Universal War- the New World

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Universal War- the New World Page 3

by Zunzar Temurde

  ‘This is not going to end well’ I think while standing in front of the mysterious person.

  “My lease, I have him in front of you” The maiden says as she bows down in front of him.

  “You may leave, as for you human” He changes his eye contact towards me which makes me straighten myself

  “Let me introduce myself, I am Dark Lord, the Ruler and Keeper of Hell”

  I stand still, unable to move as I think of a way to present myself. I rest my left knee on the ground and put my right hand on the thigh of right knee. I bow my head. I start sweating in fear as I keep gazing at the floor hoping to somehow just be alive.

  ‘God, save me this time and I promise I won’t be roaming jobless again, my head’s going to roll, shit! Please save me’

  “Rise, Zunzar” Dark lord commands with a slightly polite tone.

  I stand up as I notice that Dark lord actually knows my name. I look at him as I notice how deadly his eyes are. Without thinking for a second I say

  “I am Zunzar from earth… and… and…” I suddenly feel embarrassed about myself as I am unable to say anything which would make me look like I stand a chance…

  UN - Earth,

  Ishaan enters the room filled with people wearing high end suits and sitting in their chairs with serious looks on their faces. Ishaan sits among them. He is the youngest and yet one of the smartest in the room filled with old men. The head of UN enters with his delegates.

  The same old grumpy man with an attitude like he owns the world all to himself. Ishaan looks towards them. One of the delegates and Ishaan share eye contact as the head sits on his chair. Ishaan draws his attention back to his laptop in front of him. The tension in the room is clearly visible on the faces of everyone.

  “It’s been 3 days since the attack on Mauritius and from what we have gathered. The attack was not meant to defeat us but rather it was to find something. They were surely looking for something on earth, which our scientists are now finding the answers for. Second thing I would like to address that this attack has shown us two things on which the UN needs to work. Extra-terrestrial life form exists and we are not prepared to defend against them, as clearly seen during the Mauritius operation. The threat is real and thus UN has decided to form a special division for such encounters.” The head of UN starts off.

  “Sir, that is not the only concern, they just flew off without doing much and whatever they were planning to achieve didn’t happen. Which suggests they will try again” One of council member speaks.

  “Yes, this is possible and thus the new division Space Defence Corps aka SDC has been formed under the direct supervision of Mr. Taksh present here with us” Head of UN answers.

  “SDC will control all the extra-terrestrial subjects of the world. Now that aliens are real SDC will do what the world’s forces can’t. Any more questions?”

  “Our best squad was wiped out in one blow by an unknown being whose strength is unparalleled to an army, so how are we going to deal with creatures like them?” A member asks

  “Squad X was indeed the best of the best and their extinction has costed UN a lot. We are currently working on the way to use their technology against them. I hope that we will soon put together a squad more powerful than Squad X and hopefully they will provide much better results”

  The argument on the topic continues as the council tries to figure out new rules for the UNSDC (United Nations Space Defence Corps).

  Mirana enters her apartment and puts her keys on the table. She puts her purse and takes the file with her to the living room and keeps it on the table beside her laptop. She goes in the kitchen and opens her refrigerator door. Takes out a pot and pours some milk in a cup. She sets up the kettle and goes in the living room. Sits on the couch and takes the file and starts reading. As she goes through the document, her mood saddens and she rests back on her couch while resting her head on the back support. She looks up to the ceiling and sighs.


  I stand along with 8 other person who are all shady and the same 8 who picked me from earth.

  “Zunzar, meet your new legion and comrades, the members of the Dark Order. From now on, you shall serve under my command. Before we start meet your leader ‘Raiken’” Dark lord points his finger towards Raiken, who happens to be the person who saved my life when I was almost going to get perished by the energy beam of the spear.

  “With all due respect, my lease, I will not accept such a weakling to be in The Dark Order” Raiken says as he bows down and glares at me.

  “Raiken, you have to teach him the way of Dark Order and I will not allow you to disobey me” Dark Lord says as his voice goes deep.

  “But he is a human, and he can’t possibly possess strength like us” still bowing down.

  “Raiken, his world was threatened by one of my legions and I would like to repay them by turning him into their guardian. Now, go and turn him into a member of Dark Order”

  “Yes, My Lord” Raiken not so happy with the decision or rather not so happy with me around…

  Raiken stands up and looks toward me and all that I can think off right now is that he seems to be a very dangerous person who belittles humankind. My brain is filled with questions which makes me wonder, what’s going to happen next?

  “Let’s go, Human, I got no time to waste. Others go back to what you were doing” Raiken says while looking towards me.

  “Yes, boss” Other members of Dark order respond.

  Raiken starts walking and I have no choice but to follow him wherever he plans to take me. I start walking towards a door on the right with Raiken walking in front of me. I just look at him and wonder how strong he is and how cold he acts. Well, not just that, I am curious what Dark lord wants from me. I mean, is turning me into a warrior do any good. I wonder…

  Dark lord leans back on the throne and stares in the darkness on the ceiling.

  “My Lease, this is indeed interesting but even I don’t understand why are you doing this?” His Advisor standing on the side asks

  “Rhenheim, I just want to see what he is capable off, I believe you have noticed it too, the fire that burns within him” Dark Lord answers

  “My lease, I am much more interested to see how a human and a Centinal will get along” Rhenheim says as he smirks while looking at the door.


  Mirana reaches the end of file and notices a memory card on it. She takes the memory card and opens her laptop. She inserts the card and opens the folder.

  ‘Videos? For what?’ She thinks…

  She clicks on one of the videos. The video opens and someone adjusts the camera on the screen he then sits back and he is none other than Zunzar.

  “8 October 2019 is the date and I am still trying to figure out what to do about my project.” Zunzar put his hand on his chin and thinks

  “Well, it’s not entirely mine but still I got to figure it out. Ah, this video is not about the project but rather where it is and what it is all about. Ever since I started to understand the world around me, I have noticed a few things wrong with it and I want to change them.” He leans back while resting his arms

  “It all started back when I was a kid and since then I have been trying to make it happen. Unfortunately, I was wrong to get my hopes high. The people I am working with right now are good as an individual but as a team they are a failure and this failure is a sign that what I want to change in the world first needs to be implemented on them. If you are watching this video it means that I failed to do so. This team is capable of achieving what mankind can’t in the next 20 or so years. Their differences keep them from achieving it. But I am making this clip to make sure that all is not lost and I hope that at least this file will be able to do what I was not able to.” Zunzar leans towards the camera

  “The only person who can find my project is Mirana. She is the one who can find it. And this is the hint that she needs to find it. The only place in the world which is precious to us both and we have the best mem
ories there.” He smiles

  “If Mirana hears this she will understand what I mean. She is the only person in the world who can find my project besides me. That’s all I want to say. I hope this video is not showcased but just in case it is, we have long way to go.” Zunzar stops the recording.

  The video ends. Mirana pulls back and leans on the couch again.

  ‘Special place for us. Well, I know where it is but is it even possible that he would keep it there. I have to call Ishaan and tell him that I know where it is.’

  UNHQ New York - Earth,

  “In the light of recent events, Ishaan, the council has come to a decision that you are unfit to lead any further operations” The head of UN speaks…

  “I understand why these allegations have been brought on me but I would like the council to reconsider their decision.” Ishaan replies

  The council starts whispering to each other and Ishaan just stands in front of them trying to keep them calm. He senses the buzz on his phone but the event happening in front of him keeps him from doing anything about it.

  “We have come to our decision. The council sees that you have an excellent record and trusts you but since the recent event which involved your best friend, the council sees that you have made a move while keeping your personal agenda in the light and as your priority. We have no choice but to suspend you.” Head of UN ends his words with that and Ishaan has no choice but to leave the room without saying a word. He nods his head in agreement and turns back to leave. he comes out of my room and looks at his phone. Mirana tried to call him. He calls her back. She picks up in the first ring

  “Hey, you saw it, right” Ishaan says

  “Yeah, I know where the project is”



  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I am booking the tickets”

  “Okay, I will go and pack my bags, see you then”

  “Okay, bye”

  Ishaan hangs the phone and start walking towards the elevator. Home, is where Ishaan has spent most of the time with Zunzar. Brings back memories. He is wondering how it looks now, 2 years have passed since he last visited. he hopes mom doesn’t get mad at him.

  A little smile appears on Ishaan’s face as he is into the memory lane…


  I arrive at a place which looks like colosseum of Rome but with some changes like the colosseum here looks much more complete. I enter from one of the gates and stand at the entrance while Raiken walks in the front.

  I am just looking around, wondering what is this place. Surely it has something to do with fighting because the ground in the centre has sand on it. While I am busy looking at the scene around me Raiken is doing something in the centre of the arena. I get lost in my own imagination when Raiken calls

  “Zunzar, we are not here for sightseeing. Come here quick”

  I am brought back to my senses and I run towards Raiken. He turns and machine comes out of the ground which has all sorts of weapon attached to it. He Removes his hood and for the first time I get to see his face. He looks handsome in a way. He has facial structure similar to ours but his skin colour is bluish. He has straight hairs going backwards till his shoulders. Sharp ears just like the elves have, glowing red eyes and his canines out of his mouth. Even though they are very small they are out just like vampires. I am just staring at his face like an idiot…

  “Choose your poison” Raiken says and I look towards the weapons kept in front,

  “What is this place?” I question as I look at the weapons to choose one.

  “Pit of Eternal War, a sacred place. This is where every Dark Order member has become a warrior. Things are different here and only Dark Lord can provide access to this place”

  “So, it’s like a training arena” I reply as I pick a battle axe out of the mix.

  “No, not just an ordinary arena. Let me explain you the rules here. Firstly, time works differently here, 1 minute in real world equals 10 hours in this arena. Secondly, you will not feel any fatigue even after working for hours continuously, in order to help you train till eternity. Third and last one, you will not die in here even if I cut you in a million pieces. Now, let’s begin the training” Raiken says and jumps on me while plunging his sword straight at me.

  The blade stabs me in the belly and miraculously I don’t bleed. I look at my belly for a while and the wound disappears on its own. I am in total shock as I never expected such thing to happen, in fact I didn’t even think that it is possible. I look at Raiken with confusion.

  “This is how we train in this pit. Now COME AT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE GOT!!”

  I tighten the hold on my battle axe and charge right at Raiken with it. He takes a stand and waits for the strike…

  New York - Earth,

  Ishaan is waiting at the airport for Mirana. He looks at his watch and then looks around to see if she is at the airport or not. A taxi halts in front of him and he looks at it with a smirk on his face. Mirana comes out of the taxi and pays her fare to the driver. The car takes off from there.

  “So, I am late I guess” Mirana says to Ishaan.

  “Well, at least you are here before the flight” Ishaan responds.

  “I have already arranged everything, just that, I don’t know what to tell his mom” Mirana says as her face turns sad.

  “I will handle that, but what’s more concerning for me is that everyone on ‘that’ group is involved in the project” Ishaan responds while emphasizing.

  “Well, if that’s what Zunzar wishes for, we have to make it happen” Mirana says while keeping her hand on Ishaan’s shoulder

  “Yeah, that idiot’s probably cursing me now”

  “Where’s your Badge?” Mirana says as she notices it missing.

  “Oh, you noticed, I thought everything’s invisible for you except Zunzar” Ishaan looks at her with a very vicious intent.

  “What? I am a special agent. What happened to you?” Mirana looks agitatedly

  “Well, I was fired because I went out of my way to help Zunzar. UN council thought of it as a reckless behaviour and suspended me from the force.”

  “You had it rough, but it wasn’t your fault” Mirana says still agitated…

  “But they see it that way, so no choice but to comply and leave”

  “I hope this project is what you think it is” Mirana says doubtfully


  “Let’s go we have a flight to catch.”

  Mirana and Ishaan walk in the airport. Both of them owe a lot to Zunzar and thus both worry about him a lot. They are busy trying to unwrap what went through Zunzar’s mind back then while he is learning how to fight a long way from home…

  Pit of Eternal War – Hell,

  I swing my axe and Raiken blocks it from the right side. The blades rub against each other as both of us try to push each other back. Raiken side steps me and points his blade straight at me. I swoop down on the knees and grab his leg. Raiken aligns himself to avoid falling and I get up to swing from the top at him. Raiken swiftly puts his blade between the axe and my head and blocks the attack. I try to put pressure on him but Raiken kicks in the gut and puts me out of balance. My defence breaks and Raiken kicks me on the face sending me few feet away down on the ground.

  “Well, you improved a lot. I have to say you learn pretty quick” Raiken says as he sheaths his blade and gives a hand to me.

  “Thanks, I guess playing video games helps a lot” I reply as I take his hand and stand up

  “There is a lot to learn but I guess you can keep your head safe.”

  “Mind if I ask a question?” my curiosity kicks in


  “What is Dark Order anyway?”

  “We are the keepers of the universal balance. It’s our duty to keep the balance from tipping off to one side”

  “Ok, universal balance…” I have no idea what it means

  “But we are not the only ones who maintain it, on the other s
ide of the balance is the Oracle. Heaven’s personal keepers of balance.”

  “Oracle? So, we are at war with them, then” I wonder

  “No, our job is different. We don’t come at each other.” Raiken’s facial expressions change and I can’t help but notice a story behind it. While we are walking back to Dark lord, we have time to talk about this and I personally need to know what exactly I am being dragged into.

  “I sense a story here, care to explain” I say as firmly as possible to at least get a bit out of him.

  “Perceptive, well if you want to listen, I have to tell”

  “Anytime” I am glad I asked. Maybe I will get to know what is this scenario.

  “So, long ago Heaven and Hell were at war which went on for ages. But one day, the war suddenly ended with a draw. A pact was formed between Heaven and Hell that, they won’t interfere between each other. After that, there was silence from both the sides but little did they know that both had prepared a special unit to do the work for them. The work simply being the maintenance of balance so that no single being would become powerful enough to tip the balance and flow of universe. But for how long that would go on was the question.”

  “So, did anything Happen?” my curiosity started sprouting out of my mind.

  “Yes, one day The Oracle and Dark Order coincidently crossed swords with each other not knowing who they belonged to. Blood was shed and Heaven and Hell answered blood with blood. The pact was broken. After that, Dark lord came to power and negotiated with the All Father of Heaven to stop the war. A new pact was made but the members lost that day caused something even worse.”


  “The tipping of balance. But it was soon restored and till now the pact remains intact. Oracle and Dark Order are allowed to do their job on one condition. Not to spill each other’s blood. So, no matter what, we have to cooperate with Oracle if we happen to cross paths.”


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