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Makenna's Trust: Titan Security Series #3

Page 12

by Cynthia P. O’Neill

  He gently squeezed my hands as he added, “I waited for you for three hours. I called your phone and our apartment landline and sent you tons of texts, wondering where the hell you were. I even convinced Mr. Larkin to reschedule for the next day. I’d remembered you hadn’t been feeling well and used that excuse for you, only to find you’d left me for no reason.”

  Marcus’s voice began to shake, and tears pooled at the corners of his eyes. “You didn’t even leave a note or anything to indicate what had gone wrong. Do you know what it’s like to live with only half your heart, because that’s what I’ve done for the past five years? The memory of us”—he let go of my hands and motioned between us—“is what kept me going, with hopes of a second chance. When you didn’t show up, I tried to focus on work and pushed myself to the point of exhaustion, just so I wouldn’t dream of you. I spent four years hoping you’d come back and the past year trying to purge you from my system, and all it took was one look your direction to know my life means nothing without you by my side.”

  I nodded, finally realizing the full extent of that day. But it was his turn to hear all that I’d been through, which was a lot more than I’d originally admitted. “I know what anguish feels like. I’ve been on the battlefield and have seen destruction and death at the ultimate level. I’ve been put into dangerous situations. Hell, when I lost our child, I didn’t even care whether I lived or died. I was alone, feeling hurt, betrayed, and cheated on, but somehow . . .” I shook my head loose of his grasp.

  Leaning forward, I pushed into his space and finally admitted, “I haven’t gotten over you either. I’ve only been half-existing, basically going through the motions on a daily basis.”

  Marcus grabbed a tissue from the nightstand beside the bed before he wiped the tears from my face. “I think we were played against one another, with Cassia holding the strings.” He hesitated a minute before asking, “Has there been anyone in your life since me? I’d understand, given the length of time, if there were.”

  Shaking my head, I responded, “There’s been no one.”

  He immediately questioned my response. “But the photos online?” Looking a bit sheepish, he admitted, “I’ve googled you from time to time and seen pictures of you on the arm of different men.”

  I had to laugh at that one. Reaching out and taking his hand, I gave it a squeeze. “It was work, only for Titan. Yes, I was on the arm of some of the richest and most well-known men in the country, but I was their bodyguard.”

  He looked at me a little funny, so I went into more detail. “To keep things inconspicuous, I was dressed as though I were their date for the evening. What you don’t see is the small firearm strapped to my thigh, along with several other weapons of choice on my person. Even the dresses were modified to include a thin layer of Kevlar sewn into the upper half of the dress, especially after . . .” Crap, I did it again. I really needed to not take the pain pills unless I absolutely had to. What had Titan placed in that medical kit? A pain pill with truth serum in it?

  Marcus’s body tensed up. “After what, Kenna?”

  Swallowing a bit hard, I mustered up the courage to tell him. “I was guarding a high-ranking congressman who’d received death threats. He wanted to keep his image up and had appearances to deal with, so I was his ‘date’ for a while. One night a member of the crowd broke free and rushed us with a knife. I managed to get the perpetrator away from the congressman, but not before I took a knife to the gut. Since then, all my dresses or evening attire have extra security sewn into the fabric.”

  He winced as I admitted things. “Is that the scar on your lower abdomen?” As his finger pointed at the area, I remembered how he’d changed me out of my clothes and into my sleeping attire last night before everything went nuts.

  “Yes.” I had questions, too, so in an attempt to redirect this conversation, I asked, “What about all those women I’ve seen you dating online?”

  Marcus just laughed and laughed. “Some of the firm’s partners and higher-ups noticed I didn’t mention going out on dates. There had been some rumors about my sexual preference until Cassia had confirmed things to everyone, making our past relationship public knowledge. She’d hoped by calling me out about not having dated for a while, she’d somehow end up forcing me to go out with her. But instead, the partners understood you were in service and I had plans on waiting for you, so they started asking if I could escort their daughters, nieces, granddaughters, and so on to different charity events, functions, etc. They knew I didn’t have any interest in finding anyone, so they trusted me to take care of them.

  “Most of the ladies were married, and their husbands were either occupied with a prior engagement or out of town on business.” Shrugging his shoulders, he added, “I thought it might make me look more approachable and easier to work with, hoping to get a leg up in the office, and it worked.”

  “And Cassia?” I asked.

  “I hate to say this, love, but I firmly believe she’s a witch. I’d rather say the ‘b’ word, but I’ll spare your ears. She’s been pushing me, ever since we met her on campus in Orlando, to go out on a date with her. She doesn’t seem to accept no for an answer. The only time we’ve ever been out together is when her father specifically threatened my job if I didn’t take her out to a fund-raiser event out on Long Island.”

  Had Marcus really remained faithful? “So all this time—”

  Marcus jumped in to lay voice to the rest of my statement. “I’ve been faithfully waiting for you. And what about you?”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “I haven’t been with anyone. I tried to go out on dates, but I ended them as soon as they started.” With downcast eyes, I sheepishly admitted, “They weren’t you.”

  Marcus closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, looking more relaxed than I’d seen him since I’d arrived. I could relate, since it felt like I could finally breathe for the first time in forever. But what did this mean for us? Were we together again? I knew those were things we needed to address, but I wasn’t up to having such a deep conversation just yet. In all honesty, could we pick up where we left off? My mind and my heart told me too many things had happened. Plus, there was still the issue of trust. Could either of us fully commit to one another, or were we too damaged to salvage?

  The feelings and emotions came at me like strong waves in the ocean, trying to pull me under and hold me captive. I needed to let him know how I was feeling. “You know how we used to quote song titles if we couldn’t find the words to express how we felt?”

  He nodded. “Yes. What are you feeling, Kenna? Talk to me.”

  Dispelling the negative thoughts, I reached out and caressed the side of his face in an attempt to show that I still cared. “Pink’s song ‘What About Us’ says everything I can’t.”

  He leaned against my palm and held it firmly against his cheek. “I agree. It seems we were both fighting for something, both holding out hope, but thanks to Cassia, our ability to trust and forget all we’ve been through is on shaky ground.” He kissed the edge of my wrist, sending a few tingles down my arm. “I’m not going to lie to you, Kenna. I’ve missed this and will do everything in my power to get you back and convince you to give us a chance. You might be wondering about us, but I think Ed Sheeran said it best with his song ‘Perfect,’ because you are the ideal woman to me.”

  Marcus leaned forward, closing his eyes in preparation for a kiss. Did I want this? I hated to admit it, but yes. I needed this! The kiss he’d given me earlier, though it was for show for Cassia, left me desiring more. With our lips only a hair’s breadth apart, my phone rang with Rick’s ring tone.

  Pulling back, I reached for the phone and winced. Marcus grabbed for it and answered in a rather gruff voice. “Whoever this is, you have impeccable timing.”

  I watched as his face went from pissed to apologetic. “Sorry, Rick. Yes, she’s awake. Did you want to talk with her?”

  Surprisingly, Rick continued talking with Marcus. I heard several okays, sure things
, and will dos, before he finally hung up. Hmm, that’s a first. Rick had been notorious for being hard on me, since we were part of the same military family and because I’d had it pretty easy growing up amongst the Prescott crew, all of us kids always hanging out with each other at their house. Apparently, he had forgotten who my father was.

  I looked questioningly to Marcus. “Rick said a Dr. Collins is on his way up to check your wound. He also reminded me to keep you pretty still today and insisted you eat some food. Speaking of which, what do you feel like eating?”

  Hmm. The toast and juice were nice, and I would’ve argued that it was enough for now, but my stomach made a growling noise, reminding me of how little I ate yesterday.

  I wondered if he remembered my favorite meals. “Surprise me.”

  Marcus smiled devilishly for the first time since I’d been here. “With pleasure, love.”

  He started walking out of the room, but turned around to add, “Don’t think this conversation is over. There’s a lot we need to discuss, but I’ll wait until you’re feeling better. Your skin tone is quite pale, and you look like you could easily pass out if I don’t get some food in you.”

  Once Marcus was out of sight, I gave the signal for Luke to rejoin me on the bed. Closing my eyes, I leaned back against the headboard, feeling exhausted. If I didn’t know better, I’d have sworn we’d just gone through a scene at our parents’ club. In some ways, a weight had been lifted off my chest and shoulders, knowing Cassia had manipulated things to her benefit. However, my insides were still tied up in knots, not knowing where we went from here. All I knew was that I still needed to guard my heart as if my life depended on it. I’d been crushed once. I wasn’t about to be destroyed again.

  I was thankful to discover Dr. Collins was a woman, because the idea of having some other man put his hands on Makenna had me anxious. I guess Rick realized what both our needs were.

  Surprisingly, the physician announced the wound looked good and commended Dane on his stitching. I questioned the redness of the area but was told this was normal for a day or two. We needed to continue monitoring the wound to ensure infection didn’t set in, but otherwise, Makenna just needed to take it easy for a few days and let her body tell her how much she could handle.

  Sure, I’d been a nosy bastard and had followed the doc upstairs to make sure things were good before going back down to make Kenna some breakfast. She thought she was being coy with me when she asked me to surprise her with breakfast. Had she forgotten who’d done most of the cooking when we lived together? I knew all her favorites and just happened to have the makings for an egg-white veggie omelet with turkey bacon, with salsa on the side and a small bowl of fresh fruit.

  She looked shocked when I brought in the tray loaded with her favorites. “I can’t believe you remembered.” Her eyes were big, and her mouth hung open at all the offerings. “I can’t possibly eat all this.”

  After sitting down on the edge of the bed, I picked up the fork and lifted a bite up to her lips. “Try to hold down as much as you can, and I’ll eat what you don’t finish.”

  “I’m quite capable of feeding myself,” she argued as she tried to grab the fork from my hand, but I pulled back and resisted.

  “I know you are, but indulge me just this once.” Her shoulders sagged, and her face looked down toward the tray in submission. I didn’t want to force the issue, but I needed to know if she’d still surrender to me. Let’s just say my heart was currently beating in overtime against my ribs, giving me hope.

  Moments later her back began to slide down in bed as her eyes drooped and soft snores escaped her luscious lips. I wanted so badly to ease back into bed and hold her against my chest as she slept, but Luke was now occupying my space, with his head fast asleep on his mistress’s leg.

  Easing off the bed, I grabbed the tray, and then headed downstairs to give Makenna time to rest. My mind, and body if I’m being totally honest, was happy to have her here with me, ecstatic over knowing she’d never gotten over me. But I had questions, and I’m sure she did too. The biggest of them all was wondering what we were to each other? Sure our lives had been screwed over royally, thanks to Cassia, but that didn’t mean we were together again, or did it?

  Needing to work out and release some pent up aggression, I headed to my personal gym. Thankfully, I kept several sets of gym attire and shoes in the corner of the gym.

  Stepping onto the treadmill, I decided to set a grueling pace that would help me think. I had a jumbled up mess inside me, and no way of knowing how to resolve things. Despite the legal issues against me, Makenna was first and foremost in my thoughts.

  After thirty minutes of running, I realized there wasn’t an immediate solution to things. We needed to sit down and hash things out while we worked on the case to absolve me of any wrongdoing. Maybe the two of us working closely would help ignite the slow burn we had for one another, turning it back into a raging inferno. I knew whatever we did would have to be slow going, or I’d risk spooking her, causing her to climb back into the protective shell she’d surrounded herself in. Don’t even think about showing her the—

  My thoughts were broken when I heard the door to the gym open, causing me to look up and notice Spencer with a fretful look on his face.

  I slowed the treadmill down until I could safely get off. “What’s up, Spencer? Is it Makenna?”

  He shook his head, his mouth set in a thin, grim line. “Just wanted to give you the heads up. The SEC just informed us they’ve set your trial date.”

  I felt my eyes grow big at hearing this. I’d just gotten out on bond two days ago. “And?”

  He rubbed his face with his hand, which meant I was about to be in for the shock of my life. “I don’t know how they managed to get a date this quickly, given everything already on the docket and how this is still an ongoing investigation, but you’re scheduled for your first court appearance in three months.”

  Just when I thought the nightmare part of everything was over. “You’re shitting me, right?”

  Spencer shook his head and held his hands out by his sides and shrugged. “I wish I were. Kyle and I don’t understand it. The FBI hasn’t completed its investigation, neither has the SEC, according to our sources. Normally they don’t push for a court date until the full extent of the research is complete. We’d figured maybe six months to a year, certainly not this quickly. And it gets worse.”

  My body began to shake on its own accord. I felt my existence being sucked from my very soul as he added, “W.H.A.T. financial group has switched sides, so instead of defending you, they want to see you rot in jail and are trying to convince the SEC to up the court date even more.”

  Feeling my knees give out, I went down to the floor, hard. Just when I’d gotten the woman of my dreams back into my life, this nightmare decided to ramp up into a full-blown horrorfest.

  Spencer dropped to one knee beside me and placed his hand on my shoulder, trying to offer comfort. “I’m sorry, man. You know Kyle and I questioned this whole shitfest to begin with. We have to remain impartial, but you’re too good to be caught up in something of this scale. We can’t offer assistance while we’re guarding you. But I thought you’d like to know sooner rather than later.”

  I knew his words were meant to help, but I felt the pull of the proverbial rug from underneath my feet. My world, my life, and my body all seemed to be falling into an abysmal pit of despair, with no hope of recovery. I had every reason to fight this, since it was all a lie. More importantly, my primary motivation to battle these false allegations lie up in my guest bedroom, but even then, I felt like giving up, not knowing where that road would lead.

  Tears began to fall freely from my eyes. I didn’t care that I was a man and supposed to “suck it up” as my father had once said. Looking up to nowhere in particular, I asked, “What did I do to deserve all this directed at me? Why now?” I didn’t know who I’d addressed the question to, whether it was Spencer, me, or the universe.

  A s
oft voice spoke up, offering, “This just means we need to ramp up our investigation and get your new lawyer here tomorrow.” Looking up, I saw Makenna leaning against the side of the gym door, with Luke offering his support.

  “What the hell are you doing out of bed?” I jumped up and ran over to her. “You need to be resting.”

  “The doctor said I should move around a bit, just not too much.” She looked up pointedly at me. “She gave me some pain meds that don’t affect me as much, where I can relax and work on the computer.”

  Moving closer, she held her hand up and wiped the tears from my eyes, without too much emotion. I guess that was due to Spencer being in the room. She offered, “I can’t promise I’ll be up to doing much today, but at least we can start looking into things. We’ve already set up security measures where we can work without the threat of someone knowing what we’re doing.”

  She motioned toward the dining area. “I saw your notes on the table from the files I had you look at last night. It appears we have some discrepancies that need to be investigated, along with finding out the source of those suspicious bugs we found in here yesterday.”

  Makenna’s focus turned to Spencer. “Is what you said true, Spencer? You can’t assist ‘while guarding Marcus’?”

  He smiled and nodded, and she returned that smile. I didn’t know what was going on, but some sort of secret message had passed between them before Spencer left to go back to his post.

  I didn’t like all this secrecy, so I asked, “What the hell just happened?”

  She turned to exit the room and swayed a bit. Reaching out, I steadied her, placing a hand at the top of her chest and center of her back, as Luke pressed against her, offering his assistance. “Thank you. Please help me to the sofa. I’ll need my laptop and my cell phone, along with your notes.”

  “Are you sure you should be doing this?” I whispered before allowing us to move any farther. I was fully prepared to pick her up in my arms and carry her back upstairs to bed. I wouldn’t hesitate to tie her to the bed if it helped her to heal. All I needed was for her to give me an excuse. The idea of her tied and at my mercy . . . Don’t go there, man. Not yet, anyway.


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