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The Secret Diary of Detective Vampire

Page 5

by J. J. Jones

  “Why do you say that?” Olivia says with obvious disappointment in her voice.

  “My ex-wife could probably explain it better than I can, but I just didn’t do a good job of being a husband. I wasn’t cut out to be one. Maybe I’m too selfish or too proud – I think those were the adjectives she used to describe me. Anyway, after we divorced, I guess I just decided I wouldn’t waste my time with marriage again since apparently I’m not any good at it.” I quickly pick up my beer and pretend to drink it.

  Olivia does the same and an uncomfortable silence spreads between us. I scan the bar remembering that I am there for a second reason other than to be with Olivia.

  Within seconds I found who I believe to be Gerald. I try to concentrate my mind in order to read his, but the bar is overly crowded and noisy. I can’t concentrate and single out his mind to read among all the others. Instead of reading his mind, everything I hear is like chaos in my mind. It gives me a headache just trying.

  Broken glass and a man’s upset cry returns my attention back to our table. At the table next to ours a man has accidentally knocked over another man’s drink causing the glass to break and the drink to spill everywhere. The two men are arguing and things appear to be headed in a sour direction. That is the last thing I need when I am trying to concentrate.

  “You piece of shit,” one man screams, “how drunk are you? You knock over my drink and don’t even offer to get me a new one?”

  “Who you calling a piece of shit, you asshole,” the other man stands his ground, “it was an accident alright. I don’t see why I should buy you another drink just because I knocked over the few drops you had left in your glass.”

  “Few drops, my ass,” the first man retaliates, “that glass was at least half full.”

  “That’s horse shit,” the second man moves in closer.

  The two men move around the table and begin to square off raising fists to one another. I decide to step in, my detective instincts getting the better of me. These things are usually easy to cool down when someone else steps in.

  “Hey, guys, there’s no need to fight over a spilled drink,” I step in between the two.

  “Get the fuck out of the way,” the first man yells at me.

  “This doesn’t concern you,” the second man gives me a little shove.

  Olivia stands to defend me after I am shoved by the second guy. “Hey idiots, knock it off. NYPD,” she flashes her badge, “sit back down before both of you end up downtown.”

  “Ooh, the little lady thinks she is a cop,” the first man teases. “Look at that, she has her own badge and everything.” He gets a few others to laugh along with him.

  “Watch it asshole,” Olivia challenges.

  “For someone as pretty and little as you, sweetheart, you might want to watch who you call an asshole,” his tone starts nice, but finishes a little threatening.

  “I’ll have you arrested,” Olivia starts.

  “Arrested for what?” the man continues to taunt her while I watch the scene unfold.

  Olivia struggles for the right words to say.

  “Cat got your tongue? Or are ya too scared to do what ya said ya would?” he mocks her.

  Olivia turns for her purse, not sure what she was going for and neither was the drunk guy.

  He swings to hit her while her back is turned, but I step forward and prevent him from hitting anything but the back of a chair. The guy winces in pain, but he rages when he realizes that I have stepped in to protect her.

  “You’ll pay for that, you son of a bitch,” he swings at me, but I am too fast for him. I grab the fist heading in my direction and push it back toward him dislocating his arm and forcing him to the floor.

  A buddy of his comes to his aid, but he fairs no better. Using his own body against him, I have him on the ground next to his friend begging for mercy with a broken arm and most likely a broken nose. I hate having to do this but I am left with no choice.

  Just as I stand from demoralizing the second man, security rushes to the scene and ask what is going on. Olivia and I explain our situation and show our badges. The security officers thank us, and explain that they will take care of everything else. I don’t know if that means they will actually call the cops, or if they will just kick the guys out, but regardless, I don’t really care.

  “Jack!” Olivia cries, “Your hand, you must have cut it during the fight. Here I’ve got something in my purse to help it. Just a second, let me find it.” Olivia starts to dig through her bag looking for something to help the cut on my hand.

  Panic sets through me as she rummages. I stare down at my hand and see that the cut is already healing as we speak. It’s another perk of being a vampire, I guess. We heal rapidly when it comes to things like this. Before Olivia has even found what she is looking for in her purse, the cut on my hand is gone like it never existed.

  “Olivia,” I start, “I don’t think I was cut.”

  “No, I saw it,” she defends herself grabbing my hand.

  “I think it must have been blood from the other guys. That one guy was bleeding a lot from his nose. It was probably just blood from him. I don’t have a cut on my hand anywhere. And it doesn’t hurt at all,” I maneuver my hand back and forth trying to show her that everything is normal.

  “But that can’t be,” she looks suspicious, “I know what I saw, and I saw a cut on your hand, right here,” she traces a line across my hand where the cut had been.

  I don’t know what else to say to try to convince her that I hadn’t been cut during the fight, so I just shrug my shoulders and pull my hand away.

  The bartender approaches us and asks us if he can buy us a round for helping with the unruly guys, but we decline.

  “I think we’ll be heading out. Nothing against you or the bar,” I said carefully. “It’s just been a long night, and I think we’re ready to call it.”

  The bartender doesn’t argue with us, but offers to let us come in whenever and take him up on his offer. We thank him for the hospitality and head out.

  As we leave, I glance around the bar looking for Gerald. I don’t readily see him and, I am sure Gerald has either left or will be leaving soon. With two cops in the place, he won’t hang around. There will be no point in us remaining at the bar if Gerald isn’t there anyway especially now my cover is blown. We might as well go somewhere better.


  “Women love a handsome and mysterious man, didn't you know that Jack?”


  We walk out into the cool night air and I can’t help but stare a little at Jack. His fighting abilities were quite amazing, especially for a forty-something year old. But then the whole hand thing – let’s just say I’m a little weirded out.

  I’ve had a crush on Jack for months now, probably years really. He’s been with our precinct for a long time, longer than most guys and he’s one of the best. But I don’t think that is why I like him so much. He’s mysterious. There’s something about him that I just can’t quite figure out and it draws me to him. I can’t quite explain it, but I love it about him.

  He doesn’t talk much at work, and now that I’ve spent time with him outside of work as well, I know that he doesn’t talk much outside of work either. For some people that would bother them, but with Jack I think it’s not because he doesn’t talk or doesn’t want to talk, it’s because there’s more to him that’s worth discovering. It’s like a challenge that I want to accept. I want to learn everything there is to know about Jack Van Pierre and if it takes me a whole lifetime to figure it out, so be it.

  I must admit that tonight when he told me that he doesn’t want to marry again, I did feel a twinge of sadness, but relationships and marriage are two very different things. You can always start with a relationship and see where things develop from there. Hopefully I can win him over to think of me as more than just the girl that he works with.

  We jump into the car. Jack is such a gentlemen and opens my door first. I can truly appreciate that
in a man. Not every guy I have ever dated has taken pride in doing that for me.

  “Is there somewhere else you’d like to go, or would you rather I just take you home?” Jack asks gently.

  “I think home is the best option,” I reply.

  “Okay,” Jack replies not really getting my drift.

  We drive back to my house. When we get there, before I get out of the car, I reach across to the driver’s seat and ask, “I’d like to repay you for protecting me from those guys. I have a nice bottle of red wine inside. We can share it together.”

  “Alright,” Jack agrees shutting off the engine and walking with me to the door.

  I fumble with my keys for a minute, feeling a little nervous before letting myself in the front door. Jack stands on the front porch just waiting.

  “Are you coming?” I ask smiling.

  “Is that an official invitation?” he asks smiling in return.

  “Of course, silly. Please come in,” I reach back and open the door for him. Now there is a polite man. Most men I know would invite themselves into my place before I even agreed but Jack is definitely a gentleman and stood there waiting for an official invitation. If only more men were like that.

  “Thanks,” he says stepping into the house.

  We walk back to the family room where I turn on the fire in the fireplace and pour us each a glass of red wine. I notice that Jack doesn’t drink his red wine right away but seems to admire it and twirls it back and forth in his hand. I find it cute that he seems to be so fascinated with the dark red wine, as if he was hypnotized by it's color.

  “Shall we toast to something?” I ask.

  “Sure,” he offers.

  “To new beginnings,” I say.

  “To new beginnings,” he repeats.

  We toast and each take a drink of wine.

  I can feel the combination of alcohol from the bar coupled with the wine taking an effect on me. I stand and move around the room rambling about things I can’t really remember. Finally I turn and look directly at Jack.

  “You know that I like you right?” I say bluntly.

  Jack looks back at me, but doesn’t say anything.

  “Most of the girls at the office do,” I look away from him and pace around the room feeling a little nervous and fidgety. “You’re just so mysterious and quiet. Women love a handsome and mysterious man, didn't you know that Jack?”

  Again I wait for Jack to say something, but he just looks at me.

  “Like right now is the perfect example. You aren’t saying anything, which makes me want to be with you even more. I can’t help myself, Jack. It’s like I want to know what goes on in that brain of yours. What are you thinking all the time?” I move over and sit next to him on the couch.

  I wait for him to say something, deciding that I’ve said enough and there’s really nothing more I can say.

  Jack reaches over and puts a hand on my cheek. His touch is warm and fills my body with desire for him. I wait to see what he will do. He leans in closer and closer, each second fills like a minute while I wait for him.

  I can feel the warmth of his breath on my lips and cheeks as he moves his body closer to mine. Finally I can no longer wait for him, I press my lips against his and feel the heat of our bodies as our lips touch.

  He pushes his tongue into my mouth, intertwining it with my own. I reach my hand up and run my fingers through his hair as we continue kissing. His hands cup my face against his. I feel his fingers caress my cheeks and then move across my shoulders and down my arms.

  Slowly he lays my body down on the couch and mounts on top of me. I want to be naked; I want to feel the touch of his skin against my own. I reach up and pull the shirt off of his body. I let my hands wander along his six pack and arm muscles, exploring every part of his upper body.

  Jack moves to kiss my neck and neckline. I was thrilled that I had chosen a low-cut shirt for the evening, giving Jack more freedom to explore. His hands move under my shirt and caress gently along my stomach and belly button before moving upward.

  The touch of his fingers and hands on my skin deepens my desire for him. I can feel myself become wet and begin to ache for him. I reach around him and pull him down on top of me to feel his lower body on top of mine.

  As our bodies meet, I can feel his cock hard and ready for me.

  “I want you inside me,” I whisper into his ear.

  He smiles by the light of the fire and kisses me gently along my neckline, but says nothing.

  I moan frustrated.

  With more aggression, Jack lifts me and pulls off my shirt and bra leaving my breasts exposed. He sucks vigorously on each nipple while reaching his hand down my pants to between my thighs and rubbing forcefully. I groan in pleasure.

  “I need you; I’m ready,” I plead.

  This time, Jack doesn’t hesitate. He quickly removes my pants as well as his own and thrusts his cock inside me. He’s huge, bigger than any man I’ve ever been with before, surprising me with how deep he can penetrate.

  I love it. I want it deeper, harder. I pull my knees up to my chest to allow him to push deeper into me.

  He cups both breasts in his hands and squeezes as he moves his body back and forth, in and out.

  “Faster, harder,” I call into the night air.

  He complies, helping me build to my climax.

  “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” I plead out of breath. “I’m cumming!”

  At the same moment, I feel the rush as Jack climaxes inside me as both our bodies tense, arch and cum together. We collapse in exhaustion, both out of breath, but extremely satisfied. I curl up next to him on the couch and fall asleep to the flames from the fire dancing across my face.


  “In the court of Jack, I am the one who makes the laws!”


  Dear Diary,

  I may have just done something that could ruin me. But, I must admit, that I have no regrets. I know that I haven’t even written much to you about Olivia, but I guess now would be a good time to tell you more about her.....

  I have had feelings for Olivia for a long time, and until now, I was never sure exactly what my feelings meant. But now, I think I know about the emotion humans refer to as love. Okay let’s start at the beginning.

  So I asked Olivia to go out with me last night. I won’t bore you with the details of our date, but one thing led to another and we ended up back at her apartment. Our conversation eventually led to our feelings for each other – something I am not very good at expressing. She made me a big glass of red wine which always gets me going as it reminds me of a big glass of blood.

  It was easier just to kiss her than try to explain these complicated emotions I am feeling for her. The more we kissed the more I wanted her and the more she wanted me. I was in control of myself for a long time. I would have enjoyed just kissing her, but then I lost everything when her breasts were exposed. It’s like my weakness. I just couldn’t resist her after that. It was easy and comfortable having sex with Olivia. It was a wonderful night together.

  She fell asleep on the couch afterward and I lay there with her, just holding her, smelling her and watching her sleep. She’s beautiful. Every aspect of her body is beautiful.

  But then I had to slip away, because I didn’t want to be there when she woke up, and I was starving. I needed to get away, because I was afraid of how to act or what to say in the morning. And now things are just complicated. I was just starting to think that I really ought to move on to a new place and new life soon, and now I can’t – or at least I don’t want to. But for my safety, I know that it probably needs to happen sooner rather than later.

  Brogan is already suspicious of me, and the longer I stay here, the worse it’s going to get. I’m not sure what to do anymore but it is probably best that I leave soon. The last thing I need is another incident like what happened in Chicago.

  I worry that the longer I stay here the more I’m putting my own safety in jeopardy as well as O
livia’s now. If people find out we are connected we will both be in danger. Maybe my feelings are becoming too strong. I need to find a way to keep myself in control of these emotions. I can’t be willing to give in so easily again, even with Olivia. I will give it a few more days but I feel my decision to leave has already been made.


  The morning crests through my windows, and I know that I need to get to work. I quickly clean up the apartment from the meal I had eaten when I got home from Olivia’s. I keep a few meals in my fridge to keep me going through the week. Not a human meal unfortunately, just animals. I am very particular about the animals I am willing to feed on though. I have heard of vampires that get so desperate that they will eat anything. I’m not sure I would ever allow myself to be that desperate, but if I find myself in that situation, I might rather starve and lose my strength than be willing to drink the blood of rats, mice and other disgusting rodents.


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