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Small town romance boxed set

Page 8

by Goodwin, Emily

  I extend my hand to help her up. She takes a few paces, then stops, doubles over, and throws up. I spring forward, pulling her hair back just in time. She retches again and the smell of tequila and stomach bile permeates the night air.

  “Better out than in.” I try to comfort her.

  “I’m sorry,” she tells me, wiping her mouth.

  “Hey,” I say and look into her eyes. There’s a good chance she won’t remember a thing in the morning. But I don’t leave things to chance. She has no idea I know about her past, and it needs to stay that way. “It’s okay. Don’t feel bad. Come inside and get some water and lay down.”

  She wrinkles her nose. “I don’t want to go back into the bar. The smell of smoke…”

  “We won’t go into the bar.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  On shaky legs, she comes up the stairs to my apartment with me. I turn on the lights and take her to a kitchen chair. She puts her head down on the table, groaning. I get her water and a damp rag to wipe her face.

  Sitting next to her, I gingerly lift her head up and run the rag over her chin. She takes another small drink of water and looks around the apartment, tears filling her eyes.

  “Is there someone you want me to call?” I ask.

  “No. Lisa is at a concert tonight. I’m just tired.”

  “You can lay down here if you want.”

  She takes in an unsteady breath and nods. “Okay.”

  I help her up and lead her to the bathroom, then take her into my room, tossing a T-shirt and boxers onto the unmade bed in case she wants to change.

  “I’ll, uh, come in and check on you.”

  She nods and starts to pull her shirt over her head. My dick tells me to stay and watch because seeing Sierra strip would be one of the hottest things I’ve ever witnessed. Then another part of me speaks up, a part that usually keeps its mouth shut.

  My heart.

  It tells me that Sierra deserves respect, that she’s unlike anyone I’ve met before, I know the real reason she drank herself into oblivion tonight. Before I catch a glimpse of her perfect tits, I turn and shut the door.

  Realizing that Sierra didn’t have a purse on her when she left the bar, I hurry down the stairs to look for it, knowing that it’s already too late.

  “Chase,” Rayne calls, seeing me look under the booth Sierra had previously occupied. “Looking for this?” She holds up a little pink purse.

  “I think so. Is it Sierra’s?”

  “Yeah. I grabbed it the first time she dropped it. I haven’t seen her though.” Rayne gives me a worried look. “Have you?”

  “Yeah. I took her home,” I say.

  “Thank God. Want me to put this in the safe?”

  “I’ll take it to her. Thanks, Rayne.”

  She gives me a smile. “No problem.”

  I rush back upstairs and look in on Sierra. Her skirt and shirt are on the floor, and she’s in my bed, curled up under the blankets, fast asleep. I leave the room again, keeping the door cracked in case she wakes up sick or something.

  I sit on the couch with a weird feeling growing in my chest. I’ve never taken care of anyone before. And I don’t know if this weird feeling is stemming from doing a good deed—another thing I’m not used to—or something else.

  Something I don’t want to admit to myself.

  That I’m starting to have feelings for this woman, a woman I’ve only talked to a handful of times.

  But there’s so much more to Sierra than that. Her messages spoke to me before I could put a face to the voice. I knew I shouldn’t have listened to them.

  Screw up and learn, right? What the hell am I going to learn from this?

  Chapter 9


  I wake with a dry mouth and a pounding headache. If it weren’t for the need to use the bathroom, I could go back to sleep for the rest of the afternoon. Slowly, I blink open my eyes, squinting from the bright sun shining through the large window.

  I’m in Chase’s bed, and I remember everything from last night. I think. Maybe? Crap. I push myself up and realize I’m wearing his clothes. Okay. Don’t remember that. I close my eyes and think backward and finally recall him leading me into his room and leaving. I changed and passed out. From there, my mind is blank. I assume I stayed asleep the whole time, but I can’t be sure.

  Before I get up, I take a minute to look around the room. It’s long and narrow, and the wall the bed is pushed up against is exposed brick. I touch it, feeling the rough stone beneath my fingers. We’re above the bar, and I had no idea an apartment was up here.

  Chase’s bed is plain with white sheets and a dark blue soft, down comforter. A bookshelf is against the wall next to the bed, and it looks and smells new like it was just put together. The bottom two shelves are full of books, and the rest of it is empty. He wasn’t lying when he said he reads anything. The books vary from thriller to historical fiction. Epic fantasy seems to be his favorite.

  Across the bed is a dresser and there is absolutely nothing on it. A single lamp sits on the nightstand next to the bed, along with a glass of water, a bottle of Advil, and a handwritten note. I pick it up and unfold the paper.


  Thought you might need this.

  He didn’t sign his name, but I know Chase wrote it. I read his simple words twice. Why does his compassion surprise me? I try not to judge people before I get to know them, but there are some snap judgments I can’t help.

  And tall, muscular men with tattoos and eyes you can drown in are usually nothing but trouble. Usually. I’ve been wrong before.

  I take an Advil and drink most of the water before getting up and gathering my clothes. I think there is vomit on my skirt, and a wave of embarrassment comes over me. I haven’t thrown up from drinking too much since I was nineteen. I shake my head and fold my skirt so the mysterious stain is safely tucked inside and away from my hands. Then I go to the bathroom, pee, and do my best to remove my smeared eyeliner.

  The house is silent besides the quiet hum of the air conditioner. Holding my breath, I tiptoe out, wincing when the floorboards creak beneath my bare feet. A floor-to-ceiling window in the living room gives an impressive view of the river below. But an even more impressive view might be Chase, looking uncomfortable on the couch, still asleep. The book he bought days ago is resting on his chest.

  Carefully, I move down the hall and shiver. What does he have his air set to? Arctic? He’s wearing only boxers and has to be cold. I go back to his bedroom and take the comforter off his bed, set on covering him up and trying to sneak out of here without being seen.

  I furtively move to him and pause, noticing a long scar that runs the length of his thigh. It’s straight and neat, looking like the result of an operation to fix a broken bone. I tear my eyes away and raise the blanket. The moment it touches his skin, he startles awake so suddenly it causes me to jump back. The book falls to the wooden floor with a thud.

  “Sierra. Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. What are you doing?” he asks, wide-eyed and fully awake. It takes me a few blinks, some stretches, and at least one eye-rub before I can form a coherent thought.

  “I was going to smother you in your sleep.”

  Chase blinks, looks at the blanket and then me. “That wouldn’t work, you know. Go for a plastic bag next time. Get it around my head and tie it at the neck.”


  He shifts his gaze and smiles. “What were you really doing?”

  “I thought you were cold. I was going to cover you up.”

  “Oh,” he says as if that’s more shocking to hear than me trying to murder him. “Uh, thanks. It is a little chilly in here, I suppose.”

  “A little? What do you have your air set to?”


  I blink. “That’s freezing.”

  “Trust me, I know. But this place isn’t well insulated and doesn’t retain the cool air well. By the afternoon it’ll be twenty degrees warmer in here. I try to get a
head start by keeping it cool at night.”

  “Oh. That makes sense, I guess.”

  He stands and pushes his shoulders back. There are scars on his chest, but are harder to see since they are hidden beneath the ink of his tattoos. Which I’m not looking at. And not finding incredibly sexy.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks and runs a hand through his hair, made messy from sleep.

  “I’m not sure.”

  Chase laughs. “Maybe you’re still drunk.”

  “No. I’m not. My head hurts and I’m dreading the stomachache that’s going to come on later in the day.” I pull my arms in around myself and look into Chase’s hazel eyes. “Thanks for everything last night.”

  He gives me his trademark shrug, a move I assume he’s perfected over the years. One that says he doesn’t care, that he’s not invested, and he doesn’t feel anything toward the words spoken.

  It’s something I tried to learn and tried even harder to make myself believe. I didn’t want to care. I didn’t want to be invested in anything. And mostly, I didn’t want to feel anything toward anything at all.

  I failed.

  “It was nothing,” he says casually, and then smiles. “Were you really going to have a threesome with that couple?”


  “They wanted you to join in on their ‘romantic surprise’,” he laughs.

  “That’s what they wanted?” My hands fly to my face. “Oh my God.”

  Chase is laughing even harder. “You didn’t know?”

  “No!” I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. “I thought they were just being nice.”

  “Oh, they were being nice. Nice enough to get you to go home with them and then be bad. Very, very bad.”

  “Oh. My. God.” I shake my head, not sure if I can look at Chase ever again. “I guess I owe you even more now.”

  “You don’t owe me anything, Sierra.”

  I like the way he says my name. Slowly. Softly. I raise my head and meet his gaze. “Okay.”

  “Are you hungry? You really should eat, even if you don’t feel like it.”

  “I am, but the thought of food is very off-putting.”

  “That’s a typical hangover.”

  I shake my head. “I haven’t had a hangover since college.”

  Chase steps closer and a chill runs down my spine, one so deep into my bone I’m unable to hide the shiver. Chase picks up the blanket and wraps it around my shoulders, letting his hands slide down my arms.

  Is it completely crazy that I want to step into him, to rest my head against his chest and listen to his heartbeat? Yes. Yes, it is.

  “Why were you at the bar last night?” he asks quietly, almost as if he already knows the answer and is waiting for me to tell the truth.

  I take in a breath. Last night was a bad night. I went through a maelstrom of emotions last night. It was Jake’s birthday, and I woke up not thinking about it. I made it through breakfast and a shower before it hit me. Guilt took over, and I pulled out old photos of the two of us to look at, reminding me of what we had. I spent the morning crying and was late to work because of it.

  Then regret for not going to the Chainsmokers concert hit, and then I remembered I gave Chase my number and he hadn’t called.

  “I was going to yell at you,” I confess.

  Chase’s eyebrows go up. “At me? Why?”

  “You said you’d call and you never did. Why didn’t you call?”

  His face falls and he looks at the floor for a moment. He opens his mouth, contemplating his words, looking as if he’s about to confess something. Then he shakes his head and looks back into my eyes.

  “I thought about what you said. That you’re not the type of girl I’d want to date. You were right, but you had it the other way around. I’m not the kind of guy you want to date.”

  A beat passes between us, and my heart is hammering away in my chest. He’s making me nervous. Irritated. And a little turned on.

  He’s making me feel.

  “And now I understand how insulting it is to be told who’d you want to date.”

  “Right?” he quips. “I’m sorry. I should have called.”

  “It’s okay.” I pull the blanket tighter around myself and look out the window. Beams of sunlight bounce off the water, and shadows dance along the shore. A deer emerges from the woods to get a drink.

  “She comes almost every morning,” Chase says softly.

  “She’s beautiful.”

  “Yeah,” he agrees, but he’s not looking at the deer. “She is.”

  Not making any sudden movements, we inch to the window to watch the deer. She takes her time getting water and then leaps off into the woods. A few more follow, moving so fast they’re just blurs of fawn amongst shades of green.

  “Do you want to get something for breakfast?” Chase asks. “I’d offer to make you something, but I’m still adjusting to this whole ‘I have to cook for myself’ thing like I told you about.”

  I smile and turn to him, appreciating the full beauty of his stubble-covered face. “Yeah, I’m getting—wait. No. We can’t.”


  “If we go out for breakfast together, especially with me dressed like this, people will think we slept together.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” He flashes a grin and I struggle to hold onto my resolve.

  I lower my gaze. “People talk.”

  “Then give them something to talk about.”

  I stare at a knot in the hardwood floor under my feet, wondering how many people walked over this in the years this building has been here. People who watched the river with sharp intent, needing the water to remain steady to keep the mill running. “Take me home and I’ll make you breakfast as a thank you for taking care of me. I’m not a master chef or anything, but I’m not terrible either. I do have stuff to make beignets, actually.”

  Chase gives me a blank stare.

  “You’ve never had a beignet?” My voice gets high-pitched from sheer horror.

  “I don’t even know what that is.”

  “Oh, you’re in for a treat then. I won’t tell you what it is either. You’ll have to be surprised.”

  Chase laughs. “It’s some weird southern food, like the fried lobster everyone around here loves, isn’t it?”

  “Crawfish,” I correct. “And if it were, you wouldn’t try it?”

  “Not unless you want to hit me with an EpiPen minutes later.”

  “Oh. You’re allergic to shellfish?”


  “Good thing you told me. And no, beignets aren’t fish. It’s a dessert-ish food.”



  “That’s not a word.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “I just said it, so it is a word.”

  “I’m pretty sure it’s not.”

  I hike an eyebrow. “It’s not like we’re playing Scrabble here. Dessert-ish is a word and I’m going to use it every chance I get. Just to annoy you.”

  Chase watches me, smile growing. I shake my head, but end up smiling too. He moves away from the window. “You left your purse at the bar.” He picks up my little pink clutch and hands it to me. “One of the waitresses saw you drop it which leads me to believe she got it in time, but check to see if anything is missing.”

  “Shit. I forgot about it.” I take the purse from him and open it. I don’t keep much in my purse, just my wallet, phone, keys, and lip gloss. “It’s all here, thankfully.” I pull my phone out and see the battery is dead. The only person who’d call me overnight would be Lisa anyway.

  Chase opens the fridge, pulls out orange juice, and pours himself a glass. “Want some?”

  “Yeah. Just a little bit though.”

  He pours half a glass and hands it to me. We move to the couch and sit in silence, watching the early morning sun shine down on the river. Minutes pass in silence, but it’s anything but awkward. As if Chase and I have some sort of unspoken understanding between us,
sitting next to him is comforting.

  I finish the orange juice and feel sluggish again. I lean back on the couch, eyes growing heavy. Chase rests his back against the cushions too and lets his head fall to the side so he’s looking at me. I inhale and smile, searching his deep eyes for answers about him.

  “Tired?” he asks softly.

  “Yeah. It’s hitting me all at once.”

  “You can go back to sleep. I’ll let you take the blanket.” He gives me his crooked smile again. I thought it was deliberate before because no one has a smile that cocky and sexy without trying. He looks tired too, and I don’t think he’s trying.

  “You only have one blanket?”

  “Yeah. I usually sleep in my bed with it, so it’s never been a problem.”

  “But what if someone stays over?”

  “I’ve never run into that issue before. When attractive women sleep in my bed I’m usually in there with them.”

  I roll my eyes and pull the blanket out from around my shoulders. I cover us both up, and Chase leans in, reaching out and tucking my hair behind my ear. Our eyes lock and I think he’s going to kiss me.

  I want him to, though in the back of my mind I’m well aware that I threw up last night, passed out, and have yet to brush my teeth.

  A knock on the door interrupts us and Chase’s brow furrows. It’s early. No one comes over this early with good news. He springs up and strides to the door. I stand, loosely holding the blanket in my hands.

  Chase opens the door, revealing his brother. My heart lurches in my chest, and I’m sent backward through time and space and it’s like I’m standing in The Book Bag listening to that phone call all over again. Josh has bad news. Terrible news. Someone died. Chase’s sister-in-law lost the babies. His niece was in a horrible accident.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you,” Josh starts. “The shipment that’s supposed to come at five pm is here at five fucking am. I hate asking but can—” he cuts off, noticing me. Josh looks at me, taking in what I’m wearing, then back at Chase. He raises his eyebrows, tries not to smile, and fails.

  No one is dying. No one is hurt. The only thing that’s wrong is a delivery service not knowing the difference between AM and PM. So why am I teetering on the edge of a panic attack?


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