Universal War- the New World

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Universal War- the New World Page 2

by Zunzar Temurde

  He speaks in front of the world as his words are broadcasted all over the world. People are glued to the screen as live broadcast comes in from Mauritius.

  At the MI9 headquarters the news is displayed on a TV. A woman in a suit walks in the office. She is wearing an id card on which is written MI9 Agent Mirana Clarke. As she moves in and looks towards the TV showing the current status of Mauritius, she stops and her face goes pale. She is none other than Zunzar’s girlfriend who was with him in the morning. Mirana looks at the TV and closes her eyes to pray for Zunzar.


  8 Soldiers walk in a room and stand in front of Ishaan. Ishaan turns toward them and puts his hands on the table in front of him. He looks up towards the soldier and takes a deep breath.

  “You all know why you have gathered here” Ishaan says as he looking at the screen below him.

  “Yes, Sir” Raff says with a stiff posture, literally like a soldier

  “Our team has been assigned a recon mission. You guys move in after the 1st frontiers are in their position. Once you gather information on the enemy you move out of the location to the extraction point. One more thing to remember, try not to engage with the enemy as much as possible. Your main objective is to bring info and nothing else, understood!”

  “Yes, Sir!” Everyone in unison

  “Good, except Raff everyone can leave”

  “Sir, anything urgent?”

  “Why do you ask, Sargent”

  “I was going to call my wife”

  “Okay, just so you know, my best friend is in there, so if you find him there bring him back to safely.”

  “Sure, Sir”

  “here, take this photo with you”

  “Yes Sir” Raff takes a photo of Ishaan and Zunzar

  “You may join the others now”

  Raff stomps his feet and turns around to move out of the room. Ishaan glances towards him and goes back to his own work.

  At the Air base to the north of Mauritius, many soldiers are lining up in formations ready to enter the battlefield. They are the 1st Frontiers, a regiment solely made for the purpose of 1st response to any enemy. Planes fly in as they move south to patrol around the city, with UAVs flying in the front. The Air Base is chaotic due to so many noises but that chaos has a tune to it, after all it’s a military base so soldiers are bound to behave in unison. As per the orders the entire island of Mauritius is declared a restricted zone and army is already in position inside.

  The portal zags a little and something starts coming out of it. It looks really massive in size, most probably a spaceship but from where?

  It emerges from the portal and hovers over the city. Its shadow covers the entire city as the goliath of a ship hovers in the massive sky, redefining everything mankind has ever known. Screeching sounds comes from the ship as it opens some panels on the side. A lot of tiny pods free fall to the ground from the ship. They crash land in the city below. The pods open up and many monstrous looking aliens come out of it and start firing at anyone in their sights. In no time the city turns in to a battlefield as the 1St frontier forces move in. The city is turned to ashes and chaos as the aliens and humans fight each other. Squad X as planned gets ready to move in and sits in their special vehicle MOW or Man of War. MOW is an advanced military vehicle capable of transporting 12 people including the driver which has high tech guns attached to it. Enough fire power to destroy 20 tanks with 200 foot-soldiers. MOW is the pride of Squad X but it is still a prototype which is yet to be perfected. MOW is all terrain and fully armoured. MOW moves out towards the city.

  Well, in all this chaos Zunzar is running around in the city, trying to keep himself safe. He comes around a park and runs in the bushes nearby.

  A beaming sound enters Zunzar’s ears and he turns towards its direction and pops his head out of the bush. A beam is projected on the open ground near him. Many aliens standing around the beam are wearing a polished armour which looks really cool by the standards of human. They are each holding guns in both of their arms and close to the body. They look strong and buffed with armour on. The beam vanishes into the space ship and the aliens surrounding it move away. What comes from the ship is a being slightly taller than the rest with a black rob around his head. His eyes glow red while his armour shines black with golden decals on it. His body quite stiffer and stronger than others. A Black Cloak on his back with a gold embroidery on it. He looks nothing like the soldiers surrounding him. The spear in his hand has a luminous glow to it. He walks in front of the soldiers towards the centre of the city. Zunzar watches him through the bushes and thinks inside his mind for a while and moves behind them while staying out of their sights.

  Whatever Zunzar has planned in his mind, its sure he hasn’t thought that through. Squad X rolls into the city and leaves the MOW behind. Raff moves out in the front and raises his hand to signal the MOW to move back.

  “We move out from the east to the centre of the city. Air support reported a beam appearing near it. Stay Sharp and Stay close.”

  “Roger That” Squad X says in unison.

  A drone flies behind Squad X as they move forward. The Drone has a camera in front, which follows the movement of the soldiers. The camera is connected to the HQ at New York where Ishaan is stationed. This particular drone was made for Ishaan’s Squad X to monitor their movements in their missions across the globe. Ishaan, sitting on his desk observes them as they proceed with their mission. He is flipping a pen in his one hand while looking at the screen. Ishaan is known for his tactical skill in the entire UN, he is possibly the best there is. He seems calm yet a slight nervousness can be noticed on his face. Five members of Squad X are sitting in front of him slightly lower than his level helping the squad to co-ordinate, through the help of computers, satellite network and access to UN database.

  Meanwhile, Zunzar is following the Golden-black armoured alien and his squad which is on its way to the centre of the city. He hides inside a building and watches from a distance as the aliens assemble in a circle around the golden guy. Zunzar peaks from the window and suddenly the golden guy becomes alert, as if he sensed Zunzar. Zunzar quickly puts his back on the wall and hides as he suddenly gets chills on his body. The Golden guy turns his head towards the window and stares at it, Zunzar breathes heavily as his heart starts pounding faster. The Golden guy stares long and then raises his spear and stomps it on the ground. Every soldier around him moves out and he stands there still. The silence in that area becomes creepy. Zunzar slowly sits down and crawls out of the room, away from the golden guy. A loud sound of a machine turning on gives creep to Zunzar and he stops right in his tracks.

  “What the heck is that? Got to take a look”

  Zunzar moves back to the window and slowly peaks out of the window.

  A huge machine is standing in front of the guy with the golden armour. It looks like some kind of drill. Zunzar watches it awe struck by its size.

  “This drill thing looks like a problem to me, what is he even trying to do. I have to contact Ishaan now”

  Zunzar sits down while keeping his back towards the wall and rests on it while sitting down on the floor. He takes out his phone and hastily opens the screen lock. He desperately taps on the phone to get network. BOOM! An explosion occurs and entire floor on which Zunzar is collapses. Smoke and dust everywhere as the entire thing come down and visibility becomes nil.

  Slowly the dust clears and Zunzar is lying in the corner safely, unharmed. He slowly gains consciousness and everything appears blurry as he still tries to adjust to the situation. To his vision, he sees Squad X firing at the golden guy and the aliens around him. One member of Squad X comes near Zunzar and Sits in front of him. He says something but Zunzar is unable to hear him as his hearing is yet to recover due to the concussion. He seems to ask for help from the fellow squad members but Zunzar seems to have been stunned by the blast and then he grabs him and takes him to safety. He gains consciousness and Raff sitting beside him turns towards him.

/>   “Hey, Zunzar, are you okay?”

  “Yeah... I am fine” He says as he tries to get up

  “Listen, we will cover for you”

  “What? Wait a second how do you know my name?”

  “this is not the time to ask such things, OK. Move out of here on my signal”

  “Ok, but just tell me what is going on”

  “Just GO!” Raff stares at Zunzar in anger and holds his shoulder with his right hand. Zunzar goes numb for a moment and then nods his head in agreement.

  The golden Guy stands there harmless, the bullets fly off of his armour without even leaving a scratch. He raises his spear with his right arm, the spear starts to generate something from its peak. An energy sphere forms around the point of the spear and he points it in Squad X’s position. Raff and Zunzar’s eyes open wide with shock and Zap! The energy from the spear gets released and within a second Raff pushes Zunzar out of the area. Zunzar looks towards him as Squad X gets blown away from the energy of the spear.

  Everything clears and Zunzar picks himself up to look at the horrific scene in front of him. The entire Squad X wiped out by single blow of the Golden Guy. Zunzar shakes in fear and turns towards him. His eyes watery and his lips jittering.

  ‘I am not getting out of here alive. Well it was a bad day indeed.’

  Zunzar thinks while standing in front of him or rather his demise. Zunzar’s body goes numb from the fear that creeps inside of him. Unable to do anything and nowhere to hide he prays for himself and waits for golden guy to end him. He closes his eyes and the sound of energy surging through the spear reaches him. His demise imminent.

  The energy releases through the spear but it gets blocked before reaching Zunzar. Zunzar opens his eyes due to the disturbance occurring in front of him. What he sees shocks him even more than he was shocked a moment before. A guy in similar clothing as the golden guy blocking its energy with two swords. His aura surely more powerful than the one trying to kill Zunzar. The energy from the spear stops and Heroic guy stands between him and Zunzar. Suddenly 7 more gold armoured guys of different height and body drop out of nowhere and stand behind the guy with the swords.

  “Enough! You have displeased enough Rozok, you are coming with us”

  “Boss!” He seems shocked by their arrival.

  One of the 8, turns around to look at Zunzar.

  “What about this guy?”

  Sword Guy glances with the corner of his eye without turning back “Take him”

  Zunzar stands there looking awestruck by their appearance. One of them walks and stands near him. He looks at Zunzar and BAM! Punch to the face, knocking him out. One of them picks up Zunzar and his bag falls on the ground. Rozok drops on his knees as the sword guy approaches him.

  “It shouldn’t have come to this” He says disappointingly

  A Portal opens and they all walk in it. Sword guy stops right in front of the portal and glances at a distance.

  Ishaan watches the entire scenario from the drone and stands in his position. His face turns pale and his breathing fast. His fist grips tighter and face shows agitation and regret. Pen in his hand breaks by the sheer force of his hand. He seems troubled by the fact that his best friend was taken by someone he can’t possibly fight.

  Ishaan reaches for his phone on the desk. His hands shake and the phone falls on the floor. He leans to pick it up and looks at his palm. Blood on his entire palm by the pen he just broke. He feels pain yet he doesn’t bother. He picks up the phone and starts typing something when one of the assistants comes near him

  “Sir, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I will be back, just a minute” Ishaan stands up and composes himself. He walks out of the room and closes the door. He taps on the phone and it starts ringing. 1st ring, 2nd ring, 3rd ring and someone picks the call


  Ishaan puts the phone on his ear “Hey, it’s Ishaan”

  “You sound pale, anything serious?”

  “Zunzar’s gone”

  “Wait...what? Zunzar...” Mirana looks towards the screen showing the news.

  “Yeah, he got abducted by the aliens”

  “No... NO... this can’t be happening”

  “It’s true, I saw the whole thing happen”

  Ishaan’s face turns depressed and sad,

  “Ok, I am on my way to New York”

  Mirana hangs the phone…

  To Be Continued…



  Zunzar is lying in a very dark yet vibrant place. His eyes slowly open as he regains consciousness. He sits upright on the bed and looks down on the floor. Suddenly he realises that he was knocked out by someone.


  ‘Wait a second, I was knocked out, where am I?’

  I look around and notice unfamiliar environment around myself.

  ‘This room seems pretty advanced. Maybe I should look around a bit.’

  I notice a very different vibe in the room. The furniture seems rather old school and the bed I am sitting on is more like an extension in the wall. The walls are metallic and have a reddish hue to it. There are no lights and fan but rather a neon crack in the wall lighting the room while vents sending fresh air inside.

  I stand up and start walking in the room and look at a pot kept on a table in front of me. Curiously, I walk towards it to take a look.

  ‘fruits, well not bad for what they did to me or they are going to’

  I laugh at myself. Suddenly the door of the room opens and a female with two monstrous looking huge guards enter the room. The guards are armoured from top to bottom and have a long sword in one hand while a shield hanging on their back. The female in pure black clothing, her clothing is kind of revealing and seductive and her appearance indeed majestic and beautiful. Her black outfit is little longer than her height and thus is spread on the floor a bit. Her skin tone pure white and her hairs pure black. Her eyes sharp and elegant with dark juicy lips smiling at me. The guards indistinguishable. I stare at them and move a step back. I clench my fists. She keeps looking at me and moves a step forward.

  “You are awake” She says politely. Her voice like nightingale herself.

  “Yeah...” I reply awkwardly.

  “Our lord has asked for you, I, the maiden of Dark lord, am here to escort you to the Grand hall, please come with us”


  Who is dark lord? I hope I am not in some kind of mess. Wait I am in a mess already’ I am pretty scared and curious at the same time and somehow, I am keeping my cool without freaking out. I mean frankly speaking who would have expected this to happen. Somehow, I am excited to see what will happen next.

  “Follow us, then” The maiden says and turns around and I freak the hell out but I maintain a straight face. The dress she was wearing was seductive indeed but to my horror her back had wings of demon on it. She is literally a demon for god sakes. For once I thought I was dead and somehow, I ended up in hell, like actual hell from the bible. This is going to be one hell of a trip…

  New York – Earth,

  Ishaan walks to a bench and sits on a side of it. He puts a file in the middle of the bench and folds his legs. He takes out his phone and starts reading something on it. A lush garden surrounds the area and people walk on it while kids play all sorts of sport on it. Mirana sits on the other side of the bench and looks in her bag.

  “You know what happened?” Mirana asks

  “Yes, but I need you to do something before we talk about him”

  “Okay, what is it?”

  “This file has a memory card of Zunzar, he left it in the bag which my subordinates brought from the scene. It contains some documents about something called as Project Exodus, any idea what that might be?”

  “Never heard of it. Why the memory card though?”

  “It has a message for you in it. I don’t know what he was planning but I guess he wanted us to see something”

  “Okay, I will look into it.”

  “Yeah, I will find him Mirana, even if it means travelling half way across the universe.”

  Ting! A message pops on Ishaan’s phone. He checks the message and it reads,

  ‘Sir, the coffee you asked for is not available and they are asking me if you want something else. It would be convenient if you come and speak with them yourself because they don’t seem to understand me’


  ‘The head of UN has called you immediately and the matter is kind of serious, please come quick, Red 2 out’

  “You have to go somewhere?” Mirana says as she looks at Ishaan’s face.

  “I have a date” Ishaan says sarcastically

  Translation ‘Boss is calling’

  “Good luck with that.” Mirana understands his tone and picks up the file.

  She leaves the place and Ishaan too. She walks in the park to reach to her car.

  ‘I hope he is okay. I don’t want to lose you, Zunzar’ Mirana says to herself


  I enter a big room, with the maiden, decorated with flags, banners, chandeliers and vase. The room looks much more like a creepy abandoned wedding hall. At the end of the room is a huge chair which depicts a throne made of skull design. A huge figure sitting on that chair and a person standing right beside him, while a three headed dog like creature sitting behind the chair larger than anything I have seen before. My fear grows as I see what sits on the throne. A huge evil looking guy with scaled arms and a very heavy old school armour. Glowing red eyes and a broad and very muscular build. Beside him a man standing in a sage like outfit. With all the robes and his hands folded on the chest. The beast in the background sitting peacefully while a trail of magma flows like a waterfall behind all of it.


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