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Kodiak's Heart

Page 9

by Lacey Thorn

  “No,” Laramie growled. It seemed his bear was close to the surface, as well.

  “Shit.” Sidia looked contrite. “We never meant for her to hear us.”

  “No, you only meant to take her away from the only mother she’s ever known. While her father is also gone. Because that makes perfect fucking sense.” Emersyn’s voice rose slightly, and she had to clamp down on her temper again.

  “I—” Jaeda began, but Xandra cut off her sister.

  “It’s my fault,” she admitted. “I…” She paused, shaking her head. She opened her mouth several times, but nothing else came out. Finally, after a brief glance at both her sisters, Xandra turned and walked out. Surprisingly, her mate stayed.

  “You know she never meant to hurt Ruby,” Declan said to his brother.

  “She needs to deal with her emotions,” Laramie warned, which made Emersyn realize more was going on than an aversion to her.

  “I know. She’s working on it,” Declan assured then turned to Emersyn. “She watched her younger sister die.”

  Sidia and Jaeda both gasped.

  “Not an excuse,” he continued, talking to Emersyn. “She couldn’t stop it, couldn’t protect her. She can deal with everything else she’s been through—and is. But that haunts her. And Ruby…” He sighed. “She brings out every protective instinct in Xandra. She’d die to protect Malachi’s daughter.”

  “And I’d kill to protect her,” Emersyn told them though her focus was now on Declan.

  He nodded. “Give her a little time, please. We’ll be heading out soon. Please, don’t leave because of us.”

  “Her,” Emersyn corrected. “As far as I know, you’ve done nothing.”

  “Us,” he reiterated. “When you’re mates, there’s no distinction. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go find her. We’ll see you guys later.”

  The room was quiet after he left. Emersyn knew she needed to say something. Her heart ached for what the other woman had witnessed, but she couldn’t let compassion put Ruby at risk of being hurt again. Her daughter had to come first.

  “About the cabin,” Laramie began, and Emersyn braced herself for the argument.

  There was a brief knock at the door before it was pushed open. Matheus ducked his head in.

  “Hate to interrupt, but you should probably come out here. We’ve got some people outside, and they’re not leaving until they see you.”

  “I thought we’d seen the whole pack already,” Laramie groused as he headed toward the door.

  “Not you,” Matheus told him then flicked his gaze to Emersyn. She saw the questions lingering there. “They’re here to see Emersyn. They’re from her den.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Laramie turned his gaze on Emersyn and lifted a brow. She knew what was going through his mind. She’d said she was a member of the pack in Washington because she was related to Malachi’s mate. A carefully disguised truth. Her heart thumped in her throat. Had Titus sent someone after her? She had to get outside and find out what the hell was going on.

  “Matheus, will you keep an eye on Ruby for me? She’s watching a video,” Emersyn said, feeling torn between dealing with the new dilemma and staying where Ruby could see her. Though part of her knew it had been unintentional, they’d made Ruby cry.

  “I can—” Jaeda started to offer, but a shake of Emersyn’s head stopped the words.

  “I’m not okay with that. Not anymore,” Emersyn said softly.

  “Baby bear and I will be fine,” Matheus assured her. “They’re waiting in front of the house.”

  She nodded and moved to leave the room. Laramie stepped in front of her.

  “Anything you want to tell me before we go out there?” His gaze was hooded, and though the lust that always spiked between them was there, it was shadowed by something else. Something that made her heart ache. Suspicion.

  “You either trust me or you don’t,” she offered quietly as she moved past him.

  He caught her by the shoulder and dropped his mouth to hers in front of the whole room. She heard several discreet coughs and clearing of throats, but Laramie took her under far too easily until she was lost in him, his touch. By the time he let her up for air, she knew her lips were swollen and her hair was no longer in a ponytail. Why he’d removed her band, she had no idea, but he looked rather pleased with himself as he took her hand and led the way.

  Emersyn took a deep breath as Laramie pushed open the door. The first thing she saw was Brock and Slade, looks of surprise and interest on their faces as they watched a trio standing around the hood of a gray Ford.

  “Emersyn!” Rissa burst from the group and charged for her. Emersyn tugged free of Laramie and met her former friend halfway. Adam and Natalie walked over to join them. Her pack. Friends she’d grown up with. Friends who’d agreed to accept Titus as their alpha when Emersyn’s father had been killed.

  “What are you doing here? Does Titus know you left? How did you know I was here? How… Malachi.”

  Rissa laughed. “Yes, Malachi. He sent us this way. Said we’d find you and that you might need us.”

  Leave it to Malachi to send reinforcements. She had a million questions to ask them but kept her silence. They were things she’d rather ask when they were alone.

  “Em, why don’t you introduce me to your friends?” Laramie’s voice commanded attention, and all of them turned his way.

  “You must be Laramie,” Adam said, moving forward with his hand held out in greeting. After a brief moment, Laramie accepted it. “Malachi described you pretty accurately.”

  “I’ll say,” Natalie agreed, sounding a little too interested to suit Emersyn. She sent the other woman a sharp glance that had Natalie grinning.

  “He sent a letter for you,” Adam continued. “It’s in the truck. I’ll grab it.”

  “I’m Rissa, by the way.” Rissa took Adam’s place and held out her hand. “Rissa Montgomery. My brother, Adam, and our cousin, Natalie.”

  “Laramie Holloway,” he replied then turned to point out the others. “My brothers, Brock and Slade. Koby and his mate, Sidia. Jensen. And Holt and his mate, Jaeda. Slade, why don’t you go make sure one of the cabins is set up for our three guests.”

  “Ruby and I are in one of the cabins to the left.” Emersyn pointed toward where Matheus had moved her SUV. “I’m sure there’s one close to us where they could stay.”

  Laramie growled but nodded toward Slade. “How long will the three of you be staying?”

  Rissa shrugged. “Guess that depends on Emersyn.”

  He lifted a brow, turning the full force of his gaze onto her. Thankfully, Adam rejoined them.

  “Here you go. Malachi said this would explain some of your questions, and Emersyn could explain the rest,” Adam told Laramie.

  “He seems to have a lot of faith in his mate’s cousin,” Laramie commented.

  “Nah, he has a lot of faith in Emory Langston’s daughter,” Adam corrected.

  “Emory Langston?” Laramie’s gaze was hard, unyielding, and she felt the weight of Adam’s next words before they even left his lips.

  “Emersyn’s dad. Our former alpha.”

  * * * *

  Laramie followed Emersyn as she ducked inside to get Ruby while Slade took her friends to one of the cabins. He was still pissed she’d moved herself and Ruby out of the main house without talking to him first. He grabbed her arm before she could get too far ahead of him and tugged her downstairs.

  “I need to get Ruby,” she argued, and he did the only thing he could think of. He scooped her over his shoulder, gave her a pop on the ass when she smacked him, and continued downstairs toward his room.

  He slammed the door and tossed her on his bed, following her down and pinning her there so she had no recourse other than speaking to him.

  “As Amber’s cousin,” he practically snarled. “Those were your words, Em. Why did you lie to me? And don’t insult either of us by speaking half-truths.�

  She sighed. “Because I’m here because Malachi sent me. That has nothing to do with who my dad was.”

  “Your dad was the fucking alpha of your pack. You think I didn’t need to know that?”

  “Was,” she reiterated. “There’s a new pack alpha now.”

  “Because you’re human? Because you’re female?” Laramie questioned.

  She shrugged, and he knew there was something she wasn’t telling him.

  “The new alpha. Will he be looking for you?” Laramie asked.

  “He’s not my alpha.” She bit off the words as if the mere thought disgusted her. “I left the pack. Malachi and I moved out by ourselves with Ruby.”

  He couldn’t help the twinge of jealousy he felt over her relationship with the other man. Though he knew it wasn’t physical, it was still an unbreakable bond, while the one he shared with Emersyn still felt incredibly fragile.

  “And the new alpha let you? He made no attempt to keep you with him?”

  “He stopped by a few times to check up on me. As you can see, I’m not much of a threat.”

  He snorted. “His mistake if he thought that. I know better.”

  She smiled up at him, and damn, if she didn’t take his breath away. It seemed completely natural to drop his mouth to hers. God, she tasted sweet. He’d never get enough of her.

  “Mate me.” The words were out of his mouth before he’d even intended to say them. And he watched the soft glow from his kiss leave as her expression turned to panic.

  “No. I… We… You can’t mate me, Laramie.”

  “I don’t care if you’re human. It doesn’t matter,” he assured her.

  “To you. Your pack would feel differently. And rightly so,” she argued.

  “No. I’m alpha. My pack will accept my choice. Plus, you’re the daughter of an alpha. That carries weight,” he reminded her.

  “I’m not staying, Laramie.”

  “I can’t let you leave,” he countered. “I need you. I’ve never said those words to another woman in my life. Don’t make me regret them.” It was as close to begging as he’d ever come.

  She closed her eyes. “Don’t make this hard.”

  “I want it to be impossible,” he whispered, resting his forehead against hers. He was incapable of not kissing her again. Hell, every time he was near her, it was impossible to keep his hands off her. His bear had been pressing hard at his skin since the moment he’d first encountered this woman. He felt challenged, as if he needed to prove his virility to her. As if only that would win her over.

  He reached for the hem of her shirt, but she placed her hand over it.

  “We don’t have time,” she warned him, but the scent of her lust filled his nostrils.

  “Let me show you how quick we can be.”

  He flipped her over, undoing her jeans and jerking them down her thighs before urging her to her knees in front of him. He had his cock out in seconds, moving into place behind her. She was wet. Her slit was hot. She burned him alive when he pressed the head inside. With her jeans binding her thighs, he had to fight his way in her, inch by inch. They both groaned in pleasure when he finally filled her completely.

  “Laramie.” His name was a plea. One he’d gladly grant.

  He rode her hard and fast, pounding into her as if he could imprint himself on her from the inside. He covered her back, one hand resting beside where hers fisted in the covers, the other sliding down her stomach toward her clit. He brushed the taut bud with his thumb, wasting no time as he drove her toward orgasm. Her walls clamped down on him as she dropped her head into the pillow and screamed her pleasure. He followed closely on her heels, rutting inside her, more animal than man. He wanted to fill her with his seed, to fill her womb with his child, to bind her so closely to him, she’d never walk away.

  He lay atop her for a long moment while they both fought for breath. He wanted to stay. To strip them both and love her all over again, taking his time.

  “Let me up.” Her voice was soft, slightly muffled by the pillow, and still, he heard the command in it. Alpha command. Now that he knew who she was, it made perfect sense. Human or not, the blood of an alpha ran in her veins.

  He rolled off her and stood beside the bed, tucking his still-hard cock back into his jeans and zipping up.

  “Don’t move to the cabin.”

  She sighed as she struggled to shimmy back into her jeans then rolled to her feet on the other side of the bed. “Ruby and I can’t keep staying in your room. Besides, we’re used to having our own space.”

  He wanted to growl and demand, but he knew it wouldn’t do any good. Not with her.

  “I need to go, Laramie. Ruby is already afraid someone will try to take her away from me. Plus, I really need to speak to Rissa, Adam, and Natalie. I’m sure you want to read the letter Malachi sent you.”

  Shit! He’d forgotten all about the letter. That’s what Emersyn did to him. She made him forget everything but her and his need for her.

  “I will see you later,” he growled, crossing and pulling her into his arms again. He fucked his tongue inside her mouth, reminding them both of what they’d just shared, of what he planned for them to share again and again.

  She broke the kiss, burying her face briefly against his neck. He felt her nose press along the base of his throat, felt the slide of her forehead along his skin. Then she was gone, leaving his room and shutting the door behind her with a snap.

  He wanted to hit something. How had the arrival of one woman turned his whole world upside down? Thanks to Emersyn, he better understood how his brother, Koby, had felt when he’d been sure Jaeda was his mate. Having her pick Holt had nearly been Koby’s undoing. If Emersyn left, it would be Laramie’s undoing.

  He sat on the edge of the bed, dropping his face into his hands and spied the letter from Malachi on the floor. He must have dropped it when he’d tossed Emersyn onto the bed. He ripped open the envelope and pulled out the paper. A fucking letter. Why couldn’t Malachi call him like a normal person?


  Thanks for keeping an eye on my girls for me. I always meant to come back. Then I met my mate. She was all that kept me sane when I heard about my family. Then I lost my Amber in a similar attack here. I don’t believe in coincidences. I keep circling back to that.

  Let me start by telling you the name of the new alpha of the Washington den. Titus Walker. Ring any bells? If my intel is correct, he’s a direct relation to the man who betrayed our pack, Lawrence Walker. I don’t know if Titus was involved. The more I learn, the more doubts I have. But know this, if he was, he’ll pay. I’ll see to it personally.

  I sent my greatest treasures to you. Ruby is my heart and soul. It kills me to know that if things go badly, I might not see her again. I’ve made my peace with that. I know she’ll have Emersyn, and I know my little girl will be okay.

  Emersyn is my best friend, another sister, if you will. I love her as if I’ve known her my whole life. There are things you need to know about her, and I’m hoping she shares them as they’re not mine to tell. Know that she’s more than she seems. That every choice she makes is to protect those around her. Whatever you do, don’t let her leave. She needs your family more than any of you realize. No matter what it takes. Keep her with you. Keep her safe.

  I’ll be in touch soon.


  Laramie crumpled the letter in his hand. It all circled back to Lawrence. Christ! Was the man responsible for attacks on two dens? For the death of his father as well as Emersyn’s? What other strings was Malachi tugging? And would Laramie be putting the other man in more danger if he sent help?

  As for Emersyn, Malachi had nothing to worry about. Laramie wasn’t letting her go. He didn’t know if she needed him or not, but he knew beyond a doubt he needed her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Emersyn walked with Ruby toward the cabin Slade had put her friends in. She smelled Laramie and sex on herself and
knew they would, as well. Part of her wanted Natalie to smell it, so she understood Laramie was off limits. She also knew she was being entirely too territorial about a man she didn’t plan to mate. She pressed a hand to her belly. It was bad when the mere thought of leaving him made her physically ache.

  Ruby skipped beside her, talking a mile a minute about the princess movie and her friend, Matheus. He’d apparently invited her to watch a movie with him on the big screen they had at the main lodge, with popcorn and candy and chocolate milk. The youngest Holloway certainly knew the way to Ruby’s heart.

  Rissa was on the porch, watching for them, when they walked up.

  “Hey there, baby bear,” Rissa greeted with a wave at Ruby.

  Ruby paused, sliding closer to Emersyn and wrapping both arms around her thigh.

  “It’s okay,” Emersyn assured her. “Your daddy sent them here to join us.”

  “Daddy send you?” Ruby asked.

  “He sure did, and he sent something for you, too. A present. Let me go in and grab it for you,” Rissa offered.

  Ruby bounced on her feet while they waited.

  “Remember your manners,” Emersyn reminded.

  “I be good,” Ruby vowed. “I say peas and fank you.”

  Rissa came back with a big box wrapped in pink paper with a bow on top. “This is for Ruby. This is for you.” She slipped an envelope to Emersyn. “Why don’t I carry this to your cabin for you? It’s awful big.”

  “Yes, peas,” Ruby agreed, eyes shining with excitement. It was good to be reminded of how resilient she was. “I yead the way.” And she was off like a shot, legs pumping as she headed toward the cabin Emersyn had pointed out as theirs.

  “We need to talk,” Rissa said. “Adam and Natalie are setting us up in the cabin. They’ll join us later.”

  Emersyn tucked the envelope in her back pocket as they walked. “What made you want to come here?”

  “You’re here,” Rissa said softly.

  Emersyn shrugged. “Titus isn’t. He’s your new alpha. From what I’ve heard, Natalie is all about him.”

  “Natalie is about anything she thinks will make her better than anyone else.” Rissa sighed. “We never betrayed you, Emersyn. Your father died. You stepped away, and what choice did we have? Titus proclaimed himself the new alpha, and no one stopped him. You didn’t stop him.”


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