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South Coast Brothers Part 1

Page 4

by Kacey Hamford

“Why?” She asked letting go of my hand.

  “Sugar, have you never done the whole MC thing before?”

  “Not really, James was in this MC for a little while but I was kept out of it. We had our own house I lived in.”

  “You have to come and say goodbye, for everyone to see,” she nodded at me and slipped her hand into mine.

  “What is it that you’re doing?” she asked.

  “Sugar, one thing you should know and stick to is not to ask questions. It’s club business.”

  “Do the Old Ladies get to know?” She asked as I pulled the bedroom door open.

  “Nope. Just the brothers, like I said, club business,” she nodded and we walked through the bar that was starting to fill up with people. Michelle was working behind the bar and I noticed that she had an angry looking mark around her neck. I kind of felt bad for doing that but no one and I mean no one would ever trick me into being a baby Daddy. We walked outside and Itch was already on his bike waiting for me, I climbed on my Harley Davidson Heritage Softail; it was bright blue with silver flames running down the side, as soon as I saw it I knew it was going to be mine. I pulled Heather close to me.

  “Be good, don’t get into trouble. Do as you’re told and make sure people know that you’re mine. Stick to Cammie; she’s the nicest one out of them all,” I whispered in her ear, she nodded and I claimed her mouth for all to see. Uno and a few other club members were outside, so I made sure that everyone knew she was mine. When we pulled apart, I looked her in the eye and wasn’t sure what I saw, was it lust? Confusion? Or upset?

  “Have fun. See you soon,” she said quietly. I smiled at her and pulled my helmet over my head, I nodded at Itch and we took off out of the compound and on our way to the Bear Devils MC.

  * * *


  I FELT A LITTLE LOST, I didn’t really know what to do with myself. I didn’t want to just sit around and wait for Blade to come back. I headed towards the kitchen and pushed the door open.

  “OUT!” Someone shouted and I looked up to see Uno had a woman pressed against the table and he was pounding into her from behind.

  “Sorry,” I said quickly as I closed the door and made my way back to the bar area. Cammie was sitting at a table with a couple of men and I didn’t want to make my way over there in case they expected something. She must have seen me as she waved me over, I walked over slowly, preparing myself to turn these guys down if they wanted something from me.

  “Hi,” I said as I approached the table.

  “Sit down, sweetheart.” One guy said as he pushed a chair out for me with his foot. I smiled at him and sat down in the chair, it was nice to get off my feet. They were starting to ache and my ankles were swelling slightly now too. The joys of being pregnant.

  “Heather, this is CG…” Cammie started.

  “Neil, is my name,” he said as he held his hand out to shake mine. He didn’t look like a typical biker, he was skinny, had short dark hair and no visible tattoos or piercings.

  “Are you in the MC?” I asked. He laughed out loud and nodded his head.

  “Yeah, sweetheart. I’m the brains of the club.” He looked at me and I must have looked confused as he carried on with; “CG is my nickname as I’m the computer geek.”

  “And this is Riz.” Cammie told me, I recognised this guy as he was at my house when my husband got killed.

  “Riz?” I asked.

  “Yeah, Riz, as in short from Rizla,” he told me, like as if I should automatically know what that meant.

  “He’s always smoking, whatever he’s doing. Only time he doesn’t smoke is when he’s asleep.” Cammie elaborated for me. I nodded in understanding.

  “What can I do around here?” I asked, looking around. My original plan was to see if they needed help in the kitchen with cooking or cleaning but that was soon put to a halt.

  “I have a suggestion what you can do,” Riz smirked as he began undoing his jeans.

  “She’s Blades. You know that.” Cammie said. “I’m free though,” she winked at him and her hand disappeared into his jeans and he groaned. I jumped up from the table, I didn’t want to witness that, I must have stood up too fast as my head spun and I had to grab hold of the table to stop myself from falling.

  “Whoa, sweetheart, you ok?” Neil asked as he stood beside me.

  I shook my head. “Don’t feel so good.” I felt sick and dizzy.

  “Let’s sit you down,” he led me to another table. “Michelle, can we get some water please?” he called out. I looked up as I heard someone approaching and Michelle was walking towards us with a jug of water in her hand and she was smiling too. Maybe I could try and make some friends while I was here, Cammie was lovely, so maybe the other girls would be too. I went to say thank you for the water when she poured it all over my head. I jumped up and screamed, I was soaked.

  “That’s for what your guy did to me,” she sneered.

  “I… I had nothing to do with that.” I was standing in wet jeans, my t-shirt had now clung to my breasts and large tummy.

  “Chelle, what the hell are you doing?” A woman shouted, I looked over Michelle’s shoulder and a lady in her early forties walked towards us, she was beautiful with shoulder length blonde hair with a slim body, she was wearing a leather vest and she gave off a vibe of not to be messed with. Michelle didn’t answer her, she went to walk away when the woman grabbed her arm. “Well?”

  “Her guy done this to me,” she pointed at her throat.

  “That’s not her fault if he gets a little rough during sex,” she said, not letting her go.

  “He did it this morning not last night,” she explained. Last night? Does that mean Blade was with Michelle while I was having a breakdown? Why did I feel betrayed by that? He wasn’t mine, not officially, we were just pretending. So why did I feel like I was about to burst into tears?

  “Go and get yourself cleaned up, sweetie.” I snapped out of my questioning mind and looked at this woman being nice to me. “By the way, I’m Gloria. Uno’s Old Lady.” I nodded and walked away to get myself cleaned up.


  WE HAD BEEN RIDING for over four hours and I was feeling the strain on my body, Itch and I had decided we would travel the whole way without stopping as we were both keen to get back to the club house as soon as possible. I saw a flash of light in my side mirror and as I took a closer look I noticed a large black van and a couple of motor bikes. Something about them seemed off and I spoke to Itch over our speakers that we had in our helmets.

  “Incoming.” Was all I said and I noticed Itch looking in his mirror.

  “Let’s slow down and see if they pass,” he suggested. I eased off and saw the bikes and van getting closer and closer but they didn’t seem to be over taking us.

  “They’ve slowed down too,” I told him, he was riding in front of me, so I had a better view of the guys behind us.

  “Follow me,” Itch said as he indicated and took a sharp left turning. I followed him and as we turned the corner we sped up again to try and lose them if they had followed us too.

  “The van is right behind us,” I announced. Who the hell was it and what did they want?

  “Do a u-turn,” he said as he swung his bike around and headed for the van. I followed him, the van wouldn’t have been able to turn as quickly as us, being that we were now on a narrower road. As Itch got closer to the van I saw the van heading for him and Itch had to swerve which threw his bike out from under him, I was at his side within minutes, pulling him up. I looked towards the van and it had carried on but we were now faced with three bikers, gaining on us. I grabbed Itch by the arm to help him up.

  “Fuck, my tyre is burst,” he shouted. I looked up and saw the bikes headed for us.

  “Shit, we gotta get out of here. It’s the Satan MC.” Itch’s head snapped up and all we saw was three bikes headed for us. Before I knew it they had started shooting. What the fuck. Itch jumped on the back of my bike and I took off down the road over the bank an
d headed towards the woods.

  “We need to find somewhere to stop, the shipment is strapped to my bike,” Itch said through the speakers in our helmets. I found a place to stop, we couldn’t hear any more vehicles so we waited for the coast to be clear. Itch climbed off my bike, removing his helmet. “Shit, you’re bleeding,” he pointed towards my arm, I felt a sting there earlier but didn’t give it another thought. “Have you been shot?” I pulled my helmet off and slipped my arm out of my cut and saw the blood pouring down my arm.

  “I’ve just been skimmed by a bullet.” I grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt and ripped it, so I could wrap and tie it around my arm. “It’ll be ok once the bleeding stops.” Itch nodded at me.

  “Let’s get back to my bike.” I nodded and slipped my helmet back on as he climbed back onto my bike. I rode slowly to the edge of the woods, looking around to make sure they had gone.

  “It’s all clear,” I said as I sped towards where Itch’s bike was on its side on the side of the road. I pulled up and Itch jumped off, removing his helmet.

  “Fuck, they stole the shipment and bashed my bike up.” Itch’s face was red, he was not happy that his bike had been messed with. I shook my head, the first job I had been on and I’d already failed.

  “Let’s get back and CG can sort out getting your bike collected tomorrow.” Itch nodded and climbed back on my bike for the long four hour journey home.

  * * *


  AFTER I HAD DRIED myself and changed my clothes, I gave myself a pep talk; to stick up for myself, if they saw me as weak then they would treat me that way. As far as everyone knew I was closing in on being an Old Lady, which meant the club whores couldn’t treat me this way, they had to show some respect for us. We were the ones the guys chose to be with.

  I didn’t have to dance, a lot of the guys ventured out to the club ‘Skins’ so there were only a few guys left. Cammie was busy working and I spent most of the evening with CG – Neil. I’d learnt that he was the son of Uno and Gloria and had grown up in the club. He had patched in when he was sixteen, he was now twenty four. He wasn’t in to the whole biker fiasco; drinking and fucking whores. He was much quieter and almost seemed like he didn’t belong here. He said he patched in to make his dad proud, but he always felt second best to Ripped, the club VP.

  “Shouldn’t you be the VP as you’re the Prez’s son?” I asked, taking a sip of my water.

  “Na, it doesn’t work like that. The Prez gets to choose.”

  “Well, looky over here, don’t you two look cosy.” Uno slurred as he fell into the seat opposite us. Neil shook his head and we both waited to see what he wanted. “Blade won’t be happy if you’re moving in on his girl.”

  “I’m not moving in on her. We’re just talking, we’re friends.” Neil said as he relaxed in his chair, stretching his legs out in front of him.

  “Friends? You can’t be friends with a hot chick, you’ll just wanna bang her eventually.”

  “Dad!” Neil scolded him.

  “What? You can’t tell me that if she offered it to you, you wouldn’t fuck her?” He slurred, taking another gulp from the bottle in his hand.

  “You’re drunk. Where’s Mum?” Neil asked, placing his elbows on the table, looking around for her.

  “She’s recovering, from the fu…”

  “Ok, Dad. We get it,” he cringed, raising his hand in the air stopping him from talking.

  “I’m gonna head to bed,” I said, yawning.

  “I’ll walk you,” Neil said as he stood up and offered me his hand. I smiled and placed my hand in his as he helped me up. He released my hand as we began walking.

  “Thank you for keeping me company tonight,” I said as we walked towards Blade’s room.

  “It’s nice to have a friend here,” Neil said, quietly.

  “You don’t get on with them?” I asked, nodding my head towards the direction of the bar.

  “Yeah, but I wouldn’t call them my friends and the sweet buns just think you want sex. I don’t touch them.”


  “I’m not a typical biker,” he smiled.

  “Do you ride?” I asked, I loved riding on the back of James’s bike, but I wouldn’t want one of my own.

  “Yeah, I have a car as well though.” We stopped outside of Blade’s room and the door was opened slightly. “Is Blade back?”

  “He shouldn’t be.” My body perked up at the thought that Blade was home early. But why was he? Had something happened? Had something gone wrong? My happiness soon turned to worry and I pushed the door open.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I screamed. There was a naked, overly skinny, red haired woman laid on my bed.

  “I’m here for Blade,” she slurred, rubbing her thighs together. “You joining us?” she smirked.

  I stormed over to her, grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her off the bed. She screamed in surprise and I shoved her towards the door where Neil was standing. He caught her before she fell over, she was drunk, stoned or both.

  “Get the fuck out,” I sneered at her. “Don’t come back, Blade is mine.”

  “Willow?” She asked, looking at me with a confused expression.

  “Come on, Roxy, let’s get you out of here,” Neil said as he pushed her towards the door. I followed behind them. “Where are you going?” He asked, looking at me.

  “Um… I need clean sheets.” He nodded in understanding and he grabbed a clean sheet and duvet cover for me from the cupboard in the hall.

  “I’ll be back to help you,” he told me.

  “It’s ok, I can do it.” I assured him. He nodded again, smiled and walked away pushing Roxy in front of him.

  I WAS JUST ABOUT to fall asleep when I felt the bed dip, I screamed and jumped off the bed. I turned the light on to see Blade lying on the bed.

  “What are you doing? You scared the crap out of me,” I said, placing my hand over my heart that was beating erratically.

  “Nice to see you too, sugar,” he chuckled running his hands over his face and that’s when I saw his arm, it was bandaged and covered in blood.

  “What happened to your arm? Why are you back so early?” I asked, edging myself closer to the bed.

  “Club business,” was all he said. He jumped off the bed and began pulling his clothes off, throwing them onto the floor.

  “What are you doing?” I felt a slight tremble move through me, was he finally going to take what he wanted without my permission?

  “Having a shower,” he sounded exhausted, he stripped down to his boxers and he had a tattooed and toned body. No piercings from what I could see. His hands went to his boxers and my eyes grew wide, was he really going to strip naked in front of me. I didn’t want to see him naked, or did I? I heard him chuckle as he walked past me, still in his boxers. He stopped before he entered the bathroom, leaned towards me and whispered in my ear;

  “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you wanted to see underneath my boxers.” I gasped in surprise, how did he know me so well already? Was I that easy to read? I shook my head and he chuckled again as he closed the bathroom door.

  I sat on the edge of the bed, my little boy had woken up and he was pressed against my bladder. I just needed to wait for Blade to be finished in the shower and then I could use the toilet.

  How long did it take for one person to shower? He was a man for christ sake, James used to be in and out in five minutes. Blade had already been twenty minutes. I walked over to the door and knocked on it.

  “Blade, how much longer are you going to be? I need the toilet.” I called out.

  “Come on in, sugar. It’s not locked,” he called out.

  “What? No, I’m not peeing with you in there. Do you really want me to go out in the clubhouse and use the toilet?”

  “No, fine, I’m getting out.” I was glad my bluff had worked, I didn’t want to go out into the club house; God knows what I would have stumbled across. I heard the door click open and I climbed to my feet, Bla
de walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist, droplets of water still running from his hair down his toned pecs and abs. I tried to look away but I couldn’t, all I kept thinking was that I wanted to run my tongue over his wet body. “Sugar?” I snapped out of my daze and look at Blade. “Don’t you need the toilet?” I nodded my head and walked past him, shutting and locking the bathroom door. What had got into me? Was it my pregnancy hormones? I’ve never been one to devour a man with my eyes, but I couldn’t look in any other direction apart from his body. I’m glad he snapped me out of my thoughts, I could see it now, me throwing myself at him, begging for him to make me come. That wasn’t what I wanted, was it? I shook my head, disappointed in myself for thinking and feeling this way. I washed my hands and walked back into the bedroom, I stopped in the doorway when I saw that Blade was laying in the bed, topless.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Going to sleep,” he answered, raising an arm above his head and getting comfy. “Did you change the bedding?”

  “Yes, you had a little visitor on the bed when I came back this evening.” I pulled out the spare duvet and blanket and arranged them on the floor, where it looked like I was sleeping for the night.

  “Vicky?” He asked.

  “No, Roxy. Should I expect more visitors?” I asked as I climbed onto the floor and attempted to get comfy.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. I looked over my shoulder and he was sitting up in bed looking at me.

  “Trying to sleep, can you turn the light off, please?” I moved around a bit more until I was comfy, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine I was sleeping in a nice warm and cosy bed. I heard movement from the bed and the next thing I knew I was being lifted in the air. I yelped in surprise and Blade placed me in the bed.

  “Sugar, we’re both adults. We can sleep in the same bed together.” He placed a quick kiss on my lips, flipped off the light switch and climbed in beside me. I felt my body tense and Blade must have noticed it too. “Relax,” he whispered in my ear. “I won’t touch you, not until you’re begging me to.”


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