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UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7)

Page 30

by Hayley Faiman

  Taylee tilts her head back, her gaze finding mine immediately before her teeth sink into her bottom lip.

  Fuck me, she looks fucking perfect.

  Absolutely goddamn perfect.

  She’s not wearing a bra, her breasts just enough for my hands. Those hands of mine itch to touch her, to touch every single part of her body. Then, as if she’s reading my mind, I watch as she stands to her feet and begins to strip the rest of her clothes off.

  As if a fire has been lit beneath me, I take everything that I’m wearing off as well, until I’m completely naked. Taking a step toward her, I reach out, extending my finger and circle her tightened nipple.

  I listen to the hitch of her breath at my light touch. I close the distance between us completely and slide my hands around her waist, one slides up her spine, cupping the back of her head, the other stays pressed against her lower back.

  “If you need me to stop, tell me.”

  “Daniel,” she exhales.

  Shaking my head a couple of times, I touch my lips to hers. “Baby, I’m serious. We’ll stop and it’ll be all good.”

  “Okay,” she sighs right before she arches her back and presses her tits against my chest as she fills my mouth with her tongue and bravely tastes me.

  I grunt, meeting her tongue with my own and I take over the kiss, take over her.

  Walking her backward until the backs of her knees hit the bed, I don’t push her down to the mattress, not yet. Trailing my lips down her neck, I lower to my knees, sliding one of my hands up the back of her calf, until I reach her knee, then I lift her leg and place it against my shoulder.


  My entire body feels like it’s on fire, I ache everywhere and I want his touch on every single inch of my skin. When Daniel lifts my leg and places the back of my knee on his shoulder, my other leg trembles.

  Then he places his face between my legs and I let out a gasp as his tongue slides through my folds. It’s warm and wet, it feels so different from anything else I’ve experienced. I thought any sexual touch would bring back painful memories, but it doesn’t.

  This feels absolutely amazing.

  I want more. So much more.

  Closing my eyes, my head falls back and I shift my hips forward, just feeling as I lift my hands and slide my fingers through his hair, gripping the strands tightly. Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I focus on breathing and not falling over as I search for relief from the ache in my body.

  He grunts, the sensation traveling throughout my entire body, then it happens. Straightening my head, I gasp, my lips staying parted as I come. I tug his head closer to me, needing so much more and he knows exactly what I want, because he gives it to me. He gives me everything and allows me to ride out my release against his face.

  Before my leg completely gives out, Daniel stands up, my knee still draped over his shoulder as he lays me down on the bed, his hips perfectly aligned with mine. He enters me in one slow motion.

  His eyes find mine, he focuses on me and silently asks if I’m okay. I nod my head once, wrapping my arms around his back and dig my nails into the skin of his lower back.

  “More,” I softly plead.

  The single word is all that I need to say. He pulls out almost completely then thrusts his hips and grinds his pelvis against my clit. I hold on to him, wishing that I could take him all the way inside of me, melt into me, I’ve never felt this way before.

  All of my worries, my insecurities, they’re gone—vanished completely.

  Daniel dips his chin, his mouth pressing against my own, his tongue snaking out as he fucks my mouth and me simultaneously. He starts moving erratically, his thrusts no longer keeping the rhythm and I know that he must be close.

  “Fuck,” he grinds out as he rips his mouth from mine.

  His gaze finds my own, he watches me, and I can’t look anywhere but at him as well. There is nothing else, nobody else, in this entire world but us. When he buries himself deep inside of me and freezes, he lets out a groan that I wish I could record just so I could hear it a million times over.

  “Fuck,” he whispers. “Perfect.”

  “Daniel,” I breathe.

  He doesn’t look away from me, his cock still twitching inside of me, but I have to speak, I have to tell him how I’m feeling.

  “You just saved me,” I admit. “I thought that I was bound, wrapped tightly in Edward’s sick torment and twisted fantasies, but I’m not.”

  His lips curve up into a grin. “No, baby, you sure fucking aren’t.”




  “It’s safe. The map is figured out, we’ve done a couple dry runs on all three paths and it’s all good, baby.”

  Pressing my lips together, I can’t help but feel that something bad is going to happen. I don’t know what, but I can’t help it, it’s deep in my gut and until he’s back here safe and sound, I know that it won’t go away.

  “Yeah,” I mutter.

  Daniel lifts his hand, cupping my cheek, his gaze searches my own as his lips curve up into a small smile. “It’ll be good, baby, swear it.”

  His lips touch mine before he takes a step backward. I watch as he finishes packing his small bag, then throws the strap over his shoulder. I take a step forward, but hold myself back. I can’t run after him, I can’t.

  I’ve pretty much been glued to his side for a whole month. As soon as we made our relationship official, he moved us to our own little condo not far from the clubhouse, although we pretty much only sleep there, the rest of the time we’re at the clubhouse.

  “You’re going to be fine. Groceries are all stocked. If you want to go to the clubhouse with the girls, go for it. It’s safe, you’ll be good, baby.”

  Shaking my head, my gaze shifts to meet his. “I’m not worried about me.”

  He takes a step forward, cupping my cheek. “Baby, I’m going to be just fine,” he rasps right before his mouth touches mine. “Now, you gotta drive me over there. The trucks are all loaded up and ready to go.”

  Nodding, I gather my keys and purse, inhale a deep breath and follow behind him. Every step that I take closer to the car, then each mile we drive closer to the clubhouse, my breath becomes shorter and my body feels heavier.

  I am filled with dread.

  Complete and total dread.

  Pulling up to the clubhouse, I want to turn around and race out of here. I don’t know why I’m feeling this way, but I can’t shake it and it’s getting worse with each passing minute.

  “Tay,” Daniel calls out. Turning to him, my lips part, but nothing comes out. “Baby, you can’t be this way. You gotta be okay with this. I’m going to be home in a few days, then you’ll see.”

  I nod, accepting his kiss, then watch as he makes his way toward a truck. He tosses his bag in, then jumps up inside. I stand there, watching the truck pull away. I can’t look away as he lifts his hand and gives me a wave.

  I’m unable to look away, not until the truck is completely out of sight. Only then do I look next to me to see Pinkie standing there.

  “You okay, want a drink?”

  Shaking my head, I look to her and try to muster up a smile. “I didn’t think I would be worried.”

  Her lips twitch into a smile. “I get that, you’ve been attached at the hip for a while. Come on inside, the girls keep some sparkling waters in the back, I’ll grab you one.”

  Following her inside, I climb up to a barstool and plop down, wondering what I’m going to do other than worry for the next week. When Pinkie hands me a bottle of sparkling water, I can’t help but really take in the clubhouse.

  There are several nameless girls walking around in barely-there clothing, and a couple of men as well, who are seemingly just sitting around.

  I wonder if I would have become one of them had Daniel not taken a liking to me, then I wonder if it would really be all that bad. It doesn’t seem like any of them are hurt or unhappy.

down at the inside of my wrist, I smile at the W that is burned into my skin, his brand for his road name Worm. I didn’t think that I would ever want to be owned, but then again, am I really? I don’t feel like I am, I don’t feel like the used object that I did with Edward, in fact, I haven’t thought about him in the past month, not once.

  “You got a good one,” Pinkie whispers.

  Reaching out, I wrap my hand around the bottle and bring it up to my lips. Once I’ve taken a sip, I tilt my head to the side.

  “I have?” I ask.

  She grins. “You have. He’s completely devoted and he cares about you.”

  “Okay,” I whisper, unsure of why she’s saying this to me.

  “Which means he’ll be safe and he’ll be home in a few days.”

  Without another word, she pushes off of the bar and walks away to do her duties. I don’t tell her why I’m so worried, I didn’t tell Daniel either. I haven’t told anyone, because I’m not one hundred percent sure yet.

  I just suspect.

  I’m afraid to admit it, afraid to even think about it, at least not until I don’t have a choice.


  We’re almost to New York when I get the call.


  Wolfe is sitting beside me, driving for this first trip. Later, different members will take these trips, but today the road captain is in charge. Dragon’s voice growls on the other end of the line, and I just have to wonder when enough is enough with him.

  How long is he going to drag his feet? It needs to get done.

  They’ve skated long enough without retribution. I put the phone on speaker so that Wolfe can hear everything too.

  “It’s time,” he shouts. “How long until you’re able to get to NorCal?”

  I shift my gaze to Wolfe, then shake my head once. “Brother, we just left a few days ago. We’ll be in the city tonight, but we still have to unload and head home.”

  Wolfe grunts, shaking his head. “What’s changed?” he asks loud enough so that Dragon can hear him.

  “Jaguar. His situation and Hawk’s patience.”

  “Yeah?” I snort. “They runnin’ thin?”

  “Fuck thin,” Wolfe barks. “They are gone.”

  “Exactly,” Dragon murmurs. “Now that we’ve had enough time to gather intel, the video footage, the surrounding area, plus now that Worm was able to track down all of the families, the time is now.”

  I close my eyes with a heavy sigh, wondering why the time can’t be when we fucking return? These bastards can’t wait a goddamn minute, they’re always hot to jump on whatever it is, instead of waiting and all going in together.

  “What do you want from us?” I ask.

  “Protection for our families. They’re going to be on lockdown. You come straight home. We should be rolling out about the time you’re rolling back in, as long as you hurry.”

  “We will,” Wolfe answers.

  His gaze flicks to me and I know he is going to want to take a turn driving back home, so that it’s a nonstop trip and I’m good with that. Taylee was already on edge with this trip, and now a lockdown? She’s going to flip her shit.

  “Can’t believe you branded the girl,” Wolfe announces after I end the call with Dragon.

  “Why’s that?”

  He snorts, shaking his head. “I got my own ten-ton barrel of trouble, not many men would take on a woman with that much baggage. Takes a strong as fuck man. Proud of you, brother.”

  “Not hard when you love her.”

  There’s a moment of silence before he clears his throat. “No, it’s really not. Let’s get this shit dropped off and home to our women so that we can protect them.”

  “Fuck. Yes.”

  About the Author

  As an only child, Hayley Faiman had to entertain herself somehow. She started writing stories at the age of six and never really stopped.

  Born in California, she met her now husband at the age of sixteen and married him at the age of twenty in 2004. After all of these years together, he’s still the love of her life.

  She lives in the Hill Country of Texas with her family and a Chocolate Labrador named Optimus Prime.

  Most of Hayley’s days are spent taking care of her two boys, going to sports practices, or helping them with homework. Her evenings are spent with her husband and her nights—those are spent creating alpha book boyfriends.




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