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South Coast Brothers Part 1

Page 58

by Kacey Hamford

  “I’m sorry, we…”

  “We?” Prez cut her off her, asking who ‘we’ were.

  “Violet and I.”

  “Bloody hell woman. Leave this to us, it’s our job,” he scolded her.

  “Well, you’re not doing a very good job!”she snapped, jumping to her feet. Prez’s jaw clenched as he looked at his Old Lady. He pushed his chair back and stood up, rounding the desk until he was stood by the door, he opened it and looked at me.

  “Thanks, prospect. Go and see to your woman.”

  “Prez,” I nodded as I hurried through the door. He slammed it behind me and then I heard him shouting. I felt bad for Denise, but then maybe this was what she needed, to stop her interfering.

  I was about to head back to see Ashlyn when I was stopped in my tracks by Rooster calling my name. I looked at him over my shoulder and he lifted his chin telling me that he needed to talk to me. He was well over six foot tall, had dark messy hair, green eyes and a slight crooked nose, that I assumed he had broken and not had set properly.

  “Where’s Ash?” he asked.

  “She’s resting.”

  “There’s some chick here to see her,” he nodded his head towards the bar.

  “Who is it? Amber?”

  “Na, we haven’t been able to track her down yet. Some woman named Belinda, said she would only talk to Ashlyn, but I think she’s a junkie, man.”

  “Let me talk to her first.”

  “Of course.” He slapped me on the back and I followed him down the hallway and into the bar. A woman with dirty, mousy brown hair scrapped back into a ponytail with loose fitted jeans and a hoody sat at the bar sipping on what looked like whisky. Did she know it was only nine in the morning?

  “Can I help you?” I asked as I stopped in front of her and crossed my arms over my chest. She looked me up and down and then her eyes landed on Rooster.

  “I said I was only going to talk to Ashlyn.”

  “Well, she is having a lie down. She’s my Old Lady, so whatever you need to say to her, you can say to me.”

  “Nope.” She swivelled on the bar stool and held her glass out to Chase, the prospect who was standing behind the bar. He looked at Rooster and he nodded his head, telling him to fill her glass up.

  “Can you at least tell me what it’s about?” I asked through my clenched jaw.

  “Nope,” she carried on sipping her drink, not looking at us.

  “Go and get her.” Rooster said as he squeezed my shoulder. I nodded, not taking my eyes off this woman. If she was here to hurt her then I wouldn’t be held responsible for my actions.

  I sauntered out of the room, down the hallway and into our room. Ashlyn was still laying in the same position, I just hoped that I could get her to come with me.

  “Darlin’?” I said as I crouched down on the floor in front of her again. Her eyes didn’t meet mine. “There’s a woman out in the bar that insists on speaking to you.”

  “Amber?” she croaked.

  “No, darlin’. Some woman who says she will only speak to you. Do you want to come and see her? Or shall we just chuck her out?”

  “No.” she shook her head. “It may be important. I’ll see her.” I stood up straight and she joined me. She slipped her hand in mine and held onto my arm with her other hand, enclosing it around my bicep and leaning into me. If she needed me for support then that’s what I was going to do.

  We stepped into the bar and all eyes fell on us, Rooster stood at the bar with Wiz and Chase was still standing behind it, re filling her drink once more. Belinda gulped down the brown liquid and climbed to her feet.

  “I have a message for you. From Switch.” Ashlyn’s hand gripped my arm tighter.

  “What the fuck?” Rooster yelled.

  “He wants you back, if you don’t hand yourself over to him, then he can’t be held responsible for his actions. A gift will be delivered here, for you, in two hours. Then the same time every day until you are re-united.”

  “How… How do I get in contact with him?” she asked quietly. What the hell was she thinking?

  “Someone will be waiting here, at this address,” she handed her a piece of paper. “At two in the afternoon every day, until you come back to him.” She turned on her heel to leave.

  “Grab her,” Rooster demanded as Drum walked into the room. He held hold of Belinda’s arm, she didn’t struggle. She looked over to Rooster.

  “If I’m not back to him within an hour, the gifts will be doubled.”

  “Let her go,” Ashlyn mumbled.

  “She’s coming with us,” Wiz said. “We can get info out of her.”

  “I said LET HER GO!” Ashlyn screamed. The room went deadly quiet and my stomach dropped at to what punishment she would receive for talking to the brothers that way. Rooster nodded his head at Drum.

  “Get the fuck out of here.” He sneered at her as he released her arm and shoved her towards the door. Drum was a large, threatening looking guy, I hoped that she would be too scared to return.

  “Oh, and if you go to the address not alone, there will be consequences. He said not to even think about trying to grab his guy for information. He’ll be watching, he’s always watching.”

  “Out!” Rooster roared and she turned on her heel and flounced out of the room.


  I HAD a firm telling off from Rooster about talking to the club brothers like I had, but he said that he would let it slide this once as he knew what kind of stress I was under.

  I was now pacing the bar area, worrying my bottom lip between my teeth and clenching and unclenching my hands. That woman Belinda said a gift would arrive in two hours and it was now almost eleven in the morning. I had a bad feeling and didn’t know what I should do.

  My head snapped up when the Prez left his office and headed for the main doors, Rooster, Wiz, Henry and Drake all followed him and it took me a moment to get my feet moving again, I hurried after them only to be stopped by Denise.

  “No, you can’t go out there.” I was stunned by what she was telling me and it took a moment to register.

  “I need to see what it is.” I went to step past her and she blocked my path. “Denise.”

  “I’m sorry, no.” I went to dodge her again when large hands clapped around my waist and lifted me off my feet. I looked over my shoulder to see that Drum had picked me up and was carrying me into the bar. He placed me on the sofa and Denise sat beside me.

  “Please just wait for Drake to come back in, ok?” I nodded, not taking my eyes off the door.

  “It’s another woman, isn’t it?” I asked, taking my eyes off the door to look at Denise and the answer was clear as day on her face. Her face full of make-up couldn’t hide it from me.

  “Darlin’?” Drake called out. My head snapped around and I launched myself off the sofa and threw myself at him.

  “Is she alive?” I asked into his chest, where my head landed.

  “No, I’m afraid not,” he whispered quietly to me. I nodded my head and after a few more seconds I stepped back and looked at him. I really did love him so much. I gripped his face in my hands and kissed him with all the passion in the world.

  “I love you. I love you so much,” I told him, resting my forehead against his.

  “I love you too, darlin’.” I stepped back from him and looked him in the eye.

  “I have to go,” he looked at me blankly. “I have to go to him.”

  “No!” his voice boomed loudly. “You are not going anywhere.” He stepped towards me and I stepped back, out of his grasp. If he touched me then I would crumble.

  “I have to, I can’t be responsible for any more women being hurt. I just can’t. It’s not fair on them, on their families.”

  “What about your family?”

  “I’ve been gone for ages, they aren’t looking for me.”

  “How do you know that? What about me? Cammie? Heather? We’re your family too.”

  “I’m sorry Drake.”

e’ll kill you, Ashlyn,” he took another step closer to me and I wasn’t quick enough to take one back before he grasped both of my hands in his. The warmth from his hands made me realise that I was freezing cold and trembling. The thought of being anywhere near Switch made my stomach turn, so actually being near him again had me terrified.

  “So, it’s ok to let him carry on killing innocent women? He may not hurt me.”

  “So that’s how you want to live the rest of your life? Being with a man that may or may not kill you, that may or may not let his brothers rape you, that may or may not injure you. You’d just be existing, not living.”

  “Drake,” Denise scolded him as he spoke to me.

  “No, she needs to hear this,” he defended, not taking his eyes off me and tightening his grip on my hands when I tried to pull them free. “I can’t lose you,” he whispered the last bit to me.

  “This isn’t about you.” I yanked my hands out of his grip and poked my finger at his chest. “This is about saving the lives of innocent women.”

  “And how do you know that he doesn’t already have a room full of twenty women? That he plans on hurting whether you go back or not, he won’t let them go free.”

  “Dray, I can’t do it,” I hung my head and placed my hands flat on his chest.

  “Do what?” he raised my face up so I would look at him.

  “I can’t run anymore, I’m tired. I don’t want to live my life like this.” Tears ran down my face and my fingers curled into his t-shirt, holding on tight to him. I didn’t want to leave him, but I just didn’t know what else I could do.

  * * *


  MY HEART BROKE when Ashlyn said she wanted to go to him, she would always want to do the right thing and she would always protect other people first.

  “Ok, we’ve got a day to come up with a plan,” I said looking around until my eyes landed on the Prez. “Church?” I called out and he nodded.

  “You heard him, everyone in here, now!” Prez demanded.

  “Darlin’, I’ll sort this, I promise.” I pushed her back to look in her eyes that were red and wet from her crying. “I won’t be long.”

  “I’m coming with you,” she stated.

  “No, club business, remember?”

  “I don’t give a shit, this is concerning me. I’m coming.” I looked over my head at the Prez and he nodded his head.

  “Fine, come on.” I grabbed her hand and led her to the room we all gathered in. “Sit down.” I pointed at a chair as I walked to the front of the room to place my weapons away. “Prez, can I have a quiet word?”

  “Sure.” I walked back to the door and the Prez followed me.

  “She wants to go to him, she hates that women are dying because of her. Are we able to have a conference call with the Cornish Crusaders?”

  “Yeah, two charters are better than one, come on let’s get a plan in place and sort this out once and for all.” He slapped me on the back and I followed him back into the room, where it was full of the club brothers that were all willing to help. I pulled Ashlyn out of her chair, sat down and pulled her onto my lap. There were other vacant chairs but I needed her close to me.

  The Prez slammed the gavel down. “Right, the only concern we have right now is keeping this woman here safe, we need a plan to get this sick son of a bitch and finally put an end to him. Drake call up your Prez, get them in church and on loud speaker.” I reached into my leather jacket and pulled out my phone dialling my Prez, I explained to him what we wanted to do and he called everyone to join him.

  “You’re on loud speaker, Prez,” I said.

  “Pipe, let me first thank you for taking good care of my prospect and Ashlyn.”

  “It’s not a problem, let’s get this fucker into the ground. Ideas?” Pipe asked.

  “We need to go and grab this guy from the location that Ashlyn was given, pump him for information,” Drum said.

  “No, he said there would be consequences,” Ashlyn cried.

  “With my techniques I could have him talking within the hour,” Drum boasted.

  “No, he’ll know that he is gone and God knows how many women will turn up the next day,” Ashlyn muttered.

  “We use Ashlyn as bait and coax him out of hiding?” Monkey suggested.

  “Hell no!” I argued, glaring at him.

  “Listen up,” Mason, my VP shouted, trying to get everyone’s attention. “We set a trap, get him or his brothers to follow Drake and Ashlyn and we take them all out. Solar, Toes and I will head up to you tomorrow morning, we’ll work together on this.”

  “Holes, what about Cammie?” Ashlyn asked. “And Harley.”

  “They will be fine, I’ll be home again by night fall.”

  “Pipe, this plan work for you?” Prez asked.

  “It’s a good a plan as any.”

  “My guys will be with you tomorrow.” Prez hung up the phone.

  “What about the eleven o’clock present?” Ashlyn asked, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “We’ll get it done before then.” Rooster said. “I think we need to have a practise run to see if Drake and Ash will be followed.”

  “Good thinking, VP.” Prez added. “Drake and Ashlyn will go out tonight for a ride to see if they are tailed. We need to make sure this plan will work and it won’t if no one follows them.”

  “Prez,” I said in agreement. “Can someone else instead of Ashlyn go?”

  “No, if he’s watching, like the junkie said he was he’ll know it’s not her and then could potentially come to the clubhouse.” Rooster stated.

  “That’s the plan. Drake and Ashlyn will go tonight, nine o’clock.” Prez slammed the gavel down and Ashlyn climbed off my lap and hurried out of the room.

  “Is she likely to do something stupid?” Rooster asked. “Like sneak out to the address she was given?”

  “I’ll keep a close eye on her.” I grabbed my gun and knife out of the plastic drawer and headed into the clubhouse bar where Ashlyn sat.


  “SWEETHEART, I need you to pack a bag for you and Harley,” I said to Cammie as I walked into our bedroom where she was feeding our son.

  “Why? Where are we going?” I climbed onto the bed beside her and kissed her gently on the lips, followed by a soft kiss on the top of Harley’s head.

  “You two are going to Devon.” She went to ask more questions and I cut her off. “It’s club business, sweetheart.”

  “What about the lockdown?” She passed Harley to me to wind him while she covered herself back up.

  “I’ve got to go on a run, I won’t be more than a day but Solar and Toes are coming with me. I’d just be able to concentrate more knowing that you were out of harms way. Blade and the DD can protect you and if something went wrong, no one would know where you two were.”

  “Go wrong? What could go wrong? I can’t lose you, Mason.” She cuddled into my side and nuzzled her face into my neck. I wound my arm around her and the three of us laid down on the bed.

  “I’m going to be fine.”

  “Is it Ashlyn? Are you going to help her?”

  “Sweetheart,” I sighed. I hated having to keep everything from her, but that was how it worked here. Old Ladies never knew club business.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “When do we have to go?”

  “Tonight. I’ll stay with you at Heather and Blade’s and then I’ll be leaving first thing in the morning. Hoping to be home by the evening.”

  “Ok,” she nodded.

  “Thank you.” I exhaled in relief that she didn’t fight it and enjoyed a peaceful moment with my wife and son in my arms.

  “CAM, IT’S TIME TO GO.” I pushed open the bedroom door to see that she was fast asleep. Harley was in his moses basket asleep too. I hated to wake them. I strode over to the bed and climbed on behind her, I wound my arms around her tummy and pulled her close to me.

  “Mmmmmm,” she moaned which had my cock coming to life.

eetheart,” I whispered in her ear. Her body turned to face me and her smile lit up her face as her gorgeous blue eyes found mine. “It’s time to go.”

  “Ok,” she pressed her hand to the back of my neck and encouraged me down to her lips. It was a light, gentle kiss until her tongue traced my bottom lip. As soon as our tongues met, heat shot through me and I used my hand that was on her hip to roll her onto her back. Her legs opened and I settled in between them, pushing my hard cock onto her jean covered pussy. She gasped and I used that moment to deepen the kiss and take control. I angled her head and ran kisses down her neck.

  “Mason,” she moaned. Just as I was about to pop open the button on her jeans and slip my hand inside, Harley chose that moment to wake up and scream.

  “Fuck!” I cursed. I was rock hard and needed a little relief. Cammie pushed me off of her and shot to her feet.

  “Hi, sweetie,” Cammie cooed at him. He let out a wail and she picked him up. “Oh, no, what’s wrong?” She placed him on her chest and rocked him until he calmed down. “There, all better. Mummy’s got you.”

  I groaned and threw my arm over my eyes, willing my hard cock to calm down. I wasn’t getting any action and we needed to be leaving to get to the Devon Destroyers clubhouse.

  “Mase, can you grab his car seat? I’ll just change his nappy real quick and then we can get going. Our bags are packed,” she pointed to the three bags by the door.

  “Shit woman, how long you going for?” I laughed.

  “We need lots of stuff now we have this one.” She tickled his tummy as she re dressed him. “I just need to use the bathroom.” She passed him to me and I got him settled in his car seat.

  “Are you ok to drive? So I can take my bike?” I called out.


  “I’ll meet you in the car, sweetheart.”

  WE ARRIVED at the Devon Destroyers clubhouse an hour after we left Cornwall, Heather didn’t waste any time in stealing Harley from the car seat and cuddling him.

  “Hi, handsome,” she cooed at him as she walked and stood in front of the fireplace.

  “Hey, nice to see you too?” I laughed looking at her. She waved me off with a flick of her hand and I turned towards Blade who was sprawled out on the sofa with the TV remote in his hand.


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