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South Coast Brothers Part 1

Page 70

by Kacey Hamford

I lowered my foot to the floor and used his shoulders to help steady me as I swung my leg over the seat. He took my helmet from me and hung it off his handlebars along with his.

  “How was your first ride, princess?” He stood in front of me and clasped his hands on my hips.

  “A little scary.” I whispered as my eyes dropped to the floor.

  “You’ll get used to it.” He laughed. “Come on.” He grabbed my hand and led me up the path to the front door. A scary looking guy was standing there with his arms folded over his chest.

  “Dan.” Riz nodded at him. He looked us over and then stepped to the side so we could go in. Riz kept hold of my hand and I was surprised at how different the place looked. I glanced over my shoulder to the back rooms and the door was no longer there. It had been boarded up.

  “What happened to the back rooms?” I asked as we stopped near the bar.

  “Prez decided they weren’t needed. Too much danger for the girls.” I nodded in agreement, it was best for the girls but I also knew that a lot of them needed that extra money to survive.

  “Hey, Riz. What can I get you?” I spun around as I heard that voice. “Beauty.” He smiled at me.

  “What’s he doing here?” I asked Riz, not looking at Anton.

  “He works here, princess.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He was one of the guys that was supposed to protect us girls and yet he stood to the side and let Parker attack me, all for some extra money.

  “You trust him to protect these girls?” Because I certainly didn’t. I was now worried about their safety. Would some guy come in and flash a bit of cash at Anton and he’d let them take one of the girls outside and have his way with her. Him working at Skins had me feeling uneasy.

  Riz wrapped his arm around my waist and led me away from the bar.

  “Princess, we recruited new security. Anton was told he could have a job behind the bar only. These girls are very well protected, I promise you.”

  “I don’t like the fact that he is here.”

  “I know, but he has a family to support. He just found out that his wife is pregnant.”

  “At least he’ll be able to buy it something new with the money he made from Parker.” I scoffed.

  “Princess…” Riz started saying when he got cut off.

  “Beauty!” A high pitched voice travelled across the room. I glanced over Riz’s shoulder to see a head full of blonde curls bounding this way. I stepped away from Riz as I was engulfed in a massive hug from Cici.

  “Oh my god, I didn’t know you’d be here.” I smiled at her as we seperated.

  “Yeah, I work here full time now. After what happened to you a few of the girls left. Are you ok?” I smiled and nodded my head.

  “Princess, I’ll just be over there. Stay where I can see you.” I nodded my head before he claimed my lips and ambled over to a couple of men that were dressed in black trousers and white shirts.

  “Mmm, he’s yummy. You finally settled down?” She asked.

  “Yeah. I stopped fighting it and gave in to love.” A big ridiculous smile graced my face as I looked over to Riz.

  “Let’s get a drink.” She steered me over towards the bar and ordered two tequilas.

  “It’s a bit early isn’t it?” I glanced at the clock behind the bar to see that it was just past ten in the morning.

  “It’s never too early.” She picked her glass up and downed the shot. I didn’t touch mine so she swiped that one off the bar top and slung it back her throat.

  “Don’t you want to do something better with your life?” I asked as I looked around at the dark bar.

  “Nope. Oh, I gotta get back to work. Catch up soon.” She hugged me briefly before strutting her way over to a group of lads. Why were they in a strip club so early?

  I was standing with my back against the bar watching a girl I didn’t recognise dance on stage, while I was waiting on Riz to be finished with his business.

  “Hey sexy.” A guy slurred as he stood in front of me. “How about a lap dance.”

  “No.” I shook my head and he advanced on me. Pinning me to the bar, caging me in.

  “If I’m paying for it, then I’ll get what I want.” He growled at me. A cold dread filled my entire body and I began to panic. I looked to my right and Riz was nowhere to be seen. Shit. My breathing became erratic and I thought I was about to hyperventilate when all of a sudden the guy wasn’t there anymore.

  Anton had him held by the front of his shirt.

  “Have you heard of the Devon Destroyers MC?” He asked him. The guy nodded. “Well, you just tried helping yourself to one of their Old Ladies.” Anton looked at me and told me to turn around. I turned my back to show this guy my leather cut.

  “Oh shit.” The guy had turned pale and seemed to sober up rather quickly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any harm.” he held his hands up in surrender.

  “What makes you think you can hit on any woman and she just has to go with it?” I snapped.”No, means no. Asshole.”

  “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “Too right it won’t. You’re not welcome back here.” Anton told him as he dragged him towards the door and kicked him out.

  I breathed a sigh of relief once he was removed and I could see Riz in my sight again. He looked over to me and smiled, holding up his fingers to tell me that he’d be two minutes. I nodded back and smiled at him.

  “You ok?” Anton asked as he rounded back behind the bar.

  “Don’t for one minute think that makes up for what you did previously.” I stated.

  “I don’t. Beauty, I know what I did was wrong and I’m very sorry for that…”

  “I bet the big payout helped.” I cut him off. “How much was I worth anyway?”

  “He gave me five hundred.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him. As I was about to walk away he carried on talking. “I didn’t keep it. I gave it to the local women’s rape and abuse centre.”

  “That clear your conscious, did it? Help you sleep at night?”


  “Good. Because I don’t sleep at night. You know what happens when I close my eyes? I see you stepping aside and letting him drag me in there when I begged and pleaded for help. I feel the heartbreak for the baby that I lost because he was so rough with me. But you were ok, you had a family to go home to and I hear congratulations are in order, a new baby on the way.”

  “He threatened my family. I had to protect them. I’ll never forgive myself for what happened.”

  “Do you know what? I don’t care. I avoided you when you had to stay at the clubhouse and I won’t be back here again. If you happen to see me, steer clear of me. I don’t even want you to talk to me.”


  “Ready to go, princess?” Riz asked as he walked towards me.

  “Yes. Let’s go home.” He flung his arm around my shoulder and said his goodbye to Anton as we walked towards the exit of the club.


  I WOKE up to the glorious sight of Beauty riding my cock. Her tits were bouncing and her eyes were closed. She was sexy as hell and I couldn’t resist pounding up into her. She gasped as her eyes popped open and smiled at me.

  “Again.” She demanded.

  My hands smoothed up her pale thighs until I clasped hold of her hips. I kept her still as my hips jutted forwards. Her mouth formed an ‘o’ shape and I imagined her warm wet mouth surrounding my cock.

  We both moved together, frantic in racing to the finish. I pressed my thumb onto her clit and that made her explode. Her walls were squeezing around and I had to use all the willpower I had to pull out of her and shoot my release over her pale silky skin instead of inside her body like I so desperately wanted to do. But she was right, we had only just stopped fighting our love and we wanted some quality time together before we started extending our family.

  Once her body stopped trembling she fell against my chest and I held her there.

  “Now, that’s a very nice way to wa
ke up.” I chuckled.

  “Glad you approved.” She yawned.

  “No going back to sleep. I have a surprise for you.” I slapped her on the bum and she yelped in surprise, sitting back up, with her legs straddling my hips. I held on to her as I swung my legs over the side of the bed and climbed to my feet.

  “I need to get my dirty girl all clean.” I chuckled.

  I WAS ROUNDING the corner to the bar with a plate full of bacon, eggs and sausage in one hand and a steaming cup of coffee in the other when I heard shouting.

  I threw them on the nearest table and hurried over to where Beauty was standing with her arms wrapped around Naomi.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “I’ve made my decision, I’m not keeping it.” Sara yelled at everyone. “I can’t believe you’re really considering keeping a baby that was made that way.” She said looking at Naomi.

  “It’s not the baby’s fault.” Naomi cried.

  “And what if it comes out looking like one of them?” Becky asked. “Could you really love it then?”

  “I’ve made my decision. I’m not having an abortion.” Naomi stepped away from Beauty, squared her shoulders and looked at the other girls and Heather. “If you can’t support me in my decision and love my baby as much as I will then I can’t stay at that house any longer.”

  “Where will you go?” I asked her.

  “She can stay here, we have the room.” Heather added.

  “I’m here for you, Nay. I’ll help you anyway that I can.” Beauty had formed a close friendship with Naomi and it was clear that Naomi appreciated the support.

  “We’re not saying we won’t help you.” Sara added. “I just don’t know how I’m going to feel about the baby.”

  “It’s not the baby’s fault.” Naomi cried. “And I won’t have him or her feel like it is. The best thing I can do is move out.” She turned to Heather. “I’d like to stay if that’s ok?”

  “Of course, I’ll get the prospects to come over and help pack up your stuff. I’m here for you.”

  “Me too.” Beauty added. “Hospital appointments and classes. I can help with all of those.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled at Beauty and Heather before turning her back on Sara and Becky and walking towards the exit.

  “Have you girls made appointments for abortions?” Heather asked.

  “Yes. We both go in tomorrow.” Becky answered.

  “What about Tia?” Beauty asked. Christ, how many of them were pregnant?

  “She’s not decided yet.” Sara said. “And she’s the one the furthest along. She doesn’t have a lot of time left.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t want to make the decision and soon enough it’ll be too late.” Heather added. “I’ll come over and talk to her today.”

  “We need to get going.” I whispered in Beauty’s ear and she nodded.

  “I just want to check on Nay.” She grasped my hand after saying goodbye to everyone and we headed outside in time to see Naomi getting in the van with the prospects.

  “Come on, princess.” I handed her a helmet and she placed it on her head before climbing on my bike behind me.

  “WHAT’S THIS PLACE?” Beauty asked as she climbed off my bike and removed her helmet. She shook her head upside down to fluff her hair up. It was sexy shit like this that had me hard for her.

  “This is our home.” I whispered in her ear as I wrapped my arms around her tummy and held her against my chest.

  “Really?” She muttered.

  We were standing in front of a detached house that had steps that led up to the front door and a bistro patio set that sat in the sun on a small patio.

  “Come on.” I led her up the steps and unlocked the door. Inside was dusty and a bit damp. Peeling wallpaper was hanging from the walls and the carpets were old and smelly.

  “Um…” The shock look on Beauty’s face wasn’t unexpected.

  “This was my grandparents house. They left it to me when they died. It’s sat empty for some years now. It needs some work but we can make it ours. What do you say?”

  She carried on through the house looking in every room.

  “Are we safe here?” Was she thinking about Parker?

  “I’m installing the top of the range security system, we can also get a dog if that makes you feel more secure? It’s off the beaten path, so not a lot of people even know it’s here.”

  “How will I get to work? Or the shops if I need anything? It’s too far to walk.”

  “You can use my car.”

  “I can’t drive… Wait, you have a car?”

  “Yeah, I don’t use it very often. It’s just been kept here. It may need checking over. We’ll get you some driving lessons. Would you like that?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “But Riz.”

  “Ryder.” I corrected her.

  “Ryder.” She smiled. “I’d like to pay my way too. Help out. But my job is only voluntary work. I’ll tell them I can’t stay there and get another job somewhere.”

  “Princess.” I turned her towards me in the large kitchen and looked her in the eye. “I got a big inheritance. It’ll pay for all of this work to be done and enough for us to live comfortably along with what I get at the club. I want you to do what makes you happy and that’s dancing with those little kids.”

  “I do love it.” She admitted.

  “That’s settled then. We’ll get work started on this place, as soon as possible.”

  “Let’s look upstairs.” Beauty smiled before taking off up the stairs with me followed very closely behind her.


  Six weeks later

  WE WERE all sat in church waiting for the prez to start. He sat down in his seat, slammed the gavel down and turned to me.

  “We’ve had a tip off.” I rose my eyebrows in question. “Solar from the Cornish Crusaders has been in touch. Parker has sold his club ‘Nudes’ to them. He’s taking his family and disappearing to Spain.”

  “And we’re just going to let him leave?” I shouted, slamming my fist into the table.

  “No.” Buzz, the VP added. “Prez and I have been talking. We’ve got a plan in place.”

  “Care to share?” Bear asked.

  I listened carefully as Prez and VP explained what they had discovered and how we were finally going to get our revenge for what he did to my Beauty and who knows how many other women.

  “We set out tonight. Riz, get Beauty back here for the night.”

  “Prez.” I nodded my head and thought that she wouldn’t be happy with that. We had only moved into our home last night. She was happy and content at making our home special for us. She had started driving lessons and was improving quickly, she was really keen to be independant and if we took Parker out of the equation she wouldn’t be constantly looking over her shoulder.

  Prez slammed down the gavel and ordered us all to meet back here at six.

  I headed straight for the bar to look for my girl and she was sitting next to Naomi on the sofa and they were gushing over something in Naomi’s hand.

  “What’s going on?” I asked as I sat on the arm of the sofa next to Beauty.

  “Riz, look at this.” She showed me a photo of a black box and some grey lines.

  “And what exactly am I looking at?” I turned it over in my hands thinking I was holding it the wrong way.

  “That’s Nay’s baby.” She took it out of my hands and turned it up the correct way and pointed out the baby to me.

  “Ah cool.” I said, trying not to sound bored as I handed the picture back.

  “I can’t wait to find out if I’m having a boy or a girl.” Naomi smiled. She was the happiest I had seen her since she’d moved back into the clubhouse.

  “Are you taking me to work?” Beauty asked me.

  “Sure am. But you can drive.” I handed her the car keys and she snatched them out of my hands.

  “Let’s go. Bye Nay. See you tomorrow.”

  “You’ll see her tonight. You ha
ve to stay here tonight.”

  “Why?” She screwed her face up.

  “We’ve got a run to do and the prospects can keep a better eye on you all if you’re in one place.”

  “Yay, we can have a movie and popcorn night.” Naomi smiled.

  “Sounds great. I’ll text the other girls and see if they want to join us.” Naomi’s face dropped and she made an excuse to leave.

  “What was that all about?” I asked Beauty as we walked out of the clubhouse and to the car.

  “Becky, Tia and Sara all got abortions in the end. I think Naomi feels like they won’t accept the baby. She hasn’t really spoken to them much since she moved back into the clubhouse.”

  “That’s a shame. They all seemed close friends.”

  “Exactly, that’s why I want to get them in the same room. Maybe if they see the scan picture they’ll be more understanding.”

  “Maybe you should let them sort it out themselves?”

  “No way. I want to help.” Beauty started the car and drove the short distance to Bluebells dancing school only making a few minor mistakes. I think she was ready for her test.

  BEAR AND ITCH had been on Parker watch all afternoon. When he finally arrived at the club that now belonged to the Cornish Crusaders we moved in on him.

  He was sat at the bar having a drink when I sidled up to him.

  “You’re breaking the restraining order.” He stated, siping on what looked like whiskey.

  “Soon enough you’ll be long gone and it won’t matter.” I smirked.

  Parker looked around as the club went quiet. The dancers had stopped and I looked towards the woman behind the bar and told her to leave.

  “What’s going on?” Parker climbed to his feet when he noticed it was just him and us guys. I stepped towards him and pulled his jacket apart, searching for his phone.

  “You’re going to call your wife and tell her to go ahead to Spain without you. That you’ve been caught up in some business and will be there when you can.”

  “No.” He shook his head. Buzz came up behind him, kicked him in the back of the legs until he fell to the floor and then I pulled my gun out and aimed it at his head.


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