Book Read Free

South Coast Brothers Part 1

Page 38

by Kacey Hamford

“Yes, she’ll have one too. Thanks, mum.” I answered for Cammie as I knew she would have said no, she wouldn’t want mum going to any trouble for her.

  “Why is four a good age to be?” Emily asked Cammie, tipping her to the side. Her brown haired bob moving as she looked between Cammie and her food.

  “Well, you get to go to school and play with your friends but you don’t have to learn anything difficult. Isn’t it fun?”

  “Yes, I had to read today. That wasn’t as fun as playing.”

  “I love to read,” Cammie announced.

  “Really?” Emily scrunched up her face, not understanding why.

  “Yes, you can learn new things and get lost in the words, find yourself in a whole new place.”

  “Like a magic book?” Her eyes lit up and she seemed excited.

  “Emily, I think what Cammie means is that you can pretend to be the person in the book going on all the adventures,” mum explained as she placed plates in front of Cammie and me.

  “Oh!” Emily answered, I wasn’t sure if she really understood.

  “Thank you,” Cammie said.

  “Thanks, mum.”

  “I’m just going to put the washing out to dry,” she said as she squeezed my shoulder.

  “I’ll help!” Emily called out, running after her.

  “She’s so adorable, why didn’t you tell me you have a sister or brother?”



  “I had a sister, she was in an accident. Emily survived and she didn’t.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” She reached across the table and placed her hand on top of mine. “Where’s your dad?”

  “He was in the accident too. We lost them both.”

  “Oh, babe.” She got up from her seat and planted herself in my lap, wrapping her arms over my shoulders and nuzzling into my neck. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m ok,” I assured her, rubbing my hands up and down her back. We both looked up when the patio door opened and Emily skipped in.

  “Is Uncle Mason tickling you too? I’ll save you.” She ran towards us and took hold of Cammie’s hand pulling her away from me.

  “Phew, thank you. I didn’t think I’d ever get away,” Cammie said over dramatically causing Emily to giggle.

  “Wanna see my room?” she asked, hopefully.

  “I’d love to,” Cammie replied and then Emily was dragging her out of the room and up the stairs.

  I felt tense and on edge after bringing up my dad and Katie. I hated talking about it but knew that Cammie would have some questions later. I walked outside and sat on the garden bench that was on the patio area, I didn’t know where mum had disappeared too but I needed to take the edge off with a cigarette. I couldn’t stop the memories that flooded into my head.

  “Mason!” I heard mum scream from downstairs. She sounded upset and frantic, I was here visiting for the day, taking a break away from the club. I had been a patched in member for five years and shit was going down. I had come to talk to my dad. He was a patched in member too but had taken a step back recently when he had his last heart attack scare.

  As I ran down the stairs, mum was standing by the front door with the phone clutched to her chest and her car keys in her hand. Her eyes were red and she was crying.

  “What’s wrong? What’s happened?”

  “There’s been an accident, we need to get to the hospital. Quick.” She threw the front door open and ran to the car, her hands were shaking as she tried pressing the central lock button to unlock it.

  “I think I should drive.” I took the keys off her and opened the passenger door for her. “What’s happened?” I asked again as I focused on the road. It was late on Sunday afternoon, it had been raining all day. The roads were stupidly wet and flooded in places but, luckily, the roads were quiet.

  “Dad and Katie have been in a car accident. I don’t know any more than that,” she quietly told me.

  “How bad is it? Are they alive?”

  “I don’t know, Mason!” she snapped. “I’m sorry, I’m just worried.”

  “It’s ok.” I placed my hand on hers and held it tightly.

  Several minutes later, we pulled into the hospital and I found a parking spot not too far from the entrance. We both climbed out of the car and hurried into the reception. Mum was sobbing as I held her close to me.

  “Hi, we’re looking for Rob and Katie Cole. We got a call that they were in an accident?”

  “And you are?”

  “We’re family. It’s my dad and sister.”

  “Mr. Cole?” I looked to my right and a nurse dressed in blue scrubs walked towards us. “Please, come with me.” I looked at mum and she fisted her hand in my t-shirt as we followed her down the hall and into a room. Looking around, it looked like a smaller waiting area, chairs were lined against the walls and a coffee machine stood next to the large window.

  “If you would like to take a seat, I’ll get the doctor to come and see you.”

  “Please, are they ok?” Mum asked, her voice quiet and uneven.

  “I’ll get the doctor,” was all she said as she walked back out of the door; her face was impassive. I hated not knowing what was going on and she gave nothing away. Mum sat down on one of the seats as I paced the room. It felt like we had been waiting ages for the doctor to walk in that door, when in fact it was only minutes.

  “Mrs. Cole?” he said as he walked in. Mum stood up and I was in front of him shaking his hand and introducing myself. “You may want to sit down.” Oh, shit. That’s not good, we didn’t want to hear him say that. I steered mum towards the chairs and we both sat down, my arm was wrapped around her and she fisted her hand into my t-shirt again.

  “I’m sorry, I’m afraid I have bad news.”

  “No,” Mum whispered, shaking her head.

  “Your husband has suffered from a major heart attack, we were unable to save him.” I held on tight to mum as she wailed in my arms. Suffered? Heart attack? Unable to save him? These words kept spinning around and around in my head and I couldn’t seem to digest them. Mum was shaking next to me and I knew that I had to push my grief aside and be the son she needed me to be. I could hear the doctor talking but it was like there was a bubble around us, a fog, and I couldn’t hear him.

  “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” I asked, looking him in the eyes and making sure I didn’t let my grip on my mum ease.

  “Katie, she had some complications. We tried everything we could, but she didn’t make it. I’m sorry.”

  “No!” Mum screamed, sobbing loudly and I tried to rock her gently. Her breathing was becoming laboured.

  “Mrs. Cole, I need you to breathe. Take deep breaths.” The doctor was telling her, she was on the verge of a panic attack. Once her breathing was a bit better, I asked;

  “The baby?” My sister was nearly at full term in her pregnancy.

  “We done an emergency c section and managed to get the baby out, she’s fine.”

  “She?” Mum asked, lifting her head off my shoulder.

  “Yes. Would you like to see her?” Mum nodded frantically, using her hands to wipe away her tears and straightened her clothes. Katie and dad gone? What were we going to do? How was mum going to cope losing them both? That little girl was going to have to grow up never knowing how amazing her mum was. Yeah, we fought when we were younger, like all siblings did, but the past two years we had grown closer together. She gave me advice when I needed it like all big sisters did and I looked after her. I was fiercely protective over her, especially when she came home one day, bags in tow, and announced that she was pregnant. To this day, we still don’t know who the dad is, she wouldn’t tell us. She said it was better all-around if he never found out.

  “Mason.” Mums voiced snapped me out of my head and I looked at her. “Let’s go and meet my grandbaby.”

  A month later and I hadn’t left mums side, she had full custody of Emily and looking after her was what kept mum strong. She focused all her energ
y and time on her. I could hear her crying at night and in the mornings she got on with her day like her heart hadn’t been breaking. She was a strong woman and I respected and loved her.

  I snapped out of my memories when I felt a familiar pair of hands rest on my shoulders, then they slipped down onto my chest and she kissed the side of my neck. I grabbed her hand and gently pulled her until she was nestled in my lap, which was where she belonged.

  “You ok?” she asked, running her hands through my hair as I placed my lips against her neck, it calmed me down to feel her soft skin against me and her pulse beating. I loved having her near and I didn’t ever want to lose her. I’ve lost enough people in my life already.

  “I am now.” She sat still, knowing that I needed the touch of her, she was the only person who could calm me down like this. Her hand in my hair felt good and soon, I was relaxed and hard. “I need to get you home.”

  “Oh? And why’s that?” she asked as she wriggled in my lap.

  “Uncle Mason, are you tickling her again?” Emily asked as she grabbed hold of Cammie’s hands, trying to pull her off my lap. I held on tight to Cammie’s waist, not wanting Emily to see my arousal.

  “I’m not tickling her, I’m cuddling her.”

  “Oh, why?” She looked confused.

  “Because she’s my girlfriend and I love her.” Emily covered her mouth with her hand, laughing.

  “Nanny!” Emily called out, running away. “Uncle Mason loves Cammie. Is she going to be my auntie? Am I going to get cousins?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh, she made everything in the world better. She was a spitting image of my sister with her brown hair and blue eyes and I would always protect her.

  “We better get back,” I told Cammie as I gently tapped her ass, telling her she needed to move. She smiled and kissed me quickly before she stood up.

  We walked through the house to find mum and Emily watching a film on the TV.

  “We gotta get back,” I announced.

  “It was lovely to see you, honey,” mum said, climbing to her feet and kissing me on the cheek. “And you too, Cammie.” She pulled Cammie in for a hug and she looked startled.

  “It was great to meet you, Mrs. Cole.”

  “Oh, please call me Brenda.” Cammie smiled at her. “Emily come and say bye to your uncle and Cammie.”

  “Bye!” she called out, quickly taking her eyes off the TV and waving. We all said our goodbyes and we were soon zooming down the road, Cammie’s legs tight against mine. This was what I needed, her close to me, always.


  AFTER WE GOT BACK from visiting Mason’s mum we decided to sit outside and enjoy the sun, it wasn’t hot but it was getting warmer. Mason climbed up and sat on the table of the picnic bench, his feet resting on the seat. He dug around in his pocket until he found his cigarettes.

  “Nu-uh,” I said as I stood on the seat in front of him, grabbing the cigarettes out of his hand. “I’m not kissing you if you’re smoking.”

  “Well, it’s a good job I’m not smoking then.” He smirked at me, pulling me closer until I was straddled on his lap. His mouth landed on mine and I dropped the cigarette pack onto the table so I could thread his hair through my fingers. He had one hand possessively on my right hip and the other was behind my neck anchoring me to him. We broke apart when a car pulled in, I looked over my shoulder and screamed. Heather was standing by the car, I jumped off Mason’s lap and ran towards her as she held out her arms to me.

  “I missed you,” she told me.

  “I missed you too. Where’s my handsome boy?” I pulled away from her and pulled the back door of the car open. “There he is. Hi, handsome,” I cooed at him. He looked at me, a big smile on his face and his arms and legs flailed about. I pulled him out of his car seat and held him close to me. He was very special to me, especially as I delivered him. I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel once Heather had her baby, I didn’t want to be jealous of her and I wasn’t. She had a son she loved dearly and she also took on Blades two nieces as well. She was born to be a mother and maybe that just wasn’t on the cards for me. Maybe I would have been a terrible mum and if I turned out like mine that would not have been good. I pushed all thoughts aside as Heather asked;

  “Where’s Daisy?” I looked up from Liam, who was now sitting on my hip and I was making him laugh by tickling him, his laugh was infectious and soon Heather, Blade and Mason were joining in.

  “She’s in her room. She didn’t get home until a couple of hours ago.” Heather looked upset and annoyed. Daisy had been on a downward spiral since her husband was killed a few months ago, not that I could blame her. Losing the person you love most in the world would definitely shatter it.

  “You go, sugar. I’ll get the girls out,” Blade said to her, she nodded, kissed him quickly and disappeared into the clubhouse.

  “It’s good to see you.” I smiled at Blade before his arms surrounded me and Liam.

  “It’s good to see you too, you look happy.”

  “I am.” I smiled looking away from him and focusing on Mason.

  Blade moved around the car and got Tegan out, she was still fast asleep in the car seat.

  “Hey, VP. Give us a hand will ya?” Blade called out, handing Tegan to him. I reached in the car and pulled out the changing bag and headed into the clubhouse. Liam was gurgling as he was chewing on his fist, drool everywhere. I was covered in it, but his smile made up for it. I sat down next to Carla and watched Kelsey running in and up to Olivia and Danny. They were two of Carla and Prez kids. Mason placed Tegan’s car seat on the floor by our feet and she let out a small wail, screwing up her face. Blade bent down to pull her out of her seat and she laid her head on his shoulder and began sucking her thumb.

  “Hey, it’s good to see you, man,” Solar said shaking hands with Blade.

  “Is it just me, or does he look hot with a child on his shoulder?” Carla whispered into my ear.

  “Oh, it’s definitely not you,” I agreed with her and we burst out laughing.

  “What are you two whispering about?” Mason asked. Liam started wiggling so I stood him up on my lap, looking at him.

  “Uncle Mason is so nosey, isn’t he Liam?” I cooed in my baby voice. His hand dropped from his mouth, he laughed as he palm connected with my cheek, holding it there. “Nice.” I laughed, wiping my face in the shoulder of my jacket.

  “Hey!” Ashlyn called out as she walked in the room.

  “Ashlyn!” Kelsey called out and ran towards her. Ashlyn had looked after the girls for a few weeks after their mum died so Kelsey was always pleased to see her.

  “Hi, sweetie. How are you?” Ashlyn asked as she crouched down onto the floor in front of her.

  “Good. We came to see auntie Daisy. You wanna see my colouring?”

  “I sure do.” As Ashlyn walked over to where the kids were busy colouring and drawing, we heard someone clear their throat and I was surprised to see Cory standing in the entrance to the bar. Ashlyn looked over her shoulder and smiled. “I’ll be right back, sweetie.” Kelsey nodded, carrying on with what she was doing and when Ashlyn stood up, she looked at me and I rose my eyebrows, telling her we needed to talk about him. I didn’t know she was seeing him. I watched her walk towards him and he gave her a smile and looked at her like she was the only person in the room. That was what she needed, a man who would treat her properly. A movement caught my eye and I looked to the right to see Drake standing behind the bar watching them, he had a scowl on his face. I was convinced that he had a soft spot for her. Cory and Ashlyn walked out of the club hand in hand and I looked over towards the bedrooms when I heard Daisy shout, “No, I don’t need you!” She pushed Heather out of the way. “I don’t need anyone.” She stormed towards the door and almost knocked Ashlyn off her feet.

  “Sugar? You ok?” Blade asked as Heather headed towards the door.

  “Yeah, I need to follow her. I need to talk to her some more.” She was looking from the door to Blade and back again.
I stood up and gave him a little nudge telling him to go.

  “Let’s take the bike,” he announced as he walked towards her and passed Tegan to Ashlyn. Heather looked over his shoulder towards me. “Cammie and Ashlyn have got them.” I knew she was thinking about the kids, they were her first priority, but Daisy was getting out of control. They left soon after in the hopes of finding her and sorting all of this out.

  “HI, ARE YOU OK?” I asked as Heather walked into her room looking deflated. I was there as Liam and Tegan were taking a nap and Kelsey and I were watching a DVD on my laptop. The guys were in a church meeting.

  “Yeah, I guess.” She sighed, walking over and checking on the babies.

  “No luck with her?” Heather shook her head and laid out on Kelsey’s bed, her feet were dangling off the end.

  “Where’s Daddy?” Kelsey asked.

  “He’s working,” Heather told her.

  “No he’s not,” she said.

  “Yes he is, little monster.” Heather jumped off the bed and grabbed Kelsey, throwing her in the air and then tickling her. She let out a little scream of laughter. “Time to get you ready for bed.”

  “Can I have a bath?”

  “Yes, ok.” She turned back to me. “Thanks for looking after them today.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, I love doing it.” I stood up from the bed and pulled her in for a hug. “You can only try your best with her. Love you.”

  “Love you too. See you in the morning.”

  “Oh, I’m starting my new job tomorrow but I’ll be back by early afternoon.”

  “You can tell me all about it tomorrow.” She smiled and I left her in peace to get Kelsey ready for bed.


  “WE’LL CHECK it out tomorrow night,” Prez said. “Now get out of here.” He slammed the gavel down and the room emptied pretty quickly. I was heading for the door. “VP?”


  “You gonna be able to keep your cool tomorrow? No barging in there? We do this my way.”

  “You’re the Prez.”

  “Just remember that.” I nodded and headed for the door. Toes had finally got Intel on the two guys that we were looking for. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the guy who took Cammie away from her home and the one who tortured her. My hands balled into fists and I felt the adrenaline run through my body. They will get what’s coming to them. I looked around the bar area for Cammie and there was no sign of her, I felt like I was a right pussy always looking for her but my body was drawn to hers and I was completely addicted to her, that was one habit that I didn’t want to break. I headed back to our room and the sight before me made me smile. Cammie was laying on our bed, she was in tiny bed shorts and a strappy top, no bra. Her toes were wiggling on the bed, her pink toe nails caught my eye. She was reading and her eyes didn’t leave her kindle even after I walked into the room. I stood still and watched her for a few seconds. Was she reading a raunchy book? Her toes wiggled when she was being teased and also when she was close to her release. Her left leg came up and rubbed against her right one, I was right, she was reading a naughty book and it was turning her on.


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