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Cochise: A Montana Bounty Hunters Story

Page 5

by Devlin, Delilah

  Her torso quivered as she widened her knees and sank her chest to the bed.

  Cochise thumbed her clit while he slowly pushed inside her pussy. His head fell back as he entered. She was so hot, so lushly wet. When he was balls-deep, he bent over her back and kissed her shoulder. “You surprised me, Sammy.”

  “I surprised myself,” she said, her voice husky. “This isn’t me. I don’t know why…”

  But he understood. Without the roughness, she’d feel guilty. “No worries, baby. I’ll give you what you need.”

  She buried her face against her folded arms. “Just fuck me hard.”

  He planted his hands on the mattress on either side of her and hammered her, his motions hard, quick, and building friction as he pounded some more. The bed beneath them squeaked like a dog’s chew toy, but the moist sounds they made, moving together, the slick slaps, only deepened his pleasure.

  When her back curved upward, he stuck an arm beneath her breasts and hugged her against him, which shortened his strokes. He quickened his motions. “Touch your clit,” he whispered in her ear.

  “No, too much,” she groaned.

  “Now, baby, come with me.”

  She must have obeyed, because a moment later, she let out a reedy scream, and he let go, his balls exploding as come shot into the condom. He continued rocking against her until his body quaked. Halting, he drew her up, so that she sat, still impaled on his cock. With his hands, he stroked her breasts, her belly, her thighs, and then spread his fingers and tucked them along her stretched labia. “I want this again with you, Sammy McCallister.”

  Her breathing was harsh, her skin moist. “I’ve never… What I wanted…”

  “Me neither, but I didn’t mind. Sammy, I’ll give you anything you need.” He turned her cheek and leaned around to give her an openmouthed kiss.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  They both froze.

  Locking his gaze with hers, he shouted, “Give us five.” Then he lifted her from his lap and laid her on the bed on her side. He came down beside her, cupped her ass, and pulled her lower belly against his still-hard dick. “They won’t say anything. No need to be embarrassed.”

  She gave him her signature scowl. “I won’t jump their shit if they tease. And I’m not embarrassed.” Her frown eased. “I needed that. I needed you.”

  Cupping her cheek, he scraped his thumb across her lower lip. “That wasn’t just fucking, Sammy. Not for me.”

  Her lips tightened, but then one corner quirked upward. “Well, good.” She wrinkled her nose. “I need to hit the shower.”

  He let her go, and she rolled off the bed and to her feet. As she walked away, he admired the bounce of her firm, round bottom. At the door, she glanced over her shoulder and caught him staring. “Not joining me?”

  Chapter 5

  Ten minutes later, they arrived at Jamie and Sky’s room. The couple and Hook glanced up but quickly turned their attention back to the maps spread across one of the beds.

  Relieved the rest of the team was ignoring the reason for their delay in joining them, Sammy moved to a chair beside them. But sitting only reminded her of what they’d done. A delicious ache throbbed between her legs.

  When the knock had sounded on the door, her pussy had clenched around his cock, and instantly, she’d wanted more. He’d obliged her with a quickie in the shower, telling her afterward, “Now, you’re clean inside and out.”

  Blushing at the memory of his sly words, she cleared her throat. “A park ranger recalled seeing them yesterday morning. And he got a bulletin about Ford. Was that you guys?”

  Jamie nodded. “We stopped in and chatted with the PD. They called the park service then sent the warrant with his picture to circulate.”

  She drew a deep breath. “What’s next?” This wasn’t her rodeo. As anxious as she was to get out on the trails, she knew this team had more experience hunting criminals.

  “His cabin was a bust,” Jamie said. “Looked like he’d been there, though. He went through the garage, likely gathering gear. Could tell from the dust he disturbed.”

  “Wish we had his scent on something,” Sky said, scratching between Tessa’s ears. The dog’s eyes were half-closed, and she leaned against his leg. “She’s got a great nose.”

  Jamie nodded. “But our first priority is locating Sheri and her boyfriend—”

  “Brady,” Sammy said.

  “Brady,” Jamie said with a sharp nod. “As soon as they’re safe, we’ll switch gears and go after Ford.”

  Hook raked a hand through his short hair. “He may already be in Canada.”

  “It’s hard to tell where the border is,” Sky said, arching a brow. “No lines on the ground.”

  “Still don’t want to run crossways with the Mounties,” Jamie said, her tone dry.

  Her fiancé shrugged. “They might turn a blind eye. I’m sure they don’t want to deal with the guy.”

  “We’re getting ahead of ourselves. So, the question is, do we head out now? Or wait until morning?” She glanced at Sky.

  He pursed his lips then tipped his head. “I’d just as soon cover as much ground as we can before dark.”

  She cut to Hook.

  He held up his hand. “I’m the newbie. I’ll go with whatever the rest of you decide.”

  Cochise stared across at Sammy. “I say we leave now.”

  When Jamie met Sammy’s gaze, the bounty hunter smiled. “Looks like we need to grab our gear.”

  “Thank you,” Sammy said, relief flooding through her. She wouldn’t rest easy until she knew her kid sister was safe.

  “Be ready in…” Jamie glanced at her watch, “fifteen. Hope you have grub in your packs, because we aren’t driving through any windows.”

  * * *

  Taking advantage of the long early-summer day, they headed deep into the forest. Everyone wore holstered weapons and carried rucksacks filled with a change of clothing, MREs, and bedrolls tied to the bottoms of their packs. Hook carried the satellite phone case with his gear. Cochise and Jamie tucked GPS trackers into their back pockets. They didn’t break to set up camp until well after eight PM. Although they didn’t need to cook their food, Sky, Hook, and Cochise went deeper into the woods and gathered branches to make a fire to keep the critters away.

  “I like her,” Sky said, as he bent to pick up another branch to add to the stack he already carried.

  Cochise didn’t pretend he didn’t know who his friend was talking about. “She’s…prickly.” And he smiled, thinking about the way her frown made him feel. It was its own sexy challenge.

  “She doesn’t appear to care much for our line of work…”

  Cochise shrugged. “She works hard, by the book. I get it. She thinks we’re a bunch of loose cannons, and that we don’t care about rules.”

  “She must have been ready to shit a brick when Sky talked about crossing the border.”

  Sky shook his head. “Hopefully, we won’t have to go that far.” He squinted in Cochise’s direction, wearing a half-smile. “Soooo…”

  Cochise shook his head. “Not your business.”

  “I wasn’t asking for the dirty details, it’s just… kind of cool. Think she might be brought over to the dark side?”

  “You mean, join the agency?” Cochise grunted. “Not a chance in hell. She already fished to see if the sheriff had offered me a job—which he did, by the way. I turned him down.”

  “Well, good. Back to the girl…”

  Cochise gave him a glare, hoping it wasn’t completely lost in the gathering darkness.

  “Speaking from experience,” Sky said, bending to pick up another stick, “it helps that you have similar life experiences.”

  “Helps what?”

  “Building a relationship.”

  Cochise’s eyebrows shot upward. “Whoa, don’t go marrying me off, just because you’re heading into a noose. We just met.”

  “And you’ve already made the springs squeak.”

  Hook cle
ared his throat. “Kind of hard to miss that sound. It just kept building and building…”

  Cochise couldn’t help it, he laughed. “Enough. We’re not talking about squeaks or whatever else happened between Sammy and me.”

  “Just…” Sky smiled. “Keep yourself open. The best things happen when you’re ready for a change.”

  Cochise glanced into the dark forest canopy above them. “We better get back. The ladies can fend off anything on two legs, but I’m worried about the four-legged animals.”

  Sky gave a dirty chuckle. “Might need to keep your sleeping bag close to hers. Just in case.”

  “No squeaky springs out in the woods,” Hook drawled.

  “We’re not… Jesus. Not within earshot.” Cochise glared when both men’s shoulders shook with laugher. “Fucking hell, you two. Do not embarrass her.”

  “All I’m sayin’ is, she looked relaxed, man,” Hook said, his wide grin gleaming in the near dark. “Maybe she needs a little stress relief.”

  “For fuck’s sake, shut up.”

  The men were all laughing when they made it back to camp.

  Jamie and Sammy glanced up, their eyebrows rising.

  Cochise shook his head to forestall either woman asking what the guys found so damn funny.

  While they’d been gone, the women had rolled out sleeping bags and placed the stones that had been gathered earlier around a pit they’d dug. An LED lantern lit the camp.

  “About time,” Jamie said. “I was just about ready to send Tessa out to find you.”

  “Ah, were you worried about me, babe?” Sky asked, wrapping an arm around her waist.

  “I’ll get the fire going,” Hook said. “Got nothing better to do…”

  Or anyone to greet. Cochise ignored everyone and bent over his backpack to extract an MRE. He held it to the light. “Ah, spaghetti. Why is it always spaghetti?”

  Sammy chuckled and held up her meal pack. “I’ll trade you. I have cheese tortellini.”

  He shot her a glare. “As long as I get the hot sauce, too.”

  She held out her bag.

  He kept both and went to work using the chemical heaters to warm their meals.

  When he handed her the spaghetti pouch, she wrinkled her nose. “I could have followed the instructions.”

  “Why bother when I can do this in the dark?”

  “Well, thank you.” She slid her spoon into the pouch and took a bite. Then she tilted her head as she looked his way. “You know, Cochise, for someone who gives off a ‘don’t mess with me vibe’, you’re a gentleman.” When he raised an eyebrow, she continued, “You’re always opening doors, carrying my gear…”

  His only response was a grunt. His mama had taught him manners. Around Sammy, he felt obliged to show them off. He sat cross-legged on his sleeping bag, tore open his pouch, then felt around inside the meal pack for the little bottle of hot sauce.

  “This isn’t bad,” she said, digging her long spoon into her food, again.

  Hook snorted from across the way. “Try eating these for months on end. You’ll get to where you’d eat anything rather than face another of these things.”

  “Once, during one of my deployments, my team paid a villager for a chicken,” Sky said, smiling. “Skinniest, rattiest thing you’ve ever seen. Well, my buddy had the job of preparing it for dinner, but when it got time to eat—there was no chicken roasting on any fire. The bird didn’t know to be scared of him and followed him around like a damn puppy. The chicken became our tent mascot.”

  The men laughed, and Cochise glanced across at Sammy. Her skin was golden in the firelight, her eyes luminous. She caught him staring and blushed.

  “So, tomorrow,” Jamie said, waving her spoon to get their attention. “Our map shows a split in the trail.”

  Sky swallowed down a bite and nodded his head. “Two trails. One that’s more of a straight shot toward the border. The terrain’s more rugged and leads into higher elevations. From the contour map, the other is the one a less experienced hiker would likely take—more even, and it follows a river.”

  “My sister’s not an experienced hiker,” Sammy said. “I doubt Brady would have taken her through the mountains.”

  “That hiking trail forks again into two long loops, one of which does get closer to the border.”

  Jamie’s mouth pursed. “We’ll split into two groups. Sky and I will take the shorter, more direct route. We’ll have to hoof it. If Tessa doesn’t find anything to track, we won’t waste our time continuing to follow it. We’ll double back and head your way.”

  Cochise glanced at Sammy. “You okay with that plan?”

  She shrugged. “I’m not the hunter. I’m just along because I’d go nuts if I had to wait for word.”

  “It’s your sister,” he insisted.

  Her head dipped. “I think she and Brady would have taken the second path. I’d just as soon follow it. Let Jamie and Sky have the mountain trail.”

  “Well, we’ll have twilight just after five AM,” Jamie said. “I plan to be packed and ready to head out before then.”

  There were nods all around, and they finished their meals in silence. When calls to nature had been completed, Cochise pulled out a small bottle of insect repellent. He squirted some on his palms then knelt beside Sammy. He rubbed it on her face and neck. “It’s early in the season, but you don’t want a bunch of mosquito bites.”

  “You know they’re all staring,” Sammy said, tilting her head toward the others. “You could have just handed me the bottle.” Still, she held out first one arm, then the other, for him to slide on the lotion.

  He grinned. “Where would be the fun in that?”

  She shook her head, and then shivered.

  “Get into your bag. You’re cold.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He waggled his eyebrows and leaned closer. “Save that for when we’re alone,” he whispered.

  She winked and unzipped her bag. After removing her boots, she slid inside then bunched up the top of her bag to use as a pillow.

  He stretched out on top of his, which he’d placed alongside hers.

  Sighing, she rolled toward him. With the firelight behind her, he couldn’t see her face.

  Cochise reached out and trailed his fingers along her cheek. “Tomorrow, we’ll find her.” He felt her nod. Unable to stop himself, he slid his thumb over her lower lip.

  Her breath caught. Then she turned her head and licked the length of his index finger. “I taste pepper sauce,” she said. Then she sucked the tip into her mouth and bit into the pad of his finger.

  He couldn’t resist. He leaned toward her and kissed her, rubbed his lips against hers, then pushed his tongue inside her mouth. When he pulled back, he whispered, “If we were alone…”

  She bit his lower lip. “If we were, I’d be more careful with my teeth…”

  Cochise’s cock stirred inside his jeans. He reached for her hand, moved it quietly to the front of his jeans, and cupped her palm against his growing erection. “I wouldn’t mind a gentle bite or two.”

  She gave a very quiet groan and traced his length through the stiff fabric. “I’ll expect reciprocation.”

  “Remember, I’m a gentleman. I’ll do the honors first.”

  Her breath caught. “I’m not going to sleep a wink.”

  “If we wait until they fall asleep…”

  Her breath gusted in silent laughter. “We’d never make it back into camp. Tessa would bark her head off.”

  “Do you really care?”

  She leaned toward him and kissed his mouth. “No.”

  Chapter 6

  Sammy felt like a teenager, slipping away in the darkness. She couldn’t see a thing but held tight to Cochise’s hand as he led her through the trees. She hadn’t a clue how far they’d come, but she knew they’d have to keep quiet because sounds travelled in the night air.

  When he came to a halt, she waited as he turned and began to pull away her clothing.

  “You are
n’t just tossing it,” she said, giving him her grumpy voice. “We’ll have to find it all afterward.”

  “Can’t you see the log on the ground?”

  She peered around him and made out the long, low shape. “Convenient.”

  “I’m draping our clothes over it. One of us has to sit.”

  She choked back a laugh. “So, one of us is risking splinters?”

  “That’s what the clothes are for,” he drawled.

  She loved the husky note in his voice. “You naked yet?”


  She clutched his shoulders, careful to avoid the bite in the corner, and pushed him down on the log, which he allowed. Then she stepped between his open thighs. The second her breasts touched his chest, she moaned.

  “Sweetheart, you have to be quieter than that,” he whispered.

  “I’ll try.”

  His chest jerked in as he chuckled, and his hands found her waist and pulled her closer.

  “I love how this feels,” she said, rubbing against him. His skin was hot. And below, she felt the nudge of his cock against her belly. She dropped a hand to encircle his shaft and cupped his balls with the other. “Did I mention before how much I like this?” she said, giving him a stroke.

  “No,” he said, sounding a bit choked. “You never said…”

  “My bad.” Again, she rubbed her body against his, and then slowly dropped to her knees.

  “I said I’d do the honors first.”

  “But I’m already here. Just hope that pepper sauce is long gone…” she teased, and then she stuck out her tongue and licked the underside of his cock from his balls to the tip. “You’re long, hunter. And thick. More than I’ll be able to take.” She wrapped her hands around his base then bent over the head. She sucked the cap into her mouth and pulled, her cheeks hollowing. Then she dove downward, wetting his length before replacing her hands and starting a slow push-pull motion with a hint of twist as she bobbed her head over him.

  His hands sifted through her hair, combing, and then pulling. “Sammy, stop…”

  But she didn’t want to. She felt ravenous…and powerful. She pulled back just far enough to use her teeth to gently chew his cap. His body shivered. His thighs gripped the sides of her body. She’d never felt sexier as she resumed sucking.


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