Against All Odds

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by E. L. Todd

  Against All Odds

  Book Nine of The Forever and Ever Series

  E. L. Todd

  “You love me. Real or not real?”


  Suzanne Collins –Mockingjay-

  Chapter One


  “Baby, what’s wrong?” Slade mumbled into the phone.

  I pulled my knees to my chest and leaned against my headboard. After the conversation I had with Skye, I couldn’t help but feeling hurt—and angry. I knew what I did was wrong, and even though my actions only pushed she and Cayson further apart, I was trying to do the right thing.

  “Speak up or I’ll fall asleep.” He yawned into the phone.

  “Skye and I had a fight,” I said quietly.

  “Just give her back her shoes…or nail polish…or whatever you borrowed from her.” He breathed deeply into the phone.

  “It’s not like that,” I said. “She’s pissed at me for telling you the truth.”

  “Well, I’m pissed at her for lying about it. Cayson is mad at her for hurting him. You’re mad at me for being a dick. We’re all mad at each other. Life goes on.”

  “Slade, I’m being serious.”

  He was quiet for a while then I heard him yawn again. “Baby, she’s just upset right now. She’ll come back down in time.”

  “It’s been weeks and we haven’t spoken.”

  “Try apologizing to her.”

  “I doubt she’ll see me…”

  He sighed. “Do you want me to talk to her?”

  “And what would that accomplish?” I asked. “You guys aren’t on good terms right now.”

  “I would figure out a way.”

  I curled into a ball and pulled the blankets over me. Then I heard him moving around on his end of the phone. ‘What are you doing?” I hoped he was dressing and planning on coming over.

  “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

  It meant a lot to me even if I didn’t say it. “Okay.”

  He hung up.


  I opened the door and ushered him inside. Then I set the alarm again.

  He still seemed tired. His eyes were red and his shoulders are relaxed. He rubbed the sleep from his eye then wrapped his arms around me. He held me silently, just holding me.

  I rested my face against his chest. “Thanks for coming.”

  He kissed my hairline then headed for the couch. He lay down then tapped his chest, beckoning me to move to my usual spot. Wearing my pajamas, I moved on top of his body then got comfortable.

  Slade ran his fingers through my hair and closed his eyes.

  “Do you think I did the right thing?” I asked quietly. “I feel like I ripped Cayson and Skye apart.”

  “The truth is always better than lies.”

  “That doesn’t seem true in this case…”

  “They aren’t on the best terms now, but if Cayson moved here there’s hope.”

  I peered up and looked at him. “What?”

  He rubbed one eye. “Cayson moved here.”


  “A few weeks ago.”

  ‘And you tell me this now?” I smacked his arm.

  “I didn’t think Cayson wanted me to tell anyone until he was settled.”

  “So, they are getting back together?” I asked excitedly.

  “Uh…if they do it won’t be for a long time.”

  My eyes fell.

  “Trinity, he’s really mad. I’ve never seen him act like that before.”

  Depression spread through my body again. I returned to his chest. “We have to get them back together.”

  “I’m not meddling in their relationship,” Slade said firmly. “Forget it. Leave them alone.”

  I knew I should butt out. “Does Skye know he’s here?”

  “I think so.”

  I replayed my last conversation with Skye. There was so much hate in her voice. She despised me, wanted nothing to do with me. “She said I was a terrible friend…”

  He rubbed my back gently. “You did break a promise to her, but she’ll come around, Trinity. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Then I got mad and snapped at her…”

  “Serves her right,” he said.

  I sighed. “I know she’s going through a hard time…I shouldn’t have yelled.”

  His hand moved back into my hair. “Baby, it’ll be okay. I promise.”

  I fell silent and tried to clear my thoughts. It was late and I needed to rest. Slade had work in the morning, and I was keeping him up. With his warm body under me, I relaxed. Then eventually sleep took me.

  Chapter Two


  I was still doing grunt work but I bit my tongue and didn’t complain. To dissipate the anger I felt, I put in more effort into my job, hoping it was a good way to channel it. Now the bathrooms were sterile enough to compete with the Plaza, the tile showed a reflection that was as clear as a mirror, and the windows were so pristine every car wash in the country was jealous.

  After I finished cleaning for the day, I returned my supplies to the closet then scrubbed my hands clean. They had blisters and were so dry the skin cracked. I tried to remember to apply lotion but I didn’t always have it around.

  Dad came to my side and studied me. “How’s it going?”

  “Fine.” I cleaned the grime from under my fingernails. “Is there anything else you need me to do?”

  He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. “Actually, yes.”

  “I already restocked all the supplies, if that’s what you were going to ask.”

  “Yeah, I noticed.” He clapped my shoulder. “Actually, I want you to do something else. Come with me.”

  He wanted me to organize his desk now? I tried not to roll my eyes, which was nearly impossible, and then patted my hands dry before I followed him down the hallway. “What?” I asked.

  He sat at his desk then pulled up a chair for me. “Take a seat.”

  I sat down then rested my elbows on the desk. There was a picture frame of my mom on the surface. I turned it over so I wouldn’t have to look at it.

  Dad caught my action. “Do you mind?”

  “You see her all the time,” I argued. “You really need a picture of her?”

  He turned it over. “Leave my stuff alone.”

  “I don’t see any pictures of Silke and I.”

  “Do you want me to put one?” he asked incredulously.

  “No,” I said quickly. “That would be lame.”

  He pulled out a binder then opened it.

  “So, what do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to do the bookkeeping with me.”

  Bookkeeping? I’d never done that before. “Huh?”

  “It’s tallying the spending and revenue of the shop. We count how much we made, and then we deduct the cost of our spending.”

  “But that has nothing to do with cleaning,” I blurted.

  “I know.” He gave me a knowing look. “I think you’re ready for more responsibilities.”

  “Seriously?” My eyes were wide. “Oh, thank god. My fingers have been ground to the bone.”

  He gave me an affectionate look then explained everything to me. It was actually more complicated than I thought. When you took into account the cost of the employees, rent, and insurance, it was a lot of deductions. Then there were a lot of little things I never considered before. Every little thing was tallied.

  “Make sense?” Dad asked.

  “Yeah…” I should have taken notes.

  He knew I didn’t get it all. “We’ll do it a few more times before you do it on your own.”

  “On my own?”

  “Yeah. When you get there, I’ll let you run the shop a few d
ays a week. I wouldn’t mind having a few days off to lounge around the house. Besides, your mom rides my case when I don’t help out around the house.”

  “Wait…” I held up my hand and looked at him. “What did you say?”

  Dad closed the binder and put it away. “She expects me to cook dinner once in a while. But when I bring home take-out, she gets mad. Apparently, I have to cook it myself.”

  “No, not that. You’ll let me run the shop by myself?”

  “Eventually,” he said. “We still have a lot things to learn. And we haven’t even gotten to inking.”

  I couldn’t contain my excitement. “About time.”

  He clapped my shoulder. “You earned it kid. Speaking of which…” He opened a drawer and took out a pile of envelopes. Each one had a name of a worker on it. “It’s payday.” He handed me mine.

  I held it in my hands but didn’t open it. I knew how much I made every two weeks.

  “Slade, open it.” He stared at the envelope in my hands.

  I did as he asked and ripped it open. I glanced at it but did a double take when I realized the amount was more than usual.

  “Your first raise.”

  It was only a few dollars, but I’d take it. “Thanks, Dad.”

  “You’re welcome, Kid. Keep working hard and you’ll get more.”

  I stuffed the check into my wallet. “I will. I really want to get my own place.”

  “If you get a roommate, you should be able to afford it.”

  I wished. “No one wants to live with me.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “They said they don’t want to listen to Trinity and I…”

  He laughed. “Can’t blame them.” He stood up. “I need to get back. I’ll see you at dinner.”


  He walked away.

  I eyed my mom’s picture frame. Then I turned it over again just to piss him off before I walked out and headed to my next destination.


  I knocked on the door and waited for a response.

  There was none.

  I knocked again. “Answer the door.”

  “Go away,” her weak voice said.

  I pulled out my lighter then fidgeted with the door. After a few tries, I got it open.

  Skye was lying on the couch staring at the ceiling. She didn’t seem to care that I just broke into her place. “Is there something I can help you with?”

  “Yeah.” I sat on the opposite couch. “Get up.”

  She sighed then sat up. Her hair was messy and she looked like hell. “What?”

  “Why are you sleeping in the middle of the day?”

  “What else am I supposed to do?” she asked.

  “Uh, work?”

  “I haven’t started yet,” she said quietly.

  It was hard for me to sympathize with her. Whatever pain she thought she was in was nothing compared to what Cayson felt for the last year. This was all her fault. Why should I feel bad for her? I didn’t even want to talk to her but I knew I had to. “Trinity is really upset about your falling out.”

  Skye played with a strand of hair.

  “We both know she was just trying to do the right thing. And frankly, your idea to lie to Cayson was totally stupid. Trinity should have said something earlier, if anything. Now call her and apologize.”

  “She broke a promise to me,” she said darkly.

  “So?” I snapped. “She was trying to help you. You know that.”

  She leaned against the back of the couch. “By making Cayson hate me?”

  “He would hate you either way,” I said coldly. “I know I do.”

  Skye wouldn’t look at me, but her eyes fell like the words hurt.

  “Stop being annoying and just make up with her. Right now, she’s the only person who can stand you.”

  She tightened the blankets around her like she was cold.

  I knew my tactic wasn’t working. My anger was coming out and wounding her feelings. I was focusing on the fact I despised her and what she did. That wouldn’t get me anywhere. “She really misses you, Skye.”

  She adjusted herself. “She does…?”

  I nodded. “She couldn’t sleep last night because you were all she could think about. Call her.”

  “I was so mean to her…”

  “Which is why you should call her, before she changes her mind.”

  “I just…” She hugged her knees.

  I wasn’t good at being emotional. Any time someone was upset, it made me uncomfortable. The only woman who I could be emotional around was Trinity. Otherwise, I just wanted to run away.

  “She ruined everything. This was not how Cayson was supposed to find out. I can only imagine how hard that was on him…”

  I was starting to get angry again. “Cayson is a person, Skye. Not a fucking experiment. He deserved to know the truth and nothing less. Besides, he moved to New York. So, isn’t this better for you?”

  She wouldn’t look at me. “He gave up on his dream, which isn’t what I wanted, and now he loathes me and can never trust me again. No, this isn’t better for me.” Bitterness was in her voice.

  “Well, make him trust you again.”

  She sighed and rubbed her temple. “Never going to happen. Every time he talks to me, it sounds like he’s trying not to strangle me.”

  “I’m trying not to strangle you,” I said darkly.

  She turned her eyes on me. “You hate me too.”

  “I loathe you,” I said honestly. “Anyone who treats my best friend like that is lower than dirt.”

  Her anger started to rise. “I was being selfless and putting him first. You know how hard that was for me?”

  “Do you know how much pain Cayson was in when he was in California?” I countered. “Skye, he questioned everything about your relationship. He seriously thought you never loved him. How would you feel if someone tarnished the one thing you believed in above everything else? You cut him deep, Skye. I hope Cayson never forgives you because you don’t deserve it.”

  Her eyes watered and she blinked the moisture away.

  I knew I’d been too harsh on her. I steered the course back in the right direction. “Trinity still loves you and has your back. Just forgive her. She’s totally depressed without you.”

  “She is…?”

  I nodded.

  She wrapped her arms around her waist and stared out her window.

  There was nothing more I needed to say. “Call her.” I stood up and headed to the front door.


  “Hmm?” I turned around before I walked out.

  “Does Cayson…still love me?”

  I didn’t have an answer for her. “I really don’t know, Skye.” I walked out without looking back, not wanting to see the hurt on her face.

  Chapter Three


  New York was completely different from California. The height of the buildings cast the same shadows in the same places every day. The same food carts always stood on their corners, rain or shine. And the city was full of life and people.

  But I felt alone.

  My apartment was a few blocks from Skye’s, but I didn’t do that on purpose. It was the only place I could find in my price range. It was small, with a kitchen the size of a closet, a living room that could only fit my couches and TV, and my bedroom hardly contained my bed.

  But I loved the view.

  Not being in school was disconcerting. My body still felt the stress of exams and studying. When I didn’t open my textbook to research a disease I felt out of place. I gave up my dream school to move back here. But I couldn’t help but wonder if I made a mistake.

  Could I ever forgive Skye?

  What she did was so wrong it was unspeakable. I’d prefer it if she cheated on me, actually. That was something I could process and accept. But having to live a lie for nine months was ridiculous. I felt so much pain I couldn’t digest it. Every day was harder than the last. I’d given up on love and
trust. Skye was my happily ever after, my final romance, the love of my life.

  But she put me through hell.

  Could I ever trust her again? I really didn’t think I could. If we got back together and there was a bump in the road, what would she do? Would she fight with me or against me? Would she blurt out a lie just to get me to stay away? She said she was being selfless, but I had a hard time accepting that.

  When I thought about my life if I hadn’t known the truth, it scared me. What would have happened? I would have finished school and then become her friend. Our lives would have existed side-by-side, but they never would have crossed again. She would have married someone else and had kids. I wouldn’t have blinked an eye over it.

  It was too depressing to think about.

  But I didn’t know what I was doing. I was living in New York City just for her, but I didn’t know if I could be with her again. I really didn’t. Sometimes, I yearned for her. But that desperation only lasted for a second. Then wave after wave of unbridled anger would scorch my veins. I wanted to strangle her because I despised her so much. Just looking at her gave me a migraine. She used to be the person I trusted most in this world.

  Now she was someone I loathed.


  I had a few job interviews. I applied for Proctor and Gamble to work in their analytical chemistry department. They developed toothpaste but I wasn’t overly thrilled about that. I applied to a few other places, including hospitals and contagious diseases areas. I hoped it would be related to the medical field. Then I would be getting paid while making my resume more competitive. But if I went to Stanford and had a few quarters completed with high scores, I was certain a local school would accept me.

  A knock on my door shattered my thoughts. “It’s open.”

  Slade walked inside. “Yo.”

  “Hey.” It was nice seeing my best friend every day. That was something I missed when I was in California.

  He pulled out a check. “Look who got a raise.”

  “Big baller coming through.”

  He rubbed the check against his chest then stuffed it back into his wallet. “This is bar money.”

  “Maybe you should save it so you can move out.”


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