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The Billionaire's Christmas Cruise

Page 3

by Dakota Rebel

  “He’s late,” I pointed out. “So really, who’s being rude here?”

  “That would be me,” a voice said from behind me. “Chase, at least, allow me to apologize before you ruin my reputation with beautiful women.”

  I stood and shook hands with Captain Jacob Pryor. He’d grayed quite a bit since I’d seen him last, and I had to remember to tease him about it later. I introduced Emerson, and we all sat down together.

  “So, you two know each other?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Jacob said. “We met a few years ago when Chase helped with the ship’s design. He wanted the captain to have input—which is smart but pretty much unheard of. That’s why he’s the best.”

  “The best what, exactly?” she asked. “I thought you and your family built casinos.”

  “I’m an architect,” I told her. “Lately, I do a lot of the business stuff for the firm, but design is where my heart is.” I poured her a glass of champagne. “Enough talk about my job. Let’s not bore Emerson, and besides, it’s Christmas, and we’re on holiday.”

  The waiter came to take our orders, and as soon as he left, Jacob pulled Emerson into a conversation.


  “Yes, Marco?” I asked, surprised that the porter had come to find me in the dining room.

  “There’s a problem with the bed.” He crouched down next to me. “The brackets appear to be broken, and we’re unable to separate them.”

  “That’s unacceptable,” I hissed. “This will look orchestrated.”

  “I know, and I’m so sorry. There are no vacant rooms on the ship. I’ve also contacted maintenance. They took a look, but they can’t fix it without possibly making the situation worse.”

  Worse…as in no bed at all? Damn.

  “So I’m not sure how you’d like me to proceed.” He looked worried, and he should be. I’d sworn not to force Emerson to share a bed with me.

  “Can you supply a cot?” I glanced over to see Emerson laughing at something Jacob had said to her, and I couldn’t help smiling, despite my frustration.

  “Well, no, sir. There’s no way to secure a cot.”

  I turned back to him and sighed. “Fine. Please provide extra bedding, and I’ll sleep on the sofa.”

  “I truly am sorry,” he said, standing back upright.

  “It’s not your fault,” I assured him. There was no point in getting angry with the young man. He wasn’t in control of these things. But I did worry about Emerson’s reaction. I’d promised her separate beds, and now, instead of being apart but close to her at night, I’d be in a completely different room. I’d spent a small fortune to sleep on a couch. So far, this plan wasn’t going well at all.

  “Is there anything else, sir?” Marco asked.

  “Yes, actually.” I stood up and slid a fifty into his palm. “Thank you for ensuring the gifts were deposited where I requested. Did the wrapped parcels make it aboard?”

  “They did,” Marco assured me. “On Christmas morning, we’ll have them arranged beneath the tree while you and Ms. Blake are at the sunrise breakfast.”

  Right. The Christmas morning breakfast on a balcony practically hanging over the ocean. The one I absolutely wouldn’t force her to attend.

  “There may be a change on our morning activities that day,” I told him. “Can you have them delivered while we’re on the excursion Christmas Eve instead?”

  “Of course.” He nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Thank you.”

  I sat back down and Emerson turned to me.

  “What did Marco need?” she asked.

  “He was informing me that the sleeping arrangements were…being taken care of.”

  She gave me an odd look, but I just shook my head, indicating we’d talk about it later. No need to bring the captain into our strange events.

  Dinner was wonderful, and we all managed to keep the conversation light and fun. Jacob regaled us with stories of sailing around the world on a city-sized ship, Emerson shared her shock at winning a trip from her company, and I did my best not to stare at her in a way that would make her uncomfortable. But it was difficult to tear my gaze away.

  She was really here. And by the end of the week, I knew without a doubt, she’d really and truly be mine. Forever.

  After dinner, Jacob excused himself, kissing Emerson on the cheek and shaking my hand before heading off. I offered Em drinks, but she declined. I could see exhaustion taking its toll on her, so I led her back to the room.

  She kicked off her shoes and went to deposit them in the bedroom. When she returned, the heels were still in her hand and her eyebrow was cocked.

  “There’s still only one bed,” she said.

  “Right,” I agreed. “Well, that’s what Marco came to tell me. They can’t separate them, after all.”

  “You promised—”

  “I know. And I’m sticking to it. I’ll sleep on the sofa.” I walked over to her, removing the shoes and dropping them to the floor before taking her hands in mine. “Emerson, I’m not here to push, persuade or force anything on you. I’d sleep on the floor if it were necessary to protect your feelings and your honor. This was an honest mistake all around. Please, believe me.”

  “Okay,” she said. “I believe you.”

  “Thank you.” I leaned forward and kissed her cheek, wanting to do so much more, but now was definitely not the time. “You look positively done in. Allow me a moment in the bedroom, then I’ll let you get to sleep.”

  She nodded, and I excused myself to get ready for bed. I was glad I’d packed sleep pants, since I usually slept in boxers. But I knew the more covered I was, the more she might believe I wasn’t after her body on this trip…well, not only her body.

  When I returned to the living room, she was still standing there, her gaze locked on the couch.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, walking up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist, unable to resist touching her.

  “I feel bad making you sleep on the sofa,” she said. “We’re adults. I think we can handle sharing the bed.”

  I turned her around to peer into her eyes. She looked as if she really believed that.

  “Emerson. I pride myself on being a gentleman. However, I don’t know if I have the willpower to sleep next to you and keep my hands to myself. It’s difficult enough not to ravage your beautiful mouth right now. I don’t want to put us in a situation that could lead to something you’re not ready for.”

  Her gaze darkened as I spoke of kissing her, and I had to step back to avoid her noticing my body’s reaction to her expression. I half-hoped, half-dreaded she’d push the issue, that she’d ask me to the bed again, because I was two seconds from being completely undone.

  When her tongue darted out to moisten her bottom lip, I actually groaned aloud. Her soft smile told me she knew exactly what she was doing. This woman would be the death of me.

  Chapter Five

  ~ Emerson ~

  I was a masochist. And maybe a sadist too, because I was getting off on Chase’s reaction to me, yet I knew there was no way we could pursue this tension between us. Not tonight anyway.

  But I was torn. I was just as afraid of not being able to behave as he was, but there was no way I could let him sleep on the sofa. Besides that it was a little too short for his six-foot something frame, he’d paid a gazillion dollars for this suite.

  Yes, I’d checked to see what exactly my prize was worth when I was considering ditching it or not. So the man was not paying five-figures to sleep on anything but a bed.

  “Use that bedding to make a Great Wall of China in the center of the bed. You’re not sleeping on the couch.” I pivoted toward the bedroom. “I’m going to get ready for bed.”


  “Full disclosure two,” I said, digging out what I needed to change and hoping my nightshirt wasn’t too ratty or revealing to this billionaire. “Don’t make me mad. You wouldn’t like me when I’m mad.”

  “Okay, Hulk.”r />
  “Glad to see you like old TV shows as much as I do.”

  “Like might not be the term I’d use. Stuck at my grandparents’ cabin with no cable and a bunch of old VCR tapes is more like it.”

  I laughed. “Not even DVDs? The inhumanity.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “Build the wall, McGuiver,” I instructed, nodding toward the bed.

  “I liked him,” he called after me.

  When I came back a few minutes later, Chase was standing beside the bed. “I didn’t know which side you’d want.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I doubt I’ll sleep much.”

  “Look I can still—”

  “It’s the water. We’ve made it out to open sea, a bit away from the shoreline. Can you feel the difference?” Seriously, we’d gone from a gently almost imperceptible rock that I could ignore to a genuine sway that felt as if it were going in a figure eight.

  “Are you okay?” he asked urgently.

  “I took Dramamine, earlier,” I assured him. Motion sickness wasn’t my problem. It was the insidious reminder that we were on the water. “I’ll just take this side,” I said quickly as I surged toward the nearest edge. My legs were beginning to feel like rubber because I was so unaccustomed to the feel of being on the ocean.

  Quickly, I burrowed beneath the covers, my back to the beautiful temptation sharing the bed with me. I heard him sigh then felt him climb into the bed, the blankets shifting a little despite the “wall” between us. My hand fisted in my pillow. More than anything, I wanted him to toss the barrier to the ground and pull me into his arms. Somehow, I knew his embrace would make me feel safe instead of completely at sea.

  * * * *

  Mmm…my pillow felt nice beneath my cheek. Warm, soft…yet firm…and it smelled so—

  Holy crap! My eyes flew open then widened even more at the sight of the hard pec right in front of my face.

  “Oh my God,” I breathed. How did I… What did I… Oh my God!

  Chase’s arms tightened around me. My first thought was Wow, his arms do feel good. The second was Chase’s arms are around me! Help!

  I did need help because right now, I never wanted to move. And that could be a problem.

  “Good morning,” he murmured into my hair then kissed the top of my head.

  “Um, okay. How did I end up here? Where’s the other bedding?”

  “Don’t know. Don’t care. Not complaining.”

  He rolled me onto my back, coming partially over me, then pressed his lips to mine, devouring my mouth while I melted. My arms circled his shoulders while I kissed him back with equal fervor. When I turned, throwing a leg over him in an attempt to get closer, he pulled back. Damn, his gentlemanly ways. I knew he wanted to let loose. I could feel it. And it should scare me since I’d never gone that far, but it didn’t. With Chase, my fear molecule just didn’t seem to appear.

  His fingers buried in my hair, drawing my mouth back toward him.

  “Good morning,” he repeated against my lips. “Ready to start our adventure?”

  “We forgot to pick our excursions last night.” I stared up into his dark eyes, thinking I might like to take a trip there… Just stay here. Explore the glory of Chase.

  Wow, apparently, my inner trollop had come on this vacation.

  Chase let me go as I pulled back. I needed to move away before I was reeled in by his Death Star tractor beam. It’s a trap, Emerson!

  I mentally shook my head at my ridiculousness. Chase was going to figure out what a nerd I was soon, though I suspected he might be on to me already.

  “It’s okay,” he told me. “I picked some stuff after you fell asleep. If you want to exchange out anything, we can.”

  “Okay,” I agreed, kind of excited to see what he’d selected. He’d seemed properly horrified by my fear of water, so I was pretty sure it was safe to say he hadn’t picked snorkeling or swimming with sharks or anything.

  I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed then froze at the pile of bedding on the floor near my feet. “I didn’t do that,” I claimed.

  “You sure?”

  Nope. No. Wasn’t sure.

  “Yes. But it was a nice try attempting to blame it on me.”

  He smirked. We both knew he’d had nothing to do with it. Looked as if I needed to have a stern talk with my subconscious self who’d eliminated our Great Wall while I was sleeping.

  * * * *

  “So what are we doing?” I asked once we were safely on land. I was dressed in tiny denim shorts and a T-shirt over my bikini that I’d honestly thought I wouldn’t wear on the trip. Chase had insisted I have on good walking shoes, too.

  He laced his fingers through mine. “Well, I didn’t think you’d want to swim with the pigs, so…”

  “You’re right there, but it sounds interesting to see though.”

  “Maybe, we will. I figured we’d stroll the boardwalk. They have one that runs a great deal of this island. Then we’ll have lunch at the Jumbey Grill then hit up the five bars in our own little pub crawl.”

  “Sounds dangerous—the alcohol part. And like we’ll have a bunch of time by ourselves.” And unlike any of the guided excursions I’d read about.

  His thumb stroked over the back of my hand. “I may have booked us a private cabana, too. We can be on the beach but not too near the water.”

  “I hear it’s supposed to be a perfect sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. So, Mr. Malloy, are you the tour guide for this day trip?”

  “Well, Ms. Blake, I certainly am. I think the first order of business is heading over to the cabana for some sunblock. And some kissing. It’s been at least an hour since I’ve had you in my arms with my mouth on yours.”

  I curled my lips together and fought a smile. At the same time, my core clenched in utter delight. Yes, please. Let’s kiss.

  “I might need help with the sunblock,” I said, feeling quite brazen.

  He let go of my hand, but a moment later, those same fingers grazed up my bare thigh, lifting goose bumps. “I’m counting on it, darling. Counting on it.”

  Chapter Six

  ~ Emerson ~

  When we got to the lush, spacious cabana Chase had reserved, the loungers were pushed to the side and two tables with thick pads on them were in the center.

  “Couples massages,” he told me. “I thought it would be a great way to start the day. They have some world-class people on staff, which is good because you should get only the best.”

  “I’ve never gotten a massage,” I told him.

  “Well, you’re in for a treat,” a male voice said from the open front of the enclosure. When we wanted to be alone, a pair of curtains could be pulled over it for privacy, but right now, a blond, tanned guy in a white tee and floral board shorts stood there.

  “You are?” Chase asked, sounding unwelcoming. His body was rigid. Any minute, I expected him to jump in front of me as if dodging a bullet from the surfer dude here.

  “I’m Shane. I’m here for your massage.”

  “No, you’re not,” Chase growled. I gave him side-eye because what the heck.

  “Chase,” I muttered through my teeth. “Don’t be rude.”

  “He’s not touching you,” he replied back, under his breath.

  Shane’s brow furrowed, and he lifted a clipboard I hadn’t noticed. “Uh…” he clicked his tongue in a random tune as he surveyed it. “Two massages. I’m supposed to do yours,” he glanced at Chase, “and my partner, Millie, who should be here in a minute, is doing Ms. Blake’s. You are Mr. Malloy, correct?”

  Chase gave a chin lift.

  “Don’t worry, dude. I’ll be gentle,” Shane teased.

  My guy shook his head.

  “Hey, can we have a sec?” I asked the masseuse.

  “Of course. We’ll be ready to get started in a hot minute. You two need to…” He made a quick motion over his sternum and clicked again. “Get naked on the top then climb under the sheets, face up. Be back in five.”
r />   He drew the curtains, enclosing us in shadows.

  I closed the distance between me and Chase then draped my arms loosely around Chase’s waist. “Relax. He seems harmless, and I bet he’ll be completely professional. He wouldn’t be top-rated if he was on the make.”

  “You’re right.” Chase bussed his lips over mine, and I hummed. I really liked it when he did that. In fact, truth be told, I kind of looked forward to going to bed tonight and pretending like I wouldn’t end up all tangled up with him again overnight. Waking in his arms had been shocking, but it was also…life changing. As in…I wasn’t sure how I’d recover from him after this cruise. He’d already been filling my thoughts. Now, they’d taken a turn for the steamy. Well…steamier.


  “Turn around,” I murmured, letting him go.


  “If I’m taking off my shirt and bikini top, you’re not watching.”

  “I could help.”

  “We’re not there yet.”

  He looked hopeful. “But we will get there.”

  Probably. Likely. Hopefully.

  I smiled and twirled my finger for him to turn. “Maybe. But for now, turn around.”

  Instead, he grabbed me and kissed me hard and fast, leaving me breathless. “That maybe is going to turn into a ‘hell, yes.’ I promise you that.”

  I swallowed hard, my thighs pressing together as I tingled. Chase’s eyes were full of heat as he turned. I watched his back and the play of powerful muscles there as he stripped off his own tee. Holy back porn. I never knew how stunning a fit torso could be from this direction.


  Take me. Take me now…

  “Um,” I squeaked. “Nope.”

  “You okay?”


  Except I had to take off my clothes and lie under a thin sheet with my nipples as hard as little rocks. Damn. It.

  Turning, I stripped off as fast as possible then dove under the sheet, crossing my arms over my all-too-perky breasts while I waited for Millie and Shane to come in.


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