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Vampish: The Hunt: (An Enemies-to-Lovers Paranormal Romance)

Page 19

by G. K. DeRosa

  I forced my mind to focus on the mission, despite the swirling thoughts. I was losing control, and that was a big problem. My life was entirely about control and discipline, and a few days with Ransom had me spiraling. No more.

  I eyed the dark corridor of Ronin’s private club as we moved deeper into the bowels of the old warehouse. Unlike the bar from the other night, this place had no fancy signs or neon lights. A thick metal door with a small window and a burly bouncer made up the grand entrance. Ransom had been right: I never would’ve gotten in without him.

  The dim corridor opened into a cavernous space, the ceiling stretching at least four floors up. Crystal chandeliers dropped from the sky, bathing the huge space in a warm glow. Sleek leather couches were set up in the middle surrounding a massive marble free-standing fireplace. Behind the luxurious sofas sat a sprawling mahogany bar and along the outer edge of the room, red-curtained compartments lined the remainder of the space. A dilapidated jet caught my eye in the corner, rust covering the wings. Damn, this must’ve been an old airplane hangar.

  My arm tightened around Ransom’s as the girl ushered us toward the center of the room. “Mr. De La Sangue, would you care for a private room tonight?”

  “No, this is fine for now.” He ticked his head at the loveseat adjacent to the bar.

  “Of course, right this way.” She led us to the couch as blazing irises seared into us.

  From the corner of my eye, I could just make out some of Ronin’s men. Their faces flashed across my mind from the last assembly I’d attended back at sicari headquarters. We were surrounded.

  I dropped onto the couch and crossed my legs, cursing the ridiculously short dress, and Ransom folded down beside me. Damn, we were really in the middle of the vampire’s nest. How had he scored an invite into this place?

  Ransom’s arm curled around my shoulders, and he tucked me into his side. Normally, I would’ve shoved him away, but the thick tension in the air had my hackles standing on end. I leaned into him and pretended to nuzzle his ear. “Gods, Ransom, we’re surrounded,” I whispered.

  “I know, Red. Which is why we’re here.”

  I swallowed hard, forcing down the unease. We were on a mission. This was what I lived for. Ronin had to be here somewhere. This was my chance. Despite the queen’s directive, if I had a clear shot, there was no way I wouldn’t take it. If I took out the leader of the rebellion, all this would be over. I’d get my revenge and single-handedly save Nocturnis.

  Dark glares bored into me from all directions. Two males sat on the couch adjacent to us with a human female between them. Each held an arm, deep crimson dripping from her wrists. Across from us, a dancing couple eyed me, the male running his tongue across his lips as his nostrils flared.

  “Kiss me,” Ransom breathed into my ear.

  I opened my mouth to object, but his lips captured mine before I got a word out. His tongue pried at my clenched teeth until I granted him entrance. I knew this was part of the show we were supposed to perform, but I was sliding down a slippery slope. Lines were being crossed, ones I wasn’t certain I could ever come back from.

  His tongue danced with mine, heated strokes lashing at my willpower. He slid me into his lap, and my body gave in much too easily. He tasted like sin and chocolate, the heady combination tearing at my carefully constructed walls. His hand came around the back of my neck, and his fingers dug into my hair. My wolf let out a contented whine, and I could feel Ransom’s lips curve against my mouth.

  Oh, Thanatos, he heard that!

  He finally released me, that cocky smirk still carved into his face.

  “Was that really necessary?” I gritted out, forcing myself off his lap and running a hand through my tussled hair.

  “Yes. I didn’t like how those two were looking at you.” He ticked his head at the couple across the way. “I need everyone here to know you’re mine.”

  My wolf purred. Actually, freakin’ purred! That traitorous little b—witch.

  A waitress appeared before us, thank all the gods, interrupting my complete mortification. There were two glasses on her tray, both filled with deep crimson liquid.

  “We didn’t order anything, sweetheart,” said Ransom.

  “It’s from a friend.” She lifted her gaze toward the soaring rafters to a platform I hadn’t noticed. A male leaned over the railing and raised a glass in our direction. Squinting, I could just make out the shiny baldhead and the black symbol inked across his face.

  Mother fanger!

  I tensed, every muscle in my body going taut. The stench of burning bodies ghosted up my nostrils, screams from the past ricocheting across my eardrums. Darkness crept in. Ransom’s hand clamped around my knee, fingers digging deep into my flesh and the images receded. “Raise your glass, Red, to our kind host.”

  Drawing in a quick breath, I grabbed the goblet and lifted it in the air, mirroring Ransom’s gesture. Then he turned back to me and clinked the glass against mine. His eyes locked on my own, and his pupils pulsated as crimson flooded his irises. “Relax, have a sip of wine.”

  Relief washed through me, and I took a big gulp as the waitress scampered off. The fruity tannins tingled on my tongue, and I drank deeper. I needed like five of these to survive this night.

  “You think he’s going to come down?” I whispered.

  “That’s what we want, right?”

  I nodded quickly. The plan was actually working, so why was I freaking out? We’d gotten Ronin’s attention, and now we just had to wait for him to make a move. I eyed the vampire next to me as he sipped from the fancy goblet. With a quick inhale, it was clear his glass was not filled with wine.

  He must’ve noticed my grimace of disapproval because he squeezed my thigh and pivoted toward me. “It’s nowhere near as tasty as you, Red.” He ran his tongue over his bottom lip. “You are a rare delicacy, one I find myself dreaming about much too often.” For a second, the eternal snark lacing his tone vanished.

  “Thanks,” I muttered. “Should I be honored that you compared me to food?”

  “Oh, Red, you are so much more.” His dark eyes sparkled with mischief. “You are my favorite food.” His gaze lifted over my shoulder, and he muttered a curse. Popping up so quickly, I nearly tumbled off his lap, his hand closed around mine as he whispered, “Time to dance.”

  I barely got my stilettos out from under me before he dragged me to a quiet spot between our cozy loveseat and the back of the bar. “What are you doing?” I hissed. “There’s hardly anyone dancing.”

  “I’m trying to avoid a certain nosy vampire.” He ticked his head toward the male lingering by an adjacent couch. “He was about to come up to us. I’m going to need a bat to keep them off you tonight.” His gaze swept over me appreciatively as he wound his arm around my waist and began to sway with the slow, sultry beat.

  I didn’t know what to do with my arms. They hung limply at my side as I debated the best point of contact. No contact. That’s what would’ve been best.

  “Did no one ever teach you how to dance, Red?” Ransom cocked a mischievous brow as he laced my arms around his neck.

  My traitorous body melted into his as he pulled me close. I held my breath, his woody, musky scent invading my nostrils. I glanced over his shoulder, at his chin, over his head, anywhere but those eyes. I could feel them on me, their single-minded scrutiny a heated caress.

  “You’re stiffer than a board, Red. Try to relax a little, huh?” He dug his fingers into my side, and I let out a peal of laughter.

  “Ransom!” I squeaked.

  “Ah, you’re ticklish…”

  “No, I’m not,” I panted out as I squirmed beneath his touch.

  He dug his fingers into my other side and another bout of giggles spilled from my clenched lips.

  “Stop!” My eyes finally met his and the smile on his face was so brilliant, my heart staggered on a beat.

  “When you laugh, you’re even more beautiful than I thought possible.” The typical snark was absent from
his tone, and the weight of his words pummeled into me.

  Heat rose up my neck, warming my cheeks and drifting all the way up to the tips of my ears. I wanted to run, to hide from the surge of confusing emotions battling it out in my ribcage. Instead, I dug my fingers into his side and went for payback.

  A second later, the insufferable fanger was buckled over beside me, peals of laughter ringing out over the music. I was the tickle monster champion in my home, and no one messed with me.

  Ransom finally straightened, a smile so broad splitting his lips and revealing that mysterious dimple, I was sure I’d never seen anything more beautiful either. Damn, what was in this wine? He pulled me into his chest again and a mad flutter of wings filled my belly.

  “I knew I could drag the fun out of you somehow,” he whispered against the shell of my ear, his nose dragging over my sensitive flesh. A chill raced up my spine and goose bumps exploded down my arms.

  “You tickled me, it wasn’t fair,” I said way too breathily. “It’s a laughter guarantee.”

  Ransom’s eyes met mine, the dark abyss luring me in. Again, that feeling skimmed over me. Like we’d been here before, like there was something I was supposed to remember.

  “I’m going to kiss you again.”

  My eyes widened, and I scanned the room. “Someone’s coming?”

  “No, I just want to.” His lips curled into a smirk, revealing that devastating dimple.

  “Ransom,” I warned, placing my palms against his chest.

  “Admit it, you’re having fun. Despite everything, for a few minutes, I managed to distract you and you were enjoying your time with a fanger.”

  “I’d never admit such a thing.” I threw him my own teasing smile.

  The grating sound of a throat clearing jerked my attention over my shoulder. The two males from the adjacent couch stood in front of us. The taller one with silver hair neatly tied at the base of his neck dipped his head at Ransom. “Good evening, I was hoping I could have a taste of the girl once you are through with her.”

  And just like that the fun was over.




  * * *

  Ransom pulled me into his side and bared his fangs. “She’s mine,” he snarled.

  “Oh, you’re one of those.” The elderly vampire lifted his nose in the air. “It’s not the way of the Gentleman’s Room, you know. Here, we prize selflessness.”

  “What can I say? I guess I’m just not as evolved as the rest of you.” Ransom’s hand clamped around my hip as he dragged me back to the couch and plopped me down on his lap again. Somehow, I didn’t mind as much this time.

  “She smells different for a wolf,” said the other male. “Is she a half-blood?”

  He directed every single question at Ransom as if I weren’t even there. Stupid, chauvinistic fangers.

  “No, she’s not a half-blood,” I blurted.

  Ransom smacked my ass, and I leapt up, but his steel arm around my waist kept me in place. He fixed his eyes on me, a grin tugging at his lips. “She’s a rambunctious little thing, but I can’t get enough of her.” His fangs sank into my neck, the slight prick only a faint memory as the vampire venom surged through my veins. My head lolled back, the intoxicating sensations dragging me under. Before I could get too lost, he released me. Dragging his tongue over my sensitive flesh, I let out a shudder.

  I hazarded a glance up and both vampires watched, mouths watering.

  The older one swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing along his wrinkled neck. “I bet. That scent is like nothing I’ve ever encountered, not even among humans.” I had a feeling he wasn’t just turned during his golden years, he seemed ancient AF. “Well, if you ever tire of her, please don’t forget me. I don’t believe we’ve ever met, but I’m Desante, and this is my partner Giorgiu.”

  Ransom dipped his head. “Of course, I recognize the name. I’m Ransom De La Sangue. I apologize for not sharing, but I’ve found myself to be quite possessive of the girl.”

  “Completely understandable.” The old vampire eyed me, those pale gray irises filled with wisdom only age could bring. “I was young and impulsive once too.” His wrinkled lips parted, and his eyes glazed over as if he’d traveled to another time. “A word of wisdom, Ransom, if you wish to join the ranks of Ronin’s cause, you must learn to share.”

  The hair on the back of my neck rose.

  “And if that part is non-negotiable?” he countered.

  The male shrugged. “I cannot speak for him, but I imagine there can always be exceptions. As upsetting as that would be for me.”

  Ransom sat forward, leaning closer to the old vamp. “To be honest, I’m not sure I buy into the whole thing.”

  I jabbed my elbow into his side, but he barely flinched. What was he doing?

  “I, too, was skeptical at first. Carmen Rosa and I have a long, tangled history and in the early days, we all hunted as we pleased. She was the one that taught me after all.”

  This Desante guy must have been one of the queen’s direct progeny, like Ransom. That made them blood brothers. Did that count for anything?

  “Then over the years, the rules became more stringent and after the wars and the founding of the Etrian Assembly, we were forced to bow down to more and more inane bureaucracy. I’m two-hundred and thirty years old, I don’t want to deal with that garbage.”

  “So Carmen Rosa knows you’ve sided with her enemy?”

  Desante shrugged. “I don’t involve myself in the skirmishes. I merely agree with Ronin’s views. Let the young fight the good fight.”

  “Well, this conversation has been very insightful, gentlemen. It was a pleasure meeting you, Desante.” He extended his hand, and the fanger wrapped his wrinkly fingers around it.

  “You as well, young sir.” Then he ticked his head at me, watery eyes pulsating with hunger. “Good luck keeping that one all to yourself.”

  The other vamp dipped his head, and the pair disappeared into one of the private chambers. A second later, a young blonde in a lacy negligee sauntered behind the ruby curtain. Once I was certain they were occupied with the girl, I pivoted in Ransom’s lap, winding my arm around his shoulder. “Who was that guy?”

  “Desante is one of the oldest vampires around. The fact that he’s sided with Ronin doesn’t bode well for our queen. He may not fight, but his resources are vast.”

  “Awesome,” I muttered and took a sip of wine. Then another. A sweet melody filled the air, and my head began to sway to the tune.

  “I like that you’re so comfortable in my lap.” A devilish grin curled Ransom’s lips, revealing that damned dimple yet again. He was flaunting it left and right this evening.

  I tried to wriggle free, but his arm only tightened around my waist.

  “Aw, come on, Red, now you’re only trying to get away to spite me.”

  “No, I’m trying to get away because I hate you,” I hissed.

  He released me, his eyes wide and mouth curved into an exaggerated capital O. “Now I’m hurt. We were having so much fun a few minutes ago.”

  “Whatever.” I scooted to the edge of the couch until the heat of piercing gazes raked over me. I glanced up from the rim of my glass to meet a pair of crimson irises. The female they belonged to marched toward us, her hips swaying to an imaginary beat.

  “Uh oh,” Ransom mumbled under his breath.

  I immediately recognized her from the photos River had shown us. Dinah. She and the former Jekyll, along with half a dozen other Royal vampires, made up the group of Ronin’s closest fanger friends.

  Her dark gaze darted to Ransom, and a beaming smile flashed across her pouty ruby lips. She crouched down in front of us, giving him a direct view of her cleavage and me a look at the tattoo stamped on her neck. I knew it! All of Ronin’s crew had been inked with matching marks. Batting her lashes, she glanced up at the gawking vampire beside me. “Ransom, I thought that was you.”

  “In the immortal flesh.�
� He winked, and I fought the bout of nausea that crawled up my throat.

  “It’s been too long.” She twisted a lock of blonde hair around her finger. “Word was you’d met your true death.”

  “Rumors are nasty things, Dinah. As you can see, I’m in perfect shape.”

  The female released her hair and dragged her finger down Ransom’s shirt, pausing at the waistband of his jeans. “Yes, perfect indeed,” she purred. Bracing her hands on his knees, she slowly stood, practically shoving her perky boobs in his face as she rose.

  Oh, vomit.

  Clearing his throat, he asked, “What are you doing here, Dinah? I didn’t know you ran in this crowd.”

  “Actually, I’m here for you.” She ticked her head toward the platform, where Ronin still stood watching. Somehow, I’d managed to forget about him in the last few minutes. “The king would like a word with you.”

  My heart slammed against my ribcage, and Ransom’s hand closed around my fingers with a tight squeeze. Dammit. He probably heard that, which meant all the other vampires did too. I drew in a deep breath and switched to battle mode. This was it.

  “You can tell your boss I’m not a dog. I’m not in the habit of coming when called.” A lopsided smirk split his lips, showcasing pointy fangs.

  “As I recall, you always came for me.”

  An unexpected surge of anger bubbled up in my gut, and a growl escaped my clenched jaw.

  Ransom squeezed harder, crushing my fingers, and I barely suppressed a yelp.

  “What does he want?” he asked.

  I took a few more breaths, tamping down on my wolf’s temper. Why the hell was she getting so possessive over this fanger?

  “I can’t speak for him, but I can say you’d be stupid not to hear him out.” Dinah eyed me, and her nostrils flared. “Go on up. I’ll watch your little bloodwhore for you. I see you’re particularly attached.”


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