The Trials of Radclyffe Hall
Page 48
Mills, Florence, 148
‘Miss Ogilvy Finds Herself’ (RH; story), 250–1
Mitchison, Naomi, 196
‘Modern Miss Thompson, The’ (RH; story), 64–5
Monte Carlo, 55, 58
Morrell, Lady Ottoline, 186
Mortimer, Raymond, 219
Munich Agreement (1938), 315
Munster, Father, 339
Murat, Violette, 131
Murray, John, 135
Murray, Professor Gilbert, 88
Mussolini, Benito (Il Duce), 285, 297, 301, 311, 315–16, 310, 329, 365
Nash, Audrey, 305
Nash, John, 305
Nash, Paul, 242, 305
Newton, Isabel, 99–100, 105–6
New York Society for the Suppression of Vice see Society for the Suppression of Vice
Nicholls, Agnes (later Harty), 22–8, 78, 155
Nicolsky, Lysa, 263, 272, 286, 306, 319–21, 323
Nicolson, (Sir) Harold, 185, 219
Nightingale, Dr, 333, 336, 344
Nijinsky, Vaslav, 71–2, 75
Nikkish, Arthur, 18
Noble, Dr Williamson, 337
Norman, James, 197
Obscene Publications Act (1857), 190–92 202, 205
Observer (newspaper), 172–3
Octopi see Unlit Lamp, The
O’Leary, Con, 173
‘Out of the Night’ (RH; story), 63
Pankhurst, Emily, 52
Paris: lesbian scene in, 124–5; RH visits with Una, 124, 222, 258, 261–5; Evguenia in, 275–7, 281, 289, 293, 295–6, 303, 308; occupied (1940), 330
Parkin, Father, 333
Parry, Hubert, 28
Parsons, Father, 343
Paterson, Mr (of Rye), 252
Pegasus Press (Paris), 188–91, 356
PEN Club, 122, 130, 147
Penn, William, 359
Perry, John, 254
Pettit, Charles: Le Grand Eunuque, 140
Phillpotts, Eden, 195
Piccone, Fonfi, 369
Pidgeon, Mrs (Lynton hotel proprietor), 328
Pierre (French driver), 230, 233
Pinchon, Dr Scott, 237
Pius X, Pope, 54
Pius XI, Pope, 319
Pius XII, Pope (Eugenio Pacelli), 319–20
Poems of the Past and Present (RH), 49
Polignac, Winnaretta, Princesse de (née Singer), 52, 147, 167
Pound, Ezra, 230
Pouynayou, Dr, 291
Poynter, Edward, 39, 69
Prior, Miss (Andrea Troubridge’s fosterparent), 74–5
Procter, Dod, 331
Prothero, Chief Inspector John, 192, 203–4, 206, 116
Queensberry, Percy Sholto Douglas, 9th Marquess of, 108
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur, 57
Quilter (servant), 244
Radclyffe-Hall, Charles (RH’s grandfather), 5–6
Radclyffe-Hall, Esther (formerly Westhead; RH’s grandmother), 5, 14
Radclyffe-Hall, Florence Maud (RH’s sister): birth and death, 6
Radclyffe-Hall, Mary Jane (RH’s mother) see Viserti, Mary Jane
Radclyffe-Hall, Radclyffe (RH’s father; ‘Rat’): marriage relations, 4–7; character and behaviour, 5–6, 295; separation and divorce, 7, 9, 13–14; relations with RH, 13–15; death and will, 24; in RH’s fiction, 64
Randolph, Jane (later Caruth), 29–32, 118, 359
Randolph, Winifred, 31, 147, 152
Rayleigh, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron, 88
Reade, James, 5
‘Recording Angel, The’ (RH; story), 63
Rees, Leonard, 135, 139
Richardson, Sister, 248
Ricketts, Charles, 195
Ries, Dr, 315
Riesz, Johann, 188
Rinder, Olive, 159, 250, 367
Roeregger, Norberto, 297
Roman Catholic Church: RH converts to, 40, 54; Una Troubridge converts to, 69 and RH’s psychic beliefs, 97
Rome, 54–5
Romeike and Curtice (cuttings agency), 127, 135
Romer, Frank, 40, 61
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 315
Ross, Mrs (Rye neighbour), 252
Ross, Patience, 219
Rossi-Lemeni, Nicola, 373–7
Rowse, A.L., 362
Ruand, Dr, 281
Rubinstein, Harold: and suppression of The Well Of Loneliness, 188, 190–1, 194, 197, 198–201, 209, 214, 217, 221, 229; and dramatization of The Well of Loneliness, 235, 239–40; and Andrea Troubridge, 244; and RH’s fan mail, 246; and Mrs Visetti, 249, 295, 360, 362; and RH’s complaint against Father Bonaventura, 252; and Evguenia’s naturalization, 275, 293–4, 314; and proposed life of Visetti, 294; and RH’s Will, 314, 332, 346, 356–7, 360; reads Una’s memoir of RH, 362
Rubinstein, Ida, 122
Rubinstein, Stanley, 356–8, 369, 375–7
Rye, Sussex: RH and Una in, 174, 187, 192, 213, 219, 238, 240–7, 249, 251–5, 257–8, 280, 304–5, 313; church consecrated, 254–5; Evguenia visits, 273, 323; in RH’s fiction, 280; RH sells house in, 322–3, 325; Una stays in after war, 366
Sachs, Dr Alfred, 77, 101–2, 120–1, 153, 172, 237, 247
Sackville-West, Vita, 185–6, 198, 250, 305
Sager, Wallace (Mary Jane Visetti’s first husband), 5
Sailes, Nurse, 346
St George’s school, Harpenden, 144
St John, Christopher (Christabel Marshall), 241–2, 250, 305
St Odile (religious retreat), 293–4
Salter, Helen, 100, 106, 110
Sargent, John Singer, 39, 136, 213
Saturday Life, The (RH; novel), 131–4, 140
Scales, Mrs (medium), 86
Scott, Sir Leslie, 73
Secker, Martin, 168, 171
Serafin, Vittoria (Rossi-Lemeni’s first wife), 373–4
Serpell, Norman, 61, 66
Seymour, Dr, 147
Shackleton, Miss (artist), 139
Shakespeare and Co. (Paris bookshop), 214
Shaw, George Bernard, 194, 198, 239
Sheaf of Verses, A (RH), 42–3
Shoemaker of Merano, The (RH; novel), 303–4, 310–330, 344, 347, 354
Sidgwick, Eleanor, 105–6, 118
Simpson, Wallis (later Duchess of Windsor), 297
Sincair, Upton, 228
Sinclair, May, 121, 139, 148
Sink of Solitude, The (lampoon), 219–20, 234
Sirmione, Italy, 263–7, 274, 284
Sitwell, (Dame) Edith, 129–30
Sixth Beatitude, The (RH; novel), 282, 286, 288, 290–1, 294
Smith, Mrs (housekeeper), 182
Smyth, Dame Ethel, 52, 118, 250, 305
Society for Psychical Research, 86–9, 99–100, 105, 108, 118, 136; Journal, 95
Society for the Suppression of Vice, New York, 220, 223
Solomon, Justice (USA), 224
Songs of Three Counties (RH; poetry), 51, 55
Souline, Evguenia (later Makaroff): RH’s infatuation with, 262–72, 277–80, 283, 289, 302, 305–6, 308, 319; financial gift from RH, 267, 271, 279, 317, 319; visits RH in England, 273, 287–8, 307, 323; relations with RH and Una, 274–8, 281–7, 289–96, 298, 302, 304, 307–8, 309, 312–15; naturalization difficulties, 275, 293–4, 304, 312, 314–15, 371; Una’ abuse olf, 278, 289, 302, 329–33, 338; on Riviera with RH and Una, 282–4; ill-health, 285, 29–1, 294; RH wrecks Paris flat, 293; recovers health, 295–6; in Italy, 296–8, 308, 309–11; quarrels with Una, 296–77 318, 323, 324–5, 336; seeks freedom from RH, 296, 316, 319, 321, 322; dependence on RH, 304, 310, 331, 334, 336; granted English visa, 306; and RH’s fall and illness, 307; fails entrance to Sorbonne, 312; in RH’s will, 314–15, 319, 345–7, 355–7, 364; visits to RH in Florence, 317–18, 320; acquires motor car, 322; returns Easter gift from Una, 322; position and work in England during war, 325–33, 335–6, 340–3; suffers rash, 326–8, 330; nursing and studying in Exeter, 329–30; takes short break in Oxford, 333; and RH’s wartime illnesses, 338–45; and dyi
ng RH’s injunction, 347; letters from RH, 348; letters to RH burned by Una, 354; Una deprives of RH’s posthumous benefits, 355–7, 370–4; in Una’s memoir of RH, 361–2; refused post-war Paris resident’s permit, 364; marriage to Makaroff, 365; leases London house, 370; in Lynton with husband, 370; cancer, 375–6; types out RH’s letters, 376–7; death, 377
Spanish Civil War, 297
Stein, Gertrude, 290
Stephenson, Sir George, 180–1
Stephenson, P.R., 220
Stern, Rabbi Joseph Frederick, 197
Stopes, Marie, 216
Strachey, Sir John, 37
Strachey, Katherine, Lady (née Batten), 37, 50
suffragettes, 52, 64
Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 18, 25
Sumner, John S., 220–21, 223–4
Sunday Express, 175, 176, 179, 196, 221
Sutherland, Joan, 196
Sykes, Mrs (of Rye), 252
Taylor, Harry (Una Troubridge’s father), 67–9
Taylor, Sir Henry, 69, 206
Taylor, Minna (Una Troubridge’s mother): RH meets, 67; background, 68; and Una’s title, 103; and Una’s lifestyle, 118; visits RH and Una, 140; praises RH’s Adam’s Breed, 142; and Andrea’s romances, 144; Una’s intolerance of, 145; relations with Una, 169, 303, 305, 322; dislikes Una’s relations with RH, 173, 219; and Una’s hysterectomy, 247; visits Rye, 249; intervenes over Andrea’s marriage plans, 256; cancer, 303, 322; in Slough, 305; Una visits after war, 367; death, 370
Tealdi family, 68–9, 311
Tealdi, Sandra, 321, 369
Temple, Ida, 98, 136, 142, 144, 188
Tenerife, 48
Terry, Ellen, 240
Theodore, Sister, 119
Thesiger, Ernest, 55, 63, 66, 148, 253
Thomson, Dr, 142
Thorndyke, (Dame) Sybil, 148, 305
Thurston, Father, 97
Tizzard, Dr, 334–5
Toklas, Alice B., 290
Tomlinson, Clarence Samuel, 237
Trefusis, Violet (née Keppel), 147, 186
Troubridge, Andrea Theodosia (later Warren; then Turnbull; Una’s daughter): birth, 70; mother fosters out, 74–5; RH proposes taking abroad, 78; holiday visits to mother 94, 98, 136, 140–1; father’s separation from, 99; in father’s will, 101–2; schooling, 102, 119, 123, 144; relations with mother, 118–19, 136, 140, 142, 144–5, 174, 238, 244–5, 255–7; rebuked over boyfriend, 142, 144; and father’s death, 145; visits Rye, 218, 238, 244–5, 305; Oxford scholarship, 236; visits mother and RH in Paris, 236; appearance and dress, 244–5; romance with actor, 244–5; and mother’s stay in hospital, 247–8; grandmother pleads for help for, 249; marriage to Toby Warren, 255–7; son born, 287; and grandmother’s cancer, 303; marriage breakdown, 305, 323; informs Evguenia of RH’s illness, 307; and son’s ill-health, 322; leaves Catholic Church, 323; disinherited, 367; second marriage (to Turnbull), 370
Troubridge, Edith (née Duffus; Ernest’s first wife), 69
Troubridge, Admiral Sir Ernest (Una’s husband): marriage, 67, 69–70, 76–8, 98; naval investigation into conduct, 72–3; at Mabel Batten’s requiem mass, 79; and Una’s preoccupation with RH, 98–9, 101, 105, 184; separation and divorce from Una, 101–2, 161; will, 101; pays maintenance for daughter Andrea, 102; knighthood, 103; accuses RH of immorality, 105–8, 112; relations with Andrea, 140, 144; death, 144–5
Troubridge, Mary (Ernest’s daughter), 70, 77
Troubridge, Thomas (Ernest’s son), 71, 77, 145, 244, 255–7
Troubridge, Una, Lady (née Taylor): and Visetti’s advances to RH, 16–17; on Mabel Batten, 36, 273; background and marriage, 67–73, 76–8; meets RH, 67, 73; syphilis, 67, 70, 77, 101–2, 136; health complaints, 68, 70, 81, 85, 94, 121, 124, 146–7, 172, 244, 247, 250, 262, 275; artistic activities, 69, 71–2, 75; converts to Catholicism, 69; birth of daughter Andrea, 70; attitude to daughter Andrea, 71, 119, 135–6, 141–2, 144–5, 136, 138, 144–5. 155–7, 305; psychotherapy, 71, 77, 101–2, 120; relations with RH, 74–8, 85, 92–4, 98–9, 102–4, 112, 115, 125, 131–2, 135, 140, 142, 161, 306–8; usurps Ladye, 74, 124, 302; diary, 81, 93–4, 140, 347, 354, 364; and Mabel Batten’s death, 81; aids RH’s spiritualist pursuits, 88–93, 95–7, 99–100, 102, 105; moves house, 93–4, 98; nurses RH, 93; Dolly Clarke criticises, 98; separation and divorce from Ernest, 101–2, 161; adopts title, 103; in Bowden House, 103; in RH immorality case, 107–11; in Society for Psychical Research, 118; reading, 120, 141, 155, 158, 171, 213, 222, 234; in Italy with RH, 123–4, 308; encourages and helps RH’s novel-writing, 126–8, 135, 138–40, 245–6, 280, 282; appearance and dress, 129, 132, 244, 358, 367, 369, 371; and lesbian social life, 130–1; Romaine Brooks portrait of, 132; receives electric treatment, 136; writing and translating, 140, 238, 140, 242, 371, 373; pension following Troubridge’s death, 144–5; and RH’s theories of inversion, 156; and RHs Well of Loneliness, 159, 161, 167–8, 172–3; relations with mother, 169, 303, 305, 322; Compton Mackenzie satirizes 171; and prosecution of The Well of Loneliness, 181–2, 186, 193, 198, 219; at hearing against The Well of Loneliness, 201, 207; and RH’s hurt at cartoon in The Sink of Loneliness, 220; in Paris with RH, 222, 230, 289; and US case against The Well of Loneliness, 224; French holiday with RH, 230, 233–5; and dramatization of The Well of Loneliness, 234; RH buys Rye house for (Black Boy), 238; life in Rye, 241–5, 252–3, 280; and RH’s health problems, 243, 334–43; hysterectomy, 247–9; on Mrs Visetti’s ill-health, 249; opposes Andrea’s marriage to Toby, 255–7; and RH’s involvement with Evguenia, 263–71, 273–86, 288–95, 302, 304, 307–10, 313–17, 323, 331, 377; belittles RH’s Emblem Hurlstone, 274, 280, 308, 310; abuses Evguenia, 278, 289, 302, 323, 330–3, 338; admires Mussolini and Italian fascism, 285, 297, 301, 311, 316; and birth of Andrea’s son, 287; quarrels with Evguenia, 296–7, 324–5, 336; Christmas gift to Evguenia, 298; and RH’s fall and injury, 306–8; belittles RH’s The Shoemaker of Merano, 308, 310; in Florence, 309–11, 316–18; benefits under RH’s will, 314; humiliated by RH, 314; tyrannizes RH, 321; and Evguenia’s freedom from RH, 323; and Evguenia’s position at outbreak of war, 326–7; on Evguenia’s Exeter hospital, 329; dominates RH during war, 332–4, 338–43; religious worship, 332–3; cares for invalid RH, 334–47; and RH’s eye operation, 334–5; made executrix and beneficiary of RH’s revised will, 346–7, 349, 353, 357; and dying RH, 347–9; posthumous manipulation of RH’s image, 353–4, 358–9; burns manuscript of The Shoemaker of Merano, 354; destroys Evguenia’s letters to RH, 354; controls and limits RH’s posthumous allowance to Evguenia, 355–8, 363–5, 370–4, 376–7; memoir of RH, 360–2; withholds payments to Mrs Visetti, 360, 362–3; and Evguenia’s marriage, 365; post-war return to Florence, 369–71; and Rossi-Lemeni, 373–7; and Evguenia’s illness, 375–6; will, 376; and Evguenia’s death, 377–8; The Life and Death of Radclyffe Hall, 360, 363
Turnbull, Brigadier Douglas John Tulloch (Andrea’s second husband), 370
Twixt Earth and Stars (RH; poetry), 32
Unlit Lamp, The (RH; earlier Octopi; novel), 116–17, 124, 126, 130, 132, 135, 139, 310
Vincenzo family, 68
Visetti, Alberto Antonio (RH’s stepfather): marriage to RH’s mother, 15–19; music teaching, 15, 21–3; makes advances to RH, 16–17, 269; extravagance and debts, 25, 53, 152–3; stays with RH, 53; ill health, 123, 154; death, 172; proposed biography of, 294
Visetti, Mary Jane (née Diehl; then Sager; then Radclyffe-Hall; RH’s mother): relations with RH, 4–5, 7–10, 12, 17, 27, 31–2, 42, 53, 116, 151–4, 172, 287; marriage to Radclyffe, 4–7; character and behaviour, 7–8, 11–13, 17, 153; separation, divorce and settlement, 7, 9, 13–14, 25; at Marlow, 11; marriage to Visetti, 15–19; contests Raddyffe’s will, 25, 27; allowance from RH, 27, 66, 154; in RH s fiction, 64–5, 116–17; attends RH’s psychic reading, 100; dismisses servants, 151–2; on The Well of Loneliness, 151; debts, 152–4; and Viserti’s illness, 153–4; requests money for operation, 236; ill-health, 249, 287; breaks hip, 295; in old age, 303; learns of RH’s death, 359; Una withho
lds money from, 360, 362–3; in Una’s memoir of RH, 361; stroke and death, 362–3
Vivien, Renee, 147
Wallace, Sir Robert, 214–15, 217–18
Walpole, Hugh, 195, 214–15
Wang, Nadine, 276, 279
Warren, Lady (mother of Toby), 255–6
Warren, Nicholas Vincenzo Troubridge (Andrea’s son), 287, 322
Warren, Toby (Andrea’s husband), 155–6
Warrender, Lady Maud, 242
Warwick, Father, 97
Watts, George Frederic, 69
Waugh, Alec, 135, 139
Waugh, Evelyn, 193
Webber, Miss (secretary), 189
Well of Loneliness, The (RH; earlier Stephen; novel): writing, 148, 154, 159; themes and ideas, 151, 155–7, 159–64; publication, 167–72; reception and sales, 173–6, 214, 229; suppression campaign, 175–81, 183, 189–99, 213, 239, 404; Virginia Woolf disparages, 185–6; foreign translations and sales, 187; Paris edition, 188–9, 191, 214, 222; support for, 194–7, 204–5; court case, 201–9; condemned and ordered destroyed, 209–12; US publication and sales, 213–14, 367, 369; taken to appeal court, 214–17; lampooned and criticised, 219–20; prosecuted and cleared in USA, 220–21, 223–9; dramatization, 230, 234–7, 239–40; copyright dispute, 237; dedication, 293; under ban, 357; postwar publication, 367–8
Wells, H.G., 28, 193
West, (Dame) Rebecca, 135, 139
White Cottage see Malvern Wells
Widden, Mrs (Lynton landlady), 330, 333, 342–3, 370
Wilcox, Harry, 255
Wilde, Dolly, 230, 276, 293
Wilde, Oscar, 108, 171, 178, 203
Willcox, Sir William, 215, 217
Williams-Ellis, (Sir) Clough, 198
Windmill Press, 368
Wolfe, Humbert, 306
Wolff, Herb, 223
‘Woman in a Crêpe Bonnet’ (RH; story), 66
Woodbridge (solicitor), 360
Woods, Maurice, 71
Woods, Viola see Garvin, Viola
Woolf, Leonard, 173, 185–6, 195, 198, 209, 213
Woolf, Virginia: on The Well of Loneliness case, 185–6, 194–5, 198, 201, 205–7; on Edward Garnett, 196; Orlando, 186, 193
Woolley, Doris, 331
World, The (RH; novel), 136, 234
World War II: outbreak, 324–5; conduct of, 330
Wright, Dr Maurice, 218
Wylie, Ida, 121, 135, 173, 248–9
Wynne, Cuthbert, 52
Yeats-Brown, Francis, 241, 246
Zeani, Virginia, 375