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Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8)

Page 11

by P. G. Allison

  Oliver said, “Missy, will you ask these men about any others in their group who might still be at large? Or, have we truly captured all of the men responsible for the WIJO attack?” In the background, the fireballs had somehow diminished, with many going out completely.

  Missy translated Oliver’s request and, looking at Kahtar, she spoke to him next. “Please order Talib to answer truthfully. Otherwise, our hellhounds are ready to devour him and his men.”

  Kahtar was very shaken by the whole scene he’d watched play out before him. He had believed Missy and Oliver were demons before this. He knew they had great powers. But he never imagined they could do all this. Come into his home? Force him to witness what surely was something coming right from hell? He said, “Talib, speak quickly and speak the truth! Are there any members in your group not yet arrested?”

  Talib recognized Kahtar’s voice and could see no reason not to answer. He shouted, “No, there is no one! No one! Everyone has been arrested or killed. We three are the last ones remaining. Please … be merciful … turn us over to the German authorities!”

  Missy translated this for Oliver but then went on, in Pashto, “WIJO has not shown any mercy. Why should we?” The wolves, meanwhile, continued to threaten. They were very convincing as they circled around the men, snarling and baring their fangs. Unless Oliver stopped them, they were quite clearly going to kill these men, tearing them limb from limb. The ravenous behavior they were showing was totally convincing.

  But then Oliver looked into the camera and said, “This time, we will show mercy.” He gestured to the wolves and they reluctantly backed away. He motioned for them to go and slowly, they began returning to where they’d started from. Looking back into the camera, he said, “WIJO must stop all attacks. Otherwise, we will come for the leaders next. We know who you are. We know where you are. We cannot be stopped.”

  Missy translated Oliver’s words and added some of her own. “Oliver will give your three terrorists to the German authorities. They will stand trial for their crimes and be punished. But, as I did in England, we want to further demonstrate the power we demons wield. We therefore will send lightning bolts down today. We will send them down to incinerate the warehouse near Leipzig where your weapons and explosives were being stored. All of the inventory belonging to the liquor business which Talib was running for WIJO will be destroyed. This is our last warning. And, these are but small examples of what power we can bring against WIJO. We can find and destroy all of you as well as all the sources WIJO has for wealth here in the Mid-East, just as we’ve done in the U.S., England and Germany.”

  Missy then shutdown the laptop and destroyed the phone, melting it with a small fireball. When that went out, she looked over at Kahtar who was cringing in fear. “Don’t make me come back. I promise you will not survive my return. Nor will Shahid Omar Aziz or Mohammad Nabir. Be sure to tell them that.”

  Then, in a shimmer of light, she vanished. As the white tunic she’d been wearing drifted down to the floor, Kahtar was finally able to move forward. Slowly, he rose from his chair. He stared at where his phone had been and then at the remnants of his TV. Using his laptop which was still functional, he placed a video call to Aziz.


  Missy returned to where Mike, Les and Marsha were still on their conference call with Robert’s team. She had quickly dressed after Shifting back to her human form in the bedroom. “Hey? How did everyone like the show? I thought our team in Germany did a really great job!” She had especially enjoyed the way Tracy’s wall of flames had looked. It had indeed given the impression that the wolves were hellhounds, bursting forth from the fires of hell.

  Lieutenant Colonel Schermerhorn said, “We all thought that was epic! We will provide copies to all the WIJO leaders, using Kahtar’s own email account to send it.”

  “I added that part about the warehouse being destroyed,” said Missy. “That little embellishment you folks suggested ought to make Tracy very happy. You’re certain there aren’t any people there to be in the way?”

  “Yes, we checked with the German authorities. They removed all the evidence and the place should be abandoned now. Of course, Gene and Amanda will be able to scent if anyone is nearby before Tracy starts unleashing any of her lightning bolts.”

  “Excellent! It looks like our work is done here. I’ll spend the day checking on how the other WIJO leaders are reacting to all this. Then, tomorrow morning we can fly to Berlin. It will be nice to join the others for some actual vacation time. We can then return home the day after that.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Saturday, Mar 21, 2020

  Ed Collinsworth addressed Robert’s team, gathered in the conference room at Hanscom AFB, along with several others on the line. He had just finished recapping all that had been accomplished, both in Germany and in Afghanistan. “In conclusion, I want to thank everyone who contributed to the great success of this operation. Many of you worked long hours and there were some sleepless nights here in order to stay connected with our teams overseas in different time zones. I know Robert will be proud of each of you.”

  Dale Hewson said, “Hear, hear!” There were more cheers around the room. “Let’s not forget the German authorities who cooperated in a timely manner. Had they dragged their feet, insisting on the usual red tape and routing things through proper channels, things might have turned out a lot differently.”

  “Yes, and let’s make sure those U.S. Army folks who helped also get thanked,” said Lieutenant Colonel Schermerhorn. “I know Linda will want their support to be properly rewarded. The security team, the helicopter pilots and crew, and all those at higher headquarters who acted on our requests, often without benefit of knowing details due to so much being classified. While they will probably learn some of what was accomplished, they’ll never understand just how much all this has helped us defeat WIJO.”

  The Secretary of Defense was one of those who had called in. He said, “I’ve spoken to General Blake and he sends his thanks. Not only did Missy accomplish everything he’d hoped she would, getting more software installed on WIJO computers and spying on them, but having the team in Germany provide that hounds from hell show to threaten any future acts of terrorism? Fantastic. Well done.”

  “That’s definitely a classic,” said Charles Winword from the CIA, also on the call. “We’ll want lots of DVD copies made showing how all those hellhounds came charging out from the fires of hell. I’ll make certain that appropriate distribution gets made. You’ll need to edit them so Missy and Oliver can’t be identified, of course. I’m sure that won’t be difficult.”

  Lisa said, “Marie and I have already done that, sir. It actually makes the scene even better, with only their spooky voices talking to the three terrified terrorists. We also identify Mullah Ahmed Kahtar as the person off camera who talks to Talib, when Missy asks him to. It’s a great little training film now. We end it with Oliver’s words: ‘We know who you are. We know where you are. We cannot be stopped.’ Very convincing.”

  The Defense Secretary chuckled. “Let’s be sure Abu Habib and that girl of his … the one sleeping with Congressman Miller? Make sure they see it.”

  “Ayleen Malik. We should probably talk about her,” said Dale. “We can have Congressman Barrows give Miller some more disinformation or, better yet, some information we want WIJO to have. Let’s see how this plays out over the next few weeks.”

  “That sounds good,” agreed the Defense Secretary. “There’s only one other matter that occurred to me. Werewolves. We really had no idea Missy would end up taking over the New England pack but, now that she has, we probably need to support that. We’ve all just seen how useful werewolves can be in certain situations.”

  “What’s your concern, sir?” asked Colonel Schermerhorn. “Linda Rayburn will be back soon and she’s been keeping track of the New England pack for a couple of years now.”

  “Actually, I was thinking more about Missy. Until the Superintendent at West Point returns from
his heart surgery, their Chief of Staff Colonel Dzierzeski is in charge there. I don’t see any need for him to learn about our supernaturals. However, I’ve already had to speak to him personally in Missy’s behalf. I don’t really want to keep doing that. So, what will happen with her pack at the next full moon? I’m guessing she might want to teleport up there for that. If so, we need to make sure there’s no problem with her being absent that night at the academy.”

  “Good point, sir,” said Colonel Schermerhorn. “We’ll work on that. From the little I know about werewolves … and this is thanks to our own Gene and Amanda … they all do need to Shift during the full moon. And, it’s probably best if their Alpha is with them during those pack events. We’ll talk to the two of them, along with Linda and Captain Bonomo. And, Missy of course.”

  “Great. I see the next full moon will be on April seventh, just over two weeks from now. I’m sure you’ll come up with the best way to handle this. I’ll say goodbye now as I have another meeting coming up.”

  Drew Martinson had been listening on the call and he now spoke up. “We’re fortunate to have the Defense Secretary’s full support. And, he’s right. We can’t keep asking him to intervene, playing the National Security card whenever we need Missy or Tracy to be excused from their normal duties. I think the Superintendent will be back in a month or so and he can cover for them then. Hopefully, we’ll only need some excuse for April seventh.”

  The team continued to discuss various items for another thirty minutes but then Ed dismissed them all. He told them to take Sunday off since it didn’t look like there was any worldwide crisis that needed to be handled and most of their normal tasks could wait until Monday.


  Sunday, Mar 22, 2020

  The return flight back to New York was uneventful, although there was definitely a party atmosphere amongst those aboard. And, they had Missy with them. She was able to provide interesting anecdotes concerning each of the WIJO leaders and how they were now definitely convinced to stand down. At least for the near future.

  They had all reunited the day before, Linda’s team returning with Lieutenant Saunders and his men in their vehicles, driving up from Leipzig, and checking back into the VIP housing near the Clay Atlee building. Missy, Mike, Les, Marsha and Sergeant Town had flown in the “P” Branch jet from Kabul and, with their two pilots, checked into rooms at the same housing facility. Calls had been made, arranging things for them all, and they enjoyed a very nice luncheon in the VIP mess hall.

  Then, they’d toured Berlin. Lieutenant Saunders had his security force escort them in small groups, each going to see what interested them most and find places to eat where they could boast about how delicious the German food was. And, the German beer, of course. Did they manage to crowd into one day, evening and night all the excitement of a week’s spring break vacation? Well … they tried!

  And, after breakfast that morning, saying goodbye at the airport to Lieutenant Saunders and his men was bittersweet. Linda promised their superiors would be receiving letters of praise for every person who had helped them that week.

  This time, before most dozed off in their plush seats, it was Gene and Amanda who were entertaining Sergeant Town with descriptions of the fires and lightning bolts they’d witnessed Tracy tossing around.

  Amanda said, “When Gene and I rushed out under Tracy’s wall of fire with my former pack and charged those three terrorists responsible for killing Johan and Justine? We truly felt as though we were being unleashed as hellhounds and we’ll never forget how wonderful that was!”

  Linda assured the sergeant she had it all on video and would make certain he got a copy. So would Amanda’s pack, of course. It would always be a special memory for them.

  On arrival at JFK airport, there again were those leaving while others were continuing on up to Boston. Missy, Tracy, Captain Bonomo and Sergeant Town were all returning to West Point. The sergeant wanted someone to make a video of the goodbye kisses which Missy was giving Mike and which Tracy was giving John. Linda was busy kissing Captain Bonomo, however, so was not available to do that. He grumbled good naturedly and then took out his smart phone and made the video himself.

  As Missy and Tracy signed back in at the academy, right on time, Tracy whispered, “Your brother and I loved everything we did. Of course, when we were first asked if we wanted to participate on this mission, do you know what he told me?”

  Missy grinned and said, “Okaaaay. I’ll bite. What did he tell you?”

  “Why, he said … and I quote … Germany? Werewolves? Maybe some terrorists? What’s not to like?”


  After dropping Mike, John, Gene and Amanda off in Boston, the “P” Branch jet continued down to Washington D.C. with Oliver, Candy, Les and Marsha.

  Les said to Oliver and Candy, “Well, that was the week that was. It looks like the Germany team may have had even more fun than we did in Afghanistan.”

  Marsha grinned and said, “That certainly seems true for Captain Bonomo and Linda. Missy confided in me when we returned to Germany how delighted she was on seeing them and sensing how they had become a couple. Of course, we all know how her senses are.”

  Candy laughed and said, “There was no need for any supernatural abilities to see what was happening with those two. They hooked up almost right away and I doubt either of them has ever been happier. I’m betting their relationship will last, in spite of whatever comes next.”

  “Now that Amanda was able to help her former pack and introduce Gene to her family,” said Oliver, “I doubt they have ever been happier either.”

  “Speaking of happiness,” said Marsha. “When’s the happy wedding date for you two? Les and I are counting on being invited and so is Drew Martinson.”

  “Well, you all are certainly invited,” replied Candy with a big grin. “So is everyone on Robert’s team. Plus Missy and Tracy, of course. That’s the problem, though. Mike’s sister Michelle has scheduled her wedding for June seventh and Missy promised she’d be there. We’d like to schedule ours for this summer but we aren’t sure yet what other dates Missy and Tracy can manage. Then there’s my uncle. Who knows what his schedule might be? He wants to walk me down the aisle.”

  Les said, “Oh, we’re just going to have to see how well WIJO behaves now. Maybe they’ll stop sending terrorists out and you’ll only need to work around whatever the West Point training schedule dates might be.”

  They continued discussing possible summer plans for the rest of the flight.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Monday, Mar 23, 2020

  Missy considered getting back into her routine at the academy to almost be like going on vacation. She was excited to be back and anxious to catch up with all her friends. She’d been able to talk to Karen the night before, of course. As soon as she got back to their room, Karen was there and on cloud nine. She couldn’t wait to tell Missy everything.

  “Marty made such a good impression on my mother! And then, when I came back to visit his parents, that also went really well. They were so thrilled Marty seems to be head over heels about me!” Karen went on and on about her week and it was obvious she was head over heels about Marty as well. They had definitely taken things to new levels although they still were not having sex.

  Missy knew how sex outside of marriage had resulted in Karen being born and how, because of that, Karen’s mom had influenced the way Karen felt. For some couples, it was probably best if they could wait. Marty was not pressuring Karen about it and seemed very sincere in his pursuit of her as a future wife. Karen was determined to graduate from West Point so that wouldn’t be for two more years, assuming their relationship could survive the test of time. Based on how happy Karen was, Missy was hoping it just might.

  Her morning classes flew by and then she was off to the mess hall for lunch. When she ran into Tracy’s roommate Nell, she noted yet another happy person. She knew Nell had brought Ron home to meet her family, so she asked how that went. She could sc
ent things were still going slow, with no sex yet, but knew that might happen a lot sooner than for Karen. Nell didn’t have Karen’s hang-ups and Ron was proving to be just as serious about Nell as Marty was about Karen.

  Nell said, “Ron and my dad really seemed to hit it off. By the end of the week, my mother confided in me how Ron actually asked them both for their approval. You know … for their daughter’s hand and all that. She wasn’t supposed to tell me, of course, but she was so excited she just couldn’t help it.”

  “Wow, he wants to marry you?” asked Missy.

  “Well, he hasn’t said that to me yet. Not in so many words. But, after the way he presented me to his father at the Parents Weekend banquet and the way he talked about our future with my parents … well …” Nell blushed. Missy had never seen her so emotional.

  “You’ve told him you want to finish here, right? Two more years before you’ll be ready to get married?”

  Nell smiled and said, “He knows that. Like I said, he was talking all about the future to my parents. My mom couldn’t stop blabbing about all the things he said. She’s terrible at keeping secrets, unlike me. I’m more like my dad when it comes to that.”

  Missy grinned and said, “What did Tracy say about all this? I assume she grilled you last night, right?”

  “Oh, you know her, Missy. She says she’s impressed with how hard Ron’s working to get into my pants.” Nell giggled. “I told her that wasn’t true at all. Just the opposite. I think because Ron maybe does want to marry me, he’s afraid to try anything. I’ll probably have to make all the first moves when it comes to that.”

  “Well, I’m happy for you,” said Missy. “Ignore her, in spite of her only wanting what’s best for you. When it comes to making moves, you want to always be the one who decides. Only you know what’s in your heart and that’s what really matters.”


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