although Drake hadn’t used his specialized training in over two years, she hoped he remembered the commands.

  Once Dale reached her side, Logan guided her to stand in front of Drake. She put one hand on Dale’s shoulder and the other one on Drake’s shoulder. “Drake. Greet. Silent.”

  Drake lowered his head, then stood perfectly still.

  “Offer him your hand. Palm down,” Logan said. “He won’t hurt you. I promise.” Feeling the tension radiating from Dale, she gave her shoulder a firm squeeze.

  Dale did as requested. Some of the tension eased from her posture when Drake gently sniffed, then ducked his head under Dale’s hand so it came to rest on his neck.

  “Stroke his neck. He likes that.”

  Dale stroked her hand up and down Drake’s neck, gaining confidence when he never moved or made a sound.

  Logan grinned and resisted the urge to hug Drake. One of the hardest things for Drake to learn was not to vocalize when greeting people while he was working. Many of the traumatic brain injury patients he had worked with were very sound sensitive. From Dale’s reactions, she was convinced this wasn’t simply a response to Drake’s size; Logan was willing to bet she was afraid of dogs. The fact that Dale had stayed with Logan all during Drake’s ordeal and found a safe place for him with Casey despite her fear made what she had done that much more special. You are one wonderful lady.

  Their gazes met and locked.

  Casey cleared her throat. “Don’t want to tire Drake out too much. Maybe we should get him inside?”

  Logan flushed when she realized their hands were intertwined and stroking Drake’s back. She pulled away. Get it together. “Give me a hand unloading his stuff?”

  “Sure.” Dale stepped away from Drake.

  Drake’s head came up, but otherwise he remained motionless.

  “Good boy! Release.”

  Drake came to life with the command. His tail started to wag, and he pressed his head into Logan’s belly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight for a moment. “That’s my good boy.”

  Casey came back over and patted Drake. “That was impressive. Where did he learn that?”

  A rush of sadness filled Logan. She firmly pushed it away. “He used to be a therapy dog.”

  “Very interesting.” Casey nodded, her gaze going distant.

  Logan peered at her. What was that about?

  Casey shook herself out of her reverie. “Come on, Drake. Let’s get you settled. Your mom still needs to get some sleep before she goes to work tonight.” She pointed at Dale. “You too. It’s getting late. Both of you need to get some sleep.”

  “Yes, Mom,” Dale said.

  Casey flipped her off. “And you’re going to eat too before you leave.”

  Logan smiled. Feeling more lighthearted than she had any right to, she joined Dale in gathering up Drake’s stuff.


  Casey searched through the rows of gift bags on the conference table. “Ah. Here it is.” She pulled out one of the bags and handed it to Dale. “Double-check Ruben’s bag, and make sure there’s nothing that he can’t use and might upset him.” She grimaced. “I still remember opening a care package not long after my amputations and finding a pair of shower shoes and some socks. I know it was an honest mistake, but it still packed an emotional punch.”

  “I know what you mean.” Dale rummaged through the bag and made sure there was nothing objectionable, then added it back to the pile on the table. “All set.” She glanced at the door to the conference room for the tenth time since she’d arrived. Not that she was counting or anything.

  “She’ll be here. I even drew her a map to the conference room this morning.”

  “You saw Logan already today?” The question came out sharper than she intended.

  “Yeah. I see her every day. She comes by to have breakfast with Drake.” Casey’s brow furrowed for a moment before she grinned. “You’re jealous.”

  Dale scowled. “I am not.” At least not much anyway. “We’re just friends.”

  “Oh, sure.” She smirked. “You two looked really friendly all right when I caught you kissing in Logan’s SUV.”

  Heat flooded Dale’s face. She had thought often of that moment over the last few days. She still hadn’t decided whether she should thank Drake or curse him. “We were not kissing. Drake startled me, and I smacked my head on the window. Logan was just checking to make sure I was okay.”

  “Well, damn, I’ve been going to the wrong doctors, ’cause that sure as hell isn’t the way I got checked for a head injury.” Casey turned serious. “It was more than that. You can’t deny you’re interested in her.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You know as well as I do that all Logan and I will ever be is friends.” No matter how much a part of her longed for things to be different.

  “You could be more. It’s clear that she’s attracted to you.” She walked over to Dale and put a hand on her shoulder. “I know it was hard when you couldn’t work things out with Glenda. It doesn’t have to be like that with Logan. You’ve come so far since then. Logan’s already seen—”

  Dale adamantly shook her head and pulled away from Casey’s touch. “No.”


  Dale spun around at the sound of Logan’s voice, wondering how much she had heard. “Hey, Logan.”

  “Merry Christmas Eve.” Casey checked her watch. “Almost.”

  Logan nodded toward Casey, then tentatively stepped into the room. When she spotted the gifts on the table, she paled, her hands clenching at her sides.

  From the start, Dale thought this was a bad idea, and se
eing Logan so stressed just confirmed that opinion. She longed to wrap her in a comforting hug and tell her she didn’t have to do this but held herself back. She had to trust Logan to make her own decisions.

  “You feeling okay?” Casey asked.

  Logan shoved her hands into the front pockets of her jeans, and her face assumed the carefully neutral expression she wore at work. “Fine. What do I need to do?”

  Casey looked ready to question Logan further, but Dale put a hand on her arm and shook her head. “We’ll be going to the orthopedic ward on 5 West. I work with amputees, coordinating their care with the various departments. I know the ins and outs of the system pretty well since I’m…”

  Dale tensed at the mention of amputees and glanced at Logan. She’d be seeing a number of people today with amputations who had not yet received their prosthetics. Would it remind her that Dale wasn’t whole anymore either?

  Casey’s brow furrowed, and she sent Dale an unreadable look before turning her attention back to Logan. “Anyway, today we’ll be passing out care packages to every patient on the ward.” She motioned toward the bags. “Let me show you how this works. The bags are broken up into groups of ten. Each bag is labeled with a patient’s name and room number. So all you have to do is take a group of bags, deliver them to the correct patient, and visit with each person for a few minutes. That’s all there is to it.”

  Tension radiated from Logan in palpable waves. Her posture was so rigid, it looked as if she would shatter at the slightest movement.

  Casey tilted her head and peered at Logan, then shot Dale a worried look. “Uh… Dale or I can go with you into the first few patients’ rooms just to get you started.”

  Jaw clenched, Logan nodded. When she reached for the first set of bags, her breathing accelerated. She picked up the bags with trembling hands, then immediately dropped them back onto the table. “I can’t. I’m sorry. I can’t.” She ran from the room.

  “What the hell?” Casey asked as she made to follow her.

  Dale grabbed her arm. “Stay here.”



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