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Cupid's Arrow Book One Bewitching The Earl

Page 14

by Mysty McPartland

  Yet how could she remain living with Garth when she knew he felt very little for her, all he really cared about was his precious heirlooms. With a sigh of relief, she entered the park and nudged her horse into a faster trot. She could feel the leashed power in the horses every stride and new just like her, he longed for a fast run. Reaching out she stroked his neck. “I’m sorry Spartan, but soon I promise you can fly like the wind.”

  A smile wreathing her face, she looked up and her heart started to race when she spied her husband and his friends approaching her on their horses. A little breathless she slowed down and she pulled back on the reins when they stopped in front of her. “Garth, lord Kellion and lord Gideon, it’s a fine day for a ride.”

  In anger and painful longing, Garth eyes hungrily drank in the sight of his bewitching wife. God how he missed her, but at her unemotional, pleasant greeting, his jaw clenched. “I see you’ve purchased some horse flesh. Don’t you think he’s a little to spirited for someone your size.” He heard his friends groaning softly and ignored them.

  “What do you mean someone my size? I should be offended by that comment, but you obviously don’t know how competent I am as a rider. Really, Garth there’s no need to be childish.” His surly attitude and insult irked her.

  A snarl twisted his mouth. “Childish. I’m not the one who walked out because of an argument. That really showed maturity didn’t it. When tempers were calmed most women would sit down with their husband and talk things through, not pack their bags when his backs turned and walk out the door without a bloody word or be considerate enough to at least informing him she was leaving.”

  Every word he growled at her was like a slap to the face, tears burned her eyes, but she furiously blinked them away. She stiffened her shoulders and met his blazing glare with a calm she was far from feeling. “It was nice seeing you again.” With a curt nod, she steered her mount around the three men and trotted away.

  How dare he? How dare he make it all out to be her fault? As for sitting down and talking, she knew for a fact he wouldn’t have listened to a word she said. All he wanted to do was protect his great hulking, century’s old, pile of rubble. Blast the unbending man, she knew cutting him had probably made things worse, but if she had stayed she would most assuredly said something that she would have regretted.

  It was only his wounded pride that had made him so nasty and coming suddenly upon each other, he just wanted to strike back at her. Though she understood his reaction, it still hurt tremendously. She could only pray the next time they come across each other he would behave more civilly.

  If he continued with this belligerent attitude, people would quickly notice and it would only cause more fodder for the gossips. Though the joy had disappeared out of her ride, she refused to let him chase her home. No, she wasn’t going to hide herself away anymore, it hadn’t occurred to her until now that she’d been avoiding attending any functions.

  After Lisa’s visit yesterday she hadn’t wanted to go to any especially after hearing that Garth was attending balls, dancing with other women and having a fine old time. She had been so devastated by the news that she decided she wouldn’t go to any functions in case she saw him. Now though because of his spiteful behavior, she intended to enjoy herself as well and there was no reason why she shouldn’t.

  Besides, it would give her the opportunity to wear one of the many new ball gowns, if her husband was there she would try to avoid him, but if she couldn’t, she would try her best to be pleasant to him. Just because they were not living together didn’t mean they had to be antagonistic towards each other.

  Though she supposed being on friendly terms right now would be too much to ask because it seemed Garth wasn’t going to forgive her anytime soon. It depressed her and saddened her, but there was very little she could do about it.


  The very moment he spied his wife riding towards him, his heart started racing, longing gripped his stomach and the yearning to sweep her up in his arms was nearly overwhelming. He had intended to be pleasant, he truly did, but they cool, unemotional way she had greeted him all his frustration and anger came boiling up and spilling over. He had wanted to reach out and shake her until she showed some emotion other than politeness. He swiveled and watched her ride away.

  Loneliness and devastation swept over him, when she disappeared around the bend, Garth turned around and nudged his horse forward with his knees. He cursed his own temper and regretted treating her abysmally. The temptation to ride after her and apologize was nearly overwhelming, he gritted his teeth so he wouldn’t.

  “You were pretty rough on her, Garth.” Gideon had been shocked over his friend’s rudeness and cruelty.

  Slowly, he turned his head. “She got off lightly. She was damn lucky I didn’t pluck her from the horse, drag her home, toss her over my knee and give her a good spanking.” Garth growled.

  Killian laughed. “Now I would like to see you accomplish that and I’m sure there rest of the ton would be talking about for years to come.”

  “You won’t be so cocky once you’re married.” Garth grumbled. “Blasted women, no matter what you say or do they take offence to the slightest thing. They never listen to reason and I doubt one of them as ever admitted they’ve been wrong.”

  Gideon chocked. “Well, what’s your excuse? There was no need to go for the jugular she was being friendly until you opened your mouth. Why don’t you just admit you miss her and you want her back?”

  “Gideon’s right, Garth. Hell, it’s plain as glass you’ve been struck by cupid’s arrow and you’re in love with her, but your just to blind and stubborn to see it.” When he saw his friend shake his head in denial, Killian rolled his eyes. “If you wait much long you just might lose her for good.”

  In disbelieve, Garth pulled his horse to a stop and stared in shock. Surely, his friends were wrong. How in the hell could he fall in love in a matter of weeks? It was impossible and especially because he would never allow any woman to claim his heart. True, she’d bewitched him, he missed her intolerably, his bed was lonely and empty. There was a constant pain in his chest and he was so damn miserable. But was that love?

  Though he craved to make love to her every second of the day and night, there were a hundred other things that were absent from his life now that she had walked out. Only when she was with him did he feel complete. He leaned his head back and stared up at the blue, cloudless sky as he searched for the answer. Not dropping his head, he automatically soothed his horse when it moved restlessly beneath him.

  Suddenly it was as if he’d been struck by a bolt of lightning and his disbelieving laughter rumbled out. His wife had not only bewitched him she’d stolen his blasted heart as well. Like a thief in the night, she snuck in and while he wasn’t looking she’d robbed him. Dropping his head, he saw his friends staring at him with resignation on their faces. “How in the blazes had it happened? I did everything possible to make certain I wouldn’t fall in love.”

  A shrug of his shoulders, Gideon grinned. “Blame that little sod cupid. When his blasted arrow shoots you threw the heart, you have no chance even if it’s against your will and it’s pointless fighting against it. Once you’re struck you might as well give in.”

  “How in the hell do you know so much about it?” Killian scoffed at his friend’s answer. “It’s a load of horse manure.”

  “You know, Killian I think Gideon just might be right. Be damned if I wanted to fall in love and yet without even realizing it or even having a chance to stop it, it happened anyway.” Garth laughed at his friend’s snort of disbelief. “I wouldn’t scoff if I were you Killian, who knows you might even fall head over heels for your hellion.”

  “Like hell I will. Not me, no way. And just say it did happen, God help me then, just put me out of my misery and shoot me.” Killian shuddered at the very idea of handing his heart of his hellion fiancé.

  Garth laughed along with Gideon. “I think I could use a drink after such a momentous rev
elation. I also need to sit down and start planning my strategy to win my wife back.” They nudged their horses into a trot and left the park. He was still reeling over the fact he’d fallen in love with his wife without even knowing it. He hadn’t the slightest clue of when or how it had happened, but there was no denying that it had.

  He also wasn’t sure if he liked the idea or not, but he supposed it was far too late to with worrying about something he had no control over or change. Right now he had more important things to be concerned about and that was finding a way to bring his wife back home where she damn well belonged. After his attitude towards her earlier, she might even be more determined to live apart and really, he couldn’t blame her. Yet no matter how long it would take him, he wasn’t going to give up.

  Is the suffering he’d gone through this last week was a taste of what the rest of his life would be like without her, he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to fight for her. Even if he had to use every dastardly trick in the book, he was going to and if she had no feelings for him now, he intended that she would shortly. It was only right since he loved her that she should love him back. His stomach knotted in apprehension though, he didn’t want to think about what he would do if she didn’t.

  Scowling thoughtfully, surely she must care for him a little, no woman gave herself so completely and with so much passion when making love if she felt nothing for him and his wife certainly never held anything back. Without any hesitation, she gave up her inhabitations and shyness the moment he started kissing her. He had never had a woman give herself so freely or so passionately.

  Without a doubt he knew that after going out the last few nights, he hadn’t even looked at another chit, nor had he even felt the slightest bit of desire when one approached him with an offer of more pleasurable pursuits. In fact, the very idea of being intimate with another woman sickened him and without being rude, he refused their offers. He should have realized it then that it was because he was in love with his wife.

  Well, he knew now, so there was only with one left for him to do and that was to lure her back into his arms, he knew once he held her in his embrace any resistance she might have would melt away. Not that he intended to forceful, no, he would seduce her. He grinned with confidence knowing just how to melt any opposition until she surrendered and tonight he would start.

  Reaching the stables without a word, he tossed the reins to the waiting groom, strode across the back lawn and straight into the house. “Ah, there you are Thomas. When my wife’s maid Jenny was here did she take to anyone?”

  “Oh, yes, you’re Grace. She and your secretary were quite friendly.” Thomas frowned wondering why his lordship wanted to know.

  “You mean, John?” When Garth saw his butler nod, he grinned. “Excellent.” Striding down the passage, he went into his study and sat behind his desk.

  “What are you planning?” Gideon asked as he took a seat.

  “I’m going to send the man around and have him find out if my wife will be going out tonight and where she intends to go.” A smug smile turned up the corners of his mouth. “I plan to meet her and seduce her.”

  Turning his gaze heavenwards, Killian chuckled. “I hope it’s going to be that easy.”

  “Mmm, it might take some work and a great deal of persuasion, but I’m determined to win her back.” Garth leaned back in his chair noticed his friends were looking skeptical.

  “Well, best of luck. I hope you succeed. You probably have a lot of planning to do so we’ll leave you to it. Come on, Killian we shouldn’t stay to close to him in case the sod cupid is aiming his arrows in our direction.” Gideon rose to his feet and sauntered out the door.

  “Christ, wait for me, Gideon. I’m out of here to. No blasted way am I going to be shot through the heart.” Killian chased after his friend with Garth’s laughter following him out the door.

  His friend’s reaction to falling in love was hilarious, though he used to feel the same way, he didn’t any longer. He felt empowered and strangely free. It was if he was seeing everything differently, clearer now and his eyes were no longer blinded by his own stubborn prejudice.

  Chapter Eighteen

  In the Mason’s ballroom standing beside her friend, Laura forced a pleasant smile on her face. Ever since her confrontation with Garth in the park this morning she’d been hurt, upset and angry. She had been determined to be friendly and what had he done, verbally slapped it back in her face. It confused her why he was so furious when he hadn’t even bothered to come and see her or even tried to convince to return home with him. She didn’t understand what he wanted from her.

  Stifling a miserable sigh, she was now regretting agreeing to come tonight yet she was tired of staying home with her own wretched company. She also knew that now everyone was aware she was no longer living with her husband that people would snob her and be talking about her. Not that it worried her, they could make their own assumptions. When her friend nudged her in the ribs, she scowled and turned her head.

  Stunned to see Garth approaching her with easy grace and a dazzling smile, her limbs began to shake and trepidation tightened her stomach. She prayed he wasn’t going to cause a nasty scene giving more food for the gossips. When he stopped in front of her, she plastered and even brighter smile on her face. She tilted her head back to meet his dark, wicked gaze. “I… I um, you’re not going to be mean are you?”

  With a shake of his head, Garth reached out and clasped her gloved hand in his. “No, my sweet. I want to apologize for my rude, obnoxious behavior this morning. Please say you will forgive me?”

  Breathless, she wasn’t sure if she believed him, he was acting so strange again and she neither liked nor trusted him anymore. “You’ve certainty had a change of attitude. Why should I believe you?”

  “I know you doubt me, but I am truly sorry, sweetheart.” When the guarded wariness left her eyes, he gave her hand a light squeeze. “I’ve been wrong about many things and I realize I’ve been a blind stubborn fool.” Just as he was about to say more the music started and it was an opportunity to good to pass. “Will you honor me with a dance?” When he saw her slight nod, he didn’t waste time whisking her out on the dance floor and holding her in his arms.

  “You’re confusing me. I’m not sure what you hope to prove by suddenly being nice to me.” To say she was rattled was putting it mildly.

  “I’ve missed you, my love and today I behaved like an unmitigated rude bore. I was churlish and obnoxious.” He admitted, if she gave him the opportunity he was going to bare his soul. He didn’t want to spend another night without her.

  She snorted in disbelief. “You missed me so much you’ve been out most nights dancing with other women. Having fun and enjoying yourself. I find it hard to believe you’re suddenly repentant.”

  Guilt churned his stomach and he sighed. “It was stupid and I was wrong. I had the foolish idea that if I did, I might be able to forget you, but I couldn’t. Please, Laura let me take you home. We can’t talk here and there’s so much I need to say to you.”

  Unsure what to do, her teeth sunk into her bottom lips, but when she saw the desperation in his eyes, she sighed and nodded. “Alright.” He surprised her by leading her off the dance floor and out of the ballroom. Before she could catch her breath, he had her outside and in his waiting carriage. When he sat down beside her, she watched him from beneath her lashes. “You do realize your hasty rush to leave will have tongues wagging even more.”

  “Let them wag just as long as you’re not upset.” Impatiently he waited for them to arrive at her townhouse.

  Studying him, she could see he was both anxious and in a hurry, frowning she wondered what he wanted to say to her. She tried not to let herself hope he wanted her to come home. It would be a crushing disappointed if he didn’t. Her stomach churning in nervousness, she let him help her from the vehicle when the door was opened and the steps lowered. With his hand in the middle of her back, he guided her up the steps, inside the house and into the p
arlor. Stepping away, she turned to face him. “So, where alone. You can speak freely now.”

  Knowing this might be his only opportunity; Garth was determined not to say the wrong thing. “You were right and I was wrong about everything, Laura. Those heirlooms littering the house are junk. I see that now. As for the kitchen, again you were right. How our chef managed to produce such splendid meals is beyond me. Thankfully I managed to persuade them him and the kitchen staff to return”

  “Thank you for apologizing. I appreciate it.” She smiled while her heart sunk in disappointment. It was taking her a tremendous effort for her to not let him see how truly devastated she was.

  With a curt nod, he clasped the top of her arms. “You can tear the whole blasted house down, I don’t care. All I want is you. I want you to come home. I’m lonely, miserable and empty without you, my love. I don’t have a life without you in it. Since the beginning, you bewitched me and you stole my heart without me even knowing it. Please, my darling even if you only care for me a little say you’ll come home.” There he’d done it, he’d bared his soul, but fear gripped him when he say her eyes fill with tears.

  “Don’t cry, please, please don’t’ cry.

  Stunned senseless by his emotional confession, her heart soared. He truly must care for her, but still she needed to be careful. With tears hanging on the end of her lashes, a smile trembled on her lips “You’re not just saying this so I’ll agree to come back to you?”

  Not surprised, but disappointed he shook his head and he knew what he had to do now. Letting her go, he dropped to his knees, grasped both her hands in his and tilted his head back so she could see in his eyes that he was telling her the truth. “No. I love you, Laura. With all might heart and soul I love you.”

  Tears of joy ran down her face and she fell to her knees in front of him. Pulling her hands from his, she cupped his face. Oh, Garth I love you to. You crept into my heart even though I didn’t want you to.”


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