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Her Betrothal

Page 9

by Alice Wilde

  All four of us are soon racing through the castle, although I’m the one doing most of the running. The leopards easily keep pace with my small steps. We scare more than a few people as we rush through the halls, down flights of spiraling staircases, and out into the sunshine. No one even bothers to stop us until we’re suddenly surrounded by a small army of soldiers.

  “By the gods,” I say under my breath.

  “Your Highness,” one of the guards says as he steps forward and bows low, “we are here to accompany you around the gardens.”

  “So, I’ve realized,” I say. “Very well.”

  This is not at all what I had hoped for, but then again what did I expect? That I’d be free to roam the wild outdoors on my own? Of course not.

  We start to walk, but our progress is a painstakingly slow as the guards have to move in a formation around us, keeping their distance from the leopards. Making our way through the various courtyards, I suddenly realize we’ve entered my favorite garden. Here, unknown to almost everyone, is a small crack in the castle walls. My escape route. It’s well hidden behind a series of climbing vines. My fingers are starting to itch with anticipation. If only I can figure out some way to divert the guards’ attention away from us.

  That’s it! Ever so cautiously, I reach over and unhook one of the leopard’s leashes.

  “Gods!” I yell, startling everyone including the leopards. “One of their leashes has become unhooked!”

  The guards scramble as they try to figure out what to do, and the green-eyed leopard glances over at me curiously. It’s him I’ve unhooked. A mischievous look twinkles in his eyes and he bolts.

  “Don’t let him get away,” I say as I point after him. “Damien gave him to me!”

  The name of my betrothed kicks everyone into action and, before I can count to ten, they’re all chasing him down.

  “Good luck,” I laugh as unhook the other two leopards and race to find my escape.

  Pulling aside the vines in as delicate a manner as I can, I slip through the crack. It’s just big enough for me to squeeze through, and I realize too late that the leopards are too large to follow.

  “I’m sorry,” I say. “You’ll have to find your own way out.”

  My heart heavy with guilt, I replace the vines and turn to run, but I’m stopped. A sound like stone scraping against stone comes from atop the castle walls and I look up just in time to see all three massive leopards leap down from above.

  I can feel my mouth hanging open in astonishment, but the yells and sounds of approaching guards move me into action and together, the leopards and I, we disappear into the forest.



  After what he’s just done to her, he has the gall to use me to try and woo her? It’s hard enough being around her day and night in beast form, unable to touch her.

  I still don’t know if Damien knows we can see through his eyes when he calls us out, or even how much of us is poured into his being during these moments. This is by far the longest time I’ve spent in a single span of time called out. Anger seethes in me I watch Annalise struggle beneath me…No, beneath Damien; he’s called me out to focus my talents in pleasuring a woman on her. Damien’s so close to her, I can smell the fear seeping through her skin. I struggle against the link as hard as I can but to no avail. I want her too, but absolutely not in this way. Never, not once, have I taken a woman against her will, and I’m not about to start now. No amount of coercing her into it would make it right. Besides, if I wasn’t a beast and I wasn’t speaking through Damien, she’d be the one begging for me.

  Help her! I say, trying to link with either of the others, but again…nothing.

  I do the only other thing I can think of. Concentrating as much of my energy as I possibly can, I look deep into her eyes and beg, plead with her to do or say anything.

  “I said, no!” Annalise yells.

  The next moment, my link with Damien is broken and I’m back, breathing hard in my beast body. I barely manage to raise my eyes to see Li fighting with Damien.

  “Thor’s beard, Li. You couldn’t have helped any sooner?” I say before passing out.



  I feel at home in the forest, the sweet, earthy smell of moss and dirt, the birds twittering in the trees…and three monstrous snow leopards running beside me.

  I gasp for air as I push my way into a clearing. It’s the clearing. I haven’t been back here since I stumbled upon that boy so many years ago. I’m not even sure why I’m here now. I shudder at the thought, but I can’t deny that there’s something magical about this small space in the forest. I walk over to where I remember finding the boy. Small blue flowers litter the ground, leaving no trace that anyone had ever lain here.

  The sound of gurgling water pricks my ears and I turn toward it excitedly. It’s only now that I realize the leopards haven’t entered the clearing, but are pacing around it as they watch me. I wonder if they can feel something different about this place, too.

  Sweat drips down my back and I’m once again reminded of the stream. It’s not far from the clearing and I find it easily. A small waterfall spills into a cool, clear pool.

  The leopards have followed me, watching me from a distance. I wriggle out of my clothes as quickly as I can manage, which isn’t very quickly at all, and just happen to catch one of the leopards covering his face with his paw as I finally manage to step out of my dress and into the water. Honestly, if I didn’t know any better, I’d believe he was respecting my modesty. Funny beast.

  “Come on,” I call to them. “The water’s lovely!”

  They shift nervously, but none makes a move to join me.

  “Suit yourselves.”

  I lay back, letting the water lap at my skin. Sitting up, I yank the pins out of my cap and toss it out of the pool, pulling my braids loose. I submerge myself, letting the water wash away the day’s bitterness. My mind calms for the first time in days. If only I could stay here, stay like this.

  Emerging from the water I feel refreshed, hopeful.

  “Let’s never return!” I say to no one in particular.

  Just then a huge splash sends me reeling and I resurface to find the green-eyed leopard has joined me. I splash him and he splashes me right back. I am unexpectedly taken off my feet by a swift undercurrent and tossed against his side. I throw my arms around his neck to keep myself from being pulled further by the water. I’m shocked but find myself kissing his muzzle playfully.

  “I don’t know how I would have survived these days without the three of you. Sometimes…sometimes I almost feel like you’re more human than everyone around me. Thank you.” I look up at the other two still watching me from the water’s edge. “Thank you.”

  They almost seem to smile, and my heart swells with love for them. The only things in this whole world I am proud to call my own. The only good things that have come out of Damien becoming a part of my life.

  My pets.

  My leopards.

  As sweet as the moment is, it’s gone in an instant. Something is wrong. The leopards have stiffened, tense and alert. Then I hear it too. Shouting and snapping twigs.

  “Hide!” I say, but it’s too late.

  My old governess bursts out of the trees, breathing hard.

  “Here,” she says. “Here, I found her.”

  Fool. Of course, they’d find me here. Even after all these years, I should have known this would be one of the first places they’d send someone to look. I’d never been further from the castle, and I don’t know why today of all days I hadn’t kept going.

  “Avert your eyes,” my governess snaps at the guards as she pulls me from the water. “Dress. Now!”

  I pull my clothes on as quickly as I can, but I am unable to refasten it myself. My governess snatches my cap from the ground and pushes me forward, back toward the castle. I’m forced to hold my dress together, my hair still sopping as she marches me back, flanked by an embarrassing number
of guards, three of which have captured and leashed my leopards and are following close behind.

  “Shameful. Disgusting. Completely unbecoming.”

  My governess has more than a few choice words to describe me, but I only grow more enraged with each accusation that falls from her mouth.

  I can take no more.

  “You know nothing,” I snap.

  She turns, slapping me across the face. I’m left shocked. She’s never hit me before.

  “You don’t know how privileged you are,” she says shaking with rage. “Born into a royal family, a roof over your head, a future, security. It’s more than most of us ever get, and you accuse me of being ignorant?”

  I’m hurt. I hadn’t meant it as a personal attack on her.

  “I didn’t mean…” I start but am silenced.

  “I’ll hear no more from you. Now, march!”

  Hot tears fill my eyes, my heart burdened. All I have left on my side are my leopards and Rosa. Oh, Rosa.

  The tears spill over.


  The Leopards


  I’m starting to like this lass better with each passing moment. Damien’s given her permission to go outside. I’ve seen this happen before. It’s one of his tests to see whether or not he has to further break you or if you’ll play the part of a submissive pup. So far, the other lasses Damien has tried this with have been complacent little creatures. I think this is the first time Damien’s had to struggle with a lass this headstrong, and although I often fear for her safety, I’m enjoying Damien’s torment. After so many years destroying the lives of other young lasses, I hope this time he’ll at least get a taste of his own medicine.

  I ken I shouldn’t be surprised by the way she runs through the castle to get outside, but I am. I like her all the more for it, her behavior briefly sending my thoughts racing back to my homeland and my nearly forgotten days of childhood.

  We burst from the kitchen door and out into sunshine and fresh air, a welcome reprise from the past several days, but we’re quickly stopped in our tracks by a group of soldiers. This’ll be interesting. I can sense the tension building in Annalise, and it makes me all the keener to see how she’ll handle the test.

  We amble along slowly, and I’m pleased to find the guards are more nervous about us than we are of them. I walk alongside Annalise while the other two weave in front of us, trying to get the soldiers to give us a bit more space. The pace is far too slow for us, as massive as we are, and Annalise’s nose and fingers have begun to twitch in agitation. My ears pique with curiosity as I hear her heartbeat increase.

  A quiver runs through me as I feel her fingers brush against the fur of my neck and then the small click of my leash being unhooked. Her yells draw the guard’s attention and I look up at her, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth, and know just what to do.

  This lassie. If only I could take her by the hand and race off into the wild unknowns with her, I would. Instead, I bolt, tearing through the gardens. The guards in full pursuit behind me.

  Run. I whisper in my head. Run with all your might, lass.

  The guards couldn’t catch me if they tried, not without magic. I jump in and out of the maze of shrubbery and tiny footpaths. Movement in the corner of my eye catches my attention and I look over to see Ero scramble up the high wall just as I leap out of reach of a guard who managed to get a little too close. I make my way over to where Li is now making his way up the wall and follow him, meeting Ero and Li at the top before dropping down beside Annalise.

  I swear on all the saints, this lass will be the death of me, and I’ll happily endure that death.

  The forest reminds me of the places of magic back home where people would say the faeries go to dance. The smell of the dirt and leaves crushed underfoot sends shivers through my spine. I can almost feel the power of earth and nature in each pad as they hit the ground.

  I tumble to a halt as I see Annalise step into a circle of sunlight beyond a thicket of undergrowth and trees. I can feel a slight tremor in the earth, not unlike the magic circles I’d search for growing up, but no one else seems to notice. I edge closer to the clearing, but the air, the atmosphere, almost begins to waver in front of my eyes and I step back. I’m not meant to enter this place. None of us are. Not yet.

  Annalise is looking for us, but we remain outside and she finally exits the circle to join us. She seems excited and I soon find out why. I find myself excited as well, in a different way.

  She’s stripped her clothes off and jumped into the water, her skin glistening with sweat and then droplets of water. Her long hair is loose and flowing. I could watch her for hours, but I’d prefer not to just watch.

  In a single bound, I leap from my place on the dry earth into the pool beside her, the cool water soaking my fur and easing my growing desire for her, but not entirely releasing me. She is suddenly drawn over to me by a current in the water. She takes advantage of it and pulls herself close to me in a hug. I can tell Li isn’t too pleased, but I enjoy the moment.

  My lass. Mine. As I am hers.

  But the moment is abruptly cut short as soldiers and an older woman rush in on us, jerking Annalise from the water and back toward the palace.


  Ero and I look at each other as Annalise slips through a hidden crack in the wall. As small as she is, we’d never have fit through even if we weren’t in our beast forms. Especially if we weren’t in our beast forms.

  I look up, the wall is a good forty feet tall, but there are small openings at various intervals.

  “Ready?” I ask.

  “As ever.”

  Ero leaps and is scrambling up the wall before I have a chance to say another word. I follow as quickly as I can, using the small openings to carry me higher, my claws digging hard into the stone. Shouts from below tell us the guards have noticed, and a moment later Roan has joined us atop the wall. We all grin at each other, and leap down to meet Annalise on the other side and soon we’re racing through the forest. The trees whip by as we each take turns keeping pace with Annalise as the others rush ahead and then back.

  The wind whipping through my fur is pure ecstasy, the tightness in my limbs from days spent indoors releasing as I once again pick up speed.

  Annalise disappears into a clearing and we are all forced to a standstill. There’s something off about this space in the forest, but I can’t quite put my paw on it. A magic, a deep magic, has settled here. The magic feels different from the curse coursing through our blood. The only way I can think to describe it is the exact opposite of us. Where we have only known darkness and cruelty these many years, this is a place of light. We are the yang, and this…this magic is our yin. As odd and contradictory as it is to what I was taught as a child, I am starting to wonder if perhaps our fear of the power of female has led us to this. When all my life I’ve been taught men were the light, the yin…Perhaps it is she who is the yin.

  A quiet yelp turns my head toward Ero.

  “What happened?” I say.

  “Nothing, I just tried to follow her into the clearing and my paw started smoking,” Ero says, holding up a slightly singed paw.

  We circle the clearing, trying to keep an eye on Annalise from the darkness of the forest. She finally emerges after what feels like ten thousand years and is off again. She is almost skipping as she leads us in a new direction. I can hear the sounds of water nearby and, sure enough, she stops by a small pool of crystal-clear water. I am surprised when she begins stripping her clothes off, but then I remember what we look like to her, what she thinks we are. I turn my head away. I can’t in good conscience watch her, though I know the other two have no qualms in doing so.

  Once again, my need to be a gentleman has left me envious of Ero and Roan.

  She’s in the water now, calling to us. If only I could swim. The thought strikes me oddly. I know I can’t swim in my human form, but I’m not sure about my beast form.

  Roan has joined her and no
w she’s hugging him.

  I growl at Ero, just low enough that only he can hear.

  Idiot, I curse myself. If only I’d stop overthinking everything.

  Twigs snap behind us and we tense. We’ve been found!


  I’m still worn out from the misuse of my soul earlier, but the forty-foot wall standing between me and Annalise is nothing in comparison. I leap, finding footing wherever I can while Li is still overanalyzing his next move on the ground below. Pulling myself to the top of the wall, I look down over the other side to make sure the girl hasn’t moved. Her mouth is agape. Good, at least she won’t be running off for the next moment or two.

  Li finally clambers over the edge and Roan joins us a moment later. The exhaustion from earlier slowly gives way to elation as we leap from the wall, joining Annalise. I am eager to run. I can’t remember the last time I did so without a leash, free to go wherever I please. Not that it matters much, I already know I won’t stray far from her.

  Our run ends much too soon for my liking, but Annalise has stopped inside a small clearing. There’s a strange sense of energy coming from within and I want to join her, but just as I step forward to do so, I yank my paw back, smoke rising from the singed fur.

  Guess I won’t be doing that again. I watch and wait, hoping Annalise will leave the clearing soon. I don’t like that I can’t get near her if I need to.

  Finally, she’s moving toward us and we are quick to fall into place beside her as she leads us away from the circle of trees and down to a stream of water. I watch in delight as she strips down to nothing, slight guilt staining the moment, but I can’t pull my eyes away. Her body is lovely, small but well-formed. Her rear as supple as a juicy peach. I only wish she’d turn around; she never seems to turn around.


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