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From School to Battle-field: A Story of the War Days

Page 17

by Charles King


  In more than a dozen regiments of raw soldiery camping in the fieldsabout Centreville that hot July evening were lads no older than GeorgeLawton. Among the seasoned regulars, few as they were, serving either asfifers or drummers in the infantry and marines, buglers in the batteriesor trumpeters in the cavalry, were some who were even younger,--boysborn in the army far out on the frontier, perhaps, or at the fewgarrisoned forts on the Atlantic coast,--sons of soldiers who knew noother life and who would have felt awkward in any dress but the uniform.But there were few who did not at first feel, as Snipe felt, a nervoustremor about the knees at sound of those swift banging guns. Veteransoldiers soon learn that cannon may boom all day and little damage bedone, and that the real sound that tells of deadly battle is thesustained crackle and crash of musketry. All through the excited armythe news had gone that there had been a "meeting" Thursday down atBlackburn's Ford to the left front, "a reconnoissance in force," astaff-officer described it to silent, serious Major Stark, "merely todevelop the enemy." But that reconnoissance had developed somethingelse,--the fact that some of the raw regiments, bursting with eagernessto march to Richmond ten days earlier, couldn't stand fire to-day, forthe moment the screaming shells from the Confederate guns on thesouthern bank of Bull Run came crashing through the timber on the northside, a new volunteer command, shoved in there to support a battery,scurried out of it in most undignified haste. Others, no older inservice, but better led, stood their ground like men, despite theirpale, anxious faces, and roundly jeered the "salt-workers." One thingwas settled to the satisfaction of General McDowell, commanding theUnion force, and that was that the routes to Manassas Junction, eitherby way of the Stone Bridge straight ahead on the broad pike, or moredirectly by the several fords farther down-stream, were vigilantlyguarded, so that "the longest way round" would probably be the shortestway to that centre of rebel activity. There at Manassas the railwaysfrom the South and from the Shenandoah joined. There were the stores andsupplies. There was the strategic point, and scattered along the woodedbluffs that hemmed the stream on the southern side, all along for nearlyeight miles were stationed the Southern brigades. With Manassas at theirbacks five miles away, with Bull Run directly in their front, with onlyone broad road and four or five bridle-paths or wagon-tracks leadingdown to it, the Southern general felt well assured in his position andequally confident of his men.

  On the other hand, the Union leader was schooled in strategy and grandtactics and quick to see his opportunities. Bull Run was as "crooked asa ram's horn," said the staff-officers sent forward to reconnoitre, butits general course below the Stone Bridge was southeastward, despite itsdeep bends and twists, while above the bridge, within four miles or so,from the neighborhood of Sudley Springs, it had three sharp elbows, andflowed alternately east and south. Below the bridge the woods were thickon both banks; above it, toward Sudley Church, were many open fields andpatches. All Friday and Saturday the Union troops were closing up onCentreville, bringing with them, worse luck, a gang of curiousspectators in carriages and buggies,--people coming out the twenty-fivemiles from Washington as though to a picnic,--and all this motley crowdwas scattered through the fields and orchards and shady groves andswarming through the farm enclosures about the once placid, sleepylittle Virginia village this still Saturday afternoon that preceded themomentous Sunday of the first real battle of the civil war.

  It was seven o'clock by the major's watch as the rear of his silentcolumn swung clear of the bivouac where comrade soldiers stood andlonged to cheer them off, but for the caution of their officers passedcompany by company down the line of stacked rifles. There had been abrief conference between the gray-haired, shrill-voiced colonel and hisjunior field-officer. The latter had received his orders direct from thecommanding general. That accomplished soldier had keenly looked themajor over, and, as the latter remounted and rode silently away, hadturned to his adjutant-general with the comprehensive remark, "He'lldo!" And now, as the twilight deepened and the stars began to twinkle inthe eastern skies, through a winding wood-path the column moved,snake-like, swiftly, confidently, yet noiselessly, on. There was barelya farm-wagon track along the springy turf. Each man carried hisknapsack, blanket, and his forty rounds. Light marching order would havebeen welcome after the heat and heavy burdens of the past few days.Route step was the command when clear of the sentry lines, but silencethe caution. Quarter of a mile out, and in a little grove, the leaderscame upon a company of infantry clustered about their stacked rifles.The wood road forked here, one branch going straight on north, the otherbearing farther to the west. A word from the young lieutenant ofregulars, riding side by side with Major Stark, and the commander of thepicket reserves stood back, and, without a moment's pause, the battalionswung steadily on, taking the right-hand path. A few hundred yards andthere was momentary check. A subaltern officer and some twenty orthirty soldiers stood under arms at a bend in the path, and now thelight was so dim that the stars directly overhead were beginning to peepdown at the drowsing world beneath. The two lieutenants, theprofessional of the staff, the volunteer of the infantry, held briefparley, while Major Stark looked back toward his coming battalion,signalled to the foremost captain marching sturdily by the side of hisfirst sergeant, and that officer stepped out a yard or two, faced backtoward the long column, and, first waving his sword aloft to attractattention, took it in both hands, the left near the point, held ithorizontally over his head an instant, and then suddenly lowered it;whereat, without a sound, all who saw as quickly halted short, softlyplacing the shod butts of the rifles on the ground, and all othersalmost instantly followed the example. It was part of a silent drill theNew-Englanders had been taught for just such emergencies.

  With beating heart Snipe listened to the low-toned colloquy. Thelieutenant of the picket-guard, a trifle excitedly, was dictating somereport just received from the outposts.

  "No, I didn't see 'em myself," he replied, in answer to question, "butSergeant Holman says he couldn't be mistaken. The outermost sentries,three of them, all say the same. There were at least twenty-fivehorsemen. They forded the Run right down here to the southwest of us,and rode northward so as to cross this slanting path, if they kept onin the same direction, just about a mile from here. Holman's with theoutposts now, sir."

  The staff-officer turned to Major Stark. "They may have been sent todestroy the very bridge we are ordered to guard," said he, in low tone."It isn't two miles ahead."

  "Then the sooner we get there the better," was the prompt answer, and,glancing over his shoulder, the major signalled again, his right handhigh in air at first, then pointing to the front, but in the gatheringdarkness the gesture was not fully understood. "Ride back, Lawton, andtell Captain Flint to follow with the battalion," and the two mountedofficers rode rapidly ahead, and in a moment were lost to sight amongthe shadowy trees.

  It was Snipe's first mission as an orderly, and well he remembered it.Whirling his horse about, he trotted back to where the head of thecolumn stood silently with ordered arms, the men leaning on theirmuskets. "Major Stark says to follow with the battalion, sir," hepromptly announced to the alert captain, using as nearly as possible, ashe had read was the duty of staff-officers and messengers, the exactwords of the commander; and then, seeing the column instantly obeying,he again turned, rode sharply past the silent picket-post, and,straining his eyes for a sight of his major, while threading the dimvista of the wood path, he soon overtook the two again, halted oncemore and in earnest converse with a bearded, sturdy-looking sergeant,who, with a little squad of dark-uniformed infantry, formed the outpost.

  "The sentinels are not a hundred yards beyond us," he heard him say."All three saw them. The ground slopes gradually to the south and west.It's quite open. They crossed the Run down yonder, and rode straightaway northward," and the sergeant pointed to a distant ridge. "None of'em came within range. They didn't seem to think anybody would be outhere at all."

  The staff-officer sat listening quietly and attentivel
y until thesergeant finished. Then he turned to the major. "I chose this groundmyself," he said. "The sentries are hidden by bushes from the front, andhave a clear view for nearly a mile, by day at least, and looking backyou could see the roofs of Centreville on the high ground to the east. Ireconnoitred all through here yesterday and came across that bridgeabout three o'clock. There's a deep wide ditch, marshy in places, wetand miry everywhere for a mile either way, and the banks are steep. Foottroops and cavalry can cross all right, but we've got to keep thatbridge for the guns, especially that big thirty-pound Parrott GeneralHunter's to bring along. I wish we'd been sent out earlier, though ofcourse we might have been seen crossing the open fields. Look!" andLieutenant Upton led a few paces to the edge of the scattered trees, andthere the whole westward firmament was visible, even down to the blacklines of the Bull Run Mountains, just setting its own "sentinel stars"for the long night-watch.

  "I wish so, too," said the major. "Lawton, ride back and guide thecolumn. It may lose the way."

  Again the lad turned and trotted away, but before he had gone a hundredyards he could see the faint gleam of steel come dancing through theglade, and almost instantly there followed the stern, sharp, low-voicedchallenge. "It's Lawton," he answered quickly. "The major feared youmight lose the way, and told me to guide you."

  The men were panting a little now, for Flint was forcing the pace.Something told them there was work ahead. "Know what's up, orderly?"muttered the captain.

  "No, sir. The pickets say some rebel cavalry crossed the front justbefore dark, somewhere about two dozen of 'em." And as Snipe now rodealong, with over three hundred stalwart fellows trudging at his back,despite all the excitement of the moment his thoughts went back to theschool-days and the First Latin, and he wondered what the fellows wouldthink to see him now, guiding a whole battalion to its post of duty,perhaps to its place in battle. He wondered with clinching teeth andquickening breath who could have made those fellows he had so sworn bybelieve that he, Snipe Lawton, was a common thief. Was that the reasonShorty never wrote again? Was that why no one now seemed to care wherehe was or what had become of him? The boy's wounded heart beatvehemently in protest and in indignation, and there in the darkness ofthat 'cross country wood path his lips murmured a prayer for guidanceand protection, that he might live to give the lie to thatslander,--might so live as to win honor and credit for the name hisenemies had besmirched. Two nights before, following his major through adark lane when visiting sentries, the boy's heart had boundeduncontrollably, and his knees had trembled so hard that his horse, too,seemed to shake, all because a nervous raw recruit had fancied he saw arebel stealing on him through the blackness of the night, and aftervainly challenging a wandering mule, had roused the whole division andnearly killed his major with a single wildly aimed shot. To-night asSnipe thought of the story he had wrung from the unwilling lips ofSergeant Keating, of the Fire Zouaves, one of 40's old "bunkers," thesense of pride and indignation bore down all thought of fear, and SnipeLawton, who the year before hated drill and wouldn't be a soldier foranything, even now in the dark, where Napoleon himself had said most menwere cowards, was praying that the rebels might be there at the bridge,and that he might be foremost in the dash upon them.

  On past the peering, shadowy knots of soldiers of Sergeant Holman'sparty he led them, the hard-breathing, swift-striding Yankees swingingalong behind. Out over the starlit open to where, well across the field,he could dimly descry the forms of two horsemen. "Well done, orderly,"muttered the regular. "You've lost not a second. Now, major, we'll pushahead. Better caution them not to make a sound."

  "They won't," said Stark, in answer, and resumed the northward way. Fiveminutes and they were skirting an old snake-fence, well out beyond thehail of the last sentry or vedette of the Union lines. Any moment nowthey might meet scouting parties of the rebel horse, and here LieutenantUpton warned the major to keep with his command, while he himself,bending low on his horse's neck, pushed out ahead. Ten minutes more theywent without halt of any kind, but now Stark noted how hard the men werebreathing, and ordered Flint to take it easy. "Soldiers need their windif it comes to fighting," said he. Fifteen minutes, and there was a longfringe of timber ahead, and farther off to the north a light wasshining, like a candle, in a farm-house window, but still the dimcart-track led on, and the young staff-officer kept out ahead. Little bylittle they drew closer to the trees, and eyes and ears were strainedfor sight or sound. The major, too, was bending low by this time, andeagerly, anxiously, scanning the shadowy line ahead. Presently he drewrein and muttered a call to Snipe, and the lad spurred up alongside.Both horses were pricking up their ears. "This horse acts as thoughthere were others ahead there," whispered Stark. "It may be only thelieutenant's. Here he comes now!"

  It was Lieutenant Upton, riding cautiously back. "Major," he muttered,"that bridge is just across the next field, and I could hear voices andthe sound of horses' hoofs on the planks. If it's that patrol, we've got'em. We can't deploy yet. We must creep through these woods and deploybeyond them. I know the ground."

  The column had not even halted, for the moment the staff-officer joinedthe leader he reined about and rode on, talking eagerly in low tone ashe rode, then once more pushed cautiously ahead, the hoof-beats hardlyaudible on the springy turf, and was soon lost among the trees. Fiveminutes more and the major and his faithful orderly emerged again underthe open starlight, and there they found their alert guide. "Let themhalt in the timber a moment," whispered Upton. "Look at that light." Andwhile the head of column abruptly ordered arms, and each succeeding setof fours almost bumped up against that which preceded it before it coulddo likewise, the aide-de-camp pointed southward.

  Upon some dark height full three miles away toward the Junction, andevidently some distance beyond the stream, a bright light, as of alantern with brilliant reflector at its back, was shining steadily."There was another a mile to the north of us as we crossed the lastopen common," said Stark. "Why, look! There it is again, yet it was darkjust now."

  And then, suddenly as that northern light appeared, it was extinguishedor hidden. Then, before any one could speak, again it flamed. Again itdisappeared, and the explanation occurred to all three at the sameinstant. "Signalling, of course," muttered Upton. "Now get two companiesinto line, facing west; then we'll leave our horses with them and creepout toward the bridge."

  Another moment, and while Flint was noiselessly leading the foremost twointo line, the major and the staff-officer had dismounted, handed theirreins to silent Snipe, and out they went, crouching low, into thewestward darkness, while every man breathed hard and listened. Then thesouthern light began to flash and disappear alternately. "We are far outto the west of Centreville," murmured Flint. "Those windows are hiddenfrom that point. They doubtless think no one can see them here."

  Five minutes, and still no sound came from their venturesome scouts.They had had time to go all the way across if need be. "What d'yous'pose they signal for?" whispered a young soldier in the leading set,whereupon the sergeant turned and muttered, "Hush!" and men began torealize that it was a time to listen--not to talk.

  All of a sudden, low, clear, and distinct, a whistle was sounded notfour hundred yards away. The first thought to strike every man was, themajor! but the major had gone straight to the west; this sound came fromacross the wide field well to the northward of the supposed position ofthe bridge. Before there was time to comment the answer was givenstraight out ahead, soft, yet just as distinct. Then all three horsesleft with Snipe pricked up their ears and whirled toward the northwest,for from that quarter came the sound of hoof-beats, the low thud andrumble of horses moving at lively lope. Swift, invisible, they swoopeddown from the northward across the front. Then came sudden check, thensilence, then the next minute the hollow sound of iron-shod hoofs uponresounding boards. First one horse, at a walk, then two, three, half adozen together, and then silence again.

  Two minutes later, back from the front, running, came the major."Forward, just as you are
!" he muttered to Flint. "The bridge is safe,"and, swinging into saddle and bidding Snipe come on with thelieutenant's horse, he sped swiftly away across the field. At itswestern limit, at the edge of a deep, black trench that stretched awaysouthward toward Bull Run, they found the staff-officer, standing at theold wooden bridge.

  "They've left it intact," murmured Upton, gleefully, "and they've beenscouting around our right flank for indication of any attack from thisdirection, and have missed us entirely. Now let 'em come back and get itif they can!"

  In ten minutes three of Stark's strong companies had stacked arms amongthe timber to the west of the clumsy yet precious structure. The fourthwas chosen for guard and picket duty, and, under the guidance of theenergetic young staff-officer, every approach was covered. Wary sentrieswere stationed five hundred yards away, up and down the unsightly troughand well out toward the winding run, with supports and small reservesintervening between them and the main body. Even the open field to theeast was guarded, for Major Stark meant that no enemy should come uponhim unawares. Finally, deep in the shelter of the grove, they struck alight and consulted their watches. "Just half-past nine," said Upton,"and at midnight the move begins. Now I'll ride back and report. Whatsplendid luck thus far!"

  "You have no orderly, lieutenant," said Major Stark. "Let Lawton rideback with you until you reach our lines. I'd be better satisfied."

  "There is no need, thank you, major. There is no likelihood of mymeeting rebel patrols between this and our pickets. Those fellows areback across Bull Run by this time and riding away to tell Beauregard theYanks have no idea of reaching round him this way."

  Snipe, listening in silence, hoped, despite the brave resolution of theearlier evening, that nothing would happen to change the lieutenant'smind. It wasn't the riding back with him that he dreaded to think of, itwas the solitary trot to rejoin the major after seeing Upton safely tothe lines. There on the distant heights the lights around Centrevillewere twinkling, and, even while the officers were consulting a momentbefore, the lad noted that while they could no longer see the gleam onthe high ground south of the Run, the men were again whispering togetherabout that signal to the north of them.

  Then the staff-officer held out his hand. "Good-night, Major Stark. Ishall take pleasure in telling the general how prompt and soldierly yourcommand has been. After all the go-as-you-please business I have had tonote on the march it is good to see a regiment behave like regulars.Good-night to you, too, my lad. If I ever get a regiment I'd like tohave a hundred young fellows of your calibre," said he, and to Snipe'ssurprise and delight Lieutenant Upton was grasping his hand too.

  But just as the young officer turned away a thought occurred to him."The general will be anxiously awaiting my report, and I must hurry. Ifit weren't for that I'd find out what's going on where that light is upyonder. Good-night again. Look for us along about two o'clock."

  The muffled sound of the hoof-beats died away across the open field. Themen close at hand unrolled their blankets and stretched themselves uponthe turf. No fires were allowed, but many a pipe was lighted well withinthe shelter of the trees, and, too excited to sleep, they lay chattingin low tones. Several of the officers grouping about had heard the youngregular's closing words. "That light can't be more'n a mile off," saidCaptain Flint. "I would like to know what's going on there myself."

  The major had dismounted, and by the gleam of a little folding lanternwas jotting down some memoranda at the moment in the note-book he alwayscarried. Method was second nature to Stark. Not until he had finishedhis writing did he reply. Then, even while glancing over his lines, hequietly said,--

  "You shall. Bring twenty men and come along."

  Quarter of an hour later, with the senior captain left in command at thebridge, Major Stark, Lawton as ever riding close behind him, was leadingslowly and cautiously out of the shadows and across an open field thatsloped gradually toward a low ridge against the northern sky. Behindthem, treading softly, came Flint, a lieutenant, and twenty men. Thelatter had fixed bayonets and discarded anything about their equipmentthat would rattle. The north star gleamed right over what seemed to be alittle grove along the ridge, and on the edge of the dark patch stood,against the sky, regular and square in outline, an object like a house.Not five minutes back a light was shining in the midst of it, but nowthat was gone. Slowly, cautiously, the little party continued its silentmove, rising gradually with every rod, and at last the leader came toanother snake-fence, and three or four stout fellows sprang forward andthrew down a panel or two. While this was being done the major lookedback, and there, shining over the low ground from the distant heightsbeyond Bull Run, that clear, steady light was gleaming again, powerful,almost, as the head-light of a locomotive. Away to the southeast,grouped about Centreville, the camp-fires of the Union troops wereblazing, and from along this ridge their position was plainly visible.No wonder Virginia sympathizers chose the spot from which to signal! Nowwhat message might they not be sending two hours later when the armybegan to move? It was after ten o'clock, and that house had been darkfor over ten minutes, yet Stark felt confident their stealthy approachwas unsuspected. Then comes the stifled cry, "Ha! there it isagain!--the light in the upper window, well under the eaves!" Snipe'sheart bounds almost into his throat in his excitement, for now it isbarely long pistol-shot away, and he is the proud possessor of a newColt's revolver, much handier, he thinks, than the long, cumbrousmusket. And now it's out again; and now, five seconds later, shinesanew, and so it goes,--darkness alternating with light three times, thenall is black and unbroken. A sergeant is somewhere ahead looking for thenext fence. The little party scrambles on up the steeper slope. If onlythere are no dogs about! Hear them baying over there toward Centreville?and over there yonder to the west toward Sudley Church? Surely if thereare dogs here they would be out and baying their reply. Bigger andblacker looms the house ahead, and still no challenge from dog or man.Can it be that the farm folk have deserted it, and that only lurkingscouts or spies are here?

  And now they come upon a dilapidated picket-fence; beyond it a row ofbushes. The sergeant in advance turns back and tells the major there's awide open gateway at the east, and into this he cautiously rides, Snipestill following. But, oh, how the boy heart is thumping! The roadway issoft Virginia earth, and the hoofs strike no pebbles. Presently themajor dismounts, and, handing his reins up to Snipe, bids him wait therein a little open space. Then, noiselessly, he and Flint lead on with themen, and Snipe feels, rather than sees, that they are surrounding thehouse and stationing soldiers at every door and under every window. Allthese now are dark save two on the lower floor in front. There are thickshades within, but they show a dull light, as from a table-lamp. Not asound beyond a creaking of a shoe or plank is heard. The men move likekittens, but it is their first experience of the kind, and most of themare excited, even nervous. As for Snipe, he rages to see how he istrembling.

  And then all of a sudden the major's horse, rejoicing that the weight isgone, gives himself a thorough shake, rattling housing and stirrups andaccompanying the shake with a loud b'r-r-r-r of satisfaction. All toolate Snipe springs from saddle and seizes both horses by the nostrils.Almost instantly booted heels are heard within, and manly, ringingvoices. Somebody comes striding to the door and throws it open. A tall,slender, shapely fellow is outlined against the dim light within, and avoice hails cordially,--

  "Hullo! What brings you back? Anything the matter over yawnduh?" Andthat "yawnduh" betrays the Virginian.

  "Nothing," is the answer, in Stark's quiet tone. "But your house issurrounded by the troops of the United States and I'll trouble you tocome out."

  For answer, out goes the light in the room, slam goes the door, and thenthere is dead silence just about five seconds. Then the order, "Break itin!"

  Up the low steps spring a sergeant and two men. Crash goes the doorbefore their heavy rifle-butts, and then, bayonets advanced, in they go.The major, following coolly, strikes a light, and holds aloft his littlelantern. The candles
on the table are still smoking, and are quicklyagain ablaze. "Come in here, three or four more of you," orders Stark,while Flint comes hurrying round to the front. There is a rush of feeton the upper floor, a back window is hurled open. "Head 'em off there!"shouts Flint, as again he runs back. There is a sound of sudden scuffle,and some stern order within. Then Snipe can stand it no longer and leadshis excited horses closer to the house. He hears the rifle-butts gobanging at the doors up-stairs and more men hurrying into the hall. Hehears Flint repeat the cry, "Watch every window!" And now he shifts thebight of both reins into the left hand and whips out his revolver, stilltowing his suspicious and reluctant steeds, and just as he nears thefront, almost at his feet, the doors of a cellarway, hitherto unseen andunsuspected, fly open. Two dark figures burst forth. He feels again,rather than sees, that a murderous blow is aimed at his head, and evenas he ducks out of the way a revolver flashes and barks just at his ear,and, now instinctively, he pulls trigger. At the flash and bang of thepistols the startled horses both jerk back, pulling him with them. Onerein is torn from his grasp, but the captor gains nothing, for before hecan reach pommel or stirrup, two long-legged Yankees are on him, and heis dragged back into the light. A third stumbles over a prostrate formwrithing in the road, as Snipe quickly finds his feet; and, as MajorStark comes striding out and brings his lantern to bear upon the scene,the lad, pale, breathing hard, but with flashing eyes and that revolvergrasped in his clinching hand, is standing over his strickenprisoner,--first capture of the advancing arms of the Union,--a youngConfederate officer, whose brand-new uniform is richly laced with gold,but whose face is now white as death as he swoons away.

  First capture of the advancing arms of the Union.]


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