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Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8)

Page 30

by P. G. Allison

  “Really? Wow.” Craig stared at her a moment. “Did Brody realize that when you challenged him?”

  “Oh, yes,” said Missy. “And, I did not use any of my abilities as a witch when I defeated him. I only learned about those abilities less than two years ago. I have never been a member of any coven. So, my pack … well, I’m finding they provide me quite a bit of power. In return, I’m working to reward that. Like I said … the welfare of my pack is something I take very seriously.”

  Craig said, “That’s very interesting. I can relate. My loyalties are to my family, to my friends and to my pack.”

  “Yes, exactly. Mine then go to my country.”

  “That would explain your being at West Point, then.” Craig smiled. He’d read the magazine articles about her. “I understand you were serving with the Special Forces last summer. Some sort of women in combat experiment.”

  Missy chuckled. “We supernaturals need to be helping our government, Craig. I’ve convinced some of the other witches to do that, in spite of how reluctant most of them were. Likewise, my pack members Gene and Amanda Tremblay are working for the U.S. government. I’d like to ask that you give some consideration to this as well. If the packs continue in their isolationist ways, as they and the witch covens have been doing in the past …”

  “I get it, I do.” Craig understood. “You’re probably right, Missy. Times have changed. While we are not willing for the general public to realize we werewolves exist, there may be opportunities in the future when some of us can provide assistance.”

  They talked for a few minutes more and then Missy thanked him for visiting and got his agreement that he’d run that night with her and her pack. After similar meetings with the other Alphas, Missy finally did mingle.

  As she had the previous full moon celebration, she spent time with each pack member, often using her mindspeak ability. She made sure they all knew about the resources she had arranged for. She’d been working Fred very hard on that, calling him frequently during the month with more and more ideas. The more she’d learned from Mark and Alice about her almost limitless funds, the more she’d instructed Fred on ways he could use them to benefit the pack.

  When the darkness had surrounded them for a good while and the moon had risen high in the sky, it was finally time. As before, everyone migrated out to the arena. There were lights out there shining down on tables containing food and drinks for the humans who would soon be left behind. The werewolves needed to answer the call and began shedding their clothes and Shifting. As before, they then waited for Missy.

  Ayleen watched in total amazement as this was happening. And, when finally Missy stripped naked and handed her clothes to Alice, she was mesmerized. She’d experienced Missy materializing in front of her and then later, disappearing in a shimmer of light, but watching as all of these people transformed was incredible.

  One moment, they were a naked human and the next, they were on all fours as an animal. An animal which was large and frightening to behold. When Missy suddenly Shifted into her mountain lion form, that was magnificent. She let out a loud cougar scream and suddenly took off running, with her pack following quickly behind, howling as they gave enthusiastic chase to their leader. Their leader the werecat.


  Friday, May 8, 2020

  Six days and a wake-up. The cadets had finished classes and now only their end-of-term exams remained. Kelsey had been running her Kelsey’s Korner tutoring for the past few weeks and attendance by both yearlings and plebes had been greater than ever. But, it once again being Friday night, there were no sessions scheduled so both those being tutored and those assisting Kelsey by doing some tutoring were free to relax. Most of them chose to do that over at Cullum Hall.

  Missy, however, had asked Tracy to join her on a walk along the Hudson River. Once they were well away from all others, she said, “Remember when you asked me to help when you were all amped up?” They had reached the same spot.

  Tracy laughed and said, “You mean when you made me promise not to think of that as a booty call?” She’d asked Missy to drain some of her excess energy, which had accumulated to a level which had become troubling.

  “Well, yeah … I guess I did say that, didn’t I?” Missy grinned. She could always trust Tracy to focus on the absurd. “I managed to help while you pushed some of your energy away.”

  “True. But, I’m okay at the moment. What are you thinking?”

  “I’m wondering if, rather than Shifting to my spirit form, the way I’ve always done whenever draining energy from a witch …”

  Tracy giggled and said, “Oh, boy! You want to experiment once again. Do I even want to know why? Wait! No … don’t tell me. Probably best I don’t know. Just ask me whatever it is you want me to do and your faithful assistant Igor here will of course be thrilled to comply.”

  Missy rolled her eyes but then said, “Thanks! I knew I could count on you. I want to practice draining energy from a witch without Shifting. Let’s start with you pushing your energy at me. If that works and I can absorb whatever you send me, we can later try with my pulling energy from you when you’re not actually pushing any at me.”

  “Oh, goody! This will go on and on all week. What happens if this becomes the gift that keeps on giving and I slowly melt away? Or, worse … maybe I’ll flunk all my exams.”

  “I very much doubt you’ll become a puddle like the Wicked Witch of the West, Tracy. But, just in case, I promise to push some of my energy into you after each of these sessions. A healthy exchange. You’ll maybe even do better on those exams.”

  Tracy shook her head and said, “Whoa! We don’t want that. It would go against our agreement not to help one another with our careers. But, okay. I’m a big girl. I can take it. Or, lose it. Go ahead. Drain me.”

  Missy laughed and said, “All right. Thanks. But, for this first time, how about you focus first on drawing energy from all around you. Once you’re feeling rather full, then push energy out until you feel normal again.”

  “Hmmm. So, you want me to huff and to puff until I’m ready to burn your house down?” Tracy giggled. “Just be ready to Shift in case you need to do that. I mean, once I start … Hey? That’s not one of your good uniforms, is it? If it gets singed or anything, that won’t be good. I realize you enjoy being smokin’ hot and all, but still …”

  Missy again rolled her eyes. “Enough with the jokes. I’m pretty sure I’ve got this. Trust me. Let’s do this, okay?”

  “All righty then! Trusting Tracy to the Toasting Task!” Tracy then did focus and began drawing power and energy. Her ability as a witch had grown exponentially and this was not at all difficult. Soon, she was experiencing that extra antsy feeling and knew she was ready. “Prepare to be barbecued!” She then began pushing energy out at Missy.

  Missy had experienced this now enough times so she could accept Tracy’s energy, drawing it into herself similar to how she would draw energy from her surroundings, whenever she wanted to do so. Her ability to harness energy, both pulling it in as well as using it, had been increasing more and more. She had been confident, with practice, she could expand that even further.

  Tracy’s energy, creating both fire and light, began flowing outward towards Missy. But, rather than incinerating her friend, it was obvious Missy was taking it, absorbing it all. Tracy pushed more and then, more again. Missy was managing just fine. When Tracy stopped, feeling herself back to normal, as Missy had suggested, she said, “That’ll be all, folks! Tracy’s tricks are totally done for the day!”

  Missy paused for a moment and then relaxed. This had been a success! She said, “That was great, Tracy. Thank you. Do you want me to push any energy back to you? How are you feeling?”

  “I’m feeling fine, thank you very much. Not as though I’ve just had an orgasm or anything. But, I’m okay. What about you?”

  Missy was noticing she actually was experiencing some subtle changes but didn’t think she needed to share that information. Especially af
ter Tracy’s joke about orgasms. Her nipples were somewhat pebbled and sensitive. And, her clit was a bit swollen and even throbbing a little bit as well. Since she’d absorbed all this energy while in her physical human form, evidently there were indeed some effects on her body which she’d need to deal with. She figured she’d go out-of-body later that night, letting her spirit form go off somewhere to dissipate this extra energy.

  “I’m good, Tracy. Thanks! As always, you’re the best. Next time, just push energy at me without amping yourself up beforehand. Then, like I said, after that I’ll see if I can drain some energy from you without you pushing any of it at me. I’ll be sure to replace whatever I take, so your worries about melting away will not become a true concern.”

  Tracy just grinned and said, “Great. Good to know. Can we go to Cullum Hall now? There’s a slice of pizza over there with my name on it.” Sure enough, mentioning food was all that was needed to get Missy’s agreement to her plan. They strolled back to join the rest of their friends.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Thursday, May 14, 2020

  The week had flown by for the cadets, only each minute had dragged. Taking exams did that. They dared not focus on anything else and each person was isolated in their own little world, studying day and night, taking an exam, then preparing for the next one. It was exhausting and harrowing, but they were making it through. There was only one more day of exams and they’d be done.

  Missy and Tracy had continued energy exchange sessions and Missy was now confident. Her proficiency was excellent. While not a new ability, exactly, she knew this was a new way for her to use an ability she’d discovered by accident, when dealing with Arvind Pancholi. It wasn’t anything she could describe accurately in words, although she’d tried to do that often enough with Tracy. It was merely something she could feel and experience and, as with so many of her other abilities, she was developing this so it was now a part of her. She wanted to be prepared, in case she ever needed it, and she now felt that she was ready.

  Army’s women’s softball team had been eliminated after losing their Patriot League games and their season was over. But that meant Missy was now free for the weekend. She and Tracy would again be using a pass and signing out for two nights. This time, they’d be going up to Massachusetts. Saturday night would be John’s commencement eve ceremony and then on Sunday his graduation.

  Since most cadets were using passes like she and Tracy, there wouldn’t be any big celebration going on at Cullum Hall that Friday night. So, those who were ready for whatever exams they had left were at Cullum Hall now. Missy and Tracy were there with most of their friends.

  When Kelsey arrived, there were several cheers. Everyone congratulated her on how well her tutoring sessions had gone. Once again there were cadets who would never have survived without the program Kelsey was now famous for running.

  Sharon asked, “Hey, where’s Mitch?” It was rare to see one without the other.

  Kelsey laughed and said, “He’s still studying. He told me to leave him alone. I’m too much of a distraction. Go figure, right?” She giggled.

  Tracy said, “Well, that’s that law of diminishing returns. The more he spends time with you, the less he can focus on anything else.”

  “Very funny. And, not at all true.” Kelsey harrumphed but everyone ignored her.

  The bantering continued as everyone talked about what they’d accomplished and what they were looking forward to in the weeks ahead. For the yearlings, continuing on would mean they would become fully committed. Once they accepted their promotion to the rank of Sergeant in the Corps of Cadets on Graduation Day, they were that much closer to being in the Army. After taking their Affirmation Oath at the end of the summer, they could no longer walk away without penalty. Leaving West Point after that would still require years of service for them in the Army, as enlisted members.

  For Missy and Tracy, they had been “all in” and fully committed for quite some time already.


  Saturday, May 23, 2020

  When the long awaited Graduation Day finally arrived, it was somewhat anti-climactic for many. They’d finished their academic year and had managed to pass their courses. The highlight of the day, of course, was seeing the firsties all get commissioned as second lieutenants. For those who still had more years before reaching that point, it was quite an inspiration. There was no doubt that each of the new West Point graduates believed that all their hard work had been worth it.

  For Karen and Nell, there was a bit more excitement. Marty and Ron made quite a production out of it; they each got down on one knee, presented their girl with a ring, and asked her to accept their proposal of marriage. No one else was at all surprised, having seen this coming for weeks.

  The girls, however, denied ever believing it was possible. They both accepted, of course. While the weddings wouldn’t be for another two years, getting engaged was still a very big deal. Karen’s mom and both of Nell’s parents were there. The guys had made certain they would be. It was a truly happy day for everyone.

  Then, at long last, everyone departed from West Point. They all had their orders, cadets and new lieutenants alike. It was time for a brief vacation for most. Then, it would be on to their next assignments.

  Missy and Tracy had had an absolutely glorious time the previous weekend. Neither could recall when they’d been that relaxed and able to enjoy themselves as much. Tracy was hoping for more of the same; John was again taking her into New York City. This time, he wanted to take her on a tour of the New York Law School which he would be attending in the fall. They then would visit her folks in Texas.

  For Missy, however, she had talked to Drew and her plan was in place. She’d be leaving for Hong Kong on the “P” Branch jet the next day. Mike would not be going with her, which was difficult for him to accept but she insisted. Since she was leaving him behind in the morning, they only had the one night to be together. They flew down to Washington D.C. and checked into a hotel at the airport.

  “Tell me again why I’m not going with you,” insisted Mike for the umpteenth time. He was really concerned.

  “You know why I’m asking you to stay behind. I’ll be confronting Zhu-Gung and they’ve already kidnapped you once in order to force my hand. I can’t be worrying about you while I’m there, doing what I have planned.”

  “But, how is this different from my going along when you’ve been chasing after terrorists?” asked Mike. “And, what exactly do you have planned anyway?”

  Missy said, “Those terrorists weren’t trying to kidnap you in order to control me.”

  After pleading, unsuccessfully, one more time, Mike finally gave up. She also wouldn’t divulge her plan. He said, “Okay. But, tell me again what you’ll be doing on the flight over. You’ll again be doing your lily pad thing but without the plane stopping at various airports?”

  She’d explained that this time she’d be teleporting down from the plane at strategic places, less than five hundred miles apart. Then, she’d select a spot where she could Change and spend a few minutes there as a cat. That way, she could always find the place again whenever teleporting later. After doing all that, she’d finally return back up to the plane which would have continued flying without her.

  “Sure,” said Missy. “I’ll be able to drop down because I’ll have picked out my spot from above, visually. Once there, I’ll experience it physically … my cat form works best for that as my physical senses are strongest then. After getting a good scent of the place, I’ll always be able to return. Meanwhile, the “P” Branch jet will have flown less than a hundred miles during my absence. I can teleport back up there again easily, no problem.”

  Mike did understand. By selecting these locations, she could continue her path from Afghanistan all the way to Hong Kong. She planned to then teleport all the way home when she was ready to return. She was pretty sure she could do that in weil under four hours. She wanted to have the capability of going back and forth like that
, insisting there would no doubt be other instances in her future when this might be needed.

  Mike grudgingly accepted her self-imposed mission. He didn’t like her confronting the Zhu-Gung leaders but she was convinced it was the only way to stop them. While he knew she considered going on the offense to be the best defense, he also knew she was facing many unknowns. There was only so far her planning and preparation could take her. She would be feeling her way along, making decisions once actually there, dealing with some very powerful witches. But she believed in herself and in her destiny, so he was willing to support her.

  They enjoyed a quiet evening, dining at a nearby restaurant which the concierge at their hotel recommended. Just the two of them. Then, back in their room, they made love and got some sleep. Mike knew Missy needed all this. She wasn’t likely to sleep much at all for the next week.


  Sunday, May 24, 2020

  When Missy kissed Mike goodbye, it was bittersweet. He was letting her do this. She promised she’d be back once she’d claimed victory over in Hong Kong. She reminded him she always kept her promises. Then, she boarded the “P” Branch jet where Les and Marsha were waiting for her.

  The initial part of the flight was uneventful and Missy made several calls, confirming things. Then, once their jet had crossed the Atlantic, she began dropping down at places which she’d visited before. For practice. When she would materialize back in the aircraft several minutes later, many miles from where they’d been when she had left it, she would be that much more comfortable with what she was doing; she was satisfied she could continue doing this, just as she’d planned.

  They only landed twice, each time to refuel, before arriving in Hong Kong. But by then, Missy had indeed established several stopping points along the way which she could use when teleporting in the future. She was very pleased with herself; she could now teleport halfway around the globe. She knew that going forward, as the need arose, she’d be able to get to anywhere in the world in just a few hours.


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