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Beg For Mercy (Fate's Vultures, #2)

Page 12

by Jami Gray

  She closed the door behind her, being careful to keep it quiet, but still flinching at the soft click of the latch. Stupid since the hum of the old tech made enough noise to leave her jittery. Didn’t help that the tiny electronic lights added to the room’s weird glow. That glow was enough for her to navigate to the keyboard squatting under the non-cracked monitor.

  When the Free People took control of the dams, they also took control of the old power station just outside Page. This, thankfully, meant Navajo City had power, not just wind, water and solar, but the electric kind. When they gathered in this room earlier, she tagged the computers, recognised the code for what it was—a gateway to what was left of the internet, an old technology that didn’t stretch anywhere near what it used to. But she didn’t need it to. Granted, she was taking a hell of a chance, but she just needed to get a message to the server in New Seattle.

  As soon as her fingers hit the space bar, the monitor lit up and a soft sigh of relief escaped. Typing in the commands she memorised years ago for just such a situation, she let out a relieved breath when it worked. Before it could disappear (because this kind of thing was spotty at best) she typed, keeping her coded message short. If anyone other than its intended recipient saw it, it wouldn’t make sense. Message complete, she sent it off. Taking just enough time to ensure it was truly out in the ether, she backtracked to the door. She waited until the monitor blacked out before turning the knob and opening the door just enough to check the hall. Not that the sliver of opening gave much of a view, but she waited, trusting that sixth sense that never failed to alert her if she wasn’t alone.

  It stayed quiet.

  She slipped out, being just as careful closing the door as she had been opening it. Which meant she left it unlocked. By the time that was discovered she’d be long gone, or it would be written off as someone forgetting to set it. The floor was cool against her bare feet as she all but ran back down the hall. Coming to the corner, she paused, checked for incoming, and when the shadows remained still, began heading back.

  She was almost to the end of the hall when her internal warning system flickered, and her luck broke.

  The shadows separated rocking her to a halt. Anxious alarm hit. Dammit to hell! With a split second to choose, she pivoted on her heel to run. Fuck brazening it out. She didn’t get far. A thick arm wrapped around her waist, trapping her arms. Her soft grunt was muffled by a heavy hand wrapping over her mouth. The familiar scent of male heat and temper filled her nose, so she didn’t bother struggling.

  Her feet left the ground as she was lifted. A bit of wrangling, then a shoulder hit her stomach. Hanging over Havoc’s shoulder, she braced her hands against his bare waist, being careful to avoid the cut. The arm around her thighs tightened and then he was down the hall back towards the kitchen. Her nails curled in and she pinched his side—hard. A soft hiss of air and a sharp slap on her ass followed.

  He continued towards her room, obviously wanting privacy before he interrogated her. And he would. It was going to suck because if it was up to her, she’d share. In fact, thanks to all she learned during the last couple of days, it was getting harder and harder to keep her secrets, but they weren’t hers to give. The only thing stopping her was imagining her boss’s temper tantrum if she opened her mouth. Yeah, not a pleasant thought.

  So caught in her head she barely registered when they hit her bedroom or that she was absently stroking his back just above the edge of his pants. Havoc didn’t give her a chance to refocus, tossing her on the bed. She hit the bed with a bounce, the sound of the door closing lost as she tried to catch her breath and shove her tangled hair from her face to glare at Havoc.

  Her mouth opened, but he didn’t give her time to say a word. For a big man, he moved fast. He was on the bed, pinning her in place with his weight, his arms braced on either side of her shoulders, leaning in, his face thunderous. It wasn’t right but the feel of him against her set her body alight. Given no choice she ended up flat on her back, watching him warily. Her hands went to his shoulders, but even she couldn’t tell if it was to push him away or drag him closer.

  ‘Who’d you contact, Mercy?’

  Her breath stalled as the vibration of his rumble raced through her, leaving her blinking. Angry or not, that was damn sexy.

  His head dipped closer, his unbound hair falling forward. Colour rode under his angled cheekbones and fury left an unholy light in his eyes.

  Oh shit, he was beyond pissed. It made her squirm, which made the chaos in her body worse. Something he stilled quick with a shift of hips that left him pressed hard and thick against the ache blooming between her legs. Oh dear God! She swallowed an inappropriate whimper as nerves kicked in, and tried to wrangle her lust back into its hidey hole. It didn’t work. Her tongue darted out to wet her dry lips.

  He caught the movement and his face tightened. ‘Who?’

  Since lying wasn’t on her agenda, she went with her best option—silence. She shook her head. He growled, the noise giving her lust added incentive to stick around. Fighting her body’s need and the temptation to move this situation in a completely different direction, she stilled, her fingers curling into his solid shoulders. It wouldn’t take much, considering she could feel his rising reaction to their position. Not that she was opposed to following it through, but wrong time and all that.

  His jaw flexed and something she couldn’t read washed through his face. Heat filled her face, but she couldn’t look away because the muscles under her hands shifted and he leaned in until all she could see was him. Feel him. ‘Talk.’

  ‘And say what?’ Her question came out unintentionally husky. She couldn’t help it. Hell, right now she was thrilled she could actually speak.

  ‘Who did you reach out to?’ It came out between gritted teeth, his breath hot against her face.

  It was too much. Trying to fight him on two levels. Something had to give. So she gave a piece. ‘My boss.’

  His dark gaze roamed over her face. When it came back to hers, he demanded, ‘Name.’


  ‘Goddammit, Mercy.’ Frustration sparked by disappointment and edged in temper twisted his face into a scowl while his eyes went hard.

  That look stung so when she felt his body tense, she knew she was going to lose something she wasn’t ready to lose. ‘I can’t!’ It was pure reaction, not thought, that had her hands cupping his face, holding him even as he reared back. His scruff was surprisingly soft against her palms. It urged her to pet and she wanted to, but this was too important, and she needed him to hear her, to not give up on her. Not yet. Her hands held him in place and she lifted her head from the bed, her neck tight as she leaned up as close as she could. ‘I know you can’t, but you have to trust me, Havoc.’

  He didn’t move, but his nostrils flared even as the lines on his face deepened. ‘Hard to do when you’re sneaking the fuck around.’

  Okay, yeah, she’d give him that, so she gave another piece and prayed her ass would be in one piece when her boss found out. ‘My boss won’t interfere with you and yours.’

  ‘You don’t know that.’ Suspicion made his voice sharp.

  ‘Yeah, I do.’ And she did. But because trust was earned and in the short time they spent together, he had earned hers, but her for him? Well, the situation being what it was, made it downright difficult. Then, listening to her gut (or something a tad higher and rusty from lack of use), she went against years of experience and made the first offering, shifting her balance on that thin line of loyalty to this side of shaky. A decision she couldn’t, wouldn’t, explain, not even to herself. ‘Those answers you—’ then she corrected, ‘—no, the Vultures want, so does my boss. If it was up to me, I’d put you two in the same damn room and make you both share.’

  His dark eyes narrowed, and she couldn’t help notice (since she was so damn close) how thick his lashes were. ‘So let me talk to him.’

  God, he was so damn stubborn. Her hands tightened on his jaw. ‘That’s what I’m
trying to arrange.’

  He blinked obviously not expecting that answer. ‘Say again?’

  Certain he wasn’t going anywhere and was finally willing to listen, she let her head sink back down. She didn’t let go of him, enjoying the tentative connection. ‘Can’t pick up a phone like we did with Suárez, but I left a message. One I’m hoping he gets so we can meet. Preferably after dealing with Felix.’ As she spoke, his body began to lose its earlier stiffness, sinking against hers. The heat of him seeping through the thin material of her shirt, leaving her nipples peaked and something hotter curling much, much lower.

  His gaze drifted down her chest, taking in her obvious reaction, and when it rose again, it wasn’t only temper sparking in the velvety depths. ‘Where?’

  Just because he was stepping back from the edge, didn’t mean she wanted to push him over but she wasn’t stupid. ‘Not giving you specifics.’ In an effort to ease the sting of her refusal, she brushed her fingers along his jaw and offered a tentative smile. ‘You’ll hit the road and leave my ass tied up in some damn ditch.’

  ‘Might still do that.’

  Catching the barely there hint of humour in his voice, hers went soft. ‘I’d dare you to try, but you’d probably take me up on it.’ Finally, she got a lip twitch.

  ‘No probably about it, babe.’ His attention dropped to her mouth and that fast he shifted their situation from one danger zone to another. ‘Consider it necessary seeing how you have a tendency to try my patience.’ He shifted his weight to one arm, and she dropped her hand. But it was okay, because he brought a finger to the base of her throat and torturously slow drew it down the centre line of her chest. ‘Could make you spill.’

  ‘You can try.’ And if he did, she was down with that. Her pulse raced, her heart following in its path and her lungs forgot how to function. The path his finger took sparked with heat, leaving hunger in its wake. It was a delicate touch that seared beyond skin, sinking bone deep. Greedy need had her spine bowing, seeking more contact.

  His dark eyes watched her, hunger joining temper, tangled with male speculation, even as he continued to torture her with his slow, seductive touch. ‘Is that a challenge?’

  Somehow she managed to get out, ‘You up for it?’ Part of her wondered if she lost her damn mind, tempting him this way. The other, hell, it was grinning like a deranged lunatic, loving every minute of pushing him.

  ‘Oh yeah.’ His finger lifted, and before she could blink his big, warm hand slipped under her t-shirt, and just as slow as his earlier trek, he began retracing his route. His palm inched over her stomach and she sucked in a breath, holding it, waiting, wanting more. He grinned and drifted a little higher. A feather light brush against the edge of her breast sent the air trapped in her lungs rushing out on a low, shaky moan. He leaned in until their lips were a breath apart and she was trapped in his gaze. ‘You ready?’

  Her ‘yes’ was less than a whisper, but he heard it. Even better, he heeded it, taking her mouth with an intensity that curled her toes and snapped what little restraints remained on her lust. It swept through her, washing away the feeble reminders from her commonsense about why this wasn’t smart. Fuck being smart, she ached. Her hands slipped from his face and tangled in his thick hair, holding him close.

  She expected hard and hot, but got slow and smooth. His tongue stroked hers, teasing and tempting. She took his taste, all heat and spice, took it deep, setting off a series of shockwaves throughout her body. Caught under him and his weight, she could only respond, gliding her tongue along his, taking what he gave. There was no calculation in her reaction, it was pure want, a desire to drown in what he offered. Her reaction obviously strained his patience because the kiss changed, becoming darker, more demanding, dragging her deeper into her rising hunger.

  His palm cupped her breast, his thumb brushing over her aching nipple, sending sensation tearing through her. Her hands left the smooth strands of his hair, drifted over his neck and found the heated skin of his muscled back, her fingers stroked, trying to take in every inch. He continued to tease her as he sank deeper into her. He left her breast, turned his attention to stroking along her ribs, the heat of his touch wiping away her body’s myriad of aches. Well, all but the one gaining strength between her legs.

  Shifting restlessly, she managed to get one leg out from under him, and hooked it over his hip, her heel just below his ass. The move had the added advantage of pressing his long, hard shaft right where she needed it. The feel of him rocketed through her and she tore her mouth from his, her neck arching as she ground into him with a groan. ‘Oh God.’

  Desperate for an anchor as he set her world on end with his clever hands and diabolical mouth, her hands settled on his chest. Unable to resist the temptation of the light covering of hair that spanned his chest only to arrow down in a thin line, she petted him. He drew his mouth down along her exposed neck and she forgot all about touching him and held on. His tongue joined his lips, playing along the sensitive tendons and setting off a series of shivers that sensitised her body. It didn’t help when he sucked at the soft skin where shoulder and neck met, hard enough she had no doubt she’d be wearing his mark. She whimpered at the rasp of her t-shirt against her nipples as she writhed under him. ‘Havoc.’ It was all she could get out as her body went up in flames.

  Proving she wasn’t the only one feeling the burn, he ground the hard length of his cock against her, moving with deliberate intent. He kept up the slow torture despite her repeated demands, proving he was more than up to the challenge of making her talk. If he kept that up she might tell him anything he wanted. Thankfully, he didn’t say a word, instead he kept up his sensual assault and she took it, glorying in a luxurious ride to the peak, but just before she reached the top, he stopped. She blinked open eyes she didn’t realise she’d closed to find him watching her. He leaned in, nipped her chin, and laid a trail of soft kisses until his mouth was next to her ear. ‘Shirt off, babe. Want your tits.’

  She didn’t have to be asked twice. She sent her shirt sailing to the side, leaving her bare chested, giving him exactly what he wanted. Male hunger filled his face. He cupped one breast and she watched as he dropped his head, his tongue coming out to curl around her nipple. It was enough to send her eyes rolling to the back of her head even as her hips lifted, the barrier of their pants not doing a thing to disguise his hard cock or her damp readiness. His tongue disappeared, only to be replaced by his mouth, drawing her deep. She bowed while a soft, needy keen escaped. As he played with her breasts, she dragged her palms over his chest, mapping the rise and fall of his muscles. When she brushed over one of his nipples, the mouth at her breast vibrated with his moan. So she did it again and got a repeat reaction. Deciding she wanted her chance, she cupped his face bringing his attention back to her. Then she demanded, ‘My turn.’

  He let her roll him to his back, his hands settling on her hips, and despite her pants she felt the heat of his touch. Knees braced on either side of his hips, she dragged her hands over his beautiful chest, fingers tangling in the light hair and brushing over his nipples. Unable to resist, she braced her palms and leaned forward. The combination of her movement and her position dragged her over his erection, but even though it sent small explosions through her, she still managed to press an open mouth kiss to the base of his throat. Salt and heat met her tongue as she continued to kiss and lick her way down his chest, following the trail genetics so thoughtfully left. His hand dove into her hair, tugging and pulling, adding a pleasurable bite and taking her lust to the next level. She shifted back as she went lower, drawing her palms down, a small part still minding the bruise on his ribs. She pressed another open mouth kiss to the soft spot just below his belly button when a sharp knock on the door ripped through her haze.

  ‘Havoc, stop playing with her and get your ass up!’

  Mercy stilled at Vex’s wakeup call and dropped her face into his stomach to stifle her giggle. His hands in her hair tightened, then loosened. ‘We’re up!’r />
  ‘Yeah, I bet you are.’ Footsteps moved away from the door as she left, not giving him a chance to respond.

  Mercy gave Havoc a light nip, then settled her chin at the edge of his pants as she lifted her gaze to find him staring down at her, frustration, hunger, and an unexpected edge of humour filling his face. One of his hands left her hair to brush a gentle stroke along the side of her face, and she let him cup her chin as his thumb swept over her lips. His gaze drifted over her face, his thoughts unreadable. ‘Dangerous game you’re playing, Mercy.’

  She kept her voice equally soft. ‘Not playing games, Havoc.’

  ‘Aren’t you?’

  She shook her head, not enough to lose his touch. ‘Trying to help.’

  Some of the hardness in his face softened. ‘You’re treading a thin line, babe. You’re not careful, you’re going to fall.’

  His words proved he saw deeper into her than she expected, and his unusual perception left her uncomfortable. ‘I’ve got good balance.’

  ‘For both our sakes, I hope you’re right.’

  There was a depth of sincerity in his response that brought a lump to her throat, even as it sank past the shield protecting what was left of her heart. Unable to answer, she turned and pressed a kiss against his palm hoping she was too.

  Chapter 13

  Havoc led Mercy and Vex out of Navajo City about an hour after the sun rose, expecting to hit Page by mid-morning. Ed had scrounged up a bike for Mercy to use. While Havoc’s bike could handle two riders, after this morning he wasn’t sure he could survive having her pressed up against his back. That was tempting shit just that bit too far in his book.

  Besides, once they hit Page, Vex would head towards Pebble Creek to get word to Reaper. It wasn’t ideal to send Vex up solo, but no way in hell was he letting Mercy chase down Felix on her own. After all the discussions yesterday about what went down in Pebble Creek, what was happening here, and whatever Mercy had going on, Havoc’s gut was going into overdrive. On the surface it might be a tangled mess of ‘what-ifs’ and ‘maybes’, but the more he turned it over, the clearer the picture became. The attack on Crane’s supply routes, the kidnappings, the attempt on the dam, the set-up of the Cartels, all of it pointed to one undeniable fact—someone was looking to divide the various leaders by playing them against each other. And they were doing it to consolidate power and resources. Only one person left on the table who had enough mojo for that kind of shit, and that was Michael.


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