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Cryptophobia | Book 2 | Hell & High Water [Fear The Unknown]

Page 11

by Henderson, G. D.

  One minute before the allotted time, who should stroll in with but not a shit to give in the world, none other than Rachel.

  She propped her back up against the door warily refusing to venture any further into the cabin and Christine took a seat at the dining table, where likely she had hoped they would all gather around. Edward took a seat opposite her, but Martha bee-lined straight for the couch.

  “Come and take a seat here with us, mother and Rachel”, Christine requested, a request Martha didn't bother to dignify with an answer.

  “I'm good here, thanks”, Rachel replied.

  Christine sighed and began.

  “I called this meeting because it's long overdue that we had a family discussion, get everything out onto the table so to speak, which is probably a little more difficult with two people refusing to actually sit at the table, but I can only work with the tools I have. It's no secret that we are disjointed, we have serious problems, but they are problems we can resolve”.

  “We don't have problems, only you do”, Rachel remarked, a statement Christine very visibly forced herself to overlook.

  “Regardless as to what, let's not get bogged down with the details, we are here to waddle through this mess together and find a solution”.

  “What do you suggest?” Edward asked.

  “I've written down a few things I think are the biggest concerns about myself and together we can possibly think about ways to resolve them as a family unit”. She picked up a piece of paper perched on the table before her and slid her glasses on. “To begin with, I'll start with what I consider to be my own downfalls, by sharing my honesties, hopefully we can all feel more at ease with discussing our issues”.

  Rachel laughed.

  “This should be a riot. Is this your sworn testimony, the truth, nothing but the truth and the whole truth?”

  Christine shot her a disapproving look and continued.

  “I have been known to be irrational, hot headed and quick to judge”.

  “You could say that again”, Rachel interjected.

  “Rachel, let your mother speak. I'm sure it's taking a lot just to admit to these things and your constant quips are getting us nowhere”, Edward chimed in.

  Martha shook her head in dismay. This man was pathetic, wouldn't he do them all a favour and grow some balls already.

  “I might jump to conclusions sometimes and my stubbornness is often the cause of arguments and segregation. These things I admit and accept, I hope you can forgive me”.

  “I forgive you”, Edward replied, taking her hands.

  “Are you fucking serious? That's all you have to say? That isn't even the tip of the fucking iceberg, tell everyone everything”, Rachel demanded.

  “That was everything”, Christine replied.

  “Ha, I should have known this meeting was going to reek of bullshit, should have worn my gas mark”.

  “Your turn, Edward. Now remember, we can only help each other if you're completely honest”, Christine proclaimed, passing the buck onto him.

  “Hypocrite, how in the hell are you going to tell him to be completely honest when you're lying through your teeth”.

  “What are you talking about?” Edward enquired. ”What is she talking about?” He asked Christine.

  “I have no idea, my mind draws a blank”.

  Rachel burst out laughing.

  “This is too much”, she muttered, shaking her head.

  “Go ahead, honey”, Christine prompted him.

  “Well… I’m not always a strong man, I've been weak at times and lost much of the vigour that once drove me. I still work of course, but I often wonder if I would care for the daily grind were it not for my family. I have often slipped up, wandered astray, been lost and sought purpose in the wrong places”.

  “Oh? The wrong places?” Christine replied, “Go on”.

  “I've been an aloof husband and father, not always there for you both. I'd like to rectify that, a fresh start”.

  “Yeah, that's very much a possibility, why don't you tell us what you mean by led astray and wrong places”.

  “Well… I like to escape sometimes, escape from reality and I know it's pathetic, I openly admit that”.

  “And what do you do?” Martha's daughter was beginning to sound like a psychiatrist.

  “I run away… I run away and…” he choked up.


  “Gamble… I gamble… I have a gambling addiction. I've been doing it even on board the ship, hiding money from you in order to gamble, partaking in poker games with friends and betting money, our money. I'm truly ashamed of myself, I'm an idiot, I know that and I understand if you hate me for it, but I promise to go to rehab and do whatever is necessary to end this addiction”.

  “Wait… what?” Christine replied, letting go of his hands and slumping back into her seat. Her face went pale with shock.

  “You're appalled at me, I see it written all over your face. You don't need to tell me, I hate myself for it too. I'm a disgrace as a man, a husband and father and for that I apologise from the bottom of my heart and promise to seek help”.

  “That… that’s all?”

  “Yes, nothing else”.


  “Well… I spend entire nights in casinos, some away on business trips, others closer to home…”

  “No, when did this start?”

  “Erm… about five years ago”.

  Rachel burst out laughing.

  “What's wrong, mother dearest? Looks like you've seen a ghost”.

  “Christine, I… I didn't know how to tell you, I wanted to quit or come clean for so long, but I've never had the courage to, I just thought… I just thought this was my one and probably only chance to. I didn't want to live on harbouring this lie, live on a fraud to my family. I did what you wanted, please forgive me and I'll promise to change”, Edward continued.

  “I… I don't know what to say”, Rachel choked up.

  “Resentment, I know that look”.

  “Try guilt”, Rachel interjected, “Overwhelming heart sinking, nausea inducing guilt”.

  “Rachel! Shut your fucking mouth!” Christine snapped with a venom that even shocked Edward.

  “There she is! That hypocrite who has the audacity to call herself my mother! Where was that monster slumbering all this time?”

  “What… what’s going on?” Edward asked, a look of shock and bewilderment cast over his face.

  “Mother? Care to tell him?” Rachel provoked her mother. Even Martha’s ears had pricked up, what was this? Revelations abound? Scandalous revelations about her prissy precious daughter? No…

  “I swear… you rip us apart and…” Christine sneered.

  “And what mother of mine?”

  “What the hell is going on? This isn't about me anymore is it?” Edward demanded.

  “No, mum told you the truth alright, she just missed out a thing or two, so I'm pretty sure that still constitutes lying”.

  “Christine?” She couldn't even make eye contact with him. “Christine, look at me, what's going on?”

  Rachel took a step forward and stretched.

  “Well all this sharing and caring is so liberating, why don't I go next? Where do I begin? Well, I've smoked pot, I drink like a sailor, I've had multiple partners before marriage, I've lost my faith, not just in the heavens, but my parents too, I've always thought my grandmother was a mean old bat, but at least she's consistent, love you despite that, nan”, Rachel remarked. Martha raised her eyebrow at the remark, as Rachel continued. “What else? Oh yeah, I can't leave out this biggy, I'm as gay as a daisy in May, I like women and I have a girlfriend to whom I’m in love with more than she can possibly know, whom I treasure and trust more than anything or anyone. I'll marry her someday, with or without your blessings. Phew, I think that's about it”. She finished up with both her parents staring at her. “You were right, mother, this session was truly invigorating. You should try it, don't hold back, just tell him

  “Tell me what, Christine?” He asked, returning his attention to her.

  She could only stare at him in silence, her eyes welling up with tears and pleading with him not to probe any further.

  “Tell me what, Christine?” He repeated, this time more firmly.

  “Oh for Christ's sake!” Rachel impatiently interjected, “She was screwing the fucking neighbour”.

  Christine shot Rachel a deathly gaze as the entire cabin fell silent with the shocking news.

  Edward’s mind went blank, his mouth dry and his vision slightly blurred as he managed to only muster the words, “What…?”

  Christine covered her face with her hands and burst into tears.

  “Oops, maybe I said a little too much, that wasn't exactly my secret to reveal was it? I guess my part is done here, so with that, I'll take my leave. Thanks mum, you were right, I definitely feel closer to everyone and a great deal more cheery. See you all later”. Rachel slipped out of the cabin without anyone to challenge her, as Edward glared at Christine in stunned silence.

  “What…?” He repeated and upon getting naught but sobs from her, his irritation began to overflow. “Christine! Deny it!”

  She looked up at him between her fingers, her eyes red and her cheeks smeared with her mascara.

  “Deny it! Tell me that what she said was a lie! Tell me anything!”

  Choked up, Christine stammered.

  “I… I can’t… I…”

  Edward stood up abruptly, knocking the chair over.

  “What do you mean you can't? Look at me and tell me she's lying! Tell me you didn't…” He ran his hands through his hair. Simply fathoming the idea sickened him, infuriated him.

  “Did you sleep with Ben? Did you sleep with our fucking neighbour?”

  Christine was once again lost for words.

  “You were all fucking talk a minute ago! Where the fuck is your tongue now?”

  “You're not so fucking innocent!” Christine screamed back at him.

  “I didn't spread my fucking legs for the fucking neighbour though did I? God knows what else you fucking did with him! Jesus fucking…” He paced back and forth in blind fury before taking a vase and flinging it against the wall, shattering it into pieces.

  “Fuck!” He roared, as much as his vocal cords would allow for. “How fucking long?”

  “Not long…”

  “That isn't a goddamned time, Christine! How fucking long?”


  “Two months?”

  She shook her head meekly.

  “Two fucking years? Are you fucking kidding me right now? Please tell me you're joking, please, please for the love of God tell me you are joking! Tell me this is some elaborate fucking joke!”

  “Stop shouting at me”.

  “Stop fucking shouting at you? You went off whoring around with another fucking man!”

  “Only because you weren't there!”

  He slammed his fists on the table.

  “And I'm not motherfucking proud of that, but that's no excuse to be a fucking slut!”

  “Don't call me that! If you weren't fucking gambling all our money away and instead being the fucking husband and father you're supposed to be, maybe I wouldn't have been so lonely!”

  In his rage, Edward flipped the entire table over, shocking both Christine and Martha. Christine gasped, never having seen this nasty violent side to the man she married.

  “Are you still fucking seeing him?”

  Christine in her shock couldn't form even basic words, so he repeated the question louder and stormed towards her, grabbing her aggressively by the chin.

  “No!” She screamed back. “Stop it! You're hurting me!”

  “I'm not hurting you even half as much as you hurt me you fucking liar!”

  “Stop it!”

  Having seen enough, Martha stood up, wedged her way between the two and shielded her daughter with her arms.

  “You think this suddenly makes up for your pathetic weakness as a man all this time? Don't touch my daughter!” Martha snapped, a viciousness in her tone.

  “Stay out of this, Martha!” Edward snapped, his face so close to hers that their noses could almost touch.

  “Take a walk, Edward! Go and clear your head!”

  “I'm going nowhere, your daughter and I need to settle this!”

  “Take a walk, Edward! Don't make me say it again, otherwise I'm calling security!” She repeated slowly, calmly and lethally.

  He was silenced, there was nothing further to be said. If anything could be said about his mother-in-law, it was that she was a woman of her word, assuming someone outside or next door hadn't already heard the commotion and done exactly what she was now threatening to do.

  Flinging and smashing a few more objects he could get his hands on in his unyielding and explosive rage, he threw open the door and left, pushing past nosey people standing in the corridor.

  As the door slid back shut, Christine burst into tears again. Matha turned to her and sighed.

  “What a right mess you’ve gotten yourself into. Pull yourself together, woman. You look pitiful”. Martha left her there and returned with tissues.

  “Dry your eyes”.

  Christine took the tissues to blow her snotty nose and dry her eyes.

  “And here I thought you had more balls than he did. You're just as pathetic and weak as him. Maybe it's that daughter of yours with the most balls in your family. I've just developed a soft spot for her I never knew I could have”.

  “Not now, mum! I don't need your bullshit now!” Christine spat and stood up. She stormed into the bathroom and locked herself in there.

  “Well that was eventful”, Martha said to herself and sighed.


  12:32am - 2 Days until outbreak

  . . .

  . . .

  It was all of thirty two minutes before Rachel returned to the cabin with a smile on her face. Lori lay on the bed reading a magazine when Rachel stepped in and immediately she was captivated by Rachel’s beaming grin.

  “I assume things went well?” Lori asked.

  “What makes you say that?” Rachel replied chirpily. Her upbeat tone only made Lori more curious. Abandoning the magazine, she sat up.

  “What's going on?”

  “Whatever do you mean?” Rachel replied, kissing her on the lips.

  “That, and that creepy grin on your face”. Lori pulled back, raising her eyebrow suspiciously.

  “Creepy? I'm just happy, that's all. Can't I be happy?”

  “Sure you can… but happiness is the last thing I expected to see, having come from a meeting with your parents and grandmother”.

  “It was refreshing, we got a lot out. Honesty really is the best remedy”.


  “What do you say we go do something fun?”

  “Oh yeah? Like what?”

  “I don't know, anything”, Rachel insisted, grabbing and tugging at Lori’s hand.

  “You're being really suss, but okay, let's go”.

  “Sorry baby, I’m just in a good mood, that's all, nothing suspicious about it”.

  “Is that so? Well how about we stay here instead and I'll make that good mood of yours even better”.

  “Mmm, very tempting, just what exactly did you have in mind, Lori Hempstead?”

  “Come here and you might just find out”, Lori replied, pulling her girlfriend onto the bed. Locked in wild kisses, Lori pinned Rachel down with her hands above her head and began kissing her neck.

  In that cabin they remained for a good portion of the day, only emerging hours later to find somewhere to eat. It was at least 5:21 when they came back out like two bears stepping forth from hibernation into spring, both wearing silly onesies and giggling like children.

  They spent an hour dilly dallying, before Rachel suggested wining and dining fine style, considering they hadn't done so since their first night on the ship. When
Lori asked whether her parents would be there to make it awkward again, Rachel seemed pretty confident they wouldn't be, so they got dressed as fabulous as they could muster, went to dinner and she was right, they had the entire banquet table to themselves.

  “Just the two of you today?” Lakshman, their waiter asked.

  “Just the two of us”, Rachel replied gleefully.

  “Certainly, ma’am”, he placed menus out before them and left them time to decide what they wanted.

  “I still don't get it, what exactly happened?” Lori probed.

  “Oh don't worry your pretty little head about it, all that matters is that we found a conclusion”.

  “In half an hour?”

  “What are you having?”

  Lori sighed and conceded to simply pick her meal and not bother to probe any further. Whatever would be would be.

  As they waited for Lakshman to return, they spotted captain Photis and some of his crew shaking hands and thanking people for accompanying them on the voyage. He flaunted around like a celebrity. Imagine if bus drivers did that.

  Their waiter eventually returned to them and was halfway into taking their orders when an angry customer distracted them.

  “Hey! Asshole! Watch where you’re going! You've ruined my goddess’ dress!” Came the voice of an angry man sitting at a table close by.

  It appeared as though another waiter had accidentally spilt sauce on a lady's dress whilst serving, thus infuriating her man.

  “That's Wilson Yi Tian, our wealthiest and most famous customer. He travels with our cruise company quite often and he's known to be popular with the ladies. Do you mind if I run over and help my colleague out? I won't be a second, it's just he'll have all our heads if he is unhappy with one”.

  “Go, go”, Lori insisted. Lakshman thanked them and ran over to assist. “Well that rich guy is rude”.

  “And self-centred and chauvinistic”.

  “Isn't that part of the role?”

  “Seems so”.

  “So glad we’re not rich asshats”.

  “Who said we can't be?”

  “Could you imagine us like that?”

  “Surrounded by plenty of women we treat like crap? Probably not. Backstroking in a swimming pool consisting of money, probably”.


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