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That Second Chance

Page 22

by Quinn, Meghan

  “Scary good. Should I be worried?”

  “Maybe a little.” She rests her hand on my thigh, and it does nothing to tamp down my desire for this woman. “Are you upset that we’re leaving early? I know it was the last camping trip of the season.”

  I chuckle and wrap my arm around her shoulders, bringing her in closer as I steer down the road. “Yeah, not upset at all.” Borderline terrified to take this step forward with her, but upset? No. “There’s no way I can be upset about going home with you.”

  “You realize you say things like that, and it sets off a wave of nerves in my stomach.”

  “Nerves?” She’s nervous too?

  “Yeah.” She snuggles in close. “You’re Griffin Knightly, this untouchable man with a beautiful heart and a drop-dead-sexy body. It’s hard for me to imagine that the guy who pulled me out of my wrecked car is actually holding me right now.”

  “I could say the same thing about you. You know that, right? If you gave Jake or Tracker or Oliver or even my brothers the time of day, they would be all over you.”

  “Are you telling me I have options?” she jokes. “Well, if that’s the case, I think I’m going to have to take a rain check on our little get-together.”

  “In your dreams—you’re mine now.” I kiss the side of her head and savor the moment: Ren Winters pressed into my side, her hand on my thigh, her words hanging heavy over me.

  This untouchable man . . .

  Everything about that little sentence sets off a storm of anxiety. Untouchable. I’ve been untouchable for so long, to the point that Ren was the first woman to look at me with interest in over a year.

  And yes, I miss Claire, so goddamn much, but I know she would want me to move on. She always wanted me to be happy, not to live like a hermit in our house, never experiencing love again.

  But I swore I would never love again, that I wouldn’t subject another woman to the dark cloud I’ve been living under ever since our trip to New Orleans. My mom tried to tell me it was a coincidence, but I don’t believe it for a second.

  So as I hold Ren close, finally letting myself feel for the first time in two years, I hope like hell it won’t come back to bite me in the ass. If anything happens to Ren, I’ll never be able to forgive myself.

  “I’ve been thinking about something.”

  “What’s that?” I ask, grateful for the reprieve from the thoughts swirling around in my head.

  “You know how you said your family has been making it their mission to throw us together every chance they get?”


  “Is that why Brig invited me to his wine-and-cheese event, because he knew you’d be there? And is that why when I ran into Jen the other day, she told me Jake’s Cakes was having a lunch special? Because she knew you and Rogan were going to be there? Or when I was getting tools at the general store to build my chairs, I ran into Reid, and he told me to mention the chairs to you? He said you just love Adirondack chairs, but I’m suspecting he had other intentions.”

  Christ. I had no idea there was that much meddling.

  “And hey, is that why my car hasn’t been fixed yet? Because every time I ask about it, Brig says he’s waiting on a part and to catch a ride with you. He insists you don’t mind driving me around.”

  I could kill them all.

  I work my jaw back and forth before answering. “Unfortunately, yes. That’s what they were trying to do. Get us together every chance they could.”

  “I guess it worked, didn’t it?” She smiles up at me.

  “Nah, I think we made it happen on our own. I would hate to give them any credit.”

  “But let me ask you this: If they hadn’t pushed so much, would you have ever made a move?”

  I drag my hand over my mouth. “Honestly? Probably not, and it would have been pure torture. I would have been a cranky, moody son of a bitch no one would want to be around.”

  “So why deny yourself when you could have easily had me? Seriously, Griffin, if you’d asked me out on a date day one, I would have said yes so fast.”

  I chew on my answer, trying not to let the black magic lurking in my past taint this perfect day. “I’m cautious. I lost my wife suddenly and can’t fathom something happening to you as well.” She rewards me with a soft cuddle, a reassuring squeeze, letting me know everything is going to be okay.

  Nothing is going to happen. It can’t. Just like Rogan said a while back. I already lost a love. The curse fulfilled its promise. I can’t possibly still be cursed, right?



  The Port Snow welcome sign comes into view, and as I pull onto Main Street, the nerves that have been simmering in my stomach reach a full boil.

  When we left the campsite, there was one thing on my mind: making Ren mine.

  It’s what she wants.

  It’s what I want.

  It’s fucking necessary at this point from all the pent-up sexual tension between us.

  But I also want to make sure Ren is ready for this, that she still wants me as badly as she did when we were in the pond.

  “Did you want me to drop you off at your place so you can get settled in? I can meet up with you later.”

  She lifts her head from my shoulder, confusion in her brow. “Uh . . . is that what you want?”


  “I just want to make sure you’re not regretting anything.”

  “Griffin. There is no way—”

  I slam on my brakes and brace my arm over Ren to stop her from flying forward; Rogan is flagging me down on the side of the street. I roll down the passenger-side window just as he steps up to it.

  “Dude, what the hell?”

  “Mom and Dad need help at the shop. Someone called in sick, and they’re drowning. I have a meeting in ten minutes—think you can help them out?”


  No, I can’t fucking help them out. I’m supposed to take Ren back to her place and spend the rest of the goddamn day in bed with her, not working at the Lobster Landing.

  “You know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important,” Rogan says.

  I groan and drag my hand over my face, relenting. “Fuck. Fine. Give me a few minutes to drop off Ren, and then I’ll be right there.”

  “Thanks.” Rogan looks between the two of us, spots Ren’s hand on my thigh, and smiles. “Did something happen in the woods?”

  “Fuck off.” I roll up the window and pull back onto the street, headed straight for our road, steam billowing out of me.

  Of course the one time I come home early from a camping trip, my family needs me. We’re silent for a few moments, the drive short from Main Street, and when I pull up to Ren’s house, I let out a heavy sigh. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Ren.”

  “It’s okay, Griffin. I totally understand.” She pats my leg, presses a chaste kiss to my cheek, and then hops out of my truck and goes to pull her duffel bag from the back.

  I quickly exit the truck and help her, taking her bag in one hand and her hand in the other. I lead her down the pathway to her house and stop when we reach the front door. I set her bag on the ground and turn toward her, pulling her into my arms and resting my chin on the top of her head.

  I let out a long sigh of disappointment.

  “Fuck, I don’t want to leave.”

  “I don’t want you to leave, either, but you know if you don’t go help your parents, you’re going to be worrying about them the whole time.”

  “Why do you know me so well?”

  “Because I pay attention.” She squeezes me tight and then stands on her toes to press a gentle kiss to my jaw. She releases me and holds out her hand. “Give me your phone.”

  I quirk a brow at her.

  She smiles. “So I can give you my number. I think it’s about time you have it, don’t you?”

  “It is.” I reach into my back pocket, unlock my phone, and hand it to her.

  She fiddles around with it and then holds the phone up and takes a selfie. She ta
ps the screen a few more times and then hands it back to me. “There, now you have my number and a picture on my contact so you don’t forget what I look like.”

  I let out a low chuckle. “Don’t think I’m going to forget what you look like, but thank you.”

  “And I sent myself a text, so I have your number now.” She grins. “Now I can send you all types of naughty things.”

  “Naughty things?”

  She shrugs. “Who knows? I might send you a naked selfie.”


  Immediately she shakes her head, the freaking tease. “No.” She laughs. “But that was fun to pretend, wasn’t it?”

  “Not even in the slightest.”

  Smiling, she rises up on her toes, her mouth meeting mine, and she gently kisses me before pulling away more quickly than I wanted. “Text me later, okay?”

  I tip her chin up. “Text you later.”

  “Oh, Griffin, thank you for coming in.” My mom pulls me into a hug, my body stiff—not in a good way—and irritation rolling off me. “When Reid checked in earlier to see how we were doing, I thought it was odd, but then he said you were coming home early and could help out.”

  That motherfucker!

  I should have fucking known.

  And Rogan got roped into it as well?

  Jen’s eyes meet mine from behind the counter, and she snorts. In front of a customer, she freaking snorts and then fixes her eyes on the person in front of her.

  I am going to kill every single one of my siblings for this prank.

  Straight-up murder.

  “Reid just offered my help like that?” I ask through my teeth, my anger starting to take root.

  My mom nods and waves at a customer before turning back to me. “Yes, said you had to head home to drop someone off. Told me you were going to check in anyway. Why, was that not the case?”

  Do I tell her the truth? Do I get her hopes up and tell her that I was actually going to spend the rest of the day with Ren, a woman my mom has told me she likes, and not so subtly? Telling her would surely free me up for the afternoon, but she’d also freak out and want to know all the details. Plus, she’d be on her phone in minutes, spreading the word through the family that I’m seeing someone.

  No, I’m not ready for that yet, not ready to get my family even more involved in my love life. Or to subject Ren to their crazy.

  So instead, I just nod. “Yeah, I was going to drop by. Let me go to the back and look over some stuff, and then I’ll be out. Okay?”

  “Sounds good. Thanks for coming in!” She pats my cheek. “Such a good boy.”

  Yeah, always the good boy, the one helping out others, the one saving others, the dependable Griffin Knightly.

  For once, it would have been nice to do something selfish, something for me.

  Sighing, I walk to the kitchen and lean against the counter. I pull out my phone and see the text Ren sent for the first time, and I inwardly groan.

  Ren: You have the sexiest biceps ever.

  I scratch the back of my neck, wishing that instead of looking at the little selfie she took, I were staring into her deep-green eyes in person.

  I send her a quick text back.

  Griffin: You have the sexiest pair of tits ever.

  I smile to myself and then pull up the group text I have with my siblings, the one we keep Mom and Dad out of—mainly to protect their peace of mind.

  Griffin: You’re all a bunch of assholes. Just remember payback is a bitch. You won’t know when it’s coming, but when it does, you’re going to regret ever fucking with me.

  The responses are instant, every single one of them besides Jen probably waiting to hear from me.

  Rogan: It was Reid’s idea.

  Brig: Totally Reid’s idea.

  Reid: Way to stick together.

  Rogan: You’re the one who sent us a cock blocker GIF. You knew your intentions.

  Reid: And you’re the one who laughed and asked what you could do to help.

  Brig: Can I add that I felt bad? The man needs sex.

  Griffin: You’re all dead to me.

  Rogan: They were snuggled up in the truck together. Her hand was on his thigh.

  Reid: Oh shit! Thigh action!

  Brig: So close to the penis! Did she touch it yet?

  Reid: Yeah, did she touch it?

  Rogan: ^^ Did she?

  Griffin: Stop referring to my penis as “it.”

  Reid: But did she?

  Brig: You don’t have to give details, just an outline of what happened.

  Griffin: Over my dead body.

  Reid: I think that’s a yes, boys—and girl.

  Rogan: Nah, I don’t think she touched it. Griff still had some tension in his shoulders when I saw them. If she touched it, he would have been a little looser.

  Griffin: I was tense because you came running up to me needing my help when I had other plans.

  Brig: What were those other plans again?

  Reid: Boning?

  Brig: Don’t fucking say boning. Be a gentleman for fuck’s sake. Were you going to make love?

  Reid: They can’t make love unless they’re in love.

  Rogan: ^^True.

  Brig: Are you guys in love?

  Rogan: Good question.

  Reid: Excellent question. Are you?

  Griffin: No. Christ, what is wrong with you guys?

  Brig: It was a valid question. You’re so closed off. We can’t read your mind, Griff.

  Reid: But you were going to have sex, weren’t you?

  Rogan: Just answer the question and we’ll leave you alone.

  Griffin: Are you drunk, Rogue? When have you ever been interested in this shit?

  Rogan: Just want to see my big brother happy.

  Brig: Awww.

  Reid: I think I might cry.

  Griffin: Fuck off, all of you.

  Brig: Just answer the question.

  Griffin: Fine, yes, we were going home to get away from you nitwits so we could have some fucking privacy. So thanks for ruining that.

  Reid: *Baby laughing and falling over GIF*

  Rogan: *Shaquille O’Neal shimmy GIF*

  Brig: *Eighties aerobic teachers humping air GIF*

  Jen: *Dawson’s Creek crying poor baby GIF*

  Grinding my teeth together, I pocket my phone and let out a deep sigh. Just chalk up today as another day I wish I were an only child.

  God, how I wish I were an only child right about now.

  “Thanks again, honey. We really appreciate you coming in today and staying late to help with the books.”

  “Yup,” I say, a little terser than I would have preferred, but fuck, I’m not only hard up and tired, but I’m at my breaking point. I spent the afternoon and evening running around being the bitch boy, restocking, taking out the trash, and cleaning every last surface because my dad thinks making a mess is okay when he’s working.

  It’s not.

  Health-code violations and all that bullshit, so basically I was following closely behind him with a dustpan, cleaning up every last crumb he dropped on the floor.

  I’m fried. All I want is to go to Ren’s house and spend the night in her bed.

  “Dad went home to make some chili. Want to head on over to the house and have a bowl with us?”

  I lean down and give my mom a hug and a peck on the cheek. “I’m actually going to head home. I’m beat.”

  “But you’re going to eat dinner?”

  I nod. “Yeah, maybe I’ll have Bart deliver me something.”

  “Bart gave himself the upper hand when he added Uber Eats to his résumé. Wallace bitches and complains but does nothing about it. He should take a page from Bart’s book.”

  Ahh, small-town life.

  “He’s stubborn, Mom. I wouldn’t count on it.” I step toward the door and give her a wave. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you, Mom.”

  “Love you, Griffin.”

  Once I’m out of the shop, I quickly pull out my phon
e and shoot Ren a text.

  Griffin: On my way.

  My phone buzzes back right away.

  Ren: Thank God. I thought you weren’t going to come over. That maybe you forgot.

  Griffin: Believe me, there was no forgetting. That was the longest four hours of my life.

  Ren: Mine too. I can’t wait to see your handsome face.

  Griffin: I’m staying over. Just making that known right now.

  Ren: I expect nothing less. As long as I get three hours of sleep, I’m good. Classes start Wednesday, so I don’t have to be fully functioning.

  Griffin: Just what I need to hear. Be there in five.

  The door flies open, and Ren is standing on the other side, a huge smile on her face, wearing a tank top—no bra—and a pair of short pink cotton shorts.

  I charge into her house and slam the door shut right before she flings herself into my arms. I catch her with ease, spin her around, and press her against the hard wood of the door. Her legs wrap around my waist, and our mouths collide in a frenzy.

  There is nothing coordinated about our kiss. It’s raw, needy, and half-sloppy with the way our tongues keep darting in and out of our mouths, both our hands grasping at each other’s hair.

  “God, I needed this so bad,” I say, working my way down to her neck, where I start to lightly suck and lick my way up and down.

  Her hands clasp my head, keeping me in place as her hips move against my already hardening length. One look at her in that tank top, nipples puckered, and I’m a goner.

  “We need to move this to the bedroom, Griffin. I’m not going to be able to wait much longer.”

  “Just give me a second to explore,” I mutter as I move the hem of her shirt up her body until I reach her breasts.

  My hand rests right below them, her soft skin bouncing over it as she wiggles against me, seeking relief. “Touch me,” she whispers.

  I don’t need to be asked twice. I lift her tank top up and over her head and let it fall to the ground. I groan when she thrusts one of her breasts into my hand and moans when I gently squeeze it.

  “Seriously, Ren, your tits are so goddamn sexy. These nipples, so hard.” I flick at one, and her head lolls to the side, pleasure striking her. I flick the other, and she moans, her mouth parting. I continue to move between her two breasts, sucking, plucking, pinching, squeezing.


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