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The Billionaire's Christmas Cruise

Page 6

by Dakota Rebel

  “So do you. I need…”

  He nodded. His hand cupped the back of my neck, and he covered my lips with his. I felt his glans line up with my opening, and I shuddered a breath.

  Chase drew back slightly. “Okay?”

  “Yes. I’m ready. I want you so bad.”

  “You’ll always have me. I’m yours; you’re mine.”

  I drew him back down to me. “I want you. In me. Now.” I kissed him. “Please.”

  Watching me, he pushed forward in response. I expected him to go a little at a time. Hesitate. But he just slowly, steadily pushed forward, never breaking eye contact. It was the most momentous, intimate, shattering, perfect moment of my life.

  He winced with me when I felt the pinch of pain, but he didn’t stop until he was in me to the hilt. “Okay?” he asked, as we panted together.

  “It’s perfect.” Every breath, reminded me of how full I was with him, how stretched. “You feel so…” He moved, and I gasped. “Oh my God! Good. Yes, keep doing that.”

  He guided me to move with him as he started shallow thrusts. As we gained our rhythm, our frenzy grew, and before I knew it, he was fucking me hard, and deep and just so right.

  “I knew you’d be perfect. I knew it,” he rasped. “You. Feel. So. Good. Around me.” Each word was punctuated with a drive, and my eyes rolled back.

  Like a tsunami, my climax thundered toward me, out of control and overwhelming. The waves washed over me, bowling me over, and I clasped onto Chase, anchoring to him and taking him with me as I clenched around him and pulled him into the storm.

  “Emerson,” Chase sighed against me as we collapse together and he rolled to his side. He cradled me to him, his length still deep inside me. We pressed together, clutching each other tightly, his face in my hair and mine against his chest.

  Tomorrow would come, but in this moment, we were one, and he was…my everything.

  Chapter Eleven

  ~ Chase ~

  Time was moving far too quickly. We’d spent almost our entire day at sea in bed, even going so far as to have Marco bring all of our meals into the room and leave them in the sitting area. Now that I’d claimed Emerson as mine, I couldn’t handle the thought of letting her go.

  The ship would be docking in Grand Cayman today, and as much as I wanted to show her the world, I couldn’t help wishing I could just continue showing her pleasure instead.

  Emerson stirred next to me, her hand sliding over my chest before she’d even opened her eyes, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

  “Good morning,” I whispered, placing a soft kiss to her forehead. “How are you feeling?”

  “Happy,” she answered. “And maybe a little sore.”

  “Was I too rough with you last night?” My heart leapt to my throat. I’d tried to be careful with her, but on a few occasions, I knew I’d been harder than I should be. Her body just responded so well to mine. It was easy to forget I was her first…though easy enough to remember I’d be her last.

  “No!” Her eyes flew open, gaze searching for mine. “You were perfect. You are perfect.”

  I leaned down to capture her mouth, my tongue sliding over the seam of her lips until they parted to allow me access. As it had every time I’d tasted her sweet tongue, my cock grew hard against her thigh.

  “You’re insatiable,” she said, running her fingers through my hair. “But I’m afraid I have to cry uncle for the moment.”

  “Whatever you need,” I promised her. “I can’t help how my body responds to yours. I can only swear I won’t pounce on you without permission.”

  “That’s the problem.” She giggled. “Every time I feel you hard against me, my body wants you, as well. It’s difficult to turn down the pleasure you give me.”

  “We’ll just have to suffer together then,” I said. “Let me draw you a bath.”

  We were lucky. Though most cruise cabins had tiny bathrooms you could barely move in, this luxury suite had been designed for just that—luxury. And we had a nice tub for soaking.

  “That sounds heavenly,” she admitted with a small sigh.

  I gave my own huff as I released her and stood. I pulled a robe from one of the chairs, wanting to cover my erection so she wouldn’t feel pressured or interested. She needed a rest. I’d claimed her so many times the previous day, we were running low on protection. And I’d meant what I said to her, I wanted to put my baby inside her so badly it hurt, but we had our whole lives, and I wanted some time with her that was just mine. While our children would be the only people I’d ever share her with, they could wait.

  After taking care of my morning rituals, I started the bath, ensuring the perfect water temperature and adding bubbles before coming out and offering her use of the facilities. The tub was massive, so she had plenty of time to take care of her own needs before it was full enough.

  “You’re too good to me,” she purred as she climbed out of bed.

  The moment I saw her standing there in all of her naked glory, I couldn’t help but pull her into my arms and kiss her again. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life doing this. In fact, it had taken every ounce of willpower I possessed to keep that damn ring hidden in the tree yesterday. Several times, I’d considered pulling it out and demanding that she be my wife. But I wanted it to be special. I wanted everything to always be special for her.

  Emerson pulled out of my arms, and I was pleased to see the reluctance to do so plain on her beautiful face. But I let her go, and she hurried into the bathroom, closing the door between us with a soft click.

  After calling Marco to order breakfast, I got dressed, figuring I could shower later. I wanted Em to be able to relax in the tub as long as she wanted. Her body needed the break, and if I were being completely honest with myself, I needed a breather, as well.

  The food was delivered as Emerson came out of the bedroom. She was dressed in shorts and a tank top, her hair pulled up into a ponytail. She looked good enough to eat, and part of me really wanted to take her back to bed, but I knew how much she would enjoy the day I’d planned for us, so I settled for a deep kiss before we sat down to eat.

  “So what do you have in store for me today, Mr. Malloy?” she asked before taking a sip of her coffee.

  “I thought we’d do a little scuba diving,” I answered innocently.

  “What?” I heard the fear in her tone and instantly regretted teasing her.

  “I’m sorry,” I said quickly, reaching over to pull her free hand into mine. “I shouldn’t joke like that.”

  “No, I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m such a baby. I know you’d never let anything happen to me.”

  I stood and walked around to her. I knelt, wrapping my arms around her and resting my head on her chest.

  “Emerson,” I said firmly. “You’re not a baby. Everyone has fears, and yours are completely warranted. It was callous of me to poke fun. I already dragged you onto a cruise ship without any regard to how you’d feel about it. I don’t need to make the situation worse by making light of the situation.”

  “You’re too good to me,” she whispered. She leaned down and kissed the top of my head. “All is forgiven. Now, what are we really doing today?”

  “I thought we’d go to the Turtle Farm,” I said as I went back to my own seat. “There are all kinds of animals to see and birds to feed. Would that be all right?”

  She grinned at me and nodded. The childlike excitement on her face filled my heart to bursting. I wanted that exuberant look in her eyes for the rest of our lives together. Once again, I thought to grab the ring. Maybe, I should take it with us and propose at the sanctuary. When else would a woman be able to play with sea turtles and get engaged all in one swoop?

  But no, I reminded myself. Christmas was just a couple days away now. We could both wait. I wanted her completely under my spell and unable to say no by the time I asked her. Not that I believed she’d decline. As much as I knew we were destined for each other, I was becoming sure she knew
the same. She hadn’t said it, but when I spoke of forever with her, there was no fear or hesitation on her features. She looked as serene as I felt.

  “What time do we have to leave?” she asked.

  “Soon,” I answered sadly. “We’ll have to catch a bus to get to the farm, so we’d best finish getting ready for our day.”

  * * * *

  The bus ride was a harrowing experience, and as we stepped off the death machine, I seriously considered calling the cruise line to arrange alternate transportation back to the ship.

  “That driver was a fucking menace,” I hissed, pulling Emerson into my arms as if to assure myself she was unharmed.

  “It was fun,” she argued, laughing softly as she untangled herself from me.

  “Yes, in the way skydiving and swimming with sharks is fun.” I shook my head, blowing out a heavy sigh. “I thought he was going to hit people on four different occasions.”

  “Aw, were you scared?” Emerson asked. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you on the way back.”

  I’d certainly earned her teasing, having acted like a frightened child during the ride. At one point, we’d turned a corner so fast, the bus felt as if it had tipped to one side, and I grabbed on to her leg so hard I feared I may have left bruises on her beautiful, milky white thigh.

  “Enough of that,” I warned. “If you insist on making fun, I’ll have to take you over my knee when we get back to the ship.”

  “And that’s going to discourage me how?”

  My gaze snapped to her, and the heat in her eyes warred with the innocent look she tried to give me. A growl escaped my throat, and I pulled her into me again.

  “You’re going to be the death of me,” I groaned.

  “Not today,” she assured me. “Come on. I want to see some turtles.”

  And we certainly did see turtles. The farm had small pools with baby turtles we were allowed to hold as we were told all about them. There was an option to swim with the larger sea turtles, which we declined, but they were so beautiful, that even Emerson had been willing to go ankle deep into the water to be nearer to them.

  As we walked through the sanctuary, it seemed that at every turn there was something new and amazing to see. Lizards ran free throughout, occasionally startling us as they darted across the path in front of us. Gorgeous tropical birds swooped low, practically dive bombing the tourists in search of free food.

  Emerson allowed me to leave her momentarily to wander out into the sea to witness the beauty of a shark in its natural habitat. I didn’t stay long, wanting to be with her as much as possible, but I appreciated the opportunity to see something so majestic.

  When I came back to her, she had an odd look on her face. It wasn’t worry or fear, but I couldn’t decipher it.

  “What is it?” I asked, taking her hand and bringing it to my lips, kissing softly over her knuckles.

  “There’s a butterfly on your shoulder,” she whispered. “You have to make a wish.”

  “I don’t need one,” I said. “I have everything I could ever want standing in front of me. You take my wish.”

  She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply before letting out the breath on a soft sigh. I watched as the butterfly took flight, and Emerson smiled softly, her gaze locked on me.

  “What did you wish for?” I asked.

  “Oh, I can’t tell you that,” she insisted. “Otherwise, it won’t come true.”

  “Baby, I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure every dream you could imagine will come true. I don’t need a bug to do that for you.”

  She laughed before hooking her arm through mine. She steered us back to the baby turtles, saying she wanted to hold them once more before it was time to leave. I was able to snap a few pictures of her as she cooed over one particularly tiny specimen. She looked so happy, and again, I was struck by how lucky I was to have this beautiful woman as mine.

  “Are you ready?” she asked as the guide announced it was time to head back to the bus.

  “Not in the slightest,” I admitted.

  “Well, I’ll just have to keep you distracted for the ride back to the ship.”

  “And how exactly do you plan to do that?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

  “By telling you all the things I’d like to do once we get back to our room,” she whispered, before her vixen tongue ran over my earlobe.

  “You are itching for that spanking, aren’t you, Ms. Blake?”

  “Well, that was the first thing I was going to talk about,” she said, before turning and leading me toward the crowd getting on the bus.

  Chapter Twelve

  ~ Chase ~

  “You little minx,” I said as the door to our cabin clicked closed behind us. “I cannot believe the mouth on you.”

  She looked as if she couldn’t believe it, either. She’d been quite a tease the entire way back to the ship, as if being in a crowd had kept her safe from me acting on the delicious things she said. It was almost as if she’d conveniently forgotten I’d have her alone in the room afterward.

  “Now, Chase,” she said, backing toward the bedroom. “I was just trying to distract you from the scary bus ride. And it worked, didn’t it?”

  I stalked after her, unbuttoning my shirt as I went. It had worked so well, in fact, that for a moment, I’d actually forgotten we were surrounded by people, and I’d tried to slide my fingers up her shorts.

  “Take your shirt off,” I ordered as I threw mine to the floor.

  She complied immediately, kicking off her sandals, as well. Her calves bumped into the mattress, and she froze, her eyes wide but full of heat as she stared at me.

  I reached out and pulled the string of her bikini top, allowing it to fall away before lowering to my knees in front of her. In a flash, I’d unbuttoned her shorts, pulling them down along with the swimsuit bottoms, before urging her to step out of them, so I could toss them aside.

  “Emerson,” I whispered, staring up her body to meet her gaze. “Fuck, baby, I can smell how wet you are. I wasn’t the only one being turned on by your naughty words, was I?”

  I slid a hand up her thigh, brushing my thumb against her soaked slit and drawing a shuddered moan from her full lips.

  “Hmm,” I said. “Not quite wet enough, though.”

  I stood, turning us so I could sit on the bed before pulling her over my knee. “Shall we go in order then? First, was… Oh, yes. I remember what you talked about first.”

  I ran my hand over her smooth buttocks, and she shivered but didn’t protest, which I took as permission to continue. My hand raised and landed on her soft, pliant flesh with a crack that echoed through the room. She jumped, but I didn’t miss the soft moan that escaped her at the impact.

  My cock was already hard, and precum leaked into my shorts as I watched the redness bloom across the perfect globe of her ass. Moving my hand to the other cheek, I spanked her again. And again. And again until she writhed on my knee, and I couldn’t stand it anymore.

  I picked her up and laid her on the bed, stripping off my clothes as I watched her struggle to catch her breath.

  Not wanting to give her time to recover, I climbed over her, spreading her legs and burying my face in her folds. She was soaking wet, and I feasted on her, reveling in the cries that poured from her mouth.

  “Chase, please,” she begged, her fingers pulling at my hair.

  “Please what,” I asked her, looking up as I slid two fingers inside her flooded channel. “Please touch you more? Please spank you more?” I twisted my digits, rubbing my thumb over her clit and pushing her over the edge. She shuddered and whimpered, her body going taut before collapsing bonelessly to the bed.

  “My love,” I said, moving up her body to kiss her. “I believe the last thing you mentioned was me taking you from behind, wasn’t it? Do you think you can go to your knees for me?”

  She rolled to her stomach, but I helped raise her, supporting her with my arm as I used my free hand to align my cock with her beautiful pussy. I sl
id into her easily, and though I wanted to move slowly, to take my time and relish seeing her this way under me, my own orgasm begged for release, and I knew I’d never be able to last long.

  Emerson found the strength to keep herself up, so I put my hands on her hips and began pounding into her in earnest. My balls felt as if they’d crept all the way into my body, and I barely managed to pull out of her as I came, spraying my release all over her red cheeks and back.

  She collapsed to the bed again, and I fell to the mattress next to her, my chest heaving as I fought to catch my breath. This woman would kill me.

  “Are you all right?” I asked, once I could finally speak again.

  “Better than,” she murmured, her eyelids already drooping as if she were falling asleep. “You’re an animal.”

  “You started it,” I reminded her. “I’ll be right back.”

  I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom to get a warm, wet cloth to clean her up. She was out like a light when I got back to bed. So I washed my release from her body then covered her with a blanket.

  After taking a shower and getting dressed again, I called down to cancel our dinner plans, knowing Emerson wouldn’t wake up for some time. I asked Marco to bring some fruit and bread to the room, in case she woke up hungry, but other than that, I planned to let her get as much rest as possible.

  Tomorrow was Christmas Eve. It would be our last excursion and the last day she’d be single—not that she really had been since stepping foot on the ship. But come Christmas morning, she’d be my fiancée, and soon after, she’d be Mrs. Emerson Malloy.

  Fuck, that sounded so good.

  Chapter Thirteen

  ~ Emerson ~

  I couldn’t believe this was our last day together. Our time on the cruise had flown by so quickly, and tomorrow, we’d disembark in Florida and go our separate ways. Merry Christmas.

  As we sat out on deck, one of the shelters keeping it from being too windy for diners, I listlessly stirred the creamer in my coffee and thought about my day tomorrow. Since I’d known I’d be away, I hadn’t decorated. I’d be going back to my bare apartment, with no holiday adornments and no Chase.


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