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Protected in His Arms: An Elite SEAL Rescue (Texas Elite Seals Book 3)

Page 29

by Holly Castillo

  “So Greg lives in Colombia, somehow has access to illegally mined gold, is hiding a damning secret, and, we believe, wanted to use information from Benicio to eliminate Franklin as a liability. Help me connect the dots to what we face today.” Haslett frowned at all of them. “Both Franklin and Benicio are dead. I’d think this Greg guy should be relieved he doesn’t have to pay either anymore and he leaves the picture.”

  “What type of secret did this man want so desperately to hide? That’s the first red flag for me. He stepped out on the dark web forums as soon as Benicio and Franklin were dead, trying to build a team to take over the previous activities. We don’t know what his dark secret is, and he’s serious about becoming our next big liability.” Buzz folded his hands in front of him on the table, waiting for the admiral’s reaction.

  Haslett rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “So he thinks he can pick up the lines of trafficking, both human and drug, that were dropped by our work? Does he seem to have the backing and support of the mysterious leaders the same as Benicio and Franklin? The leaders we’ve yet to identify?”

  “Yes. Which brings us to the whole point of this call.” Santo nodded his appreciation to Buzz for all the information he had shared. “The latest information Buzz discovered shows Greg is the one leading the auction of weapons. It’s scheduled to take place in two days in Galveston. I’d like to take Lobo, Brusco, and Snap to only stop the auction. The posts indicate these are heavy military-grade weapons. We may also capture someone from Greg’s camp and get them to reveal everything they know about operations on the American side.”

  Admiral Haslett continued rubbing his chin. “Have you been able to gather any information from the site Evie built? Can you read posts in this strange game to see if he’s connected there?”

  “Unfortunately, no. We believe David changed the code for Evie to get into the site, and without it, we can’t read any current posts. The game is still active, but we’re going to have to push hard to get to the data we need.” Buzz shook his head.

  “You briefed me on the possible breach you suffered when you tried to get into the data files. Is there any chance your security has been compromised?” Haslett’s question made the team exchange glances. The topic had been tossed around by all of them.

  “I’ve gone through every component of our security system, and I see no evidence David had the time to lock on our location.

  “Still, I want to be cautious. Stryker, Buzz, and Lobo—you will be there alone with the women to keep things safe. I want you to have heightened security in every area of the complex.” Haslett nodded firmly as he looked at Buzz through the video feed.

  “I’ve already asked him to reset all of our systems to stay proactive.” Santo knew the threats the entire team faced if their security failed.

  “Good. It’s obvious, though, that David has nothing to lose. For some reason, he desperately wants his hands on Evie’s administrative power in this game and isn’t willing to let her uncover it unless he’s controlling everything. Desperate men are dangerous men. He may dodge to the left, then strike you hard on the right when you least expect it.” Haslett’s words of experience rang true with every man in the room.

  Santo nodded. “We’ll make sure everything is secure before we leave to stop this auction from taking place.”

  “Have you evaluated the possibility the auction is a trap?” Haslett turned his eyes on Santo, his gaze firm and direct.

  “Absolutely. We’re identifying multiple possibilities. Since the auction is on U.S. soil, we need to get local law enforcement involved, but based on the compromises we have been facing on our other missions, we don’t know who we can trust.”

  “I have a friend who is a Texas Ranger. I’ll contact him and get the two of you connected to make plans. Right now, he’s the only one I know I can trust.” Haslett sighed, shaking his head. “He’ll assemble a team to work with you on a plan. If you find Greg or anyone from his camp, bring them in alive. We’ve got a lot of questions to ask.”

  “Will do,” Santo said firmly.

  “Good. I look forward to your next update.”

  The men looked at each other after signing off the call with Haslett. “We have a lot of work in front of us, and little time to do it,” Santo said softly. “Buzz, Haslett is right. Knowing David is leading the charge to find Evie, we can’t allow the smallest breach in security. I know you, Lobo, and Stryker are a force to be reckoned with on your own, but we don’t know how many guys this Greg fellow has working for him, and based on the way the ones we saw carry themselves, I’d be willing to bet they’re mercenaries.”

  Buzz nodded. “I’m on it. We want to make sure the four of you come back to a pleasant greeting and not a horror film.”

  Santo grimaced at Buzz’s choice of words but nodded. “Thanks. Now Snap, Lobo, Brusco, and I need all the intel you can give us on this auction that’s going down. We don’t have much time and we need to be sure we’re on the same page when we meet the Texas Rangers.”

  Everyone at the table nodded and stood, stretching the kinks out after such a long meeting. Santo wanted nothing more than to go downstairs and be with Evie. He sighed with resignation. It would have to wait a little longer. Not much, though. He needed to hold her and feel her arms wrap around him. He needed her.

  Chapter 30

  “I’m leaving tomorrow morning. Early.”

  Evie turned quickly away from the sight of the water falling from the roof into giant barrels set near the corners of the peaked metal design. Santo stood just outside the beautiful rustic French doors that led to the back patio, watching her closely. She drew a deep breath and forced a smile even though she didn’t feel any joy.

  “I knew you would leave soon. I just hadn’t expected it to happen so quickly.” She gave a one-shoulder shrug. “I, well…” She cleared her throat and struggled to find the right words. Her mind wouldn’t cooperate with her. “Do I stay here? I mean, I suppose I should since we don’t know yet who’s coming after me, and there isn’t another place safer than your home. Other than a jail, I suppose.” She laughed at her joke.

  He took a couple of quick strides and pulled her into his arms. She squeezed her eyes shut at the feeling of his muscular arms around her and selfishly pressed her face to his chest so she could smell his cologne that never failed to make her head spin. Lying in his bed, every night, smelling his scent… It’s going to be torture. But I’ll do as Anya said. I’ll be ready to greet him when he gets home.

  His strong fingers fit under her chin and tilted her head back so she could look into his bright hazel eyes. “You’ve become as much a part of this group as Anya and Elena. They want you to stay.”

  “Do you want me to stay?”

  “I can’t think of a better incentive to come home than to see your face as soon as I get here.” He dropped his head and sealed his lips to hers in a gentle caress. Soon she hungered for more and she teased his lower lip with her tongue. He moaned against her lips, parting his for her to taste the silky smooth inside of his lip.

  “Mmm.” She pulled back and eyed him. “Is that mint chocolate chip I taste?”

  Santo looked like a kid who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “Buzz pulled it out. I just offered to clean the spoon so we didn’t leave a mess in the kitchen.”

  She shook her head at him, mock sternness on her face. “I’m absolutely shocked. How could you possibly do such a thing?”

  He gave a half-hearted shrug. “May I plea a moment of weakness?”

  “No, you may not. You may plea a moment of insanity for not asking your woman to join you in cleaning up all evidence.”

  His eyes sparked, realizing she toyed with him. “My woman, are you?”

  Her heart stumbled a beat, then lurched forward at a rapid pace. Crap. I didn’t mean to say that. Even though it’s what I feel. “Is that too much for you to handle, Mr. SEAL?” she asked teasingly, attempting to make fun of herself, resting her hands on his chest.

  “I’d very much like call you my woman. I can’t tell you how much it pleased me just now to hear you say that. Our time together has been far from conventional dating and getting to know one another, that’s for sure. But everything I’ve seen, everything I’ve learned about you, I like, and I want more of it in my life.”

  Evie smoothed his eyebrows with her thumbs, trying to memorize every feature of his face. She didn’t know how long it would be before she’d see him again. “No, there hasn’t been anything normal about our relationship. But, for some reason, I wonder if we would have found each other if it had been normal.”

  “I have a feeling we would have found each other eventually. When there are people with chemistry like ours, nature has a way of bringing us together.”

  “Are you also a scientist as well as a SEAL? Tell me, Santo, what other secrets have you been keeping from me?” She bit his chin gently, teasing him.

  “It’s not much of a secret anymore, but I’d like to show you how much I want you if you feel like it.”

  She pulled back slightly to look into his eyes again. “Truly? Is it safe for us to… Well, you know, can we—”

  “You’re going to put my heart in shock if you utter those words, Miss Gordon.” Santo pretended to be on the verge of fainting.

  Evie giggled. “Do I have to ask the good doctor permission before we do anything?”

  “Do you think I want Phantom to know about my sex life?” Santo grumbled, wrapping an arm around her waist as he guided her back into the house.

  “I feel perfectly fine. I see no reason to bother him.”

  “Good. Because I already asked and he said we could.”

  Evie felt heat climb up her neck and into her cheeks. “You didn’t!”

  “I’m not going to take any chances that I cause you any pain. He said we could do whatever we like as long as number one, you don’t feel any discomfort, and number two, he can’t hear us. Those are the only two rules we have to follow.”

  Evie covered her mouth to hold back her bark of laughter. “It’s a good thing your walls are so thick.”

  Santo nodded, sliding his hands onto her hips, guiding her towards his room. “I’ll have to remember to thank Stryker for that someday. Who would’ve ever thought you’d be so loud?”

  “Santo!” Evie swatted at him playfully.

  “Are you saying you’ve been quiet up until now? If that’s the case, I need to make some adjustments with the things I do.”

  Excitement bubbled inside her and she turned mischievous eyes towards him. “I’m curious about what kind of adjustments you think you could make.”

  He pushed her into his room and closed the door while stroking her hip with one hand, then caught her and turned her around, gently easing her against the wall at her back. He pressed his body to hers and she felt his need for her obvious through his jeans. He slid his hands into her hair and pulled her head back, giving him access to her neck. “You have no idea the things I want to do to you.” His voice, thick with desire, surrounded her as he kissed and nibbled at her throat.

  She sighed with delight, sliding her hands into his hair and closing her eyes to completely focus on the feeling of his mouth on her skin. While his kisses were pleasurable, she quickly needed more and stirred restlessly against him, her hands tugging on his shirt. He chuckled as he lifted his arms and slowly pulled back from her, allowing her to take the shirt off.

  She smiled at him as she ran her fingers over his chest, caressing his taut muscles. “Maybe I need to improve what I do. I think you’re the one who needs to make more noise.”

  “There’s no room left for you to improve. If it gets any more intense than what you already give me, I don’t know if I can survive it.”

  She lifted one corner of her mouth in a sly smile. “Oh, you’ll survive. You may not be able to think clearly for a while, but you won’t mind, will you?”

  “Cariña, you are my wildest dream come to life.”

  She smiled broader and slid her hands down to his jeans. He drew in a sharp breath when her fingers caressed under the waistband before slowly unbuttoning them. The zipper dropped and she pulled his jeans and boxer briefs down at the same time. “Evie,” he groaned.

  Unable to resist the temptation, she cupped his arousal in her hands and pressed a kiss against his tight flesh, his muscles straining. As she knelt at his feet, she pulled off her t-shirt and bra and stood slowly, rubbing her breasts against his erection. He buried his hands in her hair, pulling her up.

  She gasped when he pushed her against the wall again, his mouth crashing down on hers in a kiss that stole every thought from her mind. His fingers rubbed against her scalp, trailed down her neck, and brushed across her collar bone. She kissed him back with a hunger that seemed to be all-consuming. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  His hands ran along her sides, barely skimming the swells of her breasts and she wanted to whimper with disappointment. She quickly forgot her frustration, though, when his hands moved to her jeans and worked quickly to unfasten them and ease the denim and her silk underwear down her legs.

  Same as she had done, he kneeled at her feet, sliding her clothing free from her body. When his warm breath blew across her already aroused flesh at the apex of her thighs, she trembled with anticipation. The feeling of his mouth on her nearly caused her legs to buckle, but his hands gripped her ass firmly, keeping her in place.

  His tongue explored her most sensitive spot, and she released a hoarse cry of pleasure. Her hands grabbed his face and she fought the urge to press him closer to the part of her he teased with an incredible talent she had never experienced before. His tongue seemed to be pure magic, but she needed more from him.

  She cupped his cheeks and pulled him up her body. He kissed every bit of flesh he could as he stood, his lips branding her with his heat on her lower belly, just below her breasts, and her collar bone. They came together for an intense kiss, their tongues rubbing against each other, mimicking the motions their bodies craved.

  Knowing he would be leaving in the morning, Evie wanted to make the night special and something he wouldn’t forget anytime soon. She wanted him to eagerly return to her as fast as possible.

  She pushed against his shoulders, never breaking their kiss. He moved as she wanted until he fell backward on the bed. He chuckled at her and slid further up the bed. She followed him like a woman on the prowl, crawling onto the bed after him.

  She let her hair drape over her shoulders as she began to climb on top of him. Her hair caressed his thighs and arousal, and he groaned, his hands reaching for her. She continued crawling up his body, pressing kisses to his abs, then his chest and nuzzled his neck, thrilled to be surrounded by his scent.

  “Evie, I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Don’t push yourself. Let me—”

  “Oh, no.” She chuckled and nipped at his ear. “You lay down a challenge, and I’m not about to give you an easy win.”

  His hands ran along the outside of her thighs before cupping her ass. “I don’t remember challenging you to anything.”

  She struggled to focus on what she had been saying as his hands kneaded her flesh, his fingers dipping in slightly to skim her slick center. She trembled with the intensity of her desire for him. Finally, she remembered the point she’d been trying to make. “You implied I make more noise than you. I plan to prove you wrong.”

  He moaned when she let her body drop slightly and she rubbed her breasts against his chest and her mound pressed into his erection. “I need you, Evie. The last few days have been torture.”

  “Where are your condoms?”

  “Nightstand, top drawer.”

  Evie moved quickly, then, straddling his thighs, slowly rolled the condom on him, stroking as she went, and she enjoyed the way he arched into her hand in uncontrolled excitement. She moved back over him, her hands running over his chest, and sucked his earlobe in her mouth. Reluctantly, she pulled back slightly.

  “My chest hurts, but o
nly a little. But I can’t support myself like this. Will you help me?”

  “Maybe we’re rushing things. I don’t want you to feel pressured into doing this with me.”

  “If you don’t give me what I want now, I’ll seduce you in the middle of the night and you won’t be able to stop me.”

  In the darkness, she saw the flash of his smile and knew she had alleviated his fears. His hands had been on her waist but slipped to her hips as she straightened. She wrapped her hand around his erection and rubbed it against her moist heat, increasing the excitement and anticipation for both of them.

  She let her head fall back as she eased him inside and his fingers tightened on her hips. She couldn’t contain her loud moan of pleasure, even knowing Santo would tease her about it later. The weight of her body allowed her to sink down on top of him, and the sensation of him filling her completely sent tiny shocks of delight through her entire body.

  She rocked her hips against him, enjoying being in complete control, and loving the sounds he made. Sitting astride him took the pressure off her wound, and his hands moved from her hips to her breasts. She gasped as he lifted them and flicked his thumbs over her nipples. No man had ever stirred her body the way Santo did.

  Placing her hands behind her on his thighs, she began to lift her hips and drop them back down, slowly at first. The feel of him sliding in and out of her body felt exquisite. She didn’t want it to ever stop. His moans began to fill the room, and she smiled in satisfaction, knowing she could make him louder than he realized.

  He had other plans for her, though, as his fingers pinched her nipples and began to roll them. His name tumbled from her lips in an excited cry much louder than any noise he made. His hands left her breasts, and she wanted to weep at the loss. He quickly placed them on her hips, though, and began to guide her movements.


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